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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Current date/time is Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:19 am

Search found 1 match for 56432

Sophia Nechiporenko

Sophia Nechiporenko

Topics tagged under 56432 on Anime Female Wrestling IGurJ0Q

Sex: Female
Aliases: "Yaomo", “Natasha”
Age: 27
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 151 lbs.
Hair: Amethyst
Eyes: Purple
Hometown: Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
Nationality: Russian
Alignment: Heel

Entrance Music:

Wrestling Information

Strategy: There’s no greater pleasure in the world for Sophia than the sight of someone on their knees. It doesn't matter how it happens, when it happens, only that it does and that she’s able to savor every moment of it. From her point of view, a fight can go one of two ways:

Drawing close inspiration from her long array of personal interrogation methods, she exploits whatever vulnerabilities that may or may not exist, physically, mentally, or sexually. The closer and more intimate she can get with her opponent, the better. Once she has them, that’s where the fun begins. She plays and barters with those in her clutches, seeing what depths they’ll sink to for their freedom. She'll plant tender kisses on their neck, speak warm words into their ear, coax them into obedience with thinly-veiled promises of pleasure and paradise. Whatever makes her enemy tremble and quiver in her grasp is all fair to her, be it love or war.

Or, they can build up their resistance, brick by brick, and she’ll hack it away. The harder one fights, the more aggressive she becomes, adopting brutal strikes and throws to take her opponent down with horrific and overwhelming force. Stronger adversaries, those able to resist her constant taunting and prodding, easily frustrate her. It can cause her to lose focus as she redoubles her efforts to bring them down. The goal steadily becomes less about pleasure and more simple evisceration.

Type: Technical Torturess
Style: Sambo / Systema

Preferred Matches: Bondage l Humiliation l PoW
- A firm believer in the spoils of war, the loser’s body is the ultimate reward for Sophia.

Favorite Moves:
- Joint locks
- Chokeholds
- Hammerlocks
- A variety of knee strikes.

Signature Moves:
Oprichnik - Sophia has something of an…”attraction” to the naturally flexible. She’s devised this move just for those kind of people, where she takes their own leg and beats them over the head with it.
In Action:

Howl of the Mad Queen - Sophia forces her opponent to the ground, pinning them down before wrapping their own arm around their head and other arm, choking them with an anaconda hold.
In Action:

Finishing Moves:
No More Heroes - With her opponent’s head between her thighs, Sophia lifts them up by their waist over her shoulder and across her back, adjusting her grip to keep them suspended off the ground by the neck. After a moment of tension, she’ll suddenly drop to her knees and deliver a paralyzing level of force directly to her opponent’s neck, knocking them out with a widow’s peak.
In Action:

Baba Yaga - After putting her opponent flat on their stomach, Sophia will place one of their legs over the other in a figure four. She will then stomp on their ankle and reach down to grab their heel before arching herself and falling backward. She elevates the lock while bending her opponent in half for an excruciating, inverted, modified figure-four, better known as the Hass of Pain.
In Action:

Physical Stats
Endurance: ★★★★★

Strength: ★★★☆☆

Speed: ★★★☆☆

Defense: ★★☆☆☆

Technique: ★★★★★


Personality: Sophia is a woman that’s learned to blend in with her surroundings, watching from the shadows and keeping attention off of her, seeing much but saying little. She chooses her moment to enter a social environment and does so with care. She has a surprising amount of tact, making careful choice of her words and when she says them. She can even come across as soft, inviting, almost playful in her mannerisms.

That is until you realized Sophia used to specialize in interrogations. Her approach to daily life is a pale reflection of the countless hours spent in the darkness. She has a love for dominating others that is kept rather well-hidden, a facade to bring others into a more...private setting.  Behind closed doors, her true passion comes to light. She’s very meticulous with her methods, administering pain and pleasure where it's needed. She has little to no respect for other people nor for the laws they imagine to protect themselves, and has even less patience for those that get in the way of her desires.

Appearance: Tall and well-toned with an hourglass figure, Sophia is every bit the product of lifelong military training. In recent years, she’s fostered a desire to make her body as appealing as possible, both for the sake of her matches and to better chameleon herself in public. Her fine facial features can sharpen and soften at seemingly a moment’s notice. Sports olive drab military cargo pants and a sleeveless jacket in the ring. Her long, purple hair reaches past her shoulders down towards her waist. Never without her eye patch.

Ring Attire:

Casual Attire:

Bombs Away:

Hunter's Eye:



No Sudden Moves~:

Wayfarer's Cloak:

Ready for your check-up?:


-Authorized Personnel Only. Please Present Employee Credentials-
Access Background:

Fun Facts:
- Sophia has some medical knowledge from combat experience and often uses it to silver tongue her way into AFW's medical bay. She has her own tailored nurse outfit for whenever she feels like checking up on her opponent backstage and secure some time alone.
Rather Inconspicuous:

- As a side business, she's established herself as something of an information broker for various contacts around Tokyo. She isn't the most tech-savy person alive, but if there's sensitive information out there, she might be able to get it. For a price.
- Don't move her eyepatch. Just don't.

Career Information

Record: 1 - 0 - 0

Wins: 1

Losses: 0
Draws: 0

Career Milestones: Newbie.

Friends: None
Allies: None
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
Crushes: None

Timeline & Events
Match l Backstage l Promo

1. A Funny Thing Happened On The Way Home From The Gym... - Tended to the rats. My thanks for a pleasant evening, Ekaterina. Aeternum vale.
2. Yuto vs. Sophia - Feeble, diminutive, precious. This one will do.
by Berial
on Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:13 am
Search in: Tension (Females)
Topic: Sophia Nechiporenko
Replies: 0
Views: 2490

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