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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Guest Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:04 pm

Victory conditions: Verbal Submission.
Hentai Allowed
Location: A bedroom with a large sized waterbed.
Attire: Swimsuit

Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika YNiRcFI.jpg

Charlene entered the bedroom where her next match took place with mixed feelings. On one side, being a bed wrestling match, things would likely be anything but rough, which was relieving. However, the "hentai allowed" part of the stipulations did made her feel nervous. She wasn't exactly better in the sensual department, but at least these kind of matches didn't left her with a sore body for days. Plus, the waterbed seemed like a fun place to tussle around. The first thing the blonde did as she arrived in the room was to take off the white robe that covered her white, front-laced frilly swimsuit.

"Huff.." she sighed while approaching the bed. "Let's do this!"

The rookie hopped to the waterbed's side, and began to push the mattress with her hands to test it. It felt comfy, but Char thought that she would have trouble holding her ground in this kind of mushy surface. That meant she would need to move around a lot instead of staying in one place. The blonde turned around and jumped backwards to sit on the bed, causing small ripples to form as the mattress shook.

"Hee... This is fun~" she said to herself.

The idea of wrestling on the waterbed already excited her. Now she could barely wait for her would be opponent to arrive so they match could start. While she's doing that, Char would get up from the bed and do some stretching.


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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Cirno Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:01 am


Sumika was finally getting something different for a change, which sparked her interest greatly. She was used to bed wrestling and usually conquered her opponent before she even broke a sweat. Now it was going to be a water bed, something that brought curiosity to the Ero Princess, who would enter the bedroom in her usual signature white bikini set. She looked over at her opponent, who was already getting familiar with the water bed and took in every little bit of detail about her.

If she had to grade her opponent in terms of looks she'd be a solid nine. There were not many blondes that she actually found attractive but her opponent at least scored in making Sumika interested. " I see my dessert is ready. " She would smirk after she boldly spoke out to her opponent, making her way over to the bed to gently press her hands down upon them before she would calmly bring herself upon the water bed and steady herself, bringing her arms to her chest to cross them against it. " Now then, are you ready to submit to me? "

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Guest Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:37 am

Char paused her stretching as her opponent arrived at the scene, her eyes instantly scanning the girl's cute face and beautiful figure. She didn't usually do that, but the short haired girl in front of her was so attractive that she couldn't resist! Only when her opponent said something about dessert that Char's eyes blinked. Is she referring to me?

"H-hey, there!" she greeted, trying to ignore the dessert comment. "I-I'm Char, your opponent for tonight..."

What the girl said afterwards, however, made the blonde stopped her introduction. She told herself that it's probably just some taunting to get in her head before the match start, so she decided to return the favor by taunting the girl back.

"Not really... but I'm ready making you submit to me!" she stated boldly.


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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Cirno Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:15 pm

" Char? What a cute name. " She chuckled and braced herself on the bed, her eyes only on her opponent now that she was perfectly balanced. She thought about what she wanted to do first, what submission hold she wanted to put the girl in or how fast she could make her blush. So many things in her mind that all faded when she heard the bold statement of her opponent. Sumika narrowed her eyes, registering what Char had said to her and how she was going to properly punish her for it but soon she simply smiled, hiding that malice thought behind it.

"Aren't you a brave little girl, Char? My name is Sumika, better known as the Ero Princess. I think you will find this experience to be... Memorable. " With a sly grin that took over her face, she would leap forward, not having to go very far to get close to Char and would bring her hands forward, trying to grasp onto Char's shoulders as she sought to lock up with her!

Last edited by 131 on Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Guest Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:39 pm

"E-Ero Princess?" Char couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow as she heard her opponent's nickname.

She didn't get to wonder too much about why the girl picked such name, however, as Sumika seemed quite eager to start, already grabbing her shoulder for a lock up. The blonde yelped as she was pushed slightly backwards, not really prepared for the rather sudden start. Her knees shifted unsteadily before she eventually grabbed Sumika's shoulders in an attempt to hold her ground. That was close!

"W-whoa..!" she let out, struggling to maintain her balance in the waterbed. "Uhh... You're going down..." she muttered while pushing her opponent as much as she could.

Unfortunately for the blonde, being not physically strong as well as having a shaky surface beneath her, she found it hard to push Sumika. Just keeping herself from being completely overpowered was already a big task for the rookie. Now she kinda regretted making such a bold claim just moments earlier.


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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Cirno Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:47 am

Sumika judged her opponent merely by her strength and the toe of her voice. It seemed that this girl was petty innocent, not to mention having difficulty keeping the Ero Princess at bay, who now formed a evil plot in her head. She could see that her opponent had trouble keep her balance and sought to exploit it, waiting patiently until she would suddenly push hard into Char, her foot joining as it moved in between Char's legs and would try to bring it to the back of Char's ankle. Sumika had only one goal ahead of her and that was to make Char trip over her foot and onto her back, something that would lead to Sumika quickly following her if this would work, otherwise she would be in trouble due to her own lack of balance.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Guest Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:27 am

Char was too focused on maintaining her balance that she didn't notice the foot of Sumika sneaking in between her legs. With a cute yelp she tumbled backwards, while still holding desperately on her opponent's shoulders, accidentally pulling the other girl with her. Her grip did slipped at the last moment, but would that be enough not to drag Sumika on top of her? The fall on the bed probably wasn't going to hurt or daze her, but if the other girl was falling on top of her, that's definitely a different story.

"Unngh!" the blonde grunted as she landed on her back.


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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Cirno Wed Dec 04, 2013 4:44 pm

Her plan went even smoother than she thought it would. Her opponent could not stop her and fell backwards, Sumika quickly following suit. She did not care that much that Char's grasp was gone since she herself was still holding onto Char's shoulders, falling down on top of her opponent and quickly straddling her stomach so she could continue with a small momentum, her hands now seeking different targets, which were now Char's wrists since she wanted to keep her opponent underneath her and pinned.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Guest Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:09 pm

Char didn't need to be told by anyone that she's in trouble now. Sumika straddler her stomach and quickly pinned her wrists to the bed, effectively trapping the blonde under her! Char squirmed, or at least tried to, but with the surface under her shifting every time she made a movement, she could barely do anything productive as it was. Her legs could flail around, but that only shown just how desperate she was more than anything else.

"G-get off me!" she finally yelled, her cheeks blushing.


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Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika Empty Re: Waterbed Wrestling - Char vs Sumika

Post by Cirno Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:55 pm

Now that she had the girl's wrists pinned down, she began to teasingly wiggle her bottom against Char's stomach, just looking to remain comfortable upon her new seat while she kept those wrists pinned above Char's head. " I don't think anyone would listen to you, sweetie. " She smirked, shuffling herself forward so she could straddle Char's chest and find a much softer seat, not to mention trying to further humiliate the poor girl. " This is your punishment.. " She would bounce a few times upon the girl's breast, not yet looking to bring pain to the girl.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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