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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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It comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying

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It comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying Empty It comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying

Written by Victoria Palmer.

I'm sorry...

Charlotte Ravel'

It was these words that I heard before the medics took Charlotte away from the arena after the match at the Summer Splash. Even now it's hard for me to describe what I felt then. My whole team was overwhelmed. Most of all, we were afraid of the thought of possible consequences. I am a manager, I am always surrounded by strong women who have repeatedly said that any fighter is ready to take risks. And I have never doubted their words and their beliefs. But at that moment, fear gripped my heart.

Me, Karen, Margarita and Astrid went straight to the hospital. There is always an atmosphere of mutual respect in our team, but it was for us that Charlotte was much more than just a team partner. We knew we had to be with her. The doctors did their job perfectly, but she never regained consciousness. According to them, her body was too exhausted and that she needed time.

For three long days we were restless. It was difficult for me to see Karen and Margarita's tears. Astrid has always been strong and it was not in her rules to show weakness. But I saw the pain in her eyes. She was worried about her best friend. But she knew she had to be strong. For us. So that we also remain strong. Charlotte regained consciousness by the end of the third day. We felt a momentary relief. But then we heard the question. The first question of the woman who has been unconscious for three days.

I lost?

Charlotte Ravel'

She didn't have much energy to talk. But she managed to notice our fatigue. When she heard that we had been with her for three days, she asked us to go home to rest. We didn't want to leave, but it was useless to argue with Charlotte. Only Astrid firmly refused to leave the hospital room. Karen, Margarita and I went home after receiving Charlotte's assurances that everything would be fine. I still didn't know how I should feel. I was glad that Charlotte had woken up, but the results of the examinations were not ready yet. We were warned that the spinal injury was undoubtedly serious and that the consequences could be very sad. I didn't want to believe it. I just couldn't.

The next day, the doctor, in the presence of Astrid, told about the results of the examinations. In addition to a broken collarbone and other numerous injuries, Charlotte received an intervertebral hernia due to a fall on the ladder. She had to choose between conservative treatment and surgery. None of the options could guarantee her full recovery. The hernia was too close to the nerves, which created a risk during surgery even for the most experienced surgeon. Even Astrid couldn't contain her emotions at that moment. Her best friend's whole life was under the threat.

It was terrible. I have repeatedly stated that I am not afraid of anything. In the ring, I'm ready to bleed to win. But at that moment I was scared. I knew that Charlotte's life was martial arts. But after talking to the doctor, it became clear that she could lose her whole future because of this injury. I remember that I started shaking. But then I looked at Charlotte. There was a smile on her face. She said that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. At that moment, I realized how strong my friend was. Not only as a fighter, but as a person. At that moment, I realized that nothing and no one could ever break her. Her will was unshakable. While I was shaking with fear for her life, she was sure she could handle it.

Astrid Arvidsson

She chose surgery. She was assured that if successful, she would be able to return to the ring. When I first met Charlotte, I was amazed by her professionalism, her skills. But it wasn't until some time later that I found out that she wasn't just another fighter with a skill set. She really believed that martial arts was her life. And she didn't want another life. Only in the ring did Charlotte feel truly alive.

When we were informed that the operation was successful, tears flowed down my face. I've never talked about it openly, but my team for me is not just women for whom I'm looking for matches. I have infinite respect for each of them. Every woman in my team is unique, each of them has dreams and aspirations. And I try to take care of them. Charlotte was the second to join my team. And she became a real example for me. I have always admired her principles and I have always believed that a great future awaits her. This situation pushed me to despair. But there was no limit to my joy when I found out that everything would be fine with Charlotte.

Two weeks later, she was finally able to start walking. She was banned from almost any physical activity, and her torso was bound with a semi-rigid corset. But, nevertheless, Charlotte's life began to return to its former course. And the first thing she asked me to do was to call a press conference. She told me about a number of decisions she had made. To be honest, I didn't support some of them. Charlotte is dear to me as a person, but I was still her manager. And I knew that these decisions would have consequences. Therefore, it was my duty to try to dissuade her. But Charlotte's determination left me no choice.

Charlotte has always been a woman of honor. Honor is the main thing in her life. This is reflected not only in her matches, but also in her daily life. And at a press conference, she announced that after the defeat, she feels that she has lost her honor. Because of this, she refused to call herself a martial arts master. In addition, she decided to give up her alias. She was named the Sand Lizard by the masters of the Chinese monastery for her ability to adapt to any opponent. Now she didn't feel worthy of using that alias.

But Charlotte's most important decision was to close her martial arts school. A master without honor cannot teach students. That's exactly what she thought. As a manager, I primarily saw financial problems in this solution. Charlotte received most of her income thanks to the martial arts school. But honor was more important to her than money. She couldn't afford to continue training anyone after everything that had happened. Including Margarita and Karen.

For Margarita, this news was very sad. Despite the fact that they had problems due to Margarita's not the best results in the ring, she always continued to train with great diligence.

I was very sad to learn about Charlotte's decision. But I understand why she did it. However, I tell you what. Now I'm better version of myself thanks to Charlotte. Both as a fighter and as a person. And I'm going to show it in the ring. I lost all my matches. I was on the verge of despair. But Charlotte helped me. She made me stronger and more confident. I want both the audience and Charlotte to see it. Thanks to her training, I'm still here and I intend to start winning!

Margarita Jorgensen

Karen took Charlotte's decision more calmly. She's always been a reasonable enough person. Of course, this also created some problems for her, since Charlotte became much more than just a master for her.

For a person like Charlotte, honor is everything. And I accept it. She instilled in me some principles that I try to follow. I was far from the best role model when I came to AFW, but now it's in the past. And this is the merit of Charlotte, who was always ready to help me not only with training, but also with good advice. I have a title match ahead of me. And I will do my best to become the Rising Star. Charlotte taught me never to give up, so I will fight for this title like a real fighter. And if I lift the golden belt over my head, I will remember thanks to whom I succeeded.

Karen Aoki-Justice

After that, Charlotte began a long road to recovery. I and the whole team tried to support her in everything, although our help was rather moral. It only depended on her how quickly she could recover. It was difficult for her to follow the doctors' recommendations. Why? Because she used to train almost every day. I personally attended many of her trainings. Charlotte always does her best in order to get better. But she had no right to hurry now. Any extra strain could lead to a deterioration of her condition, so she had to do everything smoothly so as not to harm herself.

We often discussed what happened. I wanted to make sure she was okay. We must not forget that at such moments a person experiences not only physical pain. In that match, Charlotte lost not only her chance to become a champion. For her, it was something much bigger. The rivalry she entered into was a symbol for her. Literally from the first day, Charlotte understood how things work here. Veterans bathe in the rays of the sun, while newly arrived fighters are forced to literally survive in the hope of someday being in the spotlight. Therefore, she sought to prove that a talented fighter is able to defeat a veteran. She wanted to show the young fighters that the main thing is talent and hard work. And when she failed, I knew she was depressed.

It even brought me into a little conflict with her. Despite the fact that Charlotte constantly said that she was fine, I felt that this was not the case. She denied it, but I could feel her pain. She's one of those people who doesn't make long-term plans. Charlotte has said more than once that you can't be sure of winning, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do the maximum during the match. That situation was an exception. Working on herself every day, she felt support from the audience and fans. She really believed that she could achieve her goal. But Charlotte refused to discuss it. Maybe she just needed time.

I tried not to bring it up again. Besides, I saw her determination. She was doing her best to recover as quickly as possible. It was difficult for her, but she knew she had to do it. I once attended a rehabilitation procedure with her. And, to be honest, I'm not sure that in Charlotte's place I would have been able to show such titanic patience. I admired her. And so I asked a question that interested me as a person. It was hard for me to imagine how I would feel in her place. Try it yourself. Your whole life is hanging by a thread because of a terrible injury. Would you be able to find the strength to cope with this?

After I woke up in the hospital with a broken collarbone and a spinal injury, I had only two options. Cry and feel sorry for myself. Or clench my will into a fist, rise to my feet and back to the ring. I chose the second.

Charlotte Ravel'

Finally, the recovery period has come to an end. Charlotte received official permission from the doctors to return to training. Of course, this was good news. The worst was over. However, Charlotte herself took it much more seriously than everyone else. Over the past time, her physical form has deteriorated significantly. And for her, it only meant that there was a lot of work ahead of her. She started training. Here, too, she could not hurry, so as not to harm her body. But every day her body became stronger and stronger.

Mental block. This is exactly what Charlotte faced after she put her body in good shape. Muscles are only a small part of a fighter's success. She needed to hone her skills again. But every time she tried to hit the punching bag, something stopped her. She came to me that time. She said that what happened still weighs on her. She felt for herself what it's like when your dreams come crashing down. I could only tell her what she already knew. But I hoped it would be the right words. I said that I had always believed in her and that my faith in her would never fade.

I don't know if my words helped Charlotte. But the fact remained. She began to regain her fighting skills. Astrid helped her in every way she could. Training turned into sparring. When I looked at them, I couldn't believe my eyes. They had been best friends since the day they met. But in the ring they forgot about it. In the ring, they became fighters who pushed each other forward. I always thought they were about equal in strength. By all accounts, Astrid was one step ahead of Charlotte, but Charlotte herself was always ready to question this statement. The score of their sparring was constantly changing, I can't remember any of them getting two wins in a row. They continued to train and after what time it happened. Having won another victory in sparring, Charlotte turned to me and I heard the words that caused goosebumps on my back.

I'm ready.

Charlotte Ravel'

I tried to make Charlotte's return safe for her. Perhaps someone could find reasons to accuse me of too much guardianship, but you have to understand me. It really was a long break. I wanted to find the most ordinary matches for her so that she wouldn't have to rush into the heat, you know? Although, when Charlotte found out about it, her reaction was quite expected. After a little argument, we agreed that I would find her matches with new but promising fighters.

She probably wouldn't have agreed to talk about it, but I know she was very worried. Charlotte felt the support of the audience and fans during the recovery period. But she was very afraid of getting a bad reaction after returning. She felt that she had disappointed them and failed to live up to their trust. They believed in her, they wanted to see her as a champion. Charlotte's heart was bound with pain because of this. But all these experiences were in vain. Charlotte's first two matches showed that this amazing woman retained the support of her audience. She felt the love of the audience, who greeted her no less warmly than before.

It was very important to her. Charlotte had never cared about popularity and things like that before. But when you have so many people supporting you, you start to change. She began to interact more with the audience because she appreciated their feelings for her. Their support after returning encouraged her.

The next match was a reminder of Charlotte's past. I always keep my finger on the pulse of the federation and I told her about a new promising fighter. Charlotte was always interested in new talents and therefore she asked to organize a match. Rebecca Owens. Fighting with this woman, Charlotte immediately saw in her a worthy opponent. This red-haired woman reminded her of her former rival. Every time Charlotte struck, Rebecca responded with equal force and fury. It was a really bloody and intense match, which caused a storm of discussions. Charlotte was glad to meet Rebecca in battle and after the match she was sure that this was not their last meeting.

A tough opponent, one of the toughest I've yet had the honor to fight.

Rebecca Owens

Her return did not go unnoticed. I received a request for an interview with Charlotte. As I said, she didn't care much about popularity. However, she was very pleased that the audience wanted to know more about her. Charlotte attended this interview and it seemed that everything was going well enough. However, then a surprise awaited Charlotte. Ragna Lemoine. For the first time, Charlotte had to enter into an open conflict. Ragna invaded the interview, accusing Charlotte of getting opportunities despite losing the title match. Everyone could assess this situation differently. Someone could surely find Ragna's words fair. And who for sure could see this as an attempt to make a big name for themselves.

Charlotte has always been a calm and reasonable person. But even she had pride. She wasn't going to tolerate such disrespect for herself. And, as many people know, this led to a match. The coffin match. Each of them put their reputation on the line. Charlotte had no right to refuse Ragna's challenge. They both knew it was going to be an incredibly tough match for both of them. Each of them had aspirations and each of them was ready to fight for it. That is why the match turned out to be not only intense, but also emotional.

She was good, had me dead to rights at times. In the ring, we both fought like Hell, one of us showing that we were simply better than the other. A real challenge that showed me Ravel' had more than meets the eye. It'd be an honor to fight her again, to see who is the strongest, the one with the most will to fight on through the pain to win.

Ragna Lemoine

Continuing the topic of conflicts. Sometimes life works in a very funny way, doesn't it? Charlotte always tried to avoid conflicts. She believed that there was no place for emotions and prejudices in the ring. Therefore, for Charlotte, only the skill level of her rivals was always important. She was always looking for matches, not conflicts. But immediately after the match with Ragna, Charlotte entered into another conflict.

The fan community is not standing still. A survey was conducted on the Internet, who would they like to see in the ring? Charlotte Ravel' vs. Adrian Kytes. That was the result. And Adrian didn't ignore it. They met during a fan meeting and each of them had something to say to each other. Adrian didn't think Charlotte was worthy of sharing the same ring with her. Charlotte, at the same time, was sure that Adrian had been a champion for so long only because none of her victories had been clean. The tension between them could have been cut with a knife. Adrian still considered herself a champion thanks to the title from America. And she even agreed to put it on the line after Charlotte's caustic remark. Yes, they agreed on a match. And, as many people know, this meeting ended in a brawl.

However, passions heated up even more when the match day came. Even the most skeptical viewers were amazed by the speed of the initiative transition during the match. The stakes were high again. For Charlotte it was a matter of honor, and for Adrian it was a matter of reputation. No one was going to lose. But there must be a winner in the match. And at a certain point, it became clear to Adrian that she would not be the winner today. Everyone can interpret it differently, but there are rules in wrestling. And there are gaps in these rules. Many fighters, including Adrian, know how to use these gaps.

First of all, I gotta clarify that she didn't beat me, that match ended by count-out and if you didn't get what that means: The ICW-ICWA Tri State etc. title is still on my shoulder. Now that I got that little bit out of the way so you don't take this out of context, Charlotte is a tough *BEEP*. One kick you don't get your hands up early for might be it for you and that's the voice of experience talking, and if you do block it your arm's gonna feel numb for a week. So yeah, definitely someone that you've got to bring your A-game for no matter who you are and if you're not like me... even that's not gonna be enough.

Adrian Kytes

They say that the world is a very big place. However, some facts suggest the opposite. Due to the busy schedule, an interesting situation has happened to Charlotte lately. Resting at home, she found that her fridge was completely empty. An empty stomach is a good argument for going to the store, despite the late night. What do you think is the probability that a fighter will meet another fighter in a convenience store? But that's exactly what happened. It was the day Charlotte met Belinda Northman.

Charlotte had heard a lot about this woman, but they had not yet met in person. They say that you can't get to know a person in one meeting. But this case was an exception. Charlotte was never someone who was too good at reading people. But even that one meeting was enough for her to realize that Belinda shared her views. Already at that moment, Charlotte felt an irresistible desire to meet her in the ring. And she knew what was going to happen. Soon.

But we all need rest sometimes. Charlotte preferred to relax in spas. A good massage has always been a cure for her muscles. Therefore, on the eve of the winter events, she decided to take time to rest. She signed up for a massage room in order to recuperate. She knew she had to be in top shape by the time she challenged the woman she had chosen.

What was the probability of two fighters meeting in a convenience store? Extremely small, right? And what is the probability of meeting two fighters in a massage room at the same time? Juri Sanada. Charlotte's previous conflicts were exclusively related to the ring. That day, for the first time in her life, she had to enter into a conflict outside the ring. For the most idiotic reason. Someone made a mistake with the schedule and booked the same time and for Charlotte and for Juri.

They say that any conflict can be solved with words. There wasn't a chance at that time. Charlotte firmly believed in the principles that you can't fight outside the ring. And until this day, she managed to follow these principles. She had to tell those principles to go to hell. It was a real brawl that deserved a chance to become a match. I'm sure a lot of people would pay to see this. Two women in bikini kick the shit out of each other in a massage room. Sounds like a great title for a video on an adult video site, doesn't it? And is there any chance after that that they will not meet again, but this time in the ring?

What I think of Charlotte Ravel'? Hmm good question. I think that she's got a bit of a temper that's for sure so don't let those pink hair fool you that she's the princess type. Heh, yeah she may be a hot-head but she does have talent and potential in her at being a great wrestler. She's tough as nails and if she can let go of her noble attitude, she might even be a champion someday. Well, in my opinion anyway...

Juri Sanada

After a long way, Charlotte felt that she was getting closer to her goal. All the matches she went through pushed her to a new challenge. She knew she didn't have the right to just accept her alias again. No. She must earn the right to call herself the Sand Lizard. And there was an event ahead that could become this challenge for her. Avalanche 2021. A year ago, she won the match and this is the moment when she received tremendous support from the audience. And now Charlotte wanted to test her strength. She wanted to know if she was worthy of following the path of a real fighter?

And she knew the woman she wanted to get together with in the match. Belinda Northman. Charlotte could not imagine a more worthy opponent for such an important match. And I fully approved of her choice. Charlotte challenged the Swedish woman during the promo. And I can't describe the reaction of the audience at that moment. They knew that when these two women met in a fight, they would get an amazing match. Belinda was of the same opinion. She accepted Charlotte's challenge with a smile on her face. They both knew that in this match they would have to go beyond their capabilities in order to get a victory. They agreed to fight to the last drop of strength. No tricks. No compromises. Just them and their skill.

Charlotte decided to devote time to training. She had about two weeks before the Avalanche to get ready. She was sure that Belinda would give her the hardest match possible. And that's why Charlotte was going to meet her opponent in the best possible shape. I knew that Charlotte was going to face a real test, because Belinda is a very experienced and strong fighter. And therefore I will not be able to convey to you my feelings at the moment when I was forced to call Charlotte and tell her to come for a promo.

She got challenged. Ouka Shumisen. It is still not clear what exactly prompted this woman to challenge Charlotte. She was well aware that Charlotte had already booked a match with Belinda. At that moment, she was faced with a choice. She could have given up on this match so as not to take the risk. Although it was pointless to deny it, Ouka put her in a very difficult situation. The audience wanted her to accept it. Should she have risked everything she achieved after the Summer Splash?

Charlotte accepted it. Not because of reputation. Not because of pride. A match with Belinda would be a big step forward for her. But Charlotte understood that if she wanted to become the Sand Lizard again, she had to do something that no one else had done before her. Two matches on one PPV. A real test of all her abilities. A real test of her willpower. A real test that will show whether she is worthy of calling herself a noble fighter again.

For me, as a manager, every PPV is an incredible event. This Avalanche has become a new level for me and for my entire team. Hardcore title match for Astrid. Rising Star title match for Karen. And, of course, two matches at once for Charlotte. You can't imagine how proud I felt for these great women. We all strive for the top, but they are ready to fight for it. And I am very happy to live next to them.

Belinda Northman gave Charlotte a lot more than she expected. I've never seen such an audience reaction before. The hall was divided into two halves. Each of the women received tremendous support. The audience enjoyed this match. No tricks. No compromises. Charlotte and Belinda show an incredible match at the limit of their abilities. And it is such matches that deserve to go down in history.

Hmm... I mean I feel the obvious answer is that she's amazing? Right? Like, she's tough. She's beautiful. She's fierce. So why wouldn't anyone just think she's awesome. Like it's obvious. Right?

Belinda Northman

One hour. That's all Charlotte got as a break between matches. I was with her. I pressed ice to her bruises after the match with Belinda. And although my faith in her was strong, I just couldn't imagine how she was going to step into the next match. I was scared of the idea that it would be a hardcore match. I saw her condition and I just wasn't able to understand what exactly made her agree to this madness? And then I looked into her eyes. There was no fear. There was determination in Charlotte's eyes. And at that moment, I realized more than ever before that this woman will always strive to become better. No matter what.

Hardcore is so named for a reason. Ouka Shumisen has earned her reputation. Despite the fact that Charlotte had a plan, nothing ever goes according to plan in a match. The match was filled with bloody and violent moments. Ouka didn't care about her rival's condition at all. I looked at it, feeling a pain in my heart. But at the same time I felt something strange. Watching Charlotte get to her feet every time, goosebumps ran down my spine. It was an amazing match. It wasn't just a fight between two fighters. No. It was a real confrontation. Charlotte and Ouka fought to the last. Strength. Speed. Skill. At some point, it didn't matter. At some point, only one thing became important. Whose will to win will be stronger? Everyone felt it. And everyone watched this match with bated breath. A cruel but beautiful sight.

Tch. Charlotte? Why are asking about her? Bah, whatever. Yeah she hits hard, and she’s hard as hell to put down and I respect the hell outta her. I’m going to get back my win from her and I don’t even care if she’s going to be 100%. I’m going to do it.

Ouka Shumisen

The first woman to win two matches at one PPV. Every fighter dreams of a gold belt around their waist. But at that moment I knew that no belt could emphasize what Charlotte had achieved that day. Emotions overwhelmed me at that moment. And I had no words to express my admiration for this woman. What determines a fighter's strength? How hard can they hit? I do not think so. This woman was broken. In every sense. Physically and mentally. But she didn't feel sorry for herself. She didn't look for the last corner to start crying. Yes, there were tears. But instead of being in the depths of despair, she found the strength to get back on her feet and return to what she loved with all her heart. To the ring. To martial arts.

Charlotte has regained her honor. And, I swear by anything, when she said "I am the Sand Lizard", the whole planet heard that amazing noise that filled the arena. I looked at her with pride at that moment. A golden belt always gives a fighter a status. A golden belt gives a fighter the right to call themselves the best. But at that moment she didn't need a belt. At that moment, she was the best fighter of this federation. At least for me. And I was happy to see her moment of triumph. I was happy to see Charlotte become who she should be again. She's come a long way. Having lost everything she had, she continued to move forward step by step. The path is not over yet. Her path has just begun. And I will be by her side to see her new moment of triumph. I will be by her side when Charlotte achieves her goal. I will be by her side at the moment when the whole world understands that she is an example of a true noble fighter.

What do I feel? I feel grateful. I am grateful to the audience and the fans for their support, as well as to all my rivals. Being a fighter means constantly developing and moving forward. But this is impossible without really strong and worthy rivals. Without the women I met in the ring, I would never have become who I am. And now I know one simple, but the most important thing. I'm Charlotte Ravel'. I'm the Sand Lizard.

Charlotte Ravel'

It comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying Charlo14

Thank you for being with us all this time. I and my entire team will continue to do everything possible so that you, the audience, can enjoy real pro wrestling. We know what you deserve. We are grateful for your support. Thank you again and see you soon!

Posts : 1576
Join date : 2019-05-11
Age : 28
Location : Nobody knows, heh

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