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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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AFW Meeting!

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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:59 pm

Good heavens. Pump your brakes, killer, no one's after you.

You've always gone on about all the people who are out to get you since your intro thread got derailed. I, for one, am not out to destroy you, and I suspect no one else is either. I tried to explain what happened with that title, and why it doesn't share any of the same devices as the main title (the one people refer to when they say 'title').

I wasn't trying to start a fight there. I'm not that subtle.

The Mouseum


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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Cirno Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:01 pm

I'm.. Not quite sure what to put up here cause I don't understand what I have to put up. @_@

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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:01 pm

BTW, who was supposed to be the first defense? Was it Pat? I can't recall.

The Mouseum


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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Harrier Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:19 pm

I got a PM from Tatyina after the three way defense was cancelled, did not know anything about long term plans for the belt. I only recently heard that the belt is booked in this way by chance.

And to be honest, I really like the concept of midcard championships, either for a promising new guy or a good wrestler who is not yet ready for the main event but deserves some gold. They change more often than the World Championships, change on TV and the wrestling matches are usually better as the wrestlers are more of my liking.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:29 pm

Ohhhhhh, right! Taylor/Adrian/Lia was for the belt. I forgot all about that. A continuation of slow posting does not a title fight make, no posting and quitting the site has a similar but more immediate effect. That was a shame. I liked that one.

I like the idea too. The standards are lower, so you don't have to worry as much about who carries it, and there's no "prestige" to it so it won't attract the sort of people who try to power play their way to other titles and then freeze them so that they mean nothing. Entropy is a good idea, if maybe imperfect, and I was more than happy to get rid of it and keep it moving.

I think that's a piece most people skip over when growing a character, the mid card. Impatient types will try to beat someone high up in their debut and snowball it from there. It ruins everything to have your low-level character roughing up the higher ups, it makes them look weak, and if they look weak then there's no one around to make anyone look good. Never forget to put other characters over. If you just take and take and take, eventually you have no one left to play with and everyone goes home mad.

The Mouseum


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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:55 pm


I think that's a piece most people skip over when growing a character, the mid card. Impatient types will try to beat someone high up in their debut and snowball it from there. It ruins everything to have your low-level character roughing up the higher ups, it makes them look weak, and if they look weak then there's no one around to make anyone look good. Never forget to put other characters over. If you just take and take and take, eventually you have no one left to play with and everyone goes home mad.

THANK YOU. I fully agree with this statement. Having a newbie double jump their way into hanging with the main event crowd right after they debut is ridiculous. It makes the higher ranked, main event, people look bad, and, as a matter of fact, it makes the people who have lost to main event characters in the past look bad as well.

For example: Everybody knows Tai has been around since the early days, because I'm annoying and never shut up about it. He's a hentai loving mid-carder. Started low, worked his way up. One day he matches Angel. Due to Tai's lack of non hentai experience, and Angel having earned her way up to one of the top 3 ranked and main event status, Tai puts up a decent fight, but naturally loses in the end. Perfectly fine and fun. Now if some new girl comes in say, next week, and utterly destroy's Angel in a match, that not only makes Angel look bad, but Tai, and other girls that have lost to Angel, all end up looking bad in the process.

(Note: Sorry Alex, but this example worked best)

That may have been a rant, but I think it follows up Blue's point. Now, I admit, I certainly don't have the best RP style on the board, but I can say I've yet to be accused of things like "Power playing", "Star hopping", or any other such negative thing.

In short, be like me. :mrgreen: <img src=" title="Very Happy" />

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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:00 pm


I like the idea too. The standards are lower, so you don't have to worry as much about who carries it, and there's no "prestige" to it so it won't attract the sort of people who try to power play their way to other titles and then freeze them so that they mean nothing. Entropy is a good idea, if maybe imperfect, and I was more than happy to get rid of it and keep it moving.

Now on this, I would just point out that just because a lower title, in theory, shouldn't attract power playing people that just go "MINE! GO AWAY!", so to speak, that doesn't exactly mean a lower title WON'T attract said people.

So...I careful either way?

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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:11 pm

I'll be honest, part of the reason I bring this up is because it seems like this site can't finish an important match without controversy. The higher up matches should be the ones people read if they read a match they aren't involved in, and in the spirit of both representing the site and creating an environment that others can participate in, those matches need to go well.

To clarify, I think that if we understood what it is that people are looking for when they RP, and how they go about trying to get it, maybe we can be better about working together to keep this site up. Frankly, the whole thing has gone to shit. Enough people are pissed at other people that we now have very clearly defined cliques, or at least an in and out crowds. It doesn't work like that.

Of course, it's not like we're running a business here with professional collaborative writers (that'd be a fun job... and a nightmare). On average, we've got a lot of younger people here, and our achilles heel is and always has been our lack of maturity. That problem, coupled with a few sticking points, has led to a culture that is not conducive to the purpose of the site, as a corporate entity.

It'd be unfair to put all the blame on specific people, though I think some people certainly suck worse than others. The problem is systemic, and you can't make it better by cutting out the bad, you make it better by growing the good parts.

If anyone's still with me here, thanks, but does anyone have any (constructive) thoughts on the matter?

The Mouseum


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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:30 pm

Seems Blue has a good point, though I will refuse to join whatever "clique" she happens to be in.

Also, my last thought on the mid card/Entropy belt thing....While D-ultch was doing a great job as midcard champ, and the only actual midcard champ, Doesn't having this whole "Kawaii's steal belt, Kawaii revolution, Kawaii as champ" thing, if it's to be an actual thing and not a one off joke, completely devalue the point of the belt?

On that note, if the Kawaii league wants to be "taken seriously", which kinda defeats the purpose of Kawaii's, shouldn't they bother having their champion defend their belt? Character wise, that would make sense, yet who can recall the last Kawaii title defense?

(Rant over)

As for your other point, while your right about most matches ending with controversy and people disliking each other, based of what I've heard, alot of that, especially the more recent issues, is actually focused on/around our current main event/highly popular players/scene. The rest of us, on the middle/lower side of the card, appear to be getting along just fine with each other.

Maybe you higher up players should handle your ego's better? :mrgreen:

That was a joke. Ish.

Though it is true, this isn't the most mature place in the world, god knows I've had enough stupid arguments in discussion to last some time.

And if this place ever DID become ruled over by professional elite writers....I'd be fired XD.

So this may not have been a very constructive post but...meh.

Actually, come to think of it, ALL of the complaints/issues I've heard about have involved you higher level people. I could be wrong, obviously, but I trust my sources and I wonder if this just isn't something for your groups to deal with?

Last edited by 143 on Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:38 pm; edited 2 times in total

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AFW Meeting! - Page 2 Empty Re: AFW Meeting!

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:44 pm

Well, I'd like to say thanks for your contribution, Tai, but by what I recall you complained that Kawaii's are supposed to be cute and shouldn't the glitterati deal with their own issues.

What "groups" are you suggesting deal with this?

And the sort of thing you're talking about would be more pronounced when there's a prize on the line. People with no attention or status probably are less likely to squabble, and have less of a reason to, and if they did who would listen? No one talks about the third character of a newbie member's pillow fight match against an obscure kawaii.

The Mouseum


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