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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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As It Seems

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by TaliZorah Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:03 am

Violet thought she was about to punch Tatsuki right in the face. Thankfully, her tired arms prevented her from doing something she probably would have regretted. "I was fine. I wasn't falling in!" she shouted right back to Tatsuki. "You broke my ankle. You ruined everything." Before Vi did something she would've regret, though she turned around and started to walk off. "If you cared about me, you would've trust me on that ledge. Everything would've been just fine if you left me alone." Suddenly, Vi had found her motivation once again to fight. "So just leave me alone, alright?"

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by Cy_Man Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:25 am

Tatsuki seriously couldn't believe this at all, everything at all that is coming from Violet's mouth as she shouted at her, blaming the athlete for everything that had happened to her at the zoo. "Well I am so sorry for being deathly afraid of the thought losing my dear best friend and try to save her, Violet..." Just saying those words made no sense considering what had happened anyway right after that despite saving the girl from falling to her possible death. "That again... I lost you anyway regardless of what would have happened." That made much more sense and was the most accurate statement. No matter what happened, Tatsuki would have lost Violet, either to death or to herself.

Seeing Violet turn around made Tatsuki do the same but she kept her eyes on the girl before "You truly are no longer the Violet I knew and admired greatly back then, just an imposter with my best friend's face..." Just then, a tear is seen coming from the athlete's eye and runs down her cheek. She said all she needed to say, and then starts to walk away, no longer wanting to be around her old friend. "If only we never went to the zoo to begin with..." Tatsuki whispered to herself as she walked away to leave the gym and go home...

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by TaliZorah Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:12 am

"Excuse me..." Talia showed the guard who casually waved her in. He made a remark about not having to show it to him every time she passed, but part of Talia couldn't help it. She always felt like an outsider here now. Not only did she have countless enemies, she lost a match that forbid her from competing in friction ever again. For life. It was overly dramatic, yes. But that didn't help her confidence at all.

She had a couple company phones she needed to give two new wrestlers. One was signed in, so it'd be a quick hand off if she could manage to find her. "What was her name..." Talia muttered to herself as she looked into a folder. As she did so, she bumped into someone at the doorway to the gym. It made her drop all the papers and nearly fall to the ground. "I-I'm sorry..." she muttered and started to bend down to get her stuff.

The green haired girl she bumped into immediately shoved Talia to the ground. "Watch it!" Her voice was loud and she seemed ready to fight anyone.

The redhead put her hands up and pleaded, "I'm sorry!" Violet glared Talia down as if telling her That's right.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by Cy_Man Sat May 03, 2014 9:17 am

Tatsuki just wanted to go home right now, she really did after seeing just how heartless her former best friend really was. Or at least she wanted to anyway, not even close to the entrance of the gym and she hears Violet's voice yell out and then heard someone being pushed to the ground as well. Tatsuki turned her gaze and saw a girl down at her old friend's feet pleading and apologizing, and the athlete recognized the girl instantly. **Talia-san!** It was Tatsuki's new friend whom she liked to be with, and she was being assaulted by Violet...

She has had it now, the athlete has had enough of Violet right now. Pushing someone down, and it being Talia no less, just because of a misunderstanding was going too far. Tatsuki was more then angry now, she then starts to stomp her way back towards Violet and then violently pushes the girl hard away from Talia! "Get away from her Violet!!" Tatsuki said in an unusually serious tone as she stares at Violet with a pissed off, serious and stern expression as if she was ready to fight, clenching her fist tightly while standing between her new friend and her former best friend to protect Talia.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by TaliZorah Thu May 15, 2014 4:46 am

Violet was about to turn away and walk off triumphantly. Then she was shoved back unexpectedly by Tatsuki and suddenly. She stumbled back somewhat ungracefully but got herself after two steps. If it had been anyone else, Violet would've leaped right back at her and brawled right then and there. But it was Tatsuki, and Violet didn't want to make a scene. If she threw a punch, she wasn't sure when they'd stop. And at the back of her mind, she knew there was going to be a time and place for that.

"Fine," she said with her hands up. "Keep pushing me over, see where that takes you." The green-haired girl shook her head and started to walk off.

Talia fumbled around for her papers rather suddenly, and shouted, "Wait!"

Violet turned around angrily. "WHAT?" Her yell sounded more frustrated than angry.

Talia reached into her bag and pulled out two phones. "This is for you and your partner..." She got to her feet and slowly held out the two phones. Violet glared at her for what felt like ten seconds before shaking her head and ripping the phones out of her hand without a word. She walked off with an angry sigh and out of the locker room. Talia stood there, feeling more awkward than ever. Finally, she turned to thank Tatsuki. It had been quite a while since they last saw each other. "Hi...thanks," was all she could manage though.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by Cy_Man Fri May 16, 2014 3:01 am

Tatsuki kept up her "tough girl" act for a while as she stared at Violet after pushing her away from Talia, she remained silent as things went and just watched as Violet was about to walk away until Talia stopped her to give the girl 2 cell phones and then Vi walks away. She takes a deep breath and looks towards Talia who breaks the silence by thanking the athlete. "Hi Talia-san." She managed to say.

The pressure of all that has happened was starting to get to Tatsuki as her face begins to turn red and puffy but remained focused on her friend with being very concerned for her. "Are you okay?"

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by TaliZorah Mon May 19, 2014 6:14 pm

Part of Cassie's long rehabilitation process made Talia instinctly reach out and hug Tatsuki. "I'm okay, it's good to see you again." The last time they had seen each other, Talia wasn't sure if she was ever going to see her again. She was one of the people that grounded Talia in the reality of care and honesty along with Cassie and John. "I'm back in Tokyo now..." she said as she let go and smiled at her friend.

"How have you been?" the redhead asked as she straightened up her folder of papers. "You look like you're in great shape!"

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by Cy_Man Wed May 21, 2014 2:13 am

When Talia instantly pulled the little black haired athlete into a hug suddenly out of the blue, Tatsuki was very surprised as a result. Her newer friend had changed a lot in a good way thanks to her trip to Canada, she smiles slightly and hugs Talia back. She really wanted to see the beautiful redhead again for some time to hang out and wrestle with her and couldn't wait for her to return from the land of snow so she could. "Good to see you too Talia-san, welcome home..."

Tatsuki looked up at Talia when they broke the hug to check her out, she had returned to her old look with her auburn/orange color hair and the ponytail being on the left side, Talia looked so very beautiful like this... The little girl's attention would be brought back to her when Talia asked how she was and complimented on her small fit body. "Thanks, and I've been peachy."

"You look very beautiful Talia-san, so very very beautiful..." Tatsuki said as she looks at her friend with a small hint of blush on her expression. "I would fall in love with you in an instant." She added as an example to compliment on Talia's natural beauty which certainly is a sight to see, but that was only a minor thing that mattered at the moment. "So how was your trip to Canada? Was it nice, and did you and Cassie-chan fix things?"

Last edited by 11297 on Wed May 21, 2014 2:13 am; edited 1 time in total

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by TaliZorah Sun May 25, 2014 6:36 am

Talia blushed a little at Tatsuki's comment. She was one of the few people she believed when she said that. Everyone else, save for Cassie, always had a motive in their words even Aurora. It was hard to ever accept a compliment. It felt different with Tatsuki. "Thank you...I...I may have lost some muscle but...I'm comfortable so it's okay." She straightened her glasses and coughed uncomfortably. Well, uncomfortable but comfortable.

"Canada was fun...awkward." She tilted her head. "Very awkward. But really helped. Cassie's family was great. They were so supportive. Even Cassie was...." Talia tilted her head to the other side. "Cassie was great. It made me feel so bad about all the stuff we did to each other. But at the same made me feel relieved. She was willing to accept me after all I did to her...and she was motivating enough for me to do the same." Even though Cassie already deserved that much.

"I'm working in IT now. It's different...steady hours, lots of computer illiterate people...but it's good. No more stress or fear or...whatever it was with wrestling." Talia forced a smile. She wasn't entirely happy with it, but it wasn't a bad thing for her. "We should get lunch sometime. You know, catch up."

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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As It Seems - Page 2 Empty Re: As It Seems

Post by Cy_Man Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:03 am

Tatsuki kept up her somewhat obvious front of acting like she was fine even though her face tells the whole story while she talked with Talia, that's all she really wanted right now and nothing else, just to see a friendly face the little athlete needed to really see. She checked out Talia's body after she mentioned how she lost some muscle and she was right, she had gotten skinny but it wasn't all that bad. "I'm sure a few sparring matches and some work outs can fix that. Ehehehe~" Tatsuki said while forcing that giggle out, and again, it was obvious of such.

Listening to Talia's story, she was very happy for her that her trip to Canada went perfectly, and even more so that Cassie and her family accepted Talia as much as Tatsuki did for her regardless of what she had done in the past. The petite athlete's grin dropped slightly hearing of her friend's new position at AFW, which is not wrestling, while it may be best for her it still was just sad as Tatsuki wanted to do stuff with Talia in the ring together. "A shame really, I really wanted to have a match with you in the ring, or be your partner in a tag team match." It really was something that the athlete looked forward to, but maybe some other time.

"Yeah we should, let's go on a date sometime." Of course she didn't mean a real date, but the thought of hanging out with her friend was a great idea, maybe it would help little Tatsuki try to get over what had just happened earlier with Violet. "Oh, and maybe invite Cassie-chan too if we can."

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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