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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Opinion Poll: SW

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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Opinion Poll: SW

Post by anegge Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:12 pm

The moderation team would like to know your' opinion on the following question: "What do you think of the Sex Wars forum, right now?"

Another good question is, "Do you have any suggestions for what we can improve?".

Also please answer this question, "How much do you participate in Sex Wars? Are you interested in increasing your' involvement in SW?"

Well.,I think the dust has settled, any other skateboarders around here? - Sparkplug71

NEWS FLASH: the Archergurl who you speaking of is not part of AFW anymore and she's currently working in production for new game titles in Japan. I'm her Canadian friend who she gave her PC due to mines has crashed. She was nice enough to give it to me to help a friend in need. So she got a spared one that she uses for the things I've mention above. BTW, Anegge and Alexandra be sure to check the E-mail adresses carefully. As Archergurl and me aren't the same thing.

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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Bluemouse Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:50 pm

Probably a worthless reply, but I'll throw in.
1. Not at all.
2. Nope. <img src=" title="Razz" />

The Mouseum


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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Kelsea Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:08 am

And if not... why? ¬.¬

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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Bluemouse Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:32 am

Yeah, sorry, I was going to edit in a blurb about the why but you beat me to it.

I feel like for me it'd just be too hard to do in this format... It's not that I'm above writing something like that, but coming right out of the gate with that sort of thing, like every time you post you're coming in cold and it'd be really hard to write it well without being into it. A big advantage of IM/IRC I've found over a bb is that so much of your momentum is lost between posts here. Like I'll read the new post, skim my last one, and write a post, and it doesn't always preserve the energy.

More to the point, I think I much prefer sexual stuff to happen naturally, as opposed to knowing going in what's going to happen to you. That's why I prefer matches in a straightforward format, it makes anything like that more significant, and you can build with it more. That being said, I don't think I've ever read a thread in SW. Especially when I'm cold it's tough to get into, but... the places guy's minds go can be.........................................................icky. >_>

Also, when I'd write matches before here, not that I did a ton, they were way more sexual than what I've written here so far. I think it's the cooling off period in between posts that does it.

The Mouseum


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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Tatyina Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:09 am

for the record there can be SW matches that are completely platonic in nature.

Of course it's a rarity but it can happen. Some people do like mixed wrestling and don't necessarily like the sexual stuff attached to it.

i think more importantly than "do you participate in sex wars" is "why don't you if you do not."

Obviously if it's a matter of preference between not liking mixed matches then that's different than say, you're having trouble finding the kinds of matches you would like.

For example. Bluemouse. You do not seem unwilling to participate. You just do not think there is a particular scenario that you could find interesting given the possible state of players and the format of the setting?

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Bluemouse Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:49 am

Yeah, that seems pretty fair. For me it's 100% about who I'm rp'ing with, really, and the format is kind of secondary. I think I had done a mixed match or two in my IM/IRC days, but I hadn't really done a match with a guy until coming here, so that was a little weird. Anyway, I suppose I could see myself doodling around in the SW forum, but it'd be difficult given the emphasis on character development and background here (or at least the emphasis I've put on it for myself).

And I guess one thing that comes into play with guys is that that's more complicated. I don't want to feel cheap or anything. There are guys who have the wrestling/fighting interest who are total chauvinistic dickheads, not that I'm saying that we have any of those here. <img src=" title="Razz" />

Last edited by 1167 on Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:55 am; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:28 am

As someone who has been a longtime follower of and poster in SW, I honestly think the biggest problem of SW is that the attitude is no longer "Males and females finding out whos the best" but simply "Guys wanting RP Sex without any of the work"

Seriously, lately alot of the male RPers in SW have been ripping off WrestlerRyu in the sense that alot of mixed matches are the male doing a minimal amount of work, and then doing 7 posts of them getting raped or doing the raping, it just gets pointless after awhile.

Check out the recently revamped Roster Page, now with pics!

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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Bluemouse Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:23 pm

[quote="TaiKamiya":h62we2ax]"Guys wanting RP Sex without any of the work"

I think that's what I was trying to get at without getting at it.

The Mouseum


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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Lobo Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:47 am

(this has really gone off topic... >.>)

1. I think the territory system and gender war has to go. It's really easy to see that the males outnumber the females in the roster page and "The War" isnt very active. I blame those who create 5 generic "John Smith's" and just have them waiting for opponents on a random location.

I say "Factions or Stables" made up of Both female and male wrestlers should be the new "War". If not that then I think all the wrestlers should go solo. I also think that the format of SW should be more geared toward Wrestling than Hentai in order to appeal those who dont want mind less sex rp's and just want to write wrestling matches and storylines. At the same time however, the Ero-ness can be preserved by those who enjoy those type of matches and RP's. I think Friction kind of opperates like this... *shrugs*

2. Im very active on SW and I love it just as much as Friction. But Friction runs so much better, even though thats kind of expected >.> (NEAR PERFECTION!) Anyway, Yes. I am interested in increaseing my involvement in SW.

Prior to this thread, I was planning my own personal overhaul of SW. While I do enjoy writing sexual matches in SW and Friction. I like Writing storylines and Rivalries as Well, which is kind of the norm in friction, while very rare in SW. This kind of sparked an Idea for several story-driven RP's with The Gastin Twins that I have yet to really get started. I had a couple of ideas and some new chars that were slightly different from the usual types of chars that enter SW, but with my hardrive dead I lost those chars. (My Cop Girl for Friction too T.T) Im in the process of rewriting them though. >.>

Everyone's opinions here regarding SW tend to match some of my own, which is why I began working on a slight change-up prior to losing my data. But I guess it isnt all bad now if things on SW could change as a whole, my new chars could fit that change.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

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Opinion Poll: SW Empty Re: Opinion Poll: SW

Post by Kitten Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:44 pm


I am having my first match in SW (who is basically squishing Ryu ^_^), so I can't say that I know much about how things work there. But I'll still give my opinion based on my little experience.

First BlueMouse has a point there about the cold mood. It is hard to build up momentum to go erotic when the action is so cut as it happens in this forum format. So unless your partner really turns you on, it can become quite unconfortable.

Another issue is that mixed wrestling can easily turn into rape-fnatasies. And that's something not many girls/girl-players enjoy.

But the biggest problem with SW is the same one that there is with mixed-wrestling/sexwrestling in yahoo, email, irc, and real life. Guys just want to get off with as little effort as possible.

I also have a personal problem, and that is I like bishonen. And there aren't many bishonen characters there.

I do plan to participate more on SW, but my main interest by FAR is Friction and I will keep avoiding bad RPers. Sorry but I am a bit of an elitist bitch. My plan is to only have matches with those people I have already played with in Friction before.

As far as the territories system, I think it needs to be changed. It doesn't makes much sense. Maybe SW needs championship belts too.

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