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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:37 pm

Tatyina rolled with Allison as she bounced off the match. She had to keep pursuing but she couldn't stay close. She stopped part of the way, hoping to stay out of arms reach and hopped up, lifting off her feet in a straight up jump to twist her body and snap her heel around to try and connect with Allison's head.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:47 pm

Allison saw Tatyina's kick coming and tried to move away from it, but she reached the ropes at just the wrong time. She bounced back into the kick and it cracked her across the temple, dropping her. She ended sitting, leaning against the ropes and to one side, her head swimming, the tails of her vest tangled in with her legs. Her eyes closed and she grabbed the back of her head to cradle her head in her forearms.

To make matters worse, she was just barely aware of the enormous cheer the kick drew from the crowd. How... humiliating.

The Mouseum


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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:52 pm

Tatyina landed on crouched knees and sprung forward when the kick hit. She knew she had to keep taking advantage of the woman and so she reached out to grab Allison's legs and pull her away from the ropes. There she would attempt to lock Allison up in a figure four. Though she was generally weak, most of her power was concentrated in her legs and she hoped to at least do some damage to the Brit with this move, if she could even manage to lock it on. Thus far her attacks had done superficial damage at best and she needed a way to penetrate through Allison's steely defenses. The kick was a good start but Allison was like a mountain and Tatyina was merely a pickaxe. She needed to find some dynamite if she was going to tunnel through to the other side and achieve a victory.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:01 pm

Being dragged around by a girl half her size was even more humiliating. Allison shook her head and started to sit up just in time for Tatyina to lock on her figure 4. She hadn't even noticed her going for it.

As Tatyina squeezed, searing pain wracked Allison's body and she threw herself back down on the mat, slapping is with her palms and arching her back. Her eyes squeezed shut, her mouth opened and she moaned in pain. Her legs strained to resist, and while she was able to save her knee from any real damage, Tatyina had the right angle to work her ankle as well.

Sweat beaded on her forehead. This girl was deceptively good at what she did. Not content to lay back and take it, though, Allison sat up and reached for Tatyina's hair, looking to line up a punch if the girl was close enough.

The Mouseum


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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:13 pm

Tatyina had a look of concern on her face as she saw Allison's face contort in pain. "I'm sorry." She whispered as she wrenched Allison's ankle. "Please, just give up." She almost asked it, like it was a reasonable thing for Allison to do. Tatyina hated fighting and yet here she was. She hated inflicting pain on others and yet, it seemed like it was now her profession. She had abandoned her school friends, the ones she came here to protect. Or maybe, they abandoned her? She didn't really know. Slowly, suddenly, this place ended up becoming her world. One night, she woke up in a cold sweat and found that the AFW was all she had. It was strange, mysterious and confusing. She tried to fight it be fighting through it, by going through with these matches in her own way.

As she struggled with that and with the hold, she let out a yelp as her hair was tugged. She gasped and winced, pulling her head away to try and reduce the pain which only caused it to amplify. She saw Allison trying to line up a shot and released the hold and swung her head away. If Allison still threw the punch, she'd only glance Tatyina but otherwise, Allison would still have a commanding grip on the girl's hair.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:22 pm

Allison gripped Tatyina's hair so hard her knuckles were white. Still sitting down, she yanked hard on Tatyina's hair to pull in close. She grabbed the girl's far shoulder and pulled her around so that she faced away, and then wrapped her other arm around her neck, bending her head back and applying pressure to her throat. she was glad this girl was so light. It made manhandling her so much easier.

As she began to slip her legs around Tatyina's waist, she took a deep breath and looked over the girl's contorted body. "You're certainly creative in the ways you inflict pain for someone so reluctant." She said smoothly in Tatyina's ear. "You must be rather uncertain of your place here. Don't worry. That happens to be my area of expertise."

She linked her hands together and pulled, squeezing Tatyina's neck and bending it back, forcing her back to arch in the process while also squeezing with her powerful legs. "Don't worry, I'm not as sadistic as you are. I'll let you pass out before I break anything." She hissed with a hint of bitterness.

The Mouseum


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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:33 pm

Tatyina was pulled towards Allison roughly by the hair. She was tugged like a rag doll into Allison's waiting arms and then turned. She writhed around, trying to pry herself free, by pushing against the top of Allison's chest as she tried to turn her around. She couldn't let that happen and tried to grip onto Allison's outfit to keep her from doing so. She spread her legs out to hold her stance but her face was buried int Allison's neck. The crowd was getting particularly good show as Tatyina's skirt rode high up her thighs and exposed the tight fitting underwear underneath. Tatyina, however, was unaware of her predicament as she fought Allison for position.

Even with Tatyina's position, Allison was able to tear away her grip from the Brit's outfit and throw her off balance. She ended up in a vulnerable position and Allison's arms were soon wrapped around her throat. She gagged and bridged her legs but that only allowed Allison to slide under and secure her position from the bottom. Now she was trapped and forced to listen to Allison's taunting, the breath against her ear making her wince. She clenched her teeth and breathed through her nose. She heard Allison's words and her eyes widened. She was shocked at what she heard. Was she really the crueler of the two? Tatyina's finisher was the most humane way she could think of to end a match but Allison's determination and skill prevented her from locking on the sleeper hold. It wasn't like Tatyina wanted to break anything on Allison. She fretted, her mind raced and she shivered against Allison's body. Still, she had to come up with some way of breaking the hold!

Last edited by 445 on Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:55 pm

Allison took a moment to bear down and punish Tatyina's petite body by squeezing with everything she had, wrenching her spine and crushing her ribs. Then she took a breather, holding tight but not burning her muscles out.

"I won't even insult you by demanding that you submit to me so easily. I know you're much tougher than that. I'll bet this hold isn't even hurting you at all, with such a strong body as yours." She unclasped her hands and with her free arm she traced her fingers down the bare skin on Tatyina's sides to the waistband of her skirt.

She walked her fingers through the laces on the side, only touching the skin in between the strings, and curled her fingers under the hem of the skirt, tugging on it to lift it up a little bit. "And such confidence you have to wear such a bold outfit. Which do you enjoy more, hurting people, or flaunting your body to them?" She tugged a little harder and slipped one side of the skirt up over Tatyina's butt so that it was only bunched at her waist. With a soft, restrained laugh, she squeezed with her legs again, driving the air out of Tatyina's lungs.

The Mouseum


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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:12 pm

Tatyina's body strained as sweat glistened off of it. Her eyes were wide and frantic looking and she whimpered though her tightly closed mouth as her pale cheeks had been overtaken by a blush of pain, her eyes settled down into a slightly closed wince but they still darted around, feeling for an opening even as her spine was rattled with sharp blasts of pain and the tightness on her ribs made her feel claustrophobic in her own skin.

When Allison unclasped her arms, Tatyina let out an audible huff of air and relaxed against Allison's body, her back pushing into Allison's breasts as she heaved deeply to catch her breath. The other hand on her neck, still threatening Tatyina and making her quite wary of her predicament.

But then she felt Allison begin to trace down her body and she turned her head away in shame as her eyes closed even more, her cheeks reddening darkly. "Please don't..." She whispered as small indentations of pressure were made against the skin that could be seen between the threads in the side of the skirt. She'd never even thought about her attire. She was pretty sure her friend made it for her because it was supposed to be cute. Tatyina wouldn't have worn it otherwise, the way a little diamond exposed a bit of cleavage in her small but perky breasts, how her skirt was just low enough to leave things tot he imagination. She didn't mind showing off her powerful thighs but the rest seemed a bit unreasonable. Was it because everyone else dressed in this manner? She didn't know and as Allison teased her she really did wonder why she wore clothes like this or how she even was convinced to wear them int he first place.

"G-Gah!" Tatyina cried out in a voice that was just about at conversation level as she was squeezed again. With her skirt bunched up, the fans again were able to witness Tatyina's bare thigh and partial ass cheek along with the tight fitting gray underwear. She closed her eyes and sighed again. She spread her legs wider, blushing deeper as she knew she would be even more vulnerable. "What I'm wearing wouldn't be an issue if not for your actions." She said in an even voice. "And, your strength and skill have caused me to fight harder. This is a good match and you are a worthy opponent, if not slightly misguided." She couldn't budge on her morals and she couldn't let Allison try and grind her down. As she spoke, she began to try and push the girls backwards. With Tatyina on the ground and Allison's legs and arms occupied, Tatyiona was hoping to scoot them backwards and extend her arm enough to capture a rope break.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatyina Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:23 pm

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I'll try my best to act appropriately. This is a match, after all, it's just... I saw your face as you tortured my legs. I'm not totally confident that this will remain only a match, given your temperament."

When Tatyina extended her arm out to reach for the ropes, Allison abandoned her hold. She grabbed Tatyina's wrist, and while getting back to her feet she twisted it around to hold her in place. She lifted one foot up high and sent another sharp, cruel stomp down at Tatyina's back. She always made sure to hit the same spot every time, especially on the back.

The match was progressing nicely for Allison. The girl had fought enough that the crowd sincerely believed she could win. The cheap thrill she'd given the crowd a moment ago drew cheers and catcalls from the crowd, but she'd give them more of a show than that before she was done.

The Mouseum


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