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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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A Rosy Reunion

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A Rosy Reunion Empty A Rosy Reunion

Post by Deus001 Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:59 am

Jaqueline would admit that she was still getting used to Japan, it wasn't the language that was easy enough with google, it was the wrestling scene. Namely just how damn huge it was, the UK scene was small by comparison. There were a few indie promotions like in London sure but Japan treated this sport on the same level as America perhaps even more in Jaqui's mind!.........It made her objective of tracking her sibling down quite hard in hindsight, but Jaquie could roam the streets of London and find someone she needed to within an hour or two at most. So it was that she was brought to Tension in search of her dear elder sister..........

The little ripper sauntered into the gym, it was a cold yet crisp evening which led to not a whole lot of folks in the gym. Jaquie was dressed in her usual ring attire, nimble and able to let her navigate the place well as she hid and swayed between the various machines in the place before long she located her mark.......

She tiptoed and sauntered behind them before saying "Hey sis! Its me Jaqui!" before then moving to her right and hopefully behind her and going "Behind you~ Heya, good to see you sis. How you been?" with a smirk on her face and her hands on her hips~

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Void Effect Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:55 pm

Jackie would made a eh look as she tilt her head, before she would saw her little ripper, Jaqueline standing behind her "Eh? When did ya get here?" She asked her, of course, at the moment, she is seen lifting a dumbell on her right arm, as she saw the little short girl with a smirk on her face and a hand on her hips

Jackie would simply chuckle's slightly "Sooo...still so short after all" She said with a little teasing as she turn around and put the dumbell down "What make you come here?" She asked as she fold her arms

A Rosy Reunion Gax9oFo

Discord: Void Effect#1624
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Void Effect

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Deus001 Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:45 pm

If there was one thing Jaqueline loved doing it was surprising her sis from time to time, appearing out of nowhere was a thing she often did towards the ripper and being a stealthy assassin was no different here for Ms Rose~ But if there was anyone that could suss her out it then it would often by Jackie hence why Jaqueline didn't spend long playing the ruse up for long. The girl would giggle as Jackie asked when she got here to which the little ripper would say "Oh just recently Sis, got the plane and it was the longest and most boring ride I ever had."

Then Jackie made a crack at Ms Rose's short height, to which the little ripper huffed and folded her arms before saying "Hey I grew a couple of inches I'll have you know! Well I came here because saw you on the telly back in London. Soooooooooooooo here I am!" and Jaqueline would point to a nearby ring and said "So what do you say? Wanna see if your girl can hang with ya in a spar?"

Check out my wrestlers here, but PM me for match requests.

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Void Effect Sat Dec 03, 2022 6:54 am

Of course, Jackie is now get used to Jaq's surprise visit as she sigh and chuckles a bit before she heard Jaq's question "You? Spar? You sure?" She asked as she tilt her head before she would plant her arms on top of Jaq's head, head patting her as she decide if they are gonna have a spar, she might as well go easy on her

She would then decide to chuckles softly and decide to tease her little sis a bit "A few inch isn't that much kiddo" She said with a smile as she start rubbing and make a small mess of her hair as she then give her a small flick to her head

A Rosy Reunion Gax9oFo

Discord: Void Effect#1624
Void Effect
Void Effect

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Deus001 Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:53 am

Jaqueline would huff there as she felt and saw her sis would rest her arms upon her smol noggin there into a classic headpat, only the elder rose sibling could get away with something like that towards the little ripper Jaqueline would let it slide here today at least. The snow haired girl would kick the ground with the toe of her boot there and say "Well yeah, I've seen how you've been rolling in the ring Sis. Still as sharp as ever from what I saw, course coming where we do you kinda had to be......."

Then Jaquie would point with her hand and said "Well then, I reckon its time for the Rose siblings to have a go cause they think they're hard enough." with an ear to ear grin as she'd then leap to the apron and then fling herself slingshot style over into a forward roll into the ring. Then she'd turn to face her sibling and bounce about on the heels of her boots before saying "Alright Sis. I say we just go at it, not too rough though. Cause ya know.........we'll wanna take it out on other folks later~"

Check out my wrestlers here, but PM me for match requests.

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Void Effect Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:10 pm

"Heh, alright then" She nod her head as she heard Jaqueline's reasoning before she would slide into the ring before she would slide into it too, she figure it wouldn't hurt to give Jaq a taste of what she can do, but she figure she might had to go easy on the smol girl as she had a soft spot for her little sis

She would make her way toward one of the corner while still wearing her sport's bra and spats, she figure it probably wouldn't be hard to take her sis down, but she gonna have to be gentle with it "Whenever you're ready"

A Rosy Reunion Gax9oFo

Discord: Void Effect#1624
Void Effect
Void Effect

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Deus001 Mon Dec 12, 2022 11:41 pm

Well this was showtime, it had been what?.......months since the Rose siblings last had a go at each other in the ring? Yeah it felt like that. Seemed like just yesterday to the little ripper there as far as she was concerned there that they were scrapping in the indies, this wasn't going to be a brutal knuckle affair today. Nah this was gonna be playfighting between two siblings, okay it might get a bit rough but nothing a good night's sleep wouldn't mend.

"Alrighty.....Guess we'll just go at it for a bit and not go too hard till we don't wanna do it no more......ding ding!" Jaqueline would say making a bell ringing noise and gesture to playfully signal the start of the bout here, with the little ripper then making to bounce about on the heels of her feet. She hadn't forgotten the way her Sis would scrap in the ring and who knows what tricks she might have picked up during her time in the land of the rising sun. Jaqueline usually started matches aggressive but here she'd be more conservative, seeking to try and clip Jackie in the right ankle with a kick there to test the waters a bit~

Check out my wrestlers here, but PM me for match requests.

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Void Effect Tue Dec 13, 2022 4:24 am

Jackie would smile as she saw Jaqueline throw few faint kick toward her right ankle, of course, at the same time, she would does the same by throw few right kicks toward the small girls leg, but due to Jaq's small size, she would able to reach at her easily before she would hop up and down, bouncing on her feet like her little sis

She would then decide to surprise the girl by charge toward her, bring her Collar-and-elbow hold as she smile at the other girl "So...been working out in gym?" Jackie ask the little girl as she start pushing her toward the corner, attempt to test to see if Jaq had improved

A Rosy Reunion Gax9oFo

Discord: Void Effect#1624
Void Effect
Void Effect

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Deus001 Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:11 pm

Alrighty it was go time, the little ripper knew her bigger ripper sibling well enough in the ring to try and avoid not getting slammed around too much. Thankfully they saved their more......sadistic urges for those they went up against rather than each other, more often than not at least. Still Jaqueline would admit that it been quite some time since they tussled and Jackie was gonna make her younger sibling get the memo really really fast here!

Jaqueline would yelp aloud as Jackie managed to cinch her into a collar and elbow tie-up, the little ripper would make to scramble a guard up as best she could and muttered "Nhnnn.....I've been jogging and stuff promise sis!" the little ripper would then try to bring up one of her legs to deliver a knee to the gut there of Jackie, just to test the waters before she was going to be overwhelmed by her sister's much greater upper body strength~

Check out my wrestlers here, but PM me for match requests.

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A Rosy Reunion Empty Re: A Rosy Reunion

Post by Void Effect Fri Dec 23, 2022 5:48 am

She would grunt in pain as she felt Jaqueline's knee into her own guts, before she would smile and proceed to bring her own knees up and slammed it into Jaqueline's guts, and procced to give her a headbutt and send her back up with a smug smirk and proceed to intent to yeet the smol girl away and toward the rope before use the momentum against Jacqueline and clothesline her down

A Rosy Reunion Gax9oFo

Discord: Void Effect#1624
Void Effect
Void Effect

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