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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by TaliZorah Thu May 08, 2014 7:03 am

Lioness yanked and pulled but Mamouru held onto her firmly. She moaned in pain and frustration...and something else. The masked blonde struggled against her opponent. She was in more trouble than Hawk even realized. Her teammate climbed onto the second rope again and leaned over, trying her best to lean in as the two were decently close to her corner. The referee watched carefully to see if a tag was going to be made, but the crowd's eyes had drifted elsewhere.

Up at the top of the ramp was the ringleader of the group. He was wearing his black, dragon mask and matching pant-length tights. Across his chest was a dragon tattoo that stretched from shoulder to shoulder. He started making his way down the ramp and likely into sight of the people wrestling. He didn't seem particularly interested in the match even though his teammate was struggling. It was hard to even tell where his eyes were because of the mask.

Last edited by 9943 on Thu May 08, 2014 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by Tatyina Thu May 08, 2014 8:22 am

Mamouru could hear the groans. Surely she could feel him against her and it didn't seem to be that bad of a thing. If he could use this against her, then he'd definitely be able to pull her away. He just needed to scoot to his half of the ring. He wasn't sure.... HOW to do it though.

Mamouru dropped the grapevine attempt altogether and tried to wrap his other arm around Lioness' neck whole he tried to push their bodies with his legs and shuffle them towards his corner while keeping her worn down with a choke hold... and other things as his lap continued to jostle against her body and press up firmly against her.

"You can feel it." He growled into her ear. "You can't escape but... maybe you don't want to." He taunted in a whisper. "Maybe I don't either..." He added.

Johnny, meanwhile, had bee stomping the apron in frustration, yelling at his brother to at least TRY and make the tag! He knew exactly what Mamouru was doing and shook his head. Well, it's not like this was a hentai match. Maybe Mamouru's scuzzy habits could work in their favor without things being overtly indecent.

Johnny sighed and looked at the crowd whose head was turned. What the hell could they be looking at? They were being treated to a pretty hot show. He followed their eyes and laid them upon the Black Dragon as he came into view.

Johnny's lip dropped for a split second before it curled into a deep sneer. His fists clenched and without even thinking, he was running along the apron, heaving himself in a reckless flying elbow at the man who dared to lay a hand on his wife.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by TaliZorah Sat May 10, 2014 6:45 pm

Lioness struggled against her larger opponent but could feel Mamouru against her. And of course he realized it too. Both her hands reached up to attempt to free her neck from the new chokehold. She groaned further, hearing the man's growl in her hear. Part of her wanted to say that he wasn't right. But she knew he was right. Even if there were all these people watching them, Lioness couldn't help but feel attracted to him. "Come on damnit!" Hawk shouted, she was practically half way over the top rope at this point. "FIGHT HIM!" The referee gestured for hawk to back up and behind the rope.

But it was then that Johnny went soaring off the apron towards the newcomer. The dragon-masked man rolled underneath the flying move with a sprint in his step and leaped up onto steel steps to the ring, catching the corner and rounding it onto the apron. "Close," he said normally towards Johnny. He knew better than to attempt to hit back. At least at that moment. The referee ran up and shouted for Dragon to leave. He put his hands up as if he'd done nothing wrong.

Hawk saw this and immediately sprung into action. She jumped over the top rope and tried to dropkick the side of Mamouru under her teammate while the referee was distracted.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by Tatyina Sat May 10, 2014 7:56 pm

Mamouru knew he was wearing Lioness down. She was giving into him physically AND mentally while he continued to try and inch her towards his own corner. He was so caught up in working over Lioness that he hadn't even noticed Dragon OR Johnny.

It wasn't until the booted feet crashing into his ribs, sending Mamouru rolling off of Lioness and onto his back that he knew anything was wrong. The referee was still trying to get Dragon off the apron so her back was still completely turned.

Johnny hit nothing when he sailed through the air. His knees buckled and momentum carried him into the padded barrier. He wasn't going to be stopped though. Johnny spun around with fury in his eyes sprinted back towards Dragon, bending his knees and launching himself into the air. He grabbed the middle rope and hauled himself onto the apron as he rounded the corner and tried to clothesline dragon off the ring and tot he thinly padded ground!

Last edited by 445 on Sun May 11, 2014 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by TaliZorah Sun May 11, 2014 1:05 am

Lioness gasped when released and rolled a few times to get to safety. Hawk followed up the ribshot with a few more to Mamouru's now exposed midsection. Lioness turned around when she knew what had happened and pushed herself up to her knees. Hawk continued the assault, making sure the ref didn't see her. Lioness leaped onto Mamouru's legs to hold him down and Hawk straddled him over his shoulder in a schoolgirl pin. Instead of pinning, though, she sent punches down towards his face.

Dragon, on other hand, watched Johnny make another attempt to take him out. Once more, he ducked and dropped to the mat below and to temporary safety. He once again had an opportunity to fight back but chose to run past Johnny and back around the corner towards the ramp. He turned around and smiled in taunt to Johnny. "Feisty. Just like her."

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by Tatyina Sun May 11, 2014 3:27 am

Mamouru was helpless as Hawk sprang up and started to mercilessly kick his ribs. He tried to curl into a ball as best as he coul to protect himself but he knew he shouldn't have had to. While she kicked, he looked around. Teh referee was still facing away from him, "Shit nngh!" He groaned while he found himself straightened out by the grip on his legs.

Lioness had him and then Hawk sat upon him. The double team was more than enough to keep him down as the tiny fists began to batter his face. He tried his best to shield himself but it was difficult.

Johnny didn't break stride as he whiffed. He leaped off of the apron and followed Black Dragon. He charged the man, looking to try and take him out with a tackle. "Looks like you're still a fuckin pussy too, dude!" Johnny growled.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by TaliZorah Sun May 11, 2014 6:22 am

Lioness got to her feet while still holding onto Mamouru's legs and dropped her knee right into his crotch. Hawk continued pounding down towards his face to bloody him as much as she could. It was finally around this time that the referee turned around. She immediately pointed to Hawk to get out of the ring and she did just that with a quick few steps. Lioness, though, was still the legal wrestler. She sprinted towards the ropes and jumped onto the second rope to try that failed move of hers all over again. She slungshot up in a backflip to land across Mamouru's body in a moonsault once more.

On the outside half way up the ramp, Dragon was still backpedaling to avoid Johnny. The white-haired Higurashi charged up the ramp to tackle him once more. This time, he strafed to the side at the last second just to avoid the man. He tried to shove Johnny down using his own momentum against him. He continued his flight to the backstage, making sure to shout one last time, "Guess you're not as flexible as she is. Not that you'd know that." He then slipped behind the curtain.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by Tatyina Sun May 11, 2014 7:10 am

Mamouru's eyes went widened as Lioness' knee crashed between his legs. The expression didn't last, however, as he was mercilessly pounded. Unchecked, Hawk's fists could do damage and Mamouru's lip was cut and his eye was surely going to blacken nicely.

He was thankfully saved from the facial punishment when the referee finally decided to get back to doing her job. Unfortunately, the damage was well enough done and as Lioness flew threw the air, Mamouru was barely conscious enough to see the shadow before it crashed into him.

Johnny's fingers dug into the steel ramp as he missed the tackle. he pushed up, heading out after Alex. The match was the furthest thing on his mind now. He only saw red and he crashed elbow first through the curtain, slinging hia arm wildly in front of him to try and catch the Black Dragon with any kind of flailing strike he could.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by TaliZorah Thu May 15, 2014 4:07 pm

Lioness breathed out suggestively as she landed across Mamouru. She hesitated once more as she pushed herself off of him. This time, though, her teammate wasn't going to give her the opportunity to daydream. "Fucking FINISH HIM while the manwhore's gone!" Hawk had a mouth on her but Lioness knew she was right.

The masked blonde dragged Mamouru by the arm to the corner and tagged her teammate's reaching arm. Hawk jumped to the top of the turnbuckle while Lioness dragged Mamouru to his feet. She held his head back by the hair and whispered, "Sorry baby...but I know you'll enjoy it as much as I will." She bent over and tucked her head between his legs from behind and lifted him up with surprising strength. As she did so, Hawk leapt off the turnbuckle and caught Mamouru's head with both hands as Lioness dropped him face first to the ground with a crash. The green haired girl immediately shoved him over and pinned him. "One! Two!"

The other Higurashi wouldn't be as lucky. Johnny's elbow collided with a solid steel object as he swung it through the curtain. Dragon then jabbed the steel pipe into his abdomen and followed up with another shot to Johnny's back to knock him down. You're even more reckless than her!" he mocked him while holding the steel pipe on his shoulder. He bent over, "Get up John."

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk - Page 4 Empty Re: The Higurashis vs Gold Lioness and Jade Hawk

Post by Tatyina Thu May 15, 2014 7:56 pm


Mamouru was all but unconscious as the referee counted. He was dazed from the brutal double team and Lioness had been able to easily drag him around and lift him up. The young man barely even stayed upright on Lioness' shoulders as Hawk brutally bulldogged him into the mat, leaving a bloodstain as she rolled him over and went for the pin.

In fact, the only thing he remembered was Lioness' sultry whisper into his ear, the thought bringing a fleeting moment of serenity before Hawk practically cracked his skull.

"Guaaah!" Johnny's elbow hit something hard as he flailed through the entrance ramp. He was hunched over and grabbing his arm as the pipe slammed into his back. he fell to his knees and dug his hand into the concrete below. His struck arm curled against his chest as his face as smattered with pain.

"F-Fuck... you..." Johnny panted. He pushed off and tried to rotate himself and throw an awkward punch at Alex. The pain was starting to overtake the rage, but as long as he was conscious, he'd try and fight with everything he had. "My name's Johnny ya fuckin pussy!"

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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