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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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So, How's Life?

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So, How's Life? Empty So, How's Life?

Post by Lobo Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:18 am

Clyde was used to walking everywhere he went. All the way from back when he was a little kid he and Bonnie always just walked on their own from Point A to Point B and back. Walking from Home to School. From Home to Gas Station with the X-men Vs. Street Fighter machine. From Home to the Liquor store. Clyde walked. So it was nothing new that he would end up walking from his messy little apartment in Kyoto to the home of someone else he knew. No big deal, the only thing he worried about was getting jumped by Lilly. He swore she was watching. Somewhere.

After looking up some information, Clyde found where a certain silver haired 'hedgehog' lived, but more importantly where the smartass lived. Clyde did this mostly because he wanted to and because he felt almost compelled to, granted he didn't consider this something he'd ever do for someone who was just an acquaintance, but whatever.

Walking up to this little old apartment complex, Clyde made sure he was going to the right place as he looked at the piece of paper with all the little directions he needed as he arrived at his destination, wearing a pair of blue jeans, a black shirt, denim jacket, brown cowboy boots and his brown leather stetson. He sighed in front of the door before of course giving it a knock, expecting Mr or Mrs. Higurashi to answer.

Last edited by 621 on Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:19 am; edited 1 time in total

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:46 am

Taylor still couldn't get used to the idea. Every morning, she woke up in a big bed next to her ridiculously awesome and adoring husband. She didn't have to worry about what crazy chick was going to try to kill her that day. She didn't have to obsess over video of everyone in Friction that might be a threat to her. She didn't have to kill herself at the gym day in and day out for fear of not being good enough.

It was a tremendous relief, but it also caused her massive anxiety. She'd never been happier, and Johnny was everything she wanted, but a part of her was still panicking. She had brought on herself an awful lot of life changes all at once, and she just wasn't wired to sit back and go with the flow. She felt useless, her only other purpose in life was gone and without it she didn't know what made her worth anyone's while.

She was still worth Johnny's while, though. And she had Cassie and Akashi. She hadn't talked to Chigusa or Natalia since she quit, she hadn't sought them out and they hadn't come looking for her. She wasn't sure if they were ever really her friends, of if they were just nice enough to her that she could call them that so she would feel less pathetic. She was perfectly content to not see any AFW people outside of her inner circle, though. Chigusa and Natalia could get bent.

She strolled out of the bedroom, stretching her arms up over her head, and found a note from Johnny on the kitchen table. He'd gone to get them some food. She picked up the note and smiled dreamily. Taylor had taken to sleeping really late now that she didn't need to force herself to get up early. She was still on vacation. Johnny was very good at taking the opportunity to surprise her with something when she woke up. Taylor always generously repaid him.

She padded over to the sink in her bare feet and poured a full glass of water. Her blonde hair was up in a messy bun, with her bangs hanging down over one eye. She brushed them back and out of the way while she downed the entire glass, before pouring a second.

The apartment was warm, despite the winter chill outside. It was one thing Taylor insisted on, always keeping it warm. She hated being cold, though her choice of clothes wouldn't lead one to that conclusion. She was dressed in a white camisole that fit snugly against her skin, left part of her midsection bare and managed to give her as much cleavage as someone of her bust could manage, and a little pair of off-white sleep shorts with black stripes down the sides. Her legs were bare from her toes to her thighs, and on her right wrist she had a couple black hair elastics, mostly out of habit.

There came a knock at the door, and she grinned. She expected Johnny was trying to pull something. She preened and prepared herself to flirt as she walked over to the door. She pulled it open with her head and her hips tilted flirtatiously, her bangs dangling down over her blue eyes, and what would have been a seductive smile if it didn't so quickly turn to a look of shock.

"What the fu-" She blurted before she got a hold of herself. "Wha... Clyde?! What are you... I mean, like. Hi." She furrowed her brow and looked at him. What could he want? She would've thought that he'd have been glad to be rid of her.

"What's up?"

The Mouseum


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Join date : 2010-10-13

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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Lobo Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:24 am

Clyde tapped his foot patiently in front of the doorway as he waited for someone to answer the door. He wasn't sure how his presence would be received seeing as he sure as hell wasn't the favorite among their little family. He didn't have a good excuse for most of those encounters, drunk or not. So he expected to either be removed from the area or maybe they'd welcome him with smiles, fake or genuine.

He straightened up a bit in front of the doorway. He wasn't drunk or hang over this time. Mercy made it harder to get wasted these days, for better or worse. Finally Clyde heard some steps get louder and louder before the door began to open as the knob turned. The door was pulled open and in the doorway was... A slim yet tone blonde young woman with hips her titled sensuously and her hot messy hairing covering a pair of blue eyes. The glance was quick and Clyde's eyes perked up and his mouth open slightly at the sight of the sexy and inviting pose, the snug white camisole, the messy hair, the.......Look of shock?

" AwShit."

Clyde's face turned red for a bit before his lips twitched into a brief smirk as he saw that this surprised woman was in fact Taylor Parker, no longer having Blue or Black hair. The first meeting was certainly... Interesting... Even if her face and reaction clearly indicated she was expecting someone else.

"Heh... Sup." He greeted her with a slight grin. He had to admit. That was kind of funny. "Mmmm... Noooothin..." He told her with a sly stare as he stood in the doorway, keeping his eyes on her for no more than 5 seconds before he spoke.

"...Mrs. Higurashi we're you trying to seduce me?" He asked with a teasing smirk and curious turn to the side to look at her out of the corner of his eye. He was just messing with her. He couldn't resist.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:47 am

Taylor blinked. Maybe she was off her game from having been away for a while, but she was speechless. She stared at Clyde for a moment, her mouth slightly open, and she fought it. She tried her best, but ultimately she couldn't help but crack a smile. That was at least one thing that hadn't become dull since leaving AFW.

She let out a soft laugh. "A'right, well, don't let all my heat out." She said, and grabbed Clyde by the collar and yanked him inside. She shut the door behind him. She walked into the small but comfortably furnished living room and sat down on the couch, putting one foot up on the table while she pulled on a pair of red and white knee socks.

"Are you here to try to beat up Johnny? Or me? 'Cause if you are, you should know I'm still pretty spry for a retired girl." She said, flashing him a look and a sly smile.

The Mouseum


Posts : 11144
Join date : 2010-10-13

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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Lobo Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:09 am

"Ahh-Hey!" Clyde let out as he was suddenly yanked inside the apartment by Taylor, who was still clad in sleepwear, his face flushing slightly as he was pulled inside so suddenly. He was only joking! It would be like her to keep it going and get all flirty just to mess with him like usual once he made that remark. Alas she did not, Clyde was somewhat thankful. He also wasn't going to tell her that he definitely dug her current look with the messy bun and hanging bangs.

He stepped inside and removed his hat from his head and moved about sheepishly to find a place to stand. He felt weird entering the homes of others quite often and never wanted to sit anywhere he shouldn't unless he was told, so he decided to stand.

"Ha! You know just 'cause I gotta wrestle with other gals don't mean I go 'round lookin' to beat em up like its the 6th grade again. I got mo' class than that, man." Clyde mused with Taylor, granted, he hadn't forgotten how she easily dispatched him twice. Never got a chance to fix that.

"I ain't here for yo' hubby neither, Mrs. I'm 'Retired' now." He said with an air quote. "Just came by to visit is all... Heard you 'retired' and uh... Got hitched. I didn't really know till after so uh... Yeah... Here..." Clyde said. He wasn't here JUST to visit, but it would be wrong to say he was here on strictly business, he did want to wish the newlyweds his best wishes after all and would reach into a pocket within his jacket to pull out a small envelope that contained [url=]A Card[/url:tdwl8t1d] and 4500 yen.

"Congratulations." He said, feeling slightly awkward.

Last edited by 621 on Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:10 am; edited 1 time in total

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:28 am

Taylor looked up at Clyde and gave him a weird look. "You went around beating up girls in sixth grade?" She asked, then shook her head and pulled on her other sock. "You couldn't beat up a sixth grade girl now." She added, mostly to herself. She took a moment to get them situated just right over her toned calves, and then propped her feet up on the table and crossed her legs, and put her hands behind her head.

She thought to maybe tell the awkward little dude to sit or something, but she was content to see how long he'd stand around if she let him. She was cautious at first, but she couldn't help but be just a little bit touched by Clyde's gesture.

"Aww!" She said, and grabbed the card. She bowed her head to him and set the card on her lap. "Thanks! That's like... the first actually nice thing you've done." She paused for a moment. "Johnny's out at the store, I think, he should be back soon."

Part of her didn't want to do it, but she couldn't help but ask. "So... how is everything with AFW? I haven't watched, like, one match since I quit. Cassie's got a match coming up, ya know. She's gonna wreck this chick, just watch."

The Mouseum


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Join date : 2010-10-13

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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Lobo Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:07 am

"Huh? Naw! I-I mean I've just seen shit like that! 6th grades are some fuckin' devils, man! AND! AND! I could so beat up a 6th grade girl! ....NOT THAT I WOULD!" Clyde exclaimed before raking his fingers down his face for not choosing his words carefully. The only girl he ever hit at that age was his own sister when they played 'Rocky' in the front yard and Clyde never went back in the house without bruises of his own.

He felt a little more awkward as he presented the gift to Taylor. He was one to flirt with girls who looked especially sexy in their sleep wear, specially someone like Taylor, but Clyde was not without morals and had a code of sorts on getting flirty with married women. That being said, goddamn Taylor had those knee high socks, shorts and small camisole on. Was she trying to mess with him!? He had to turn away when she crossed her legs and put her hands behind her head.

He flushed lightly though at Taylor's warm response to his act. "Yeah, well... Yeah." He responded somewhat embarrassed with red cheeks, he knew he had given Taylor SOME hell before and it was rare that someone said he had done anything nice. Felt good. Felt really good.

"Ah! Should I come back another time?" He asked while scratching the back of his head and looking to Taylor curiously. Of course he didn't give a damn if Johnny got all uppity if He was here. Bring it on! But Clyde didn't come here to start trouble and he wanted to avoid it.

"As for AFDubya... It's goin' good I guess. I'm gettin' more work lately. Nearly got my ass kidnapped. But yeah Cassie will prolly kick some ass on whoever she fightin'."
Clyde won against Lilly and then got his ass beat by Dark Angel. His ego wanted to leave that out for now. Didn't he and Cassie talk before? Clyde didn't remember too well so he just said that to cover up the fact that he was a little too drunk to remember much about that little red head. In fact that's all he remembered. Little with red hair.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Tatyina Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:05 pm

Johnny wasn't sure if Taylor was going to be up or not by the time he got back home. Sometimes she was, sometimes she wasn't. But more often than not, he was the first one up these days. Not that he minded, there was nothing better in the world than waking up next to such an amazing woman every day. She always looked so peaceful when she slept too.

Lately he had started to make a routine out of getting up early and putting in a light workout before breakfast which included running down to the local store and picking up some ingredients for said breakfast. When he got back, he would try and attempt breakfast on his own, usually with mild success, to wake up Taylor with delicious morning aromas. Or, if she had already waken up, the two might attempt it together or Taylor would have at it herself.

Johnny had one arm around his bag and pulled out his key only to find that the door was unlocked already. "Eh?" He muttered. Why would the door be unlocked? Did Taylor run out for something? Did something else happen?

Johnny's heart began to race and he set his bag down next to the door and with a quick motion, jerked the handle and threw the door open. "Yo, Babe!?" He shouted loudly to herald his entrance. Maybe not the best thing to do? It didn't matter. But then he saw the scene. Clyde standing in their apartment. Taylor, in her nightie still, lounging like he wasn't there. It was a very confusing scene.

"Eh... what... the hell?" He muttered, a wash of awkwardness suddenly coming over him. At least he was grateful that he didn't come across a scene that he thought he might. He had been dressed in a pair of long shorts and a loose fitting tank top so he looked pretty intimidating. But before he opened the door, he wondered if that would have been enough. Now he didn't have to worry at all. He thought? It was strange that Clyde was here though. But clearly Taylor seemed to regard him as someone who SHOULD be here. What was going on exactly?

Last edited by 445 on Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:37 pm

Taylor gave Johnny a big warm smile, but stayed put on the couch. She tilted her head to the side and took one hand from behind her head to give him a cutesy little flappy-fingered wave.

"Hey, Boy-toy. That's what I said." She said. "So Clyde stopped by. He gave us a card. Weird, right?" She held out the card to him and made eyes like she just wanted to kiss him, but wouldn't because of Clyde. "Which is nice, and stuff. No one else did from AFW, not that I really wanted 'em to or whatever."

Taylor took her feet off the table and just folded her legs, idly kicking her top foot back and forth. "I made Clyde promise not to beat you up." She said coyly, and then looked back at Clyde. "So you almost got kidnapped? Didn't that happen before?"

The Mouseum


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Join date : 2010-10-13

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So, How's Life? Empty Re: So, How's Life?

Post by Tatyina Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:50 pm

Johnny grinned widely at Taylor. He flashed her a smile and his eyes sparkled with the hint of desire. He then turned as Taylor spoke, listening o her while he grabbed the groceries and shut the door. He set them over to the kitchen and then came over to Clyde and slapped his shoulder with his strong arm. "Thanks, dude." He said. "That's cool and junk." He said sincerely as he walked past him and slid over to the couch and gave Taylor a quick hug and kiss on the lips. "Mornin' Babe..." He whispered and flashed her a look before straightening up and turning back to Clyde.

"Thanks for that." He said looking from Taylor to Clyde. "I wasn't thinking I was going to get beat up today so it's nice I don't have to change my schedule and junk." He said with a laugh. He then looked to Clyde. "Yo, dude, you want breakfast?" He asked as he went over to the bag and began pulling out goods out of it.

"Ya know, man..." He said. "Ya don't really wanna be hangin around crazy chicks. THey aren't nothin but trouble, dude." He said with a nod as he began to slide into the kitchen.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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et al.

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