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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Things are changing... - Page 3 Empty Re: Things are changing...

Post by ThunderFox Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:20 am

Lilly's cheeks, yet again, grew red. Only this time, it was a slight blush. Even though she was irritated that Clyde was still being defiant, the fact that now he was just being snarky was taking her back a bit. He wasn't afraid. He wasn't crumbling in front of her like she thought he was going to. He was just... being a smart ass. She made a mental note to make sure she broke im of that habit. For now, she would indulge him.

"That... will come later. You will do as I tell you to do now. I've been waiting a long time for this, and you aren't going to make me wait any longer," Lilly hissed, trying to hide the fact that her cheeks were not red sorely because she was angry at this pain in the ass, no class cowboy.

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Post by Lobo Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:27 am

"She blushes at the idea of fucking here? But she had no problem doing it in front of all those people and Mercy..... Whutta bitch." Thought Clyde spitefully as he looked at Lilly, doing his best to try and hide his true demeanor as he submitted to her. This was for Mercy after all.

"Alright. Which leg, lady?" He said as he dropped Indian style on the floor, giving her a coy smirk as he played ignorant like he was back in high school.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

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Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Post by ThunderFox Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:52 am

Lilly gritted her teeth at Clyde's constant back talk. He really didn't want to make this easy. Hers or not, it seemed that she was still going to have to fight with him every step of the way. But even a disobedient dog would respond the way you want it to if you yank on the chain hard enough. Clyde was no different than a dog. No different at all.

Lilly's hand came down, grabbing at the cowboy's chin yet again, her grip much stronger than last time. She wanted him to know just how quickly her patience was wearing thin. "Pick one, and pick one quickly. Remember who's got the upper hand here," she growled, letting her grip tighten for just a moment before releasing his chin with a bit of a push. Deep breaths she told herself.

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Things are changing... - Page 3 Empty Re: Things are changing...

Post by Lobo Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:21 am

Clyde grimaced when Lilly grabbed his chin with a harder grip, giving him the orders before pushing him back. Clyde smiled a bit before getting on one knee before Lilly, lowering his head like to a servant to a queen, putting his hand underneath her calf and lifting up her foot.

"...I might enjoy this more than I know." Clyde commented as he looked Lilly in the eye and winked at her, holding her leg with one hand while his other slowly reached backwards. He then suddenly swung it forward, hard, trying to drive his forearm right between Lilly's legs with a dreadful uppercut to the cooch.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Things are changing... - Page 3 Empty Re: Things are changing...

Post by ThunderFox Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:32 am

Not as much as I'm going to enjoy it, Lilly thought to herself as Clyde, finally, took her leg and lifted her foot from the floor. This was the moment she had been waiting for for a long time now. It was odd. She felt her heart racing as she waited for him to kiss her foot. She had been anticipating this for so long that, now that it was happening, she was just so giddy with excitement! She felt like a child who was being brought to Disney World for the first time, after waiting so long for that da to come. And here it was. Her glorious-

All of her thoughts were replaced with a sudden panicked pain. In an instant, Clyde had changed everything around, throwing his forearm up and into her crotch! Lilly let out a cry of pain and went tumbling to the floor, both hands holding her damaged goods.

Fuck! She had been so caught up in her victory that she hadn't even considered that Clyde might just try to pull a fast one like this! It was so unlike him to go for a low blow, that she didn't even stop to think that he might do something like it. But it happened. And the cheerleader's rage, along with the pain in her crotch, was lit anew.

"Gah... I'll-I'll FUCKING MURDER YOU!" Lilly screeched, rolling onto her stomach and trying to scoot away from the cowboy, just a bit. After one surprise attack, she didn't want to risk him going for another.

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Post by Lobo Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:01 am

Seeing Lilly's eyes bulge as she tumbled on the floor and held her crotch, Clyde stood up with a clear frown, looking down at Lilly as she screeched at him from the floor, watching her turn on her stomach and trying to crawl away. Clyde responded by trying to give Lilly a swift kick to her glute with his sock covered foot.

"You think that scares me!? All y'all tryin' to run or ruin ma' life! And now you threaten my girl!? Death and especially you are the last damn things I fear!" He shouted before trying to kick her in the buttocks!

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Things are changing... - Page 3 Empty Re: Things are changing...

Post by ThunderFox Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:18 am

This was a side to Clyde that Lilly had never expected to see. He actually DID have balls. Most of the time, he spent his time running away from her, avoiding her. But now, he was the polar opposite. He was fighting back. He was attacking her! Lilly, for the first time, felt a little intimidated by the cowboy. She made a bit more effort to crawl away, despite the pain in her nether regions. But Clyde wasn't having it, sending a kick to her glute, which put her right back down to the floor.

"Y-you're going to pay for this! You and Mercy are both- Guah?!" Lilly couldn't finish the sentence yet again, as Clyde sent yet another kick straight to her legging covered rump. The kick was enough to push her forward a bit, making her go face first right into the carpeted floor. The rough carpet rubbed against her nose, giving the cheerleader a bad burn. Frantic, Lilly ignored her lingering pain and moved as quickly as she could, backing herself against the wall, one hand holding her nose, the other her, comforting her womanhood. This Clyde, this Clyde here, had Lilly running as if she were... afraid.

"G-get away from me! If you touch me again, I'll break whatever limb you touch me with!" Lilly screamed, trying way too hard to ignore the fact that Clyde had her trapped in a corner. For the first time, the tables have turned.

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Post by Lobo Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:39 am

Clyde had gone through a lot of changes in his life. Most of them were in AFW. But never before did he feel so in control as he did right now. Lilly was a woman who had plagued him and just couldn't seem to shake off, trying to interfere in his life. He had just dealt with someone else who assaulted his sister twice with glee. And now Lilly had threatened to hospitalize Mercy. The mere image of it infuriated him and worried him to no end. Clyde couldn't allow Lilly to hurt Mercy. He couldn't take chances.

He bullied Lilly around, kicking her in the bum repeatedly as he looked down at her with a scorn. She didn't look fearsome, vicious or dangerous... She was just a little brat now. Running scared.

"You can try all day, but ya never learn ya never learn huh!? You won't stop threatenin' my girl!"
He shouts as he tried to grab Lilly by the collar of her jacket and haul her up, glaring at her. "I'm tired of people like you therentin' people I love. Y'all never stop. You just wanna hurt them and control me. Well I ain't gonna allow it! You won't touch Mercy and you won't control me! None of y'all will!" She shouted before yanking her off the wall, trying to fling her backwards, into the back of the sofa where he expected her to tumble over it and fall in front of the entertainment center.

"I ain't gon' be your slave, Lilly. But I ain't just gon beat ya up and set you free. I won't take chances. Nah, I'm gonna keep you for myself so you never go near her. You gon' be mine, you crazy harlot."

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Things are changing... - Page 3 Empty Re: Things are changing...

Post by ThunderFox Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:51 am

Clyde was... horrifying. That was the only real way to describe what was going on. This cowboy, this country moron, who had been running scared, hiding behind the shield that was his precious Mercy, seemed to have snapped. Lost it. Gone crazy. Call it whatever you wanted, Clyde wasn't playing games anymore. And now, Lilly had to fight to hide the fact that she was very, very worried about what he might do.

When Clyde grabbed at the collar of her jacket, she went up without much of a fight. Clyde was a lot stronger than Lilly wanted to admit. And listening to him now, he was very clearly at the end of his rope. He had been through a lot from what she could gather. Not that most of it had anything to do with her, but still. Apparently it was enough to drive the cowboy beyond his breaking point.

Clyde pulled her with enough force to go right over the back of the couch and onto the floor, well Lily fell with a thud. "Wh-what are you saying?! And you're calling me crazy! You think I'm just going to let you get AWAY WITH THIS?!" Scared, frustrated, and without any other option, Lilly was out of threats, out of any real leverage. If she threatened Mercy, Clyde might just beat her up. If she said she'd leave him alone, he'd think she's lying. What else did she have? What other leverage could she use?

She had Kelly. Yes, Kelly was on her side. But she didn't know she was here. Lilly came here because she wanted to. To take Clyde for her own. All of it was backfiring. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! Clyde wasn't supposed to win! "Just... just get away from me! Leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone!"

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Things are changing... - Page 3 Empty Re: Things are changing...

Post by Lobo Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:00 pm

Clyde followed Lilly moments after throwing her after the sofa. He didn't feel completely good exactly, but at the same time, he couldn't deny how good it felt to have control again. Still, the way she looked scared and freighted like a child was a bit unsettling. It didn't make him feel proud to be turning the tables on her. But he felt it was the right thing to do.

"And will you leave Mercy alone!?" He shouted suddenly. "Threatening to put her in the hospital ain't somethin' I take lightly! That's why I'm keeping you here with me until I's can guarantee Mercy's safety. Which should't be hard. What? Did ya think I wasn't just gonna punch ya or somethin'?" Said Clyde as he leaned over and looked at Lilly.

"Don't worry. I ain't gon beat you or have my way with you. But you will be stuck here until I decide to let you go."

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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