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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
#1 contender

Tag Team Champions
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Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Hentai Champion
Bianca Garcia
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Iris Takahashi
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Arik Lezatiel

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Arik Lezatiel Empty Arik Lezatiel

Post by Arik_Lezatiel Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:43 am

[size=160:16twzuip]General Information


Name: Arik Lezatiel
Alias: Red
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Height: 5'10 (177.8cm)
Weight: 158lbs (71.6kg)
Origin: Northwestern United States
Alignment: Undecided
Entrance Music: N/A


[size=160:16twzuip]Combat Information


Combat Strategy: Defensive- wear out the opponent, take advantage when possible
Combat Style: Defensive, Submission, Power Moves
Combat Type: Defensive

Strength: +++
Defence: +++++
Endurance: +++
Speed: ++++
Technique: +++

Usual Attacks: Tends to strike only when attacked, in order to keep from giving his opponent too many openings to capitalize on. Rarely uses his feet to kick, instead preferring to utilize his fists instead. You could expect him to roll with attacks or to avoid altogether, while using his opponent's momentum to counterattack.
Usual Matches: Standard ring matches are his favorite. Dislikes, however, hardcore matches (despite being decent at them) due to the possibility of harming someone badly.

Strikes: ++
Submissions: ++++
Powerhouse: +++
Aerial: ++
Counter: ++++

Endurance: ++
Defence: +++
Arousement: ++
Technique: +++
Pacing: ++


[size=160:16twzuip]Attack information


[size=120:16twzuip]Favorite Attacks:

- Tornado DDT
- Spear
- Boston Crab

[size=120:16twzuip]Common Finishers:

- Armbar & Head Scissors
- Turnbuckle Spear
- Powerbomb

[size=120:16twzuip]Hentai Finisher:

- None Yet.

[size=120:16twzuip]Critical Finisher:

- Double-arm DDT: Hooks the opponent's head under his arm, hooks both of the opponent's arms behind his/her back, and drops back to hit the floor- with the opponent's head typically facing downward.


[size=160:16twzuip]Personal information:


[size=120:16twzuip]Wrestling Attire:
Simple black, dark blue, or dark green t-shirt and a pair of plain black tights with highlights of white, blue, or green along the seams.

The quiet type... literally. His actions definitely speak louder than his words, as he cannot actually speak (by choice) loudly. Because of this, he usually doesn't say anything at all- which has led to the rumor that he is mute. Not entirely accurate, but close enough that he lets people think it anyway. This made him little more than a jobber at his old place of work. Is generally a nice guy, however, but can sometimes be easy to anger if taunted about his vocal issues.

I'll be brief here, no one wants to read a life story unless it's in a book. Took up aikido at an early age, kept at it in classes until high school, but kept practicing outside of school anyway. Wrestling took over in high school and I graduated early. While in high school, I worked for a small wrestling organization, learning and setting up the rings, and afterwards while going to community college. Eventually, got my two year degree and got offered a jobber's position to get some more experience. Wound up wearing a mask for about the last year before being offered a position at Tension. Best thing? No need for a mask. That thing was starting to stink. Bad thing? Needs some new threads- my last gig didn't pay jobbers that well, despite scouts saying that I was one of the more talented of the bunch.

Pre-jobber days, on the other hand? Basically, I enjoyed watching wrestling of all sorts, ever since I can remember. I think I was about seven when Dad took me to a karate dojo, and from there I eventually wound up practicing Aikido after an assessment from my sensei told him that I would do well in that art. The guy knew what he was talkin' about, I guess, I've been practicing Aikido ever since. Even got me in trouble at school when I wound up defending myself and causing a few broken noses for various bullies during recess. At least I never dropkicked anyone during school hours. As I mentioned before, in high school, I wound up on the wrestling team. Never actually won too many times and I never won any titles or anything, but hell. I didn't come in last place either, and I was usually in the top ten at any meet I went to. Then I got the job at a small wrestling company, and that was about it. Bought some tights, shirts, and a mask, and that brings us up to where I left off earlier.

Not too exciting, huh?


[size=160:16twzuip]Additional information:

-Likes to cook, and was often the one chosen to whip up snacks and small meals at his previous job, when time allowed for it.
-Enjoys watching others' matches, but has never intruded on them.
-Is literate (speak and read) in Japanese and Spanish, but not fluent in either due to the need to keep others believe he cannot speak.

[size=120:16twzuip]Facts of :

[size=120:16twzuip]Likes: Sushi, anime, drawing, and training.

[size=120:16twzuip]Dislikes: Really loud music, closed in spaces (such as really small rooms. Wrestling maneuvers are ineffective in triggering his claustrophobia).

[size=120:16twzuip]Most Used Quotes: "..."

[size=120:16twzuip]General Status:

Friends: N/A

Allies: N/A

Rivals: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Crushes: N/A

Alliance: N/A

Last edited by 6079 on Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:18 pm; edited 5 times in total

[url=]Arik Lezatiel Arikicon.jpgArik Lezatiel: Tension[/url:2nn5bxd4][url=]Arik Lezatiel Minaicon.jpgMina Sashi: Friction[/url:2nn5bxd4]


Posts : 21
Join date : 2011-07-15

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Arik Lezatiel Empty Re: Arik Lezatiel, ex-jobber. Maybe.

Post by anegge Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:50 am

Yeah, the content is good. You can post in the wrestling forums now.

I don't know what made you think that using 20 different rank categories was a good idea though.

Well.,I think the dust has settled, any other skateboarders around here? - Sparkplug71

NEWS FLASH: the Archergurl who you speaking of is not part of AFW anymore and she's currently working in production for new game titles in Japan. I'm her Canadian friend who she gave her PC due to mines has crashed. She was nice enough to give it to me to help a friend in need. So she got a spared one that she uses for the things I've mention above. BTW, Anegge and Alexandra be sure to check the E-mail adresses carefully. As Archergurl and me aren't the same thing.

My wrestlers
Arik Lezatiel GXChUKwArik Lezatiel 1BElGMIArik Lezatiel UR8UylU

Posts : 2926
Join date : 2008-04-10

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Arik Lezatiel Empty Re: Arik Lezatiel, ex-jobber. Maybe.

Post by Arik_Lezatiel Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:53 am

You have a point there. I'll just delete the last five and that should be about the same as most of the bios I've read so far. Well, give or take, anyway.

And, done.

Last edited by 6079 on Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:54 am; edited 1 time in total

[url=]Arik Lezatiel Arikicon.jpgArik Lezatiel: Tension[/url:2nn5bxd4][url=]Arik Lezatiel Minaicon.jpgMina Sashi: Friction[/url:2nn5bxd4]


Posts : 21
Join date : 2011-07-15

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Arik Lezatiel Empty Re: Arik Lezatiel, ex-jobber. Maybe.

Post by anegge Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:02 am

[quote="Arik_Lezatiel":29215gpz]about the same as most of the bios I've read so far.

I seem to have found the problem. You've been reading awful bios.

Well.,I think the dust has settled, any other skateboarders around here? - Sparkplug71

NEWS FLASH: the Archergurl who you speaking of is not part of AFW anymore and she's currently working in production for new game titles in Japan. I'm her Canadian friend who she gave her PC due to mines has crashed. She was nice enough to give it to me to help a friend in need. So she got a spared one that she uses for the things I've mention above. BTW, Anegge and Alexandra be sure to check the E-mail adresses carefully. As Archergurl and me aren't the same thing.

My wrestlers
Arik Lezatiel GXChUKwArik Lezatiel 1BElGMIArik Lezatiel UR8UylU

Posts : 2926
Join date : 2008-04-10

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Arik Lezatiel Empty Re: Arik Lezatiel, ex-jobber. Maybe.

Post by Arik_Lezatiel Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:04 am

Could be. There have been quite a few with different basic templates... and then I did get confused between the two templates provided as well. Between the two issues, I don't doubt that I've been misled quite a bit.

[url=]Arik Lezatiel Arikicon.jpgArik Lezatiel: Tension[/url:2nn5bxd4][url=]Arik Lezatiel Minaicon.jpgMina Sashi: Friction[/url:2nn5bxd4]


Posts : 21
Join date : 2011-07-15

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Arik Lezatiel Empty Re: Arik Lezatiel

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