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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Irene Inger VS Domino

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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Gwyndolin Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:09 am

Domino started to drag Irene forward when the girl suddenly put some strength into her right leg and brought it down at an angle, aiming to kick Domino in the calf muscles just beneath his knee in an attempt to throw him off balance and bring him down to the mat. With her head still secured beneath his arm, they would probably take a tumble down to the mat together, but it was surely better than being led into whatever takedown her stronger foe had in store for her. Irene was still pouting from her recent mistakes, and wanted to go on the attack before Domino got too full of himself.

Once her kick had landed, regardless of how successful it was, Irene would try once again to break Domino's grip on her, attempting to pull his left arm outward with her left hand while pushing on his body with her right, forcing herself back in order to hopefully pull herself out of the lock.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:07 am

The concern for what he'd be expected to do in a hentai context can be put off, at least for now! Her boot smacks into his calf, throwing the trot askew. Just as she'd expect, he drops with her to the mat, somewhat knelt. "Erf!" She manages to pull her head free of his arm, and rather than pursue her, he uses the opportunity to lift to his feet and back off a couple steps.

Those bare shoulders roll, limbering up, and Domino squares with her again. A smirk edges his lips, and his hands raise, ready to receive her. "You're just making things take longer...," he says, taking a turn to goad his opponent. Those dark eyes match to hers again, trying to measure her approach to be prepared.

Or maybe he's going about this the wrong way? If hentai is allowed, should he be trying to turn up the heat? Can he even pull that off? Are the fans gonna be ticked at him if he doesn't at least try?


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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Gwyndolin Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:41 am

“Why so impatient?” said Irene as she and Domino readied themselves for another round. “We've got plenty of time, I see no need to rush.”

The sly girl would walk towards Domino slowly, trying to get into melee range without provoking a defensive response from him. Locking eyes with him, she noticed that the boy had a conflicted look on his face – a confused, indecisive look that suggested he was having trouble planning his next move. She wondered why. It couldn't be that he was afraid of her; compared to him, Irene was about as sturdy as a toothpick. Something else was bothering him, but what?

The curious girl was not unkind, and if something was bothering Domino, she'd have been more than happy to talk it out with him. Now wasn't the time for that, however; while Irene was safely out of danger, the only thing she was going to concern herself with was how she could get Domino onto the mat so she could work him over with a submission. If he managed to get control of her again, however, maybe then she would ask him what was bothering him, and offer some advice. It'd be a good way to stall him while she figured out how to escape.

For now, Irene had closed the distance between them, and without warning she lashed out, swinging both of her arms up to Domino's face to sharply strike each of his ears with her respective palms. It was an interesting little move that aimed to disorient rather than harm the brawler by causing a loud bang in each of his ears. Following that, the girl would grasp Domino's shoulders and drive her knee into his midsection, hoping to double him over and set him up for a final attack on his exposed back to force him onto his stomach.

Unfortunately, Irene's plan had a lot of steps to it, and Domino was a capable fighter, so there was a solid chance that he would interrupt her at some point if he recovered from any of her strikes too quickly for her to follow up with the next one.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:06 am

Those eyes lock.

She's taking the slow approach. She shows restraint, thought, pacing... smart girl. Domino could appreciate that. Moreso, if she weren't currently his opponent and running the risk of humiliating him in a horrible, emasculating manner. At least he knows that he isn't going to try to embarrass her in the ring. She's not done anything to deserve that, so far as he knows! So in a weird way, she's in good hands.

Oh, she's doing something.


Domino is brought back to the here and now in an instant, his ears ringing. His hands instinctively move to the ears, a grimace on his face. Her knee then plants into his sleek midsection, those toned abdominals absorbing the blow and forcing him to double over. "Unf!" The final strike lands against his back, dropping the model! a knee.

She took him by surprise, but he's been beaten harder, and they're just starting out. He has the wherewithal to keep from dropping completely, stiffening one leg to present himself a perfect target. And the moment that knee makes impact with the mat, he pushes the ache of his midsection out to thrust his posture upright again, leading with a bicep aimed to slam under her feminine jaw in a professional wrestling-style uppercut!


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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Gwyndolin Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:07 pm

Irene beamed with pride to see her combo pay off, but this fight never gave her more than a second to be satisfied with herself. Domino managed to stay upright after her assault, keeping himself propped up on a knee. A deep frown crossed the pouting girl's face. 'What is it going to take to ground this guy?!' Irene thought to herself.

The young girl repositioned herself in front of Domino's momentarily vulnerable form, reaching for him slowly to rough him up some more. Despite her caution, she wasn't ready when Domino rose up with a fist rocketing toward her jaw. The punch connected, and it hit her hard, causing her to scream in surprise and pain as she staggered back. The girl, now fuming with frustration, rubbed her intensely sore jaw. She could taste blood in her mouth; somehow, in some way, Domino had managed to draw blood from her. He was gonna pay for that.

Domino was back up on his feet, but Irene was fired up and eager to press the attack against him before he could do the same to her. The girl reached up to his head and tried to grab a handful of his hair, pulling his head down where her other arm would try to secure him in a reverse headlock. She wanted to drag him along to the edge of the arena, where she would be able to use the ring ropes to pull some dirty moves on her opponent. Whether or not she had the capability to get Domino that far, however, remained to be seen.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:52 pm

Domino's created an opening. He knows he has to capitalize on it. His ears are still ringing, but he felt how solid that hit was. He'd meant to nail her with a bicep, but... he can chalk that miss up to the darn ringing in his ears. It's disorienting. It also contributes to why he's grabbed again before he can capitalize on that opening he'd made.

Irene's slender fingers weave into his obsidian-black hair, yanking him down to lock his head under her arm. Some people might be incensed by this - he isn't. But he knows that this is not a good position for him. He can't let her take the win! Not when it could happen in... God knows what terribly humiliating ways! That's beside the fact that he has a career to think about!

His arms loop around her bare waist, stumbling forward the first couple steps towards the ropes. "Not... happenin'!" By the third step, he drives his heel against the mat to stop his motion, those arms gripping around her waist tighter. He leans into her briefly, only to whip back, attempting to swing her body into the air over his shoulder, and promptly drop back with her! If successful, the raven-haired scientist is likely to meet the mat head first!


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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Gwyndolin Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:20 pm

Irene had only taken a couple of steps before her stubborn opponent dug his heels in and refused to go any further. Irene gasped as Domino's arms tightened their grip around her waist, and the girl's eyes went wide, her mouth agape as he pulled back and lifted her clear off the mat! Irene released a startled scream as her slender body traveled in an arc over Domino's own, and came crashing down into the canvas. Irene whimpered as her head hit the ground at an angle that put sudden pressure on her neck, leaving the girl dazed and paralyzed as the rest of her body flopped down with her back to the mat.

“Uhh,” Irene groaned as her head spun. She tried to move, but Domino would certainly be on her before she could recover.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:46 pm

It's satisfying, landing a hard slam like that. They're harsh. Hard to bounce back from. It gets that adrenaline going in him, and now that the ringing in his ears has dulled, Domino's ready to put the girl through some real pain.

The move ended with him on his back, nearly head to head with her. He twists onto hands and knees and gets a look at the girl on her back. He can't take the time to admire her look from this angle - not yet. She's not been beaten down quite hard enough to ensure his victory, but he can still appreciate it for what it's worth. She's very pretty, in all honesty.

The audience will get a chance to admire her, too, if he can set her up. He grabs for her shoulder to force her over onto her front, being none too gentle about the process. He then pounces onto her, mounting her pert rear with his hips. He'll make a grab for her arms to restrain over his upturned knees, and finally will end the lock by linking his hands beneath her chin. From there, the young model will lean back, pulling her upper-body into a backwards angle, increasingly intensive, pushing her chest out and pulling her abs taut for the audience's pleasure.


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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Gwyndolin Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:44 pm

Irene whimpered as Domino rolled her limp body over and took a seat on her backside. The girl finally snapped out of her stupor when the imposing figure on top of her made a move for her arms, grabbing each of them to pull them up. The girl recognized the setup for a camel clutch and started wriggling in Domino's grasp, trying to pull her arms back down to keep them from being secured. “No, no, don't you dare!” the girl protested, but Domino slowly overpowered her, and her arms were pulled up until he placed them over his steely thighs, trapping her in the hold.

When his hands reached for her chin to pull back, however, Irene jerked her head down and opened her mouth, trying to catch at least a couple of the boy's fingers between her teeth. The pragmatic little fighter had no qualms about biting in a match and intended to leave some nasty teeth marks on the boy's digits.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

Post by Guest Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:12 am

It's not the first time someone's protested with him to not put them through a submission hold. Domino can't really blame them. They're designed to hurt like Hell, after all. Meant to either break the body down or force them to submit. And it looks like it's what poor Irene has on the horizon.

"Try not to tense up," he murmurs. He isn't sure what her experience is like in the ring, only that he's never seen her before in this arena. She could be new. "Won't hurt quite so bad..."

Clamp. "OW!" Irony much? Domino's finger gets caught in her snappy teeth. It isn't crippling, but dammit! That hurts! Of course he doesn't pull on her jaw with the other hand - that'd just cause her to clamp tighter! "Leggo! No biting! Illegal!" It's not exactly eloquent, but she's chewing on his finger like an overzealous parrot!

Indeed, the referee-girl has dropped to her knees beside Irene to fuss in that fairly ineffectual way referees are known to do. And whether or not Irene plans to comply, his free hand swings down to pound at the back of her head. Whether it dazes her successfully or just forces her to let go, he's fine with it. But either way, he's going to have a gat'dang dental imprint on his poor digit.


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Irene Inger VS Domino - Page 2 Empty Re: Irene Inger VS Domino

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