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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Alexandra Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:33 am

In that case, Dixie got back to her feet, she would stay in place. With Mika's legs still wrapped around her, she looked down, going to grab at her ankles with both her hands.

"L-let...ah...lemme go girl!" She shouted at Mika, trying to pull her legs completely loose from her.

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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Underdog21 Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:38 am

It didn't take much to loosen Mika's grip from around Dixie. Unlocking her ankles, Mika rolled back, hoping to get back to her feet, and doubly hoping that Dixie wouldn't hold onto her ankles. If Mika managed to roll back to her feet, she would take a step back, keeping her arms raised as she eyed Dixie carefully.



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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Alexandra Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:46 am

Dixie didn't hold Mika's ankles for long, just long enough to get them untangled from her waist. She stumbled forward away from Mika once she was free, turning back to her with her own arms raised. She put on a brave smirk, watching Mika just as closely, though she had an unsteady sway to her movements, as if even a stiff breeze could take her out.

The cowgirl took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as best as she could. She reached up with one hand, wiping a bit of dried blood from beneath her nose. Her bleeding had stopped, for now, a trail of dried, dark blood trailing down beneath her nose, over her lips and chin, a few drops of it splattered down across her chest. She glanced down at her bust, then back up at Mika, her smirk turning into a frown. She signed inwardly. Mika had really done a number on her, and she knew that she was finished. If she couldn't take Mika out with her next attack, and the masked, Japanese girl could turn things around once more, well...that would be the end for her, no doubt.

Finally she would start to move back towards Mika, raising her arms up into the air one more time with one approving nod at her opponent. She was inviting her in for one final lockup, one last meeting between the two to see who would finally end this match. Dixie knew her strength, her energy was pushed to it's limits, but she also knew that Mika wasn't doing much better. She hoped that Mika would accept her challenge, and the two of them could put this match to rest...

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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Underdog21 Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:03 am

Seeing Dixie motioning for a lockup, Mika nodded at her, raising her arms as she moved up to meet her. She could tell that Dixie wanted to end this in style, and Mika was happy to do so. The fact that Dixie was still kicking, even after everything she had been through, made Mika all the more enthusiastic about concluding this match. Win or lose, she had really enjoyed fighting Dixie.

Lunging in, Mika locked up with Dixie, grabbing the other girl's shoulders and pressing her forehead next to Dixie's neck as she pressed against her, putting her strength into the lockup as the tried to force the other girl back.



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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Alexandra Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:13 am

Dixie clamped onto Mika's shoulders, her hands like a pair of clamps upon the blonde's body as she began to press against her. Her leather boots dug into the mat, even as she took a step back from Mika. She drew in another deep breath, trying to stop the girl from pushing her back, trying to redouble her strength to make things harder on Mika.

"Aah....AAAAAH!" She suddenly screamed, exerting a sudden burst of energy. She pushed even harder against Mika, trying not to push her back, but instead down, trying to force her down to her knees before her.

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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Underdog21 Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:34 pm

Mika was pushing and straining against Dixie, stunned that the Texan still had so much strength after such a tiring match. The two of them were sweating now as they pushed and twisted against each other, the crowd cheering as the two blondes grappled in what seemed to be the climax of the match.

Suddenly, Dixie gave a yell and surged forward. "Nnnnnnh!" Mika suddenly found herself being shoved back, nearly losing her balance. Her boots slid against the mat, and she dropped down to her knees. Closing her eyes, she fought back as best she could, leaning against Dixie to to hold her back, her head positioned against her chest. Mika was breathing heavily now, straining as she fought to keep Dixie from overpowering her.

Whatever surge of newfound strength Dixie was riding on, however, it was too powerful to keep back. Mika suddenly cried out as she was unbalanced completely, toppling onto her back under Dixie, grunting as she hit the mat.



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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Alexandra Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:45 pm

As Dixie felt Mika drop to her knees, she felt another brief surge of adrenaline rush through her. This was it! She had managed to overpower Mika, she just had to end this now. Right here, and right now, before the girl could get another wave of energy like Dixie did and turn things back around once more!

She kept pushing against her, her body glowing with a bright sheen, her entire form covered in sweat from the great effort Mika was forcing her to put forth. She let out another moan as she felt Mika's head pushing against her chest, an almost sensual sound, but she wouldn't let that distract her. She kept pushing against Mika, holding the girl fully at bay against her...

...until Mika finally went down, landing on her back before her. Blonde or not, Dixie was no fool, and she knew this was her big chance. Leaning down, the cowgirl grabbed for both of Mika's strong, thick legs, going to tuck them beneath her armpits, staring desperately at the girl from Japan the entire time.

"It's over!" She cried out at Mika, her voice full of disbelief as it she couldn't believe her words herself. She drew in one more deep, heavy breath, then she would lean sharply backwards, trying to catapult Mika's form right over herself! It was the first part of her finisher, the infamous Dixie Buster, and she only hoped that Mika would be stunned enough from this catapult for her to be able to finish the attack...

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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Underdog21 Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:22 pm

When she fell down onto her back, Mika had expected the exhausted Dixie to topple down with her. To her surprise, however, Dixie not only stayed on her feet, but was quickly able to wrap her arms around her legs. Her eyes widened underneath her mask. She knew what was coming next.

Gasping, she tried to kick herself free. The next thing she knew, however, Dixie dropped down sharply, catapulting Mika upwards! She cried out in alarm as she went flying through the air, before crashing down onto her front. Although her breasts had cushioned her fall, she still moaned as she lay stunned on the mat. She was dimly aware that Dixie still had a grip on her legs...



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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Alexandra Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:28 pm

...a grip that Dixie did not plan on relinquishing!

That catapult had taken a lot out of her, had drained what little was left from her dying reserves. Still though, she had to complete the Dixie Buster. She had to end this.

As Mika hit the mat, Dixie would quickly move back with her legs, readjusting herself so that she was now standing atop of Mika, bending her legs back into a Texas Cloverleaf hold. With what little strength she had left, she pulled back on those strong legs of Mika's, leaning back into the hold, putting up as much pressure as she could muster onto them...

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Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~ - Page 10 Empty Re: Dixie Clemets vs. Rainbow Mika ~The Cowgirl Returns~

Post by Underdog21 Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:32 pm

Mika cried out as her legs were twisted back painfully, sending a jolt of pain surging up her spine. Her head lay against the mat as she closed her eyes, trying her best to shut out the pain. She pressed her palms against the mat and tried to push, twisting her blue-clad body as she desperately tried to pull free from the hold or ease the agony on her back. Nothing worked. Dixie had the hold locked in tightly, and she wasn't going to be letting go any time soon.

Turning, her forehead pressed against the mat as she gritted her teeth, she tried to dig her elbows into the mat, hoping to drag them both towards the ropes. If she couldn't do that, though, then she knew it was only a matter of time before she was forced to give...



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