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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by pu-level-up Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:45 am

Yuri fell backwards in a daze, not aware that Shirabe had hooked her leg behind her own as the small cutie drove her entire weight forwards. Yuri found herself losing her balance, letting out a sharp gasp as she fell and landed hard on her back. Shirabe falling on top of her didn't help things, as though her opponent was small and light, her full weight was still enough to drive all the air from the idol's body. Left breathless and dazed, there was little Yuri could do as Shirabe mounted her and got into a dominant position.

"Nngh.... no!" Yuri groaned. The fall and getting the wind knocked out of her was more than enough to loosen the idol's grip so Shirabe could easily get her hands free. But that suited Yuri just fine, as she needed her hands to defend herself and try to mount a counterattack.

"Guh!" Yuri gasped as Shirabe drove her butt right down into her soft belly. That knocked the remaining air out of her. Her eyes opened wide as spittle flew from her mouth. In a daze and desperate, Yuri went for the only targets she could. Her hands shot up and grabbed Shirabe's small chest, fingers digging in tight as she viciously clawed at Shirabe's boobs! Yuri hoped that would allow her some respite so that she could get her wind back and recover.

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by FairyGirl Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:29 pm

Shirabe had to do whatever she could here. She'd just taken way too many shots early in the match and there was pure desperation behind her efforts. At least acting on instinct was working ok for the moment. Driving Yuri down into the mat at least gave her some sense of satisfaction. Although she had to keep on pushing. The active discomfort in her hands made it easy though to keep on the offensive.

Regardless of how it worked out for Yuri, Shirabe wasn't going to complain about being able to finally shake her hands free. Though using them would be uncomfortable for a long while. The throbbing pain lingering as she worked to drive her ass down into Yuri's gut. If she could keep her winded that was fine. But same went for just buying herself time to recover from everything that had been going on. "God..." She groaned as she had to shake and caress her own hands for a moment just to try and ease things for them.

"More...than...deserved..." Shirabe talking with each ass drop and planning out her next move. Even with her head hurting a bit she kept on going. Though of course Yuri wasn't going to let it be that easy for her. Shirabe crying out in shock when those hands lunged right for her breasts! The thin material only providing so much protection as those things clawed at her. "Ahhhh!" Shirabe squealing out as her sensitive mounds got more attention than she'd like at the moment. Unable to raise herself up to drive that ass down again. "Damn it. Those damn hands again!" She groaned before trying to start giving Yuri some slaps across her cheeks. Going on the attack in some manner was all she could do. At least she didn't think it would work better to try and yank those hands off of her!

Fairy World Characters

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by pu-level-up Mon Feb 07, 2022 7:10 pm

Yuri's hands grasped Shirabe's breasts desperately, the idol too winded and dazed to try and push her opponent off of her. All she was able to do was squeeze down and hold on tight, keeping Shirabe too distracted and in pain to keep on attacking. And it worked too, as Shirabe was only able to get one butt drop down. But she still sat on top of Yuri, keeping the idol from being able to take in a deep breath.

"Hah... c-crap..." Yuri gasped, struggling to breathe in enough air to clear her head. And things were about to get worse too, as Shirabe swung her hands down and slapped Yuri across each cheek. Each hit stung, forcing a few tears out of the corners of the idol's eyes, leaving red marks on her otherwise flawless face. But she still hold on, squeezing down tighter and harder, refusing to let go.

"Get... off of me!" Yuri screeched through gritted teeth. Gathering all her might, she twisted her entire body to the side, using her grip on Shirabe's breasts to drag the small girl sideways, hoping that she had enough power left in her to throw Shirabe off of her body. Even if she was successful though, Yuri would be in bad shape, left lying on her side panting for air, struggling to recover and get back in the fight.

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by FairyGirl Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:48 am

In a sense this match was finally getting to what people might have expected. A messy grudge match with clawing, slapping, and soreness all around. Though maybe it was even more violent than they might have been hoping for. Certainly with the soreness and pain in her breasts, Shirabe had all kinds of motivations to keep on fighting. "Gnnnn...enough already!" Even she was getting frustrated and started slapping harder just in an effort to force Yuri to make a call on what she wanted to do.

The girl didn't have it in her to even consider holding back on Yuri. While she was trying to put what happened with Kirika in the past, the actions in the present were igniting that dislike. Every sore part of her body demanded that Shirabe do everything in her power to make Yuri pay. Her hands hurt. But the satisfaction of hearing the sounds of the slaps across Yuri's face made it worthwhile.

"Agnnnn..." Shirabe groaning harder as those hands just kept squeezing down! She was considering just wailing down punches to try and get Yuri to let go. Pulling back her fist and readying the strike...the girl was gasping in surprise as Yuri's sudden twisting threw the girl off balance. Getting tossed slightly off Yuri's body. Rolling onto her side and gasping as her tits were at least freed through this.

Slowly the girl picked herself up and tried to head over to Yuri as soon as she could. Part of her body wanted to rest. "But it's not like I have time for that." She groaned to herself. Knowing she had to keep putting on the pressure. And so as soon as she got close the girl readied to try and stomp down on Yuri. Even if she was laying on her side, the dark haired girl could get a good stomp into that side and make Yuri pay for her antics.

Fairy World Characters

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by pu-level-up Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:19 pm

Yuri lay on her side, sucking in deep breaths between light coughs as she tried to get her wind back. She gently touched her stinging cheeks, feeling hot red marks from where Shirabe slapped her. That made her furious, as Shirabe had no right to touch her idol face. But though she wanted to punish the insolent girl very badly, she needed to recover more before she was ready to move.

Shirabe wasn't giving her the time she needed though, as the girl was soon up on her feet and stomping towards Yuri. The idol could clearly see she was coming, and could clearly tell her intentions. As Shirabe stomped down, Yuri quickly rolled to the side, trying to get out of the way of the hit before it struck. She would keep on rolling until she reached the edge of the ring, slipping out underneath the bottom ropes.

Using the ring to hold herself up, Yuri finally got her feet beneath her. "Come out if you dare!" Yuri sneered at Shirabe, while her hands disappeared under the ring apron. She obviously had something nasty planned for the smaller girl the second she made her way out.

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by FairyGirl Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:28 pm

Shirabe had to keep on pushing things as far as she could. There was a desire on her part to take a break no question there. But she just didn't see how resting would get her very far. Not with the soreness that was hampering her right now. She'd need a lot more time than a minute or two gasping in a corner would give her. In that sense there seemed no better way to go than to keep attacking Yuri and taking it as far as it would go.

It did make her groan a bit as her stomps weren't landing. "Just sit still..." She grumbled even though there was no reason to expect Yuri to actually do that. Still the best she could do was continually attack and try to get a lucky hit in. And that continued right up to Yuri escaping from the ring. "Well at least she's out of the way for a moment." Shirabe leaning against the ropes and panting after having dealt with so much already in this match.

Of course having Yuri down there was dangerous on a few levels. And her taunts made it even more risky. Yet Shirabe couldn't just sit pat. If she let Yuri take her time who knows what she might drag back out with her into the ring. And it wasn't like Yuri was 100% either. If Shirabe pressed then things might work out for her.

Though she still dropped a bit further away from Yuri than right on top of her. She'd make as much of a dash as she could in her wearied condition so long as Yuri's hands were still occupied under the ring. "Fine then! Let's see what you've got planned!" Ready to skid to a halt or back off if she pulled out some kind of weapon. With that just never knew.

Fairy World Characters

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by pu-level-up Wed Feb 09, 2022 2:11 am

Shirabe wasn't letting off on her attack, coming after Yuri even after the idol slipped out of the ring. That was exactly what Yuri wanted. She had stashed a few items underneath the ring just in case she needed to get an advantage, and now was the perfect chance to use them. "Come on! Come at me!" Yuri snarled, her mouth curling into a grin as Shirabe slid out of the ring.

She knew Shirabe knew she had something planned. She knew Shirabe would be ready for it. Yuri didn't care. She was going to punish Shirabe for what she did in their previous fight, and what she dared to do in this match.

The idol watched Shirabe come dashing in at her. She had to time this just right, to spring the trap so that she would catch the girl. She could tell Shirabe was on guard even as she came rushing in. Yuri would only have a moment.

"Come and get it!" Yuri snarled, pulling what she had grabbed out from underneath the ring apron. Her small hands gripped tightly a metal folding chair! The idol twisted her body, swinging the chair out from underneath the ring apron, aiming the flat of the chair to smack into Shirabe's side!

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by FairyGirl Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:10 pm

Shirabe could only take so much. And sitting around waiting for Yuri wasn't something she was capable of at this point. Besides she had a feeling that even if she stayed put the girl would bring something with her that Shirabe would struggle to deal with anyways. It was concerning that she could basically bring anything she wanted into this since it was hardly a match with many limitations.

It wasn't like Shirabe had forgotten Yuri's antics with Kirika. Even if it was that kind of match...having her embarrassed like that wasn't fun to watch. For the sake of that embarrassing spectacle she had given her best in the rematch. And she didn't plan on letting herself down in this one either. "Let's go then." She growled getting ready to charge her opponent and hoping she could time things properly to avoid any issues.

The girl was ready to just deck Yuri and get some much needed payback, at least as far as her sore body was concerned. Eyes opening wide as she got too close and saw that chair being pulled out. Shocked that she seriously had something like that readied! Even as she tried to stop it wasn't in time and she squealed feeling the sharp pain shooting through her side. The loud smack of metal meeting skin sent the girl tumbling too the mat. "FUCK!" Shirabe swearing from the pain as she tried to get to her knees and get away. Not having time for dignity in that moment.

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by pu-level-up Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:36 am

Yuri's wild swing struck home, as the chair smashed against Shirabe's side and totally decked the smaller fighter. Shirabe was sent tumbling onto the thin mats that covered the outside of the ring, evidently the blow taking all the momentum out of her. This was perfect, as now Yuri had full advantage and control of the match once more.

"Ha... Hahaha!" Yuri laughed, "Didn't see that one coming? Oh don't you worry Shirabe, there's way more where that came from!"

The devious idol was just beginning her punishment. She carried the chair over to Shirabe's downed form right as the girl was struggling onto her knees. With an insidious grin on her face, Yuri raised the chair above her head. The crowd let out a sharp cry if warning as Yuri brought the chair crashing down upon Shirabe's back once more, hoping to totally flatten the girl with a single powerful strike!

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The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe - Page 3 Empty Re: The disgraced idol's revenge tour, part 1 - Yuri-chan Vs. Shirabe

Post by FairyGirl Thu Feb 10, 2022 12:25 pm

Things were naturally in a bad place when Shirabe took that hit. The pain from the hit wasn't helping in the slightest and the girl didn't have a lot of means to strike back when Yuri had that kind of weaponry to work with. The best she could do was try to maintain some sort of distance, yet even that wasn't much of an option when off her feet.

"You...damned..." Shirabe groaning from pain as she kept trying to move away. Not even having much time for that though as it took a moment to get to her knees and Yuri wasn't waiting around for her. And with Yuri getting behind her there was no way to guard herself from what was coming.

The slam of the chair hard into her back made the girl squeal. "AGHHHH!" Her voice shaking as she collapsed hard onto the ground once again. Unable to do more than twitch on the mat as the pain from the chair crashing into her throbbed through her whole back. "" She swore unable to do more than shake on the ground in a helpless state. Needing time to recover from that.

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