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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Bluemouse Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:00 pm

Taylor arched an eyebrow at Lia with a smile.

"Oh, man, well... to tell you the trush I didn't actually know about all the kinky stuff that goes on here till I arrived so... surprise! And... well. To tell you the truth, they're the only place out here that would take an anonymous American, sight unseen. I guess my picture did it for 'em..."

Taylor trailed off while she watched Akashi walk back to the bar. She pointed at her with her hand down low to the table and leaned over to Lia. "Isn't that...?"

When Kei appeared in front of her she was less than pleased. "Oh, look, it's the dude. What the hell do you want? And how the HELL are people just happening to find me here? Do I have a freaking AFW tracking device under my skin or something?

"Look I got nothing to say to you, you yeti. Go back to your cave with your psycho boy-toy. He's not HERE, is he? God you people are making me... uncomfortable. Okay. Do not make me kick your ass in front of the fifteen thousand AFW people in here. There's the door, alright?"

She realized again the she was standing, though she wasn't quite sure how she got out of the booth. She took a breath to settle herself back down, and then flashed her middle finger at Kei and jerked her thumb toward the door. She sat back down and pulled her hood back off and unzipped her sweatshirt. It was getting a little warm... Underneath she had a white tank top with the words 'Full Contact Fighter' written across the front.

This was getting a little weird. It was bad enough that her night away was going sour, even though Lia was turning out kind of okay, but now with whatshername and the dude showing up... she did NOT want to see HER.

The Mouseum


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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Maxy Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:22 pm

Kei grins and when she gets shown the bird she goes to playfully bite it, but of course doesn't make contact. "Be nice." She sits down beside her "I just want to talk to you ok? Just to get to know you better." She grabs something from her jacket and drops in front of Taylor a little thing of chocolate.

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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Bluemouse Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:38 pm

"Yeah? You and everybody else!" She slapped the chocolate and sent it flying across the room.

Trapped in the booth between Lia and Kei, Taylor stands up on her seat and slides over the table to the floor on the far side. There were a few more stares drifting her way. She wondered if the bartender was going to kick her out.

"So, what, you mean that now that you beat me you want the rest? What are you going to try to molest me with all these other freaks? I don't want to get to know you! ANY of you!

"And don't FUCKING treat me like a child you Joan Rivers-looking... I don't need your shit, okay. Now," she said, her voice irritable and dripping with disdain. "What's it going to take for me to get you. Out. Now. You want to leave with or without your face broken?"

She shucked her sweatshirt off and let it fall on the floor behind her. She was so keyed up her hands were shaking. And she was lucky enough to fly off the handle like this in public, in front of half drunk guys. At least no one was there that knew who she was... oh wait.

The Mouseum


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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Hawthorne22 Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:35 pm

Lia arched an eyebrow and an ear at the... rather unashamed woman entering the bar, displaying her goods and buying a round for the bar. Two and two finally clicked in her head as she glanced at the woman and back at Taylor. That woman was the Friction champion... Just great.

Then, another stranger entered the bar. Lia leaned back, watching her get... quite fresh with Taylor and setting her off. The 'yeti,' Taylor called her. Must be Taylor's first loss. EXACTLY who she did not want to see while she was drinking through those losses. And now Taylor was flying off the handle.

After Taylor escaped from the booth and began to lose it, Lia nodded toward the 'yeti,' "Nice to meet you, Sasquatch. Give me just one second here." She raised a finger to emphasize the one second, sliding out of the booth with a nervous grin. This could quickly get out of hand, and Lia did not want trouble... especially with her around.

In one quick step, Lia would have her arm around Taylor's shoulder, turning her away from both the 'yeti' and the big-boobed champion. "Sh, sh, shhh. Partner, easy up. Calm down. I know you don't want to see ol' Sasquatch here, but you can't get her to leave by acting up. 'The lady doth...' something something something, remember? Bill Shakesman or something?" Lia shook her head, "Look, anyway, see that woman at the bar what just bought everyone some drinks? She is DEFINITELY the Friction champion and I have it on good authority that Ms. Attacki... Patacki, whatever, the big boobed girl is good friends with none other than Threesome Kittykat." Lia leaned in closer, "That's not the sort of attention either of us want, okay? If Ms. Champeen throws down, even with both of us, I'm betting both our moneys on her."

She leaned in to put a soft peck on Taylor's cheek. Lia could not resist. "Please, Muffin, calm down, don't make a scene. We can deal with Sasquatch, avoid drawing Bigtits' eye, best chance of salvaging this evening. What say you?" Lia extended her free arm, offering it to Taylor to shake.


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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Bluemouse Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:52 pm

Taylor fitfully waved Lia off. This was just too much. What did she do to deserve this.

"Her?" Taylor said to Lia, pointing a thumb at the champ. "Oh, well, isn't that just PERFECT! Let's call her over!"

Taylor stood up on a table and waved her hands in the air. "Hey! Heeeey! Attention all English speaking AFW people who are hiding in here, why don't you skip the part where you make it look like you just accidentally bumped into me and just come on over. I understand why you're so standoffish, I mean, I wouldn't want to be seen in public wearing THAT either." She pointed to Akashi and laughed. She hopped down off the table.

"We've got a CHAMPION in the house! Isn't that great? Hey, hey, tell Threesome I said hi, okay? Give her my very best. You freaks are all the same. I mean ho-ly shit, did you pay by the pound for that boob job? I could've done better with a pocket knife, 20 pounds of crisco, and a turkey baster. Hey, why don't you and the dude over here run along and find some kind of industrial-strength bed for some hairy, sweaty, gorilla lesbo spooning? I bet you're up for that, huh?"

It wasn't that she was drunk. She hadn't even had one beer. She didn't really know what was wrong with her. Just sometimes it seemed like everyone was out to get her and she just fought back whichever way she could. It was too late to shut up now, though, she wouldn't be surprised if there were people behind her staring at her through the windows.

"Or maybe you want a piece of me, huh? Haven't you heard? I'm super-easy! Everyone's lining up to get a shot. Well fuck you and that joke of a title and your stupid hair." She started to trail off as she started to realize that she might've been getting in over her head. Nothing new there.

"Ya know what, you there, Andrei The Giant, why don't you take this dude and get the hell out. For me, okay. I came here to get AWAY from you people. THERE's the door, now fuck off!"

The Mouseum


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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Tatyina Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:05 pm

Akashi was surprised when she felt an arm around her shoulder and jumped a little bit. "Oh! Y-yeah, arigatou!" She said in a soft but cheerful tone. She then recognized Kei but she saw the bartender had already began serving drinks and was eying her to come pay for them. "Excuse me..." SXhe said and bowed politely. As she did, she muttered to herself. "What is she doing here... I thought..." She shrugged it off and went to the bar, settlign things with the bartender. She pulled a roll of yen out from her bosom and slapped some of it down. "Just keep it coming!" She declared. But then put her hand to her cheek to whisper. "But just for me..." She grinned. "I want to leave with some of it."

The bartender nodded and slid her a bottle of Sake. She opened it and was about to take a sip when she heard a ruckus coming from the booth up at the front. With her glass partially raised, she turned and eyed the three women. It seemed as though Kei knew them but as she scrutinized the group it looked like things might not be as they seem. But as she watched, she saw Taylor begin to animate and climb out of the booth. Akashi set her sake down for the moment and watched curiously, not even bothering to hide the fact that she was staring at them. They looked vaguely familiar. That Bunny girl had to have been seen somewhere. She'd recognize a bunny girl, that's for sure. Taylor also looked familiar but she couldn't place where... But if Kei knew her the chances were excellent that she was in the AFW. But that didn't mean Akashi knew her. The champ was famous but she didn't know every girl, especially the new ones. But there was a distinct familiarity in the girl that Akashi couldn't place.

But her eyes suddenly widened at Taylor's thumb which was clearly directed at her. But why? what did she do that could cause the obstinate punker to start hurling such appendages at her. Then she called her out. Akashi looked around when she asked for all english speaking people. Well Akashi DID speak english. She wasn't the best at it, but she could get around well enough. Her head bobbed around when she spoke in pluralities. Could she have mistakenly entered into another bar that housed AFW wrestlers lookign to escape liek her? That would definitely be embarrassing. But soon it became apparant that Taylor spoke only to Akashi.

She looked down at her Kimono that bared her bountiful fruits and tugged it. "What's wrong with this?" She asked herself quietly, not understanding the girl's complaints. She blushed whens he was called out as the champion. It's not like she brought her belt in with her and she wasn't even trying to show off the fact. Quite the opposite really. Akashi was flabbergasted with the venom that was being spewed at her. She had no clue why. But when her breasts were insulted she stood up and grabbed her sake. She furrowed her brow as she marched towards Taylor.

"Listen here..." She said as she closed the distance rather quickly. She lifted her index finger up and tried to shove it as hard as she could into the top of Taylor's breasts. "Saw what you want about me, but don't you dare insult my breasts like that! Their as real as the rest of me and I'm very proud of them! And.. I didn't even come here looking for anyone! I.. I don't even know who you are!" Clearly Akashi was not used to having to defend herrself from being bullied. Either that, or she was trying very hard not to escalate things into a brawl right here or now. But the large sumo girl did advance quite menacingly upon Taylor, trying to get her to step back.

"And... it's not like I walked in and said "Hey everyone! I'm the champ! I.. I didn't even say I was from the AFW! I wanted to go to a place where I wouldn't run into anyone else from there! Excuuuuse me if we had the same idea! And it's not like I ran right up to you and said, Hey girl I don't know, I bet you're in the afw, did you know I was the champ!? WANNA FUCK!? I went to the bar... I was in a good mood and thought I'd spread a little cheer but I GUESS that can't be done around here without a damn fistfight or a "fuck". G-geeze! If that's what I wanted, I'd have fucking called up Sarah-san..." Akashi suddenly turned her head and spoke dryly, mumbling to herself. "...not like I'd get a fuck out of that though..." She shook her head and looked up, her eyes widening at the sudden recollection of who Taylor was. "Now I remember!" She said suddenly as though all the tone she had previously vanished. "You fought Sarah-san. "Man I saw that match. "She's such a bitch... too bad you didn't kick her ass though! She needs it sometimes to keep that big head of hers in check. Geeze... when's she going to learn that a pussy isn't a punching bag." She looked up at Taylor and blushed, bowing her head. "Gomen! I'll give it back to her next time I see her, ok?" She said as she looked back up at Taylor with a lopsided smile.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Bluemouse Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:18 am

There was always a moment of apprehension whenever Taylor succeeded in goading someone. Once their eyes locked on her and they started toward her, there was always that couple of seconds when part of her thought "oh no, what did I do?" She could feel her palms and her forehead just start to get clammy. But then she got over it. She was well practiced at maintaining her bravado and besides, she had genuine confidence in her ability to fight, especially when underestimated.

By the time Akashi reached her she was grinning again. She stood square to her and put her hands on her hips, cocking her hips to the side and tossing her hair back. Her expression gradually changed as Akashi was talking, as she realized that maybe she wasn't as hot-headed as other AFW people seemed to be. Whatever, it didn't matter.

Once she mentioned Sarah, Taylor's eyes widened with surprise. She glanced at Lia and then back at Akashi. "'re not, like, friends with Sarah?" That changed things. A little, at least.

"Dude! I DID kick her ass. I was going to choke her out and cave in her skull there if she wasn't... strong. Are all you people like all roided up or what? Man. I gotta... whatever."

She looked hard at Akashi, conflicted. It looked for a moment like she was either going to flip out again or start crying. People were so damn polite here! It was weirding her out so bad. Finally, a mischievous, unsettling grin crept across her face, as it usually did.

She stuck her hand out to Akashi. "I'm Taylor. I'll skip the part where I'm pissed that you didn't already know that. It's good to meet you. You should know that I'm going to kick your ass. Just... not right now. Right now it looks like we're all trying to get away. Well, this dude over in the booth might have been stalking me from the gym, I dunno.

"Um... do you want to sit? Do you fit into normal booths, or.... like do you need a booster seat to use for a boob rest or something? Also, I should point out, I am NOT interested in, like, you. You know. It's just I get so... well, still, you're the champ, right? You've got to have like some sage wisdom for us youngsters or something, right? Come on, sit."

She remembered Lia standing right behind her. "Oh, hey, do you know... do you..." She always had the hardest time remembering people's names in these sorts of situations. It's partly why she resorted to nicknames so much. "Oh, sorry, I, uh...Bunny....girl?" She looked sheepishly at the floor and sidled over to a new booth, away from Kei. She kept an eye on Kei. She might've come here to relax and drink her losses away, but she'd certainly think about taking a chance to kick Kei's ass. That'd be a hell of a lot better about drinking over it.

The Mouseum


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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Hawthorne22 Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:24 am

Lia merely took a step back, rubbing her temples as Taylor continued to freak out. "Do NOT know this psycho," she muttered, keeping a step back as Akashi approached. Her ears perked up in surprise as Akashi spoke to Taylor, though. Lia turned back into the conversation, taking just enough of a step to get back to 'with' Taylor. Akashi was awfully pleasant; hardly at all what Lia expected of someone who was friends with Sarah Gatt.

Lia smiled as Taylor spoke, shaking her head waving her hands 'No' at Akashi to give lie to Taylor's bragging. She coughed loudly when Taylor proudly announced she would beat up Akashi, "Ahem, sorry. Just... beer in my throat, yeah." She muttered. At Taylor's introduction, Lia nodded politely toward Akashi. Her preferred greeting was a handshake, but Sarah rubbed Lia the wrong way, and she still did not trust anyone who hung with that sort of woman. "No, we haven't met. Lia Cross," she introduced herself politely, but reservedly, to the champion. As she nodded, her eyes 'stuck' to Akashi's generous cleavage, "Really? Those are real? And you've been wrestling for how long? Yikes..." She clicked her tongue and whistled. "That's worth a drink. Let's get settled down before Blueberry Muffin here threatens to beat up the bartender, too."


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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Bluemouse Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:36 am

Taylor turned to watch Lia talk with Akashi.

She snorted. "What, are you afraid of her? Why don't you buy her flowers already you sicophi... socoph... you suck up. And I CAN beat up the bartender, but I won't. Shut up and sit."

The Mouseum


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Down Time - Page 2 Empty Re: Down Time

Post by Hawthorne22 Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:25 am

Lia snapped back with hardly a pause, sliding into the booth as she spoke, "Like you COULD have won your first two fights?"


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