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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by TiefBlau Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:27 am

Heather would let out a frustrated groan as the girl would laugh at her, sitting atop her face like she was. The position was incredibly humiliating, and the fact that she was taunting her and belittling her while she was doing it was making it that much worse. Heather was fuming inside and she wanted to lash out at the girl badly, but as of right now she was in quite the rough position.

Heather would shut her eyes tightly as she heard the girl's next words, starting to feel lightheaded when suddenly Rei would lift her head off the ground and sit back, allowing her to breathe. Heather would take a gasp of fresh air, though she was being set up for quite the move, without herself being in quite the right mind to realize as much.

Soon though, she would feel herself trapped in the triangle choke, her eyes widening from the feeling. "Gaack!!" Heather would let out in the complicated submission, her arms waving around in a panic as she would try her hardest to connect a fist with Rei's side.


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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by Oathkeeper Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:22 am

Rei grunted hard as heather's fist hammered against her ribcage causing her to wince in pain. "Guh!" The cosplay fighter groaned as she shut one of her eyes as she hissed in pain. Not willing to take any more blows from this position, Rei would loosen the triangle hold and swung her leg around so the back of her knee was at Heather's throat while the other leg was across Heather's stomach. Grabbing her opponent's wrist with both hands she would would use her legs to push Heather onto her back. As Rei would transition from a triangle choke to an armbar rather easily. "How about this!" Rei said as she tried to crank Heather's arm using it as a fulcrum to really put some pressure on her opponent's elbow joint.

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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by TiefBlau Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:38 pm

Stuck in the triangle choke that Rei had locked on, Heather was doing her best to try and find a way to escape, not wanting to let the girl have her way with her submissions. She would continue to strike at her side, trying her hardest to get her to release the hold before she would finally feel her loosen it. However, just as Heather was going to capitalize on her release, she would feel the girl instead quickly turn the triangle choke into an armbar, wrenching at her arm, causing Heather to grit her teeth and groan out.

"Aagh...D-damnit! Just let me the hell go!" She would let out in frustration, punching hard and frantically at the girl's thighs with her free arm.


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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:09 pm

Rei grunted as the girl began hammering at her thighs having no choice, the cosplay fighter would release Heather's arm and would kick her away with her feet afterwards not hard but, to get the girl to roll away from her as she would do the same and scramble onto her feet. The girl was somewhat satisfied as she had manged to get her opponent in a few submission as it boosted her already high confidence in her abilities. Rei would then grin and push her back against the ropes waiting for Heather to rise to her feet as she would up her arm as she made small circles with her wrists loosening up her shoulder.

"Supppeerrrr LArriiiaaaatt!" Rei yelled as she ran at Heather as if announcing an attack in anime.

Rei would scream this as she would then trip over her shoes lace that had loosened and fall flat on her face with a loud thud. This was Rei Tomizawa... talented, strong, skilled, had heart but was a complete and utter idiot.

"Ohhh...." Rei groaned as that had hurt her... a lot

Last edited by 863 on Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by TiefBlau Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:17 pm

With Rei finally releasing her flurry of submission holds, Heather would be pushed into the ropes. Causing her to get up onto one knee, rubbing and shaking her arm from the pain. She would breathe deeply in and out, trying to help her circulation to keep the blood pumping through her before she would continue to push herself up. She had to get back at Rei and she had to do it immediately. The girl had done too much damage to her, and Heather needed to come back.

As she got to her feet though, she would hear Rei yell out, causing Heather's eyes to widen before she would step back and brace herself, getting her arms up in preparation. As Rei charged towards her, Heather was going to try and counter her move but she would watch as the girl would suddenly trip over her laces, falling flat on her face. Heather would blink a couple times, staring on in disbelief before she would put her hand to her mouth, holding her stomach.

Soon she would burst out into laughter, unable to stop herself as she shook her head. "Hahaha! Seriously!? Super Lariat and then that? Aah that's too much really." Heather would let out, laughing all the way as she would walk over to Rei, shaking her head. "Let me show you a submission hold." She would let out, grinning as she would try to sit on Rei's lower back, trying to lean forward and wrap her arms around Rei's neck, looking to pull her back with her modified rear naked choke finisher, Rightfully Mine


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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:33 pm

Rei groaned as she would begin to pick her face off the floor as she titled her head up to look at Heather laughing at her, the girl blushed at her little tumble but, as the girl got to her emblows and knees, Heather would flaten her out by sitting on her back and feeling the modified rear naked choke securing around her neck. "Uh!" Rei instantly recognized the choke, her eyes widened with fear and began tugging on Heather's arm as her legs began kicking the mat wildly.

"No... No!" Rei cried a she hated this submission with a passion, she had been put to sleep by her rival Toshimi Minami countless times through the rear naked choke in the WAS league.

Heather would watch as Rei would struggle so desperately to escape, the girl would begin to shake her head and squirm as she beat the mat furiously with her legs. However, Heather had the hold in tight and this variation was deadlier than the original choke making it harder to escape. Heather being in complete control would actually have no problems with securing the hold.

"Get off me! So, I can kick your ass!" Rei cried expending more useless energy by wriggling around.

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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by TiefBlau Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:40 pm

"Uhhh..No thank you, I think I'll pass." Heather would let out at Rei's demanding words as she locked her in her finishing hold. It was perfect. Heather hadn't ended many matches with this, and it was a big showing that she wasn't only a high flyer, she could perform these types of moves just as well as anyone else could.

Planting her feet on the ground, Heather would pull back with all she had, really trying to put on all the pressure she could on the girl. "Give up Rei! Give...up!" Heather would let out, trying to put an end to the match right here. Adding to the hold, Heather would slip one arm out, keeping the rear naked choke locked in with just one arm as she would bring her hand to Rei's breast, trying to squeeze it hard with a claw hold.


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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:58 pm

"No!" Rei said shaking her head as her opponent asked her to give in. Like hell, she would be defeated in her own area of expertise, she wouldn't let it happen! The girl absolutely refused to be submitted here as she gave a large cry as Heather clawed at her breast viciously. The girl would cry out in pain but, she had so little air left it was barely audible to Heather. Her eyes watering as she fought losing her subconciousness and the pain of her back not to mention Heather's savage assault on her chest. Rei's struggles did not cease though as useless as it was as Heather's neck would choke Rei into submission.

"Kuso!" Rei cursed under her breath as her hand formed into a fist slamming the ring floor out of anger.

"No...I won't be BEATEN!" Rei gave a loud growl as she forced herself onto her hands and knees and would pounce forward as she slammed herself back onto her front. Giving a loud animalistic growl, she got up again on all fours and drove herself forever, eyes wide with crazed determination as her breaths grew shorter and shorter. Rei hissed as she was till 3 feet short of the rope.

Last edited by 863 on Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by TiefBlau Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:03 pm

"Yes! It's useless!! Just give up!!" Heather would let out as she kept pulling back further and further on the girl. As she added in the breast claw, she was sure that Rei would give in right there, but the girl just kept pushing. It was quite impressive how much she was willing to go through and withstand as she continued to fight against Heather, though her struggles weren't altering the submission much. Heather knew if she made the girl pass out she wouldn't win, but she couldn't just let go of the submission for that reason either.

Soon though, her eyes would widen as Rei would push herself up a bit before pouncing forward, bringing herself closer to the ropes. Heather would blink a couple times before gritting her teeth, shaking her head. "Hell no! I'm not gonna let you break it!" She would yell out, squeezing her arm a bit more as she continued to pull back, really digging her fingers into the girl's breast, sweat building on her face as she couldn't believe Rei's determination.


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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:14 pm

Rei with great difficulty began to get onto all fours again as her vision began to fade, groaning she felt her opponent's fingers did into her breast causing her great pain and her body to wtitch with pain, eyes closing as she felt her strength leave her as her vision grew a lot darker. She drove herself againslanding hard onher side as she reached forward, her vision was so gone that she couldn't even see the rope, her body so weak she couldn't stretch out hear with ease, it was very difficult. With so little blood circulating to her head, she couldn't think or function properly. Pressing on till every last ounce of strength had been spent from her small body, she reached forward and grapsed the rope.

Finally, Rei's hand grabbed at the rope but, it would slowly began slide off of it and fell lifelessly on the mat. As Rei's head fell forward as her eyes were closed and her breaths were slowed. She fell unconscious at the hands of Heather. Rei would just groan in her pain as she was unaware of what was happening.

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Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland - Page 3 Empty Re: Rei Tomizawa vs Heather Sunderland

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