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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by ThunderFox Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:13 am

"Mind over matter... mind over matter..." Jessica repeated in her head as she prepared herself for her upcoming match. It had been some time since she had her first match, which had been a pretty embarassing loss, much to her shame. Thinking back on it, Jessica knew that she really did have much of a chance. Mindy was a pretty big, muscly girl, and Jessica was... exactly the opposite. She fought hard though, and it showed. The crowd seemed to love her.

Staring in the mirror of the locker room, wearing nothing but her skin, Jessica repeated the words over and over again in her head. "Mind over matter..." Even though she had been out there, in front of thousands of people before, that time had been different. That was just a normal match. This time... she had to win by smother. That idea alone was unnerving to the young butterfly. In her past, she wrestled in Mud wrestling matches, and boxed other girls while wearing bikinis, but not in front of so many people. Not professionally. And then, she knew who her opponents were. Tonight, she had no clue. At all.

Those fears were added to when she thought about her body as well. How was she going to smother anyone? She wasn't exactly a busty girl, like most of the talent here. She would have to improvise somehow. But under pressure, she tended not to be a quick thinker, much to her dismay.

With one final repetition of "Mind over matter..." Jessica walked over to her locker and hastilly pulled on her yellow leotard, adjusting it so it hugged her curves comfortably. She would just have to try to keep her fears from getting in the way. If she wanted to win, she would have to.

Taking a deep breath, Jessica made her way down the halls of the AFW, and eventually, to the entrance of the ramp. Once her music began, Jessica pushed her way through the curtain and out into the bright lights, and cheering crowds of the AFW arena. Immediately, Jessica felt her nerves tense up. At the moment, she was the center of attention. The flashing lights of the camera's and the hooting, hollering cheers of perverted men, and even women, all added to the tension. But Jessica did her best to ignore it, Waving only a little as she walked down the ramp, and pulled herself into the ring, awaiting the arrival of her opponent. She hoped that she wasn't another big, muscly girl. The last thing she wanted to do was fight another person twice her size.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Image_zpsxdidvntr

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by Daaharu Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:47 am

Claire couldn’️t help but be a little nervous about this match. Sure, it was a smother match—that alone was enough to make her blush. But at least she could start—and hopefully finish—this match fully-clothed, unlike her first two matches. Her first, a humiliation match, had all but required the two girls to strip each other, since embarrassment was the name of the game. Her second had been a sumo panties match—she had had to go out there into the ring in nothing but a little pair of panties.

Sure, in this one, she might get her face sat on or pressed between some girl’️s breasts, but she wouldn’️t be naked. That was a step up. What worried her was the fact that she had been told that, unlike her previous two matches, she would be fighting a girl from the Friction roster, rather than a fellow kawaii.

And that made the little black-haired girl a little nervous. There were some big girls in Friction. And she was not even close to being a big girl.

Well, there was nothing she could do about it. Claire made a last little adjustment to her old school uniform and made her way down to the entrance into the arena. Once her music began, she would walk out to the polite applause of the crowd, looking up to the ring to see what sort of girl she would be fighting tonight. The pink-haired girl wore a yellow leotard, and, to Claire’️s great relief, was hardly bigger than her. The kawaii, feeling a little better, but still blushing as she examined her opponent’️s cute curves, hopped into the ring and got into her corner, looking at her opponent with big eyes.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Join date : 2012-09-24
Age : 29

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by ThunderFox Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:34 am

Jessica felt nervous waiting for her opponent to come out. Waiting was the worst part of the start of the match. She really just wanted to get it started, because when she did, she could forget about all the people around ehr and just try to focus on the match. She felt a bit of sweat role down her cheek as she stood, looking back up the ramp, waiting. Thankfully, the wait wasn't that long, because her opponent started to make her way down the ramp not long after her. And to Jessica's surprise... she wasn't any bigger than she was. the two of them must have been virtually the same height, and weight must be pretty close too. That put an ease to some of Jessica's nerves, at least she wasn't fighting a mammoth of a woman.

When her opponent climbed into the ring, it was all the more apparent how similar their body types were. They were pretty even, as far as that went. But what it came down to was who was going to take advantage of the other. Jessica kept repeating "Mind over matter" in her head, even now. She couldn't let her opponent's small size get her guard down. She could be a well trained fighter for all she knew.

Putting on a smile, Jessica stepped into the center of the ring and offered a warm smile to her dark haired opponent. It would be good to know that there were no hard feelings, even if they did have to fight one another. "Hey there. I'm Jessica. Let's have a good match, okay?" she would say, offering her hand to the girl.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Image_zpsxdidvntr

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by Daaharu Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:13 am

Claire took a moment to size her opponent up. They were just about equal in terms of height and build. That was a relief—when told that she was fighting a girl from the Friction roster, the little black-haired kawaii had feared the worst. Now, Claire just had to focus on getting this girl beneath her and getting her to submit to a smother hold, by any means necessary.

When the girl stepped to the center of the ring and offered her hand to shake, Claire met her there, extending her hand tentatively to grasp that of her foe. “Hi,” she said, giving the pink-haired girl a thin smile in return. “I’️m Claire. It’️s nice to meet you.”

She paused, looking down at their feet, trying to size up the size of her opponents…assets out of the corner of her eye. The butt and boobs were, after all, the weapons of choice in any sort of smothering battle. As much as Claire could tell, the girl was not particularly well-endowed in either area, though she was not particularly deficient, either.

“Have you ever done a match like this before?” Claire asked, hoping to get a little more information about her opponent before they began.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

Posts : 10658
Join date : 2012-09-24
Age : 29

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by ThunderFox Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:11 am

Jessica was glad that her opponent wasn't going to be someone much bigger than her. She hated to admit it, but she was very much intimidated by most of the girls she had seen here so far. Being so little herself, she was surprised that she wasn't on the kawaii roster. But being on any roster was better than nothing. Accept the Tension roster... Jessica was confident enough to fight other girls, but definitely not guys. Especially some of the one's she had seen. Just the thought made her shake a bit.

Claire's question knocked her out of her mental conversation with herself and back to the task at hand. She had a match to win, and to do that, she had to go through her dark haired opponent here. She wasn't going to underestimate her, but she was going to try and keep herself from feeling intimidated too. Even though Claire was no bigger than her, she was still an opponent, and thus, a threat.

"Oh. Not quite... I wrestled in mud pits and foxy boxing before I came to the AFW... so kind of?" she answered. She didn't know if that would help her much in this situation. Most of the girls she wrestled with in the Mud pits weren't any more trained than she was. But it was something.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Image_zpsxdidvntr

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by Daaharu Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:19 am

Claire nodded. So her opponent wasn’️t necessarily experienced in this sort of match—that was good. But she was experienced in fighting and wrestling in general—and that was bad. Claire had never wrestled for real before joining AFW. And, even though she was slowly building up her experience base—this match, tonight, would be her third since joining the league—they hadn’️t been the sort of matches that had allowed herself to be tested, strength for strength, against her opponent.

“Oh,” she said. “I see. I haven’️t done this exact kind of match before, either.” She shrugged. The referee seemed to be getting ready to start them off, but there was still a minute or two before the match was going to begin, and Claire wasn’️t really one for small talk. “So…Jessica…” she said, trailing off as she hoped her opponent would fill in the gap in the conversation.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Join date : 2012-09-24
Age : 29

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by ThunderFox Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:04 am

Jessica was relieved to hear that Claire wasn't experienced in this kind of matched either. It made things a lot more even between the two of them. And they were pretty even to begin with, what with their heights and weight's seemingly identical. The only concern Jessica had was that her nerves might get the better of her. She hated performing in front of a crowd, and putting it out of her mind was hard when there was litterally thousands of people watching you. She didn't know if Claire shared the same fear, but she hoped she did.

"Um... yes?" Jessica replied to the quite words of Claire. Honestly, she didn't know what to say either. She was only really prepared to offer a friendly greeting, not make small talk. She didn't mind small talk, but before a match, it felt... awkward. She just waited for the bell to ring, wanting it to just get underway.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Image_zpsxdidvntr

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by Daaharu Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:46 am

Claire didn’️t necessarily mind performing in front of a crowd, though she definitely did not like getting humiliated in front of thousands of people. Exactly that had happened in her first match, and it had been simply terrible. The schoolgirl did not want to go through that again—but, if this match went sour for her, that might be exactly what happened. Getting smothered in the ring—not once, but twice, as this match was best-of-three—was not exactly something which could just be brushed off.

Claire blinked as Jessica’️s reply shifted the responsibility for small talk back onto her. Seeing that the ref was just about ready to get them started, she figured that she wouldn’️t need to fill much to fill this empty space. “Umm…good luck,” she said, offering another handshake. If Jessica accepted it, Claire would keep it going for five, ten, fifteen awkward seconds, squeezing Jessica’️s hand a little in a small show of strength, staring into the girl’️s eyes. Then, when the bell finally rang, the black-haired girl would grab her opponent’️s arm with both hands and try to throw her into the ropes to start things off.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Age : 29

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by ThunderFox Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:30 pm

The tension in the arena felt like it could be cut with a knife. With every second that passed that the match hadn't begun, Jessica felt even more and more nervous. She just wanted to get started so that she could stop trying to make conversation with someone she was supposed to smother. Thankfully, Claire seemed to be rather fed up with the small talk as well, and offered her another friendly handshake before they got started. Jessica gladly accepted, as it was better than fumbling around, trying to find the right words to say to your opponent.

Claire held on though, a lot longer than Jessica felt was needed. Time went by in very slow, very dragged out seconds, and still, she just didn't let go. Did she do something? Was she waiting for something? More questions that just made her feel even more on edge. She never knew what to expect in these kinds of things. When the bell rang though, her curiosity wouldn't go unanswered, as she now found herself running toward the ropes already.

Claire's sudden change of pace shocked her to the point where she didn't put up any resistance when she was thrown at the ropes. Bouncing off them and running back toward Claire, she knew she had to make the first move or she would be in big trouble early on. With that in mind, Jessica extended her arm out to the side in hopes of hitting her dark haired opponent with a clothesline. If she missed though, things might get very bad, very quickly for the yellow clad wrestler.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Image_zpsxdidvntr

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

Post by Daaharu Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:50 am

Claire felt a little weird, almost tricking what seemed to be a very sweet girl. But, no matter how nice this Jessica Butterfly was, she was Claire’️s opponent, and the dark-haired schoolgirl was not about to lose another match. She had underestimated both her opponents in her two matches before this one, and they had turned into long, hard slogs that had proved very embarrassing for her.

She hadn’️t had a complete plan set up for what to do once Jessica came back in her direction. That showed when the schoolgirl walked right into her opponent’️s clothesline. “Ooof!” Claire groaned as she slammed into the mat, rolling over onto her stomach as she rubbed at her neck in pain.

Not wanting to start off the match in such an obviously inferior position, Claire would try to grab her opponent’️s ankle before she could get away. If she could do that, the black-haired girl would pull her opponent’️s leg out from under her, hopefully bringing her down to the mat as well.

Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Join date : 2012-09-24
Age : 29

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Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair Empty Re: Jessica Butterfly vs. Claire St. Clair

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