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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Dynamo44 Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:10 am

Hardcore Match: Anything Goes, decided by KO or Submission

A new match is taking place in the Friction ring as the stadium is filled with wild and crazy fans who hunger for the fight. This is going to feature a new fighter facing off against a veteran, both who are considered best suited for this match. Hardcore, ruthless, and particularly unforgiving. It's going to be survival of the fittest and there may be blood out in the ring.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a gu-zheng being played and there were white flower petals coming from the corners of the ring. Coming together, they all swirled until they broke out and a girl wearing a stripes chinese white outfit, an undershirt covering her cleavage, and white oriental shoes. Her face was covered with a fan, but as she closed the fan to reveal her white tiger mask, Deadpool's Theme from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 began to play.

The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Yanagi2.jpg

As the drums began to beat, she displayed her tiger-style moves as she came closer to the ring. When she was about 5 feet away, she took a deep breath and ran to do an aerial flip to land on the top rope before flipping into the ring. She would stand up and pose back to her oriental stance as she was waiting for her opponent to arrive. She may have had more losses than wins, but she was determined to still fight either way.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Gh0st Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:51 am

As the entrance music of her opponent came to a close, she bounced nervously on her toes as she waited for hers to kick in. (Love Song, by Destiny Potato) Hopefully, she wouldn't fall on her face on the way out. How embarrassing would that be!? And there it was, as the guitars kicked in, fireworks sent sparks flying everywhere. She came barreling down the ramp and lept into a pretty impressive tumbling pass before landing and raising her arm up for the fans, the flashy display instantly winning a good portion of them over. Clearly she was a high-flying type and those always made for an entertaining show.

The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress AnimeGirls-Adventure_zps36a49602.jpg

She continued to bounce along toward the ring, smiling and high-fiving the fans. As she approached, she hopped up onto the apron and bounded over the top rope, running to one corner and leaping up on top to work up the crowd with another cheer and a raised arm. As the music died down, she hopped down off the turnbuckle and moved to her own corner, eyeing her opponent like a cat stalks it's pray. All the while with a mischevious grin on her lips. "I sure hope you're ready!" She said, flashing a toothy grin.

[size=150:pj50o0be]Gh0st's Fighters:

[url=]Jenny Matsumoto[/url:pj50o0be]
[url=]Emma Wylde[/url:pj50o0be]

[url=]Adrian Knight[/url:pj50o0be]
[url=]Jason Stone[/url:pj50o0be]


Posts : 139
Join date : 2014-07-27

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Dynamo44 Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:08 pm

(What kind of boots does Wylde have?)

Tigress would watch as her opponent made her entrance. The Wylde child surely lived up to her name as she was also getting the crowd hyped for the match. Tigress herself would often keep to herself and wasn't that sociable for personal reasons, but she wouldn't let that deter her from this fight. As soon as Wylde got into the ring, she would also climb up one corner and keep the excitement going for a time before facing Tigress.

Tigress would only respond to her opponent with a silent nod. As the bell rang, Tigress would make her way to the middle of the ring in her fighting stance, ready to begin their confrontation.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Gh0st Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:21 am

(They're made to look like classic high-top Converse Allstars)

Emma looked over her opponent curiously. She looked like a ninja or something. Maybe she fought like one too! This would be fun, she was sure as she bounced on her toes, her eyes drifting back and forth from her mysterious looking opponent and the bell ringer.

"Are you always this quiet?" She asked with a bright, toothy grin. "I guess I might have ta make you scream a little."

Just as the bell was about to be rung, she charged in at Tigress and pounced at her like a jungle cat, trying to spear her down to her back. But she timed it so the bell would ring the moment right before impact. A bit sneaky... but oh well!

[size=150:pj50o0be]Gh0st's Fighters:

[url=]Jenny Matsumoto[/url:pj50o0be]
[url=]Emma Wylde[/url:pj50o0be]

[url=]Adrian Knight[/url:pj50o0be]
[url=]Jason Stone[/url:pj50o0be]


Posts : 139
Join date : 2014-07-27

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Dynamo44 Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:31 am

Tigress kept a close eye on Emma. She may look young, but surely she is called "The Wylde Child" for a reason. Just as she was getting some assumptions in, Emma would suddenly charge straight at her. Tigress would see her leap up to get ready to pounce at her before the bell rung. In reaction, Tigress would attempt to pull her arm back quickly and throw a tiger palm punch to the center of Emma's body. If this worked, she might bring Emma down and show she was no pushover. But if se gets pounced, she'll find herself under her.

Either way, she would say, "Sorry if I seem that way to you, but often times, I prefer to be quiet."

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Gh0st Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:46 am

She was in mid air, and came flying into Tigress. Sadly, she had no way to avoid the attack and Tigress' palm slammed into her gut, just as she toppled into the white-clad woman, landing on top of her. "Too...soon..." She gasped as the wind was driven out of her. "Nice one...."

She groaned and pushed herself up, trying to move off of Tigress to scramble away, in hopes of recatching her breath. Sadly, it seemed her sneak attack had hurt her more than her opponent...

[size=150:pj50o0be]Gh0st's Fighters:

[url=]Jenny Matsumoto[/url:pj50o0be]
[url=]Emma Wylde[/url:pj50o0be]

[url=]Adrian Knight[/url:pj50o0be]
[url=]Jason Stone[/url:pj50o0be]


Posts : 139
Join date : 2014-07-27

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Dynamo44 Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:47 am

Tigress's palm strike may have done some damage to Emma, but that didn't stop her direction from landing on top of her. "AACK!!" she would cry out as she got toppled and landed on her back. The pain wasn't that bad, but this was definitely a surprising turn of events. As Emma scrambled away after commenting that the pam strike was a good move, Tigress would start to get up as she said, "Thanks, I learned that from my mother."

Once Tigress got on her hands and feet like a wild cat, she would try to rush in and perform a flying punch to Emma while she was still coping with her pain. If this worked, she might get an early lead, but if she misses, she'll grab nothing but air.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Gh0st Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:22 am

She rubbed her midsection gently, as the spot had already turned read. That one... she would feel in the morning. Emma wasted no time in getting back to her feet, taking a low crouched position as she turned to face her opponent, taking on the look of a feral cat. A sly grin spread across her lips. "I'll show you something your momma didn't teach you!" She declared proudly as she prepared to attack.

But Tigress moved first and was already on the move. Fortunately, Emma was prepared. Once Tigress lifted off the ground, she ducked in low and charged her opponent. She attempted to ram her shoulder into Tigress' midsection and hook her arms behind her knees, only to suddenly snap forward to slam her straight back down into the canvas.

[size=150:pj50o0be]Gh0st's Fighters:

[url=]Jenny Matsumoto[/url:pj50o0be]
[url=]Emma Wylde[/url:pj50o0be]

[url=]Adrian Knight[/url:pj50o0be]
[url=]Jason Stone[/url:pj50o0be]


Posts : 139
Join date : 2014-07-27

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

Post by Dynamo44 Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:53 pm

As Tigress jumped to prepare a flying punch, Emma was set to duck low. While she did this, the Wylde Child rammed her shoulder to her midsection and grabbed behind her knees. The redhead would soon snap forward while Tigress was airborne to slam her back down.

"UUUGHH!!" cried out Tigress as she was sent back first to the mat. That did quite some damage, but she wasn't going to stay down just yet. Instead, she would attempt to pull her legs to herself and kick off Emma before she did anything else. If she can do this, she would flip backwards and keep in her fighting stance.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress Empty Re: The Wylde Child vs. White Tigress

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