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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Harrier Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:48 am

Ring: Round ring with wrestling lines, still has ropes and posts
Starting Outfit: Robe and Sandals
*Hentai Moves allowed
*Greek/Roman submission:
Whenever a girl taps, the other girl has a free move. After that move, the submitted girl kneels and the other can grab her around the waist from behind.
Victory condition: Grapevine Hentai Pin

Tessa was excitedly going up and down behind the curtain while the open roman coliseum type of arena in which her newest match would take place was already lively and waited for the first one in a series of matches taking place at exotic places.

She was already dressed only in her silver/white tunica and fitting sandals after being advised that underwear would not be necessary, but she had bound her hair into two long blonde pigtails to underline her partly German heritage to give a gladiatorial impression.

She also did not know personally much about her opponent beside that she was a fierce competitor and would not go down easily, but Tessa was determined to make herself a name to be considered for higher callings again after being so-so in her appearances.

Finally she stepped out in the open under the sound of trumpets instead of her own cannon/jet entrance, stepping into the ring with a big smile and waving at the cheering fans that were sitting high up the ranks in the coliseum with generous space between them and the two fighters. Then she turned around to look at the entrance again, making light exercises to not hurt herself in the match.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:10 pm

Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) JUr9g.jpg

Aiden had to say that she's excited about her upcoming match. After what happened in her last one, she definitely had lots to make up. She could barely forget how her last two opponents just played around with her to their heart content. Well, that's not going to happen. Ever. Again. Whoever she's facing tonight would be out of their luck, or so she though. It's time she showed everyone what she's truly capable of.

As soon as her [url=]theme[/url:3le5rdrf] played, she made her entrance with a confident look. Dressed in her usual white dress, she walked barefoot towards the ring where her opponent was already waiting. Her single pigtail on the side of her head flailed cutely as she slipped herself into the ring, half glaring at the taller blonde. Aiden had faced lots of bigger girls ever since the start of her career here, so she's not intimidated. Being taller definitely didn't make the girl stronger!

The whole arena setting was something else, though. She remembered fighting in a similar place a few times way before she came here. Did her opponent do some research on her and tried to intimidate her with the arena? As if that would work! Her hostile expression turned into a dry smirk as she approached the blonde and looked up at her.

"Hope you're ready to lose tonight, heh," she told the girl confidently.


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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Harrier Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:03 pm

After watching the entrance of the fiery redhead, Tessa stopped her little exercises to take a good long look at her opponent. She was indeed fierce, even more in person then on tape, but really nice to look at. Tessa had become quite curious at this aspect of AFW after her hot and steamy match with Megumi some time ago and so was excited and not really as angry or agitated as the other girl who changed from a hostile impression into a smirk at least, but it would be seen if she was just angry at something or a jerk at heart.

"I am Tessa. Nice to meet you too."
She said with a little laugh while stepping forward into the ring, ignoring the *bark* Aiden called a greeting. As soon as the bell would ring, she would attempt to give full power from the start and lock up with Aiden to bring her down with an arm drag.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:41 pm

Aiden was slightly irritated that Tessa laughed at her, but she didn't let it bother her too much. She got into her stance as the bell rang, only to be caught in surprise as the blonde grabbed her arms and dragged her down with quite ease. Aiden didn't think that Tessa was much too strong than herself, but the girl used the momentum well to catch the not so prepared red haired girl.

"Ah?!" The redhead unceremoniously tumbled forward with a yelp.

She tried to squirm around and get up to her knees as soon as possible, not wanting to be put into a lock or something so soon. With her arms still in Tessa's grasps, though, it wasn't as easy as she figured, and she'd likely to yank the blonde towards her more than anything.


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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Harrier Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:58 pm

Her plan had worked initially, and Tessa would have grinned a little bit if she had the time or at least the balance, but Aiden pulled at her with basically an invitation to get a little naughty with her in this early stage of the match!

"Well, well, it looks like I get the first takedown, Red."
She said while in a funny mood before attempting to mount her opponent by sitting her own butt on the crotch area , swaying a little bit to give Aiden a first impression of things still to come if things went the way of the Blonde while trying to keep her opponent occupied with their arms still fighting.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:44 pm

"Ugh.. Shut up!" Aiden barked in response as she continued to squirm around.

While she tried to yank Tessa further in hoping to bring the girl down to the ground, though, she saw her opponent's butt planted between her legs. Her eyes shot wide before she let out a gasp, her hands gripped the blonde's tight. When Tessa swayed her rear teasingly, Aiden's face blushed and she gritted her teeth while glaring at the blonde.

"G-get off!" she yelled while trying to push the girl away, although her position made it a very difficult task to pull off.


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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Harrier Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:55 pm

*Ouh, exciting!*
Tessa was getting a little bit aroused already when she saw Aiden squirm and blush under her. As secure as her position seemed to be, she was as much trapped as her opponent beside the ability to wiggle her behind in a more offensive way, so she glided up and down on the lower body of the redhead in an attempt to weaken her resistance with it before attempting to lower her torso so that her bigger bust could squash the breasts of the redhead under them. She'd loose her sitting position with that, but she probably couldn't *ride* her way to victory anyway.

"You'll look good later in this match, Aiden-chan. You know, when you're naked and totally mine!"
She said with excitement and determination in the voice.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:10 pm

"Haaahh...!" Aiden moaned and shook her head as Tessa grind her butt even more aggressively on her crotch. "S-stop that, you!"

Her grip on the blonde's hands loosened and she was quickly pinned to the ground to her frustration. Fortunately, the rear grinding of her opponent stopped after a while, although it was replaced by Tessa's breasts crushing her own as the girl shifted herself. Aiden's blush didn't fade as she felt even more flustered and distracted. It's only the start of the match but her breathing was already picking up it's pace! This damn blonde...

"Gh... Y-you wish...!" she barked at the blonde while squirming helplessly to try pushing Tessa away from her. "Get ooofff...!"


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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Harrier Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:00 pm

Tessa blinked in surprise. This was a cakewalk in the early stage! Either she was so damn good or this Aiden chick had been really surprised by her arm drag and not found a way out of her surprise up until now. And now she already did the job of rubbing their boobs together with her squirming, so she could just steer them in the general direction she preferred while using her arms to put herself up on her elbows in an attempt to grab the head of her opponent with her hands.

Being in a comfortable position, she could also agitate and fluster the girl some more.
"You better keep upping your game, dear. I did not expect to get someone to squash at this stage. Not that I mind, you're gorgeous when you're angry and flustered..."
Tessa had not really thought how she would handle the girl in this position, but a deep kiss couldn't hurt, or not?

Last edited by 8345 on Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:09 pm

"Shut up!" Aiden protested angrily as her head was scooped up by the blonde's hands. "You've seen nothing yet..."

The redhead was well aware that Tessa had a point, though, and upped her game she did. Bucking her hips violently, Aiden would try to slip her legs from under her opponent's so she could apply a makeshift grapevine by spreading the blonde's legs from inside.

Meanwhile she kept shaking her head, to try avoiding the kiss Tessa threatened her with, not wanting to be distracted even more than she already was. Aiden was confident with her leg's strength, so she figured out that if she could apply the grapevine then she would have the chance to overturn her current predicament.


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Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa) Empty Re: Roman coliseum match(Aiden vs. Tessa)

Post by Sponsored content

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