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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Taming a savage girl

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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by Kitten Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:10 pm

Natalia got what she wanted, Sabre begging, but definitively not the way she wanted. The emotional storm that took over the voluptuous cavegirl was shocking to say the list. Yet Natalia had experience, more than she would have liked too, with these kind of things. She had known more than a few emotionally scarred people and she could sense Sabre may just be one. She immediately began to caress Sabre more gently, more sensually and less dominating, she even slid her body down a bit to seem less threatening, hugging Sabre's slim waist and kissing the cavegirl's tits softly. "I am not going to take your mask, Sabre-chan..." Natalia said trying to calm Sabre while she kept landing soft kisses right in the middle Sabre's delicious bosom.

Natalia pushed Sabre's legs apart gently, and lowered her body even more, rubbing her tits up and down Sabre's tummy and then lower, letting one of her tits to press against the cavegirl's mound, letting Sabre feel against her pussy how hard Natalia's nipples were. Natalia kisses moved down to Sabre's sexy toned belly, and The Dream took her time to kiss the girl's abs and swirl her tongue inside the cavegirl's belly button. "... but maybe...maybe she wants to play too..." Natalia said carefully while treating Sabre's body with the most tender sensual caresses. "....who is she?"

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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by Darius Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:35 am

It was at the moment that Natalia had nearly achieved perfect dominance over Sabre that the door to the shower room would be kicked open with a loud crash.

"Hands off my fucking cavegirl!!" Friction champ Sarah Gatt screamed standing in the destroyed doorway, pointing an accusing finger at Natalia, looking mad as all holy hell. There was a reason Sarah was so angry. Natalia had her grubby mits all over Sarah's property. The Queen of Brawl had seen the whole fight transpire between Natalia and Sabre, and had been enjoying the beating her cavegirl had been laying down on the Dream. But it was to her complete surprise that Natalia had turned the match around, defeating Sabre in a stunning upset. It was then Sarah watched Sabre get dragged off as Natalia's prize for winning, and without a second thought Sarah had went after them. And so after kicking down the doors to a dozen different rooms that wrestlers could fool around in she had finally arrived at the one where her captive primitive was being held.

Snarling at the sight before her Sarah stormed into the shower room, heading straight for Natalia. Hoping to catch the Dream off guard with what was happening Sarah would attempt to grab a handful of Natialia's hair, and using that try to rip her off of Sabre and slam her up against the wall of the shower stall. If she managed that Sarah would immediately lift her knee up for a devastating lowblow into Natalia's crotch.

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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by Kitten Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:05 pm

Natalia was so enthralled with dominating the deliciously sexy Sabre that when Sarah broke into the place she was completely freaked out. She was startled and completely caught of guard when Sarah jumped on her. "Heeeeey! OUGHHHH!" Natalia whined as she was pulled off Sabre by the hair. It took a couple of seconds for The Dream to realize who was her attacker and that surprised her even more; she had no idea what the fuck Sarah had to do in all this. Then again Sarah was well known for attacking random people. "Let me go!" Natalia protested as her hands went to grab Sarah's wrists trying to free her luscious hair from the thug's grip... but Sarah had no intention of letting go.

"ughh!" the blue-eyed cutie moaned as she was slammed into the shower wall and then she let out a high pitched wail when her pussy was hammered with a knee. Aroused from all she was doing with Sabre until Sarah interrupted, The Dream's sex was extremely sensitive and that made the treacherous low blow hurt ten times more. Natalia's lovely blue eyes filled with tears and she slid down along the shower wall to the tiles floor, holding her sex with both hands and she sobbed.

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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by Darius Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:29 pm

As Sarah's knee withdrew from Natalia's sex, which was quite moist she notced angrily, she came to glare down at the girl as she writhed in pain at the Queen of Brawl's feet, clenching her fists furiously. The Dream had crossed a line when she had taken Sabre backstage as if the cavegirl belonged to her. She obviously had not known that Sarah was Sabre's keeper, which meant that the cavegirl belonged to Sarah, and that meant that she wasn't about to let slutty sex fiends like Natalia take advantage of her loyal pet.

Not through with Natalia even as she went down whimpering Sarah would grab twohandfuls of the girl's hair. "Get up, you fucker!" Sarah shouted, using Natalia's hair to drag her to her feet, and once she was up Sarah would clamp one hand around Natalia's sex and the other on her shoulder, and with a grunt of effort would heave the girl up into the air above the Queen of Brawl's head for an impressive gorrilla. press.

Displaying her strength for a brief second Sarah would take Natial in her arms and point her towards the outside of the shower stall, and with a heave of effort Sarah would attempt to throw Natalia like a missle straight to the hard tiled floor outside.

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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by hamish1024 Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:53 pm

Sabre had felt hopelessly vulnerable, but that started to soften a little as Natalia had switched to a more gentle tone, caressing her supine body, gentle kisses heading downwards. The cave girl gasped as she felt the Dream press her breast between her legs, making her moan in appreciation.

“Nngghh… uhhhhh…. Well….” the groaning Sabre was putty in Natalia’️s hands, but still wondering how she was going to deal with the brunette’️s awkward questions.

Then everything happened at once. The door burst open and Natalia was plucked from her dominant position; Sabre instinctively knew it was Sarah before she even saw the red hair or heard that familiar voice. She was shocked; relieved too, though a part of the cave girl felt really embarrassed at having Sarah see her in such a vulnerable position. Of course she had no qualms about her moist pussy being on full display in front of her keeper; that she’️d been forced into this compromising position on someone else’️s terms was the shameful part.

A smash, a scream, and some sobbing let Sabre know that the tables had well and truly been turned on Natalia. Her red eyes widened as the sexy brunette was flung from the shower stall, and she began to almost pout… there went her hopes of enjoying the Dream’️s tongue again…

Sabre would shake her head, trying to ignore the unfamiliar pang of pity she was unexpectedly feeling. She needed to recover some pride now, and would slowly start to drag her aching, dominated body from the shower floor, instinctively wanting to be strong enough to back Sarah up, even though that seemed entirely unnecessary right now.

Lorelei - Envy - Akane


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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by Kitten Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:58 pm

Natalia had no idea why Sarah was attacking her. Then again Sarah wasn't the kind of person that needed a reason to attack others. She was nothing but a brutish thug, at least in Natalia's book, but The Dream had never felt personally threatened by Gatt. Something about what Sarah said made Natalia suspect this was more than just random violence, that it had to do with Sabre. Yet Natalia didn't had much chance to think about this things because it was really hard to think in so much pain and when she was being lifted up overhead. "LET ME GO!" Natalia demanded, but when Sarah just did that the blue eyed cutie realized it hadn't been such a good idea. "Ougghhh!" Natalia groaned as she was slammed on the cold tile floor, luckily she managed to put her arms in the way and rolled with the hit to avoid taking too much damage, still her elbow ended up scraped.

Despite the pain and the exhaustion, Natalia's body was pumped with adrenaline; she knew very well what a bad idea would it be to stay on the floor with a rabid punk like Sarah preying on her, so she rolled away trying to put some distance between herself and the treacherous brawler to then push herself up despite her shaky legs. Natalia stood up, holding her scrapped elbow grimacing in pain and anger. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" she yelled at Sarah.

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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by Darius Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:20 pm

As easily as she would throw a football Sarah flung Natalia from the shower stall and onto the cold tiles outside, watching as she hit the ground hard in a heap. But Sarah wasn't donewith the Dream yet. Already she could see her start to stand up, and if she could stand up then Sarah wasn't doing her job right. The brawler scowled, and would then wuickly remove her jacket, slipping out of it toreveal her toned arms and back. She saw Sabre was trying to recover from her ordeal, dragging her nude body from the stall. THe very sight caused fierce anger to rise up in the Queen of Brawl. Natalia had pciked the wrong girl to be kinky with.

As Natalia stood up and screamed at Sarah the Friction champ would take her now removed jacket and toss it on the Dream's head, trying to distract her long enough for Sarah ro march up to her and deliver a fiercely powerful uppercut straight into her stomach. If this stunned her like Sarah planned, the Queen of Brawl would next scoop the girl off her feet and lift her high into the air, before she would abruptly throw her down onto her awaiting outstretched knee backfirst for a brutal backbreaker.

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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by Kitten Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:00 pm

Natalia stood up there, trembling and barely staying on her feet, more out of sheer will that strength; The Dream knew this was probably the worse time to have to deal with Sarah, who had caught her with her pants down, literally. She watched Sarah take off her jacket and throw it at her face, a trick Natalia had used a couple of times before, so The Dream was not surprised at all; she caught it in the air and threw it away, but still the motion made the jacket block her vision for a split second that seemed to be all Sarah needed to close the distance between them. Maybe if Natalia hadn't been so worn out from fighting and playing with Sabre she would have been able to avoid Sarah, but in this condition she could barely react at all.

"Uuuggggghhhh!" Natalia groaned, her lovely blue eyes opening wide as her face twisted in a rictus of pain. Sarah fist dug deep into her toned abs and sexy belly, knocking all but the faintest of air from The Dream's body, and as the blue-eyed cutie began to double over, feeling her legs giving away, Sarah lifted her up. Natalia panicked as her feet left the canvas and Sarah once again showed her power by lifting her up high, only to slam her down immediately... but before Natalia's body touched the tiles under her, the small of The Dream's sexy back landed on Sarah's knee. Natalia screeched in agony as her body bent horribly over Sarah's knee. Luckily for Natalia, she was extremely flexible, which allowed her supple body to arch in a way that would surely made less flexible people end with a broken spine. The pain felt like an electric jolt running up and down her spine and spreading all in waves all over her body, and after the shock a numbing sensation started to overwhelm her.

The Dream had to struggle to stay conscious, her limps hanging down limp as her naked soaked wet body remained splayed over Sarah's knee like a human sacrifice over an altar. Natalia blinked, her blurry vision staring, upside down, in Sabre's direction, almost like begging for help.

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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by hamish1024 Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:15 am

Sabre found her feet and was drawing herself up to her full height, just in time to watch Natalia get hoisted up in Sarah’️s arms. In a way it was weird to watch, the sexy brunette having gone from erotic domination to hapless rag-doll in a matter of seconds, and it hardly seemed fair… but fairness wasn’️t really an issue any more for any of these girls.

The masked fighter looked on as Sarah delivered the killer blow, an astonishingly brutal backbreaker onto her upturned knee. Sabre wanted to smile as she saw the move she herself loved to dish out, but then she saw the agonised, pleading look on Natalia’️s inverted, tortured features.

With the air of someone forced into an important choice, Sabre slowly ran a hand across her chin, staring down hard at the bent body of the Dream. The naked cave girl took a few steps forward and looked up at her keeper.

“Sorry, Sarah,” she grunted impassively. Without looking down, Sabre raised her foot, then stamped it down hard onto Natalia’️s upturned belly. “Thanks for coming to get me,” she added, grinding her foot down hard into the brunette’️s exposed abs, leaving the Dream brutally trapped between knee and foot of the two larger wrestlers.

Sabre then stepped back, kneeling down to look Natalia in the eye. “You think you number one hunter, leopard girl? You forget, true predators can hunt in packs!” Sabre linked her hands and raised her fists to deliver a final axe handle smash to the helpless victim‘s gut.

Lorelei - Envy - Akane


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Taming a savage girl - Page 3 Empty Re: Taming a savage girl

Post by Darius Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:34 pm

Sarah loved using the backbreker for several reasons. For one thing she loved the way it could quite literally break someone with the proper amount of force. Fortunately for Natalia Sarah was not quite angry enough to break her spine across her knee. Not yet anyway. Relishing in the scream that emitted from Natalia's lips Sarah was about to prepare the next brutal move on the Dream, far from done punihsing her. But it was then Sabre came up to her, much to Sarah's surprise. She did not think the cavegirl had enough in her to walk. THen again, Sarah remembered just how tough Sabre could be at times.

When the cavegirl apologized Sarah was about to speak until the stomp came down on Natailia's stomach. Sarah vlinked in surprise. then her lips curled into an approving smile. "Don't worry about it," Sarah chuckled as Sabre ground her foot down on Natalia's belly. "It's my job. I'm your keeper, aren't I? Can't be having my girl getting raped."

After Sabre delivered the axe-handled blow to the Dream's stomach Sarah decided that this was an activity the two of them could share together. Grinning at the prospect, Sarah would grab a handful of Natalia's hair and peel her off her knee, hauling her to her feet by it. "Up and at em', perv," Sarah chcukled, and would then trap Natalia in a full nelson, immobolizing both her arms and leaving her quite vulnerable. "Take your best shot, Sabre," Sarah said with a grin. "Or take several. She's not going anywhere...."

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