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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:35 am

Match Type- Standard EBF (Erotic Boxing Federation) Match
Objective- The objective of the match is to get as many falls before the time limit runs out
Fall- A fall is scored when a contestant has orgasmed after she has been knocked down
Time Limit- 40 Minutes (60 Posts)

Winner can punish the loser as she sees fit

EBF- Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand

"It's time for our main event of the evening! A very special bout between former fighters from the Japanese league known famously as The Wrestle Angels! Introducing first..."

Gulping down her anxiety, Chizuru stood ready to make her first entrance into a boxing ring. The Brunette had never once set foot into a boxing ring before though they were nearly identically similar to a pro wrestling ring. This match was against Megumi Muto but, would take place in a different organization other than AFW. EBF was a step down from AFW in terms of popularity and notoriety but, it wasn't just some low level boxing league either. They were quite infamous for their erotic implications to the sport.

" The German Suplex Bombshell! Chizuru Nagahara!"

Hearing her theme begin to play, the brunette walked down the boxing ramp with all the courage she could muster. Chizuru wore a blue boxing robe over her beautiful naked body. Chizuru had a bombshell body, she had one of the largest bust sizes in comparison to her other wrestle angel counterparts. Her silk blue robe did little to hide their voluptuous nature of her breasts and the curves of her athletic body. The girl gulped before she clambered into the ring as she found herself standing in the blue corner. The noise of the crowd and their eyes darting at her naked body made her feel very uncomfortable. She hadn't revealed herself in front of such a large crowd. Looking at the female referee, she blushed as she asked her to disrobe. Chizuru hesitantly agreed as the crowd went into a uproar with whistles at the brown haired bombshell who stood head to toe naked except for her navy blue boxing gloves. Chizuru's face reddened as she stood mortified shyly concealing her body with her arms.

[align=center:3a6odp5r]Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru 3mBLH.jpg[/align:3a6odp5r]

Yet, this was just the tip of the iceberg.

The match's procedure would go as follows: The Fighter's enter, they oil up, they fight and then came the final phase of the match.

The Final Phase was what troubled her the most, she bit her bottom lip as she told herself defeat wasn't an option, she had to mitigate her humiliation as much as possible.

"This is so embarassing..." Chizuru said under her breath.

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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by zxn666 Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:38 am

"And her opponent, the Tensai, Megumi Mutoh!"

Megumi chose her first title this time, for she wasn't fighting as an idol or a wrestler tonight. No, she was a sex boxer, and in this brutal sport she had to sport her original name. Tensai, the Genius. She was here to prove herself as the premier fighter in all types of combat sports. At AFW, she already made a name for herself, and she had an interesting career outside of that as well. And now here she was, doing naked sex boxing. Natalia inspired the AFW to do one match like this, but Megumi went right for the homeland of these types of things. Thailand, a cesspool of humanity. But they certainly were creative, Megumi had to admit. Bangkok spawned most of the debauchery that places like AFW did, and so it was not surprising Megumi had to fight in this dirty place.

She was uncomfortable here. The crowd was different, meaner somehow. They wanted to see brutality in their fight. She was going to deliver. Chizuru was an extremely strong fighter, and Megumi knew the girl was going to be a difficult fight. She had to be careful. Chizuru was going to bring her a-game for sure, especially since she really did not want to lose. Megumi knew this was going to be a brawl and Chizuru was gonna maul her. But the prize was worth it. Megumi was a girl with many desires, and punishing Chizuru was one of them. The girl was sexy and powerful, exactly the type Megumi liked. She couldn't wait to go in and pummel Chizuru.

She stepped out covered in a red robe, naked underneath. She raised her fists as the crowd cheered, clapping her fists together. She shadowboxed a few times, showing her terrifying speed. She wasn't shy about this it seemed. She walked down the ramp, climbing through the ropes. Once inside, she gave Chizuru a little wink before shrugging off her robe, revealing her sexy naked form.

Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru JQWnF.jpg

She clapped her red clad hands together again in front of her chest. Her face was blushing like Chizuru but she dealt with it by being tough, not shy. Chizuru seemed scared, but Megumi was determined. She licked her lips, and licked her gloves as well before getting ready to fight. "You look scared," Megumi said, "Are you shy?"


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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:57 pm

Chizuru watched Megumi enter the ring with fascination, she seemed so intimidating with her striking skills, that god like speed and that hot and desirable body. she blushed looking at her clearly more experienced and intimidating opponent. The brunette shuddered as Megumi licked her gloves making her fold in on herself.

"W-what?" Chizuru said taken off guard my Megumi's question as she paused hesitantly before answering her in a flustered manner. "N-no!"

Chizuru pouted at Megumi as she clenched her teeth a bit embarrassed that Megumi felt so comfortable and relaxed in this type of environment. Chizuru let out a yelp as she felt something slimy and slippery against her back. Looking over her shoulder, she saw two girls behind her squeezing bottles of sweet smelling coconut oil down her back. She blushed as both were raven haired beatuies with tanned skin as they coated her before running their hands rubbing it in her skin.

"H-hey w-wait!" Chizuru complained as she squirmed as both of them rubbed in the oild making sure it was evenly coated everywhere. She would look across the ring as Megumi would be getting similar treatment from a pair of thai girls as well.

"Relax! Nihon girl... relax~" A girl whispered into Chizuru's ear with a pleasent voice but, she could detect the Thai accent in her english. Chizuru held her breath as their hands ran over her before they gave her a small push gesturing her toward the center of the ring where the ref awaited her to take her position awaiting Megumi to come forward as well. Her body glistened as it was glazed with the sweet smelling oiling. She was coated head to toe, her huge breasts were shining from he light that hung over the rafters. The brunette's body seemed that much more desirable as her lightly tanned skin shone in the light.

Last edited by 863 on Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2010-02-06

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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by zxn666 Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:11 pm

Megumi's smile turned into something of a smirk at Chizuru's response. "Ahh, yes you are Chizuru-chan!" she said teasingly, "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll be too busy to care soon enough!" She wagged her gloves teasingly in front of her face, making nothing hidden as Megumi really seemed to want to punch Chizuru's sexy body until the girl fell and then punish the girl with repeated orgasms. This was a test of their strengths after all, and their absolute combat abilities. And if one lost, she would be losing everything. There was no going back, and Megumi expected no quarter. But Megumi was driven by a desire to win, not Chizuru's desire to not lose.

Two thai girls came up behind her and began coating her body with oil. They weren't particularly skilled at it, as Megumi thought their touch was a bit rough and inexperienced, unlike those Thai masseuses who could put you to sleep just by touching. But they were diligent, and soon Megumi smelled faintly of coconuts and her body was covered by a glistening sheen. Megumi enjoyed it though, her blush deepening as she let the two girls feel her up all they want. She was fully relaxed and her two assistants realized it and took the chance to ease some of her stress as best as they could, fondling her a little as Megumi looked Chizuru in the eye to unnerve her.

Megumi stepped forward as Chizuru did, right to the center of the ring until she was face to face and eye to eye with her opponent. Chizuru's big full breasts were larger in size than Megumi's, and her body more luscious and curvy. Megumi didn't bother trying to hide how she ogled her opponent's sexy form with all the desire and hunger she could muster. She hoped that it would scare Chizuru off her game. She looked up into her opponent's eyes.

"You have no idea how much I want this," Megumi said, pushing forward with her chest so their breasts bumped against each other, "Ready to lose?"


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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:42 pm

Chizuru blushed as Megumi teased her as she averted her gaze from her with a grunt not liking the fact Megumi was exploiting her discomfort. As the two finally met in the center of the ring, she looked at Megumi head to toe admiring the girl's body as it's features seemed all the more ravishing with the sheen the coconut oil gave her already flawless skin. The girl's eyes went from Megumi's face to down and as she felt Megumi's bust against her, she immediately looked up at her and let out a grunt of surprise when her opponent had gotten so close to her. Chizuru's mouth opened in hesitation as she heard her opponent's words but as she finished. Chizuru snapped out of her nervous wreck of a demeanor and frowned at Megumi looking back at her eyes in a more serious light.

"Not today. Megumi." Chizuru glared back courageously with a shade of red in her cheeks. ""

The crowd whistled as the two girls had their stare off before the ref broke them apart.

"Alright girls!" The ref said cheerfully as she looked at them. "You know the rules! Touch gloves and the match will begin when the bell rings until then go back to your corners!"

Chizuru would glare at Megumi and would close her eyes solwmnly before turning back with a seriosu composure. She woul walk back to her corner taking a sigh of relief with her back turned to Megumi. The truth being, she just put on a brave face.

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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by zxn666 Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:53 pm

Megumi knew Chizuru was being brave for the sake of being brave, but she wasn't going to blame the girl. This was an uncomfortable fight for both of them. Megumi just didn't mind it as much, as she had done this before against various other opponents, most recently Ayame Kurosagi in a pit fight in Tokyo. Being in Bangkok though made her more apprehensive than usual. She didn't want to think of what happened if she lost. No doubt there would be a gangbang. So Megumi was in Chizuru's boat, there was no way she was going to give in. Chizuru would have to destroy her first!

But the thing was, of all the girls in Wrestle Angels, Chizuru probably had a good shot at beating Megumi. Incredibly strong and very sturdy, this was the type of fight that tested both girls' endurance, and Chizuru had that in the spadeful. It was going to be a long and hard fight, and Megumi hoped that she could hold on long enough to win. She licked her lips as she stepped back Ito her corner, turning around and psyching her up, bouncing on her feet and shadowboxing to get her muscles warmed up and ready, her blood pumping in her ears.

"Alright, let's do this," Megumi said, "Just keep on hitting her. She'll eventually get punched out." Megumi bounced on her feet and turned around to face Chizuru with newfound determination. She was ready.

Ding ding ding!

The bell rang, and the match was on!

(Ooc: keep a post counter in each post so we can keep track of how long the fight's been going)


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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by Oathkeeper Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:00 pm

(Post Count-1/60)

Hearing the bell chime, Chizuru cautiously raised her gloves as her eyes peaked over her gloves as she adamant about protecting her face. She began circling Megumi around the ring keeping an eye on Megumi. Chizuru knew Megumi was the more agile and the more skilled striker. She did't need to witness to see the girl's shadow boxing to tell her that either. She would do her best to avoid and circle away from Megumi before she met her in the ring. Chizuru would jump forward and began by throwing a flurry of jabs before trying to score a powerful right straight trying to take Megumi's clean off by trying to catch her off guard by the powerful blow utilizing her monstrous strength.

"Here I come!" Chizuru declared as she tried to engage Megumi full heartedly.

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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by zxn666 Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:15 pm


Megumi danced on her feet, bouncing from place to place as she moved in to circle Chizuru. Now this was going to be interesting. Her opponent hid her face completely, which was smart. Every boxer aimed there after all. But Megumi was going to deal some damage, and if she couldn't pummel Chizuru's cute face, then she would gladly settle for her torso. Chizuru was avoiding Megumi though, keeping her from getting flanked with good footwork. Megumi knew now that she had to engage Chizuru head on. So, being brave and bold, she did. She stepped within range, and began to try and engage.

Chizuru threw a flurry of jabs which Megumi all blocked or dodged, trying to find an opening. Chizuru wound up and fired off a powerful punch. For any other boxer, it would be a painful but not crippling blow, but Megumi knew that with Chizuru's strength any punch like that was a haymaker. She wasn't going to let that hit. The punch came in as a blue blur, and Megumi dodged it by stepping off to the side, letting it just barely graze her cheek. It stung, but it wasn't going to take her off her feet.

"Not good enough!" Megumi roared as she stepped right up close. The idol was going to make her hits count. Her fist crashed upwards, attempting to bury into Chizuru's solar-plexus and crush all the air out of her opponent's sexy tough body. After that blow, Megumi would step back and fire off several jabs at Chizuru's face, hoping to punch through a few times while her defenses were down and rattle the girl as much as she could!


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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by Oathkeeper Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:49 pm


Chizuru's eyes widened as her right cross had missed it's mark as it hit nothing but, air she cringed knowing what was coming next. "Uhhhh...." Chizuru let out a groan as her opponent smashed her fist into her stomach causing her to gasp for air her mouth opened up as she just got the wind knocked out of her.

"Ugh!" "Ngh!" "Ahh!" The brunette nearly doubled over but she ate a few of Megumi's jabs, the girl's head jolted back from each one of them as she panted still suffering from the aftermath of Megumi's well placed body blow. The match had just begun but, Megumi was already punishing Chizuru with her fast strikes showing off that terrifying speed. Chizuru ducked under one of Megumi's jabs as the glove scathed the top corner of her forehead as she leaned over to the right trying to plant her lead left foot to the left of Megumi as she leaned over trying to retaliate back with a left hook to Megumi's liver as she pivoted on her left foot as her entire body determined to drive her fist into the other girl's side as she tried to perform a liver blow.

"Rahh!" Chizuru roared.

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Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru Empty Re: Erotic Boxing- Megumi vs Chizuru

Post by zxn666 Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:23 pm


Megumi punished Chizuru with repeated jabs into her face, hoping to stun her opponent and drive her backwards slowly. She let her guard down however in her eagerness to attack and left herself completely open, and got punished hard for it. "Gah!" Megumi gasped, her eyes widening as she felt Chizuru's cannonball-like fists slam into her side and crush her liver. Pain shot through her body as the idol was left wide-eyed and gaping from that blow. The pain shook her, but Megumi bit down any further cries of pain. She could take this. Chizuru put all her force into that blow, and if Megumi showed no weakness even after taking it Chizuru would be disheartened for sure!

The idol sucked in a deep breath after the blow made her pause and continued to attack. She curled up a little, keeping her arms tucked in close to her torso so she was defended, and struck out quickly. "Ah... yah!" Megumi yelled, stepping forward to try and crowd Chizuru. She aimeda fast jab at Chizuru's face, trying to get her to try and block it, but she would pull back and step in closer and instead try to throw a massive left hook right into the side of Chizuru's big bust! Her tits were an enticing target for Megum after all, and battering her opponent's womanly assets was openly encouraged in this kind of fighting. Not to mention how it would shake Chizuru's psyche, perhaps enough for her to drop her guard so Megumi could get another shot in at her opponent's face!


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