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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Dynamo44 Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:47 am

Hentai Last Girl Standing Match

Rules: Anything goes, No DQ, and winner will be decided when one girl can't stand up for 10 seconds.

The arena was filled with wild and crazy fans as they waited for this match to begin. It was going to be a good one since it will feature a veteran against a newbie.

The crowd suddenly grew silent when a black cat started to walk in from the back to the first fourth of the walkway. The entire arena didn't know what to think, since most believed that a black cat is a sign of bad luck. Sitting upright, it started licking its paw in a very cute way which made many girls want to get at it. However, when one hand tried to reach for it, it would hiss quite defensively and the people were taken back.

Suddenly, a puff of black smoke bursted out of the place the cat was sitting and surrounded it. No one could see where the cat was, but only a pair of shining eyes. As soon as the smoke clears, there sitting upright in the cat's place was a black-haired girl with cat-like ears. She wore a black lingerie outfit consisting of a shirt showing her stomach, panties, and black toeless socks. And as soon as she hissed again, Jessica Simpson's "La La" began.

And just like the cat, she walked on all fours again to the ring. She kept up her sex appeal to all the men who she passed by and they started to drool like dogs. Then when the chorus came in, she stood up and started to dance in a seductive way which got the men panting for more. Once she got to the top rope, she would flip up and keep her balance as she got to the center of the ring. Once inside, she sat like a cat again and licked her paw while waiting for her opponent to arrive.

Last edited by 971 on Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:51 am; edited 1 time in total

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Tatyina Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:47 pm

Minny Navarre was nervous backstage.She had frantically protested the choice of match she was given. She didn't even really understand it, but she heard the word Hentai and that was enough to reject it. It was a tough time for the backstage people to convince her that it just meant she had to wear sexy pajamas while she wrestled. After much thought and consideration, she thought that wasn't too bad.

With a nervous sigh, she tugged at her nightie, tastefully long so that it almost stretched to her knee and not see through in the least. The straps were thin but not spaghetti and it hung low enough to just cover up her already modest bust, allowing anyone who might peek at her to only see some cleavage if she bent over.

When [url=]her music[/url:39gnd20v] started up, she stuttered and nervously poked herself out onto the stage. She shuddered as the crowd cheered. Not raucous, but grateful to see the cutie underdog in something that was adorable. Her legs bowed and she wobbled down the ramp. Minney had been in many matches and was mostly outclassed every time so she had a loyal fan base of people who both cheered for her to finally get a victory or to see her losing streak continue in dramatic fashion, hopefully Cougra being the next to be able to break the kawaii cutie.

As Minney climbed into the ring and looked over her opponent, she bowed to her. "Ah.. um... I'm sorry!" She squeaked. "That we have to wear these clothes. I.. hope we can still have a good match though!"

Minney stepped forward an offered her hand to Cougra. "M-my name is Minny, Minney Navarre! Nice to meet you!"

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Dynamo44 Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:23 pm

Black Cougra sat there licking her paw as she continued to wait for her opponent. She was enjoying the love and cheer that she's receiving from the men, especially those who were growling like cats and howling like dogs. She looked cutely at them like a kitten, but inside her was a black mischievous and greedy heart that loves to take men out on a date only to swipe them of their money. But luckily, they don't know it yet.

Suddenly, she heard another song start up and she turned to see who her opponent is. Hopefully, she'll be a challenging, but sexy, girl that she will have the pleasure to pleasure. She then raised an eyebrow when she saw Minney coming down the walkway. She seemed to chuckle as she thought, "What on Earth? SHE is the one I'm going to face? You have GOT to be kidding me! Going out to fight in THAT outfit? A nightie is SO out of style in my taste." She even watched as Minney climbed over to the ropes. Sorry? Sorry for what? This is a hentai match so we DO have to wear these clothes! Man, this girl has a lot to learn. Ah well, I'll just play nice for a while with her before she experiences how it's done."

The cat would accept and shake Minney's hand and say with a smile. "Nice to meet you too, Minney. My name's Black Cougra, but you can call me Cougra for short. Ooh, you're looking quite snazzy today. Is that a new nightie? Goes well with your eyes. Look, just don't worry about your clothes and let's just have fun with it."

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Tatyina Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:36 am

Minney smiled as Cougra took her hand and gave it a shake. She smiled and blushed at the compliment, turning her head. "Ah... er.. um, yes..." She muttered and brightened up. "Yes!" She said with more cheer. "It's a new nightie because... well I don't own one regularly!" She stuck her tongue out and poked her head with her her finger, turning her finger like a key before giggling.

She then blinked a few times and blushed deeper. "C-Cougra-chan!" She exclaimed. "Y-You don't need to be so kind! y-you're so kawaii too!" She boasted and grinned at Cougra. She then nodded. "Yes! Yes, let's have fun!" She said. "I still don't know why they made us dress like this though!" She exclaimed and trotted back to her corner as she waited for the bell to ring. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad rolling around with Cougra would be fun after all. Suddenly she was feeling relaxed as the bell clanged.

She stepped forward and spread her legs, raising her hand and putting on a cute, determined face as she offered her hands for a test of strength, giggling again as she stalked towards Cougra.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Dynamo44 Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:01 am

Cougra smiled and also giggled at Minney's saying that she doesn't own a nightie regularly. "So I see." This girl was beginning to trust her and the cat thought, "Hmm, this is going along much easier than I expected. I wonder how long this'll keep up before she knows who I really am."

Cougra also smiled at Minney's compliment of being so kawaii and replied, "Why thank you! I do my best." Soon she got to her own corner and relaxed a bit as she waited for the bell to ring. "Just take it easy on her, cat. Soon, she'll be yours and she won't be able to stop you." The bell started ringing and she got her back off of the corner and headed to Minney who was already preparing for her.

"A test of strength? OK, I better go easy." Putting her hands out forward, she would grasp hands with Minney and use her legs to support her strength. At this point, she would try to hold her ground against her opponent.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Tatyina Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:56 pm

Minney bit her lip as she felt Cougra's fingers slip between her own. She was still nervous even when it came to simple lock ups, but Cougra seemed to be helping her out and that made her feel a little easier. When she felt tension, she pushed forward, cutely grunting from her spot. Instead of sliding a leg back to get a stable base, she leaned in, trying to push Cougra back with her weight more than with her strength.


She squeaked and looked at Cougra.

"Y-you're pretty strong, Cougra-chan!" She said with a bright smile on her face even as she tried to push Cougra back.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Dynamo44 Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:27 pm

Cougra held hands with Minney and went a little simple since she thinks that the other girl could be weaker than her. She chuckled in her mind over the thought and didn't want Minney to know about it. However her thoughts might have been a little too distracting 'cause now the other girl started to push her back even more. She nearly fell backwards but still maintained her stance after a few steps back.

"RRGH!" She growled as she tried to hold her ground, but it may be getting weaker if she doesn't keep her head in the game. However, she would smile back at Minney for her hard efforts.

"You're not that bad yourself, Minney." Cougra still wondered though how good Minney really is. After all, she may not be as weak at first thought.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

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Join date : 2010-04-14

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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Tatyina Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:39 am

Minney was surprised that she actually was able to push Cougra backwards. She was leaning forward, her feet planted against the mat and her body at a forty five degree angle. She really couldn't believe it but Cougra's own words of confidence made her heart race and bolstered her confidence, spurring her into further actuion.

She grunted cutely and brought her left leg forward and planted it hard on the ground and arched her back, bending upwards, unknowingly trying to get the better leverage over Cougra. She felt her hands wobble, the strain of her mighty pushing was becoming exerting and her hands, intertwined with Cougra's began to try and fall to her sides. If Cougra didn't prop her up, Minney would stumble and at her position, her face would be heading straight for the spot between Cougra's breasts.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Dynamo44 Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:20 am

Cougra continued to push her way to maintain her stance, but due to her previous near-fall, she struggles to keep up. She's beginning to lose her footing as Minney was getting better leverage. Suddenly, the other girl's pushing led her hands to be on the cat's sides. Cougra's eyes grew wide as she looked down and seemed upset. "Hey! What are you-AAAYIIIEE!" She couldn't finish her sentence when she finally lost her footing and fell hard on her butt. "OHFF!"

She groaned as she tried to loosen her grip on Minney's hands and rub them a little to relieve the pain, but that wasn't the only thing she had to worry about. She soon saw Minney's face on her breasts and screamed out loud and yelled, "GET OFF ME, YOU LITTLE PERVERT!" With her face all red from anger and embarassment, she would try to push the other girl off of her.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare Empty Re: Black Cougra vs. Minney Navare

Post by Tatyina Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:03 pm

Minney was shocked as Cougra screamed at her but as she tumbled forward, there was nothing she could do but squeak in surprised. She wasn't expecting to be able to knock over Cougra and when they fell, she was even MORE surprised! She couldn't flail her arms even as she fell and she fell with a cute grunt against Cougra's chest. She groaned and tried to push off, freeing her hand as she tried to push up, Shaking her head and letting her hand fall against one of Cougra's buds unwittingly.


Minney suddenly yelped and she was shoved off Cougra. She looked at the girl apologetically and shook her head.

"S-Sorry!" She exclaimed. "I-I'm not a pervert, I swear! It was an accident" She waved her hands in front of her and scooched away from Cougra on her butt to try and get some distance between them.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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