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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by Dynamo44 Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:21 am

Normal Match decided by Pin, KO, or Submission; Anything goes and No DQ

A red-headed girl with round glasses started taking deep breaths as she sat on a bench in her locker room. She was trying to contain her nervousness as she could hear the crowds outside. It's been a while since she last fought in the ring with a supermodel and barely come out on top. Now, she is going to face another redhead who is a fresh new face in the league. Upon hearing that she has five minutes until she comes up, she would remove her glasses and opened her eyes to reveal that she was now getting fired up.

The fans would wait in anticipation for the new match to begin. Both fighters who will be featured today already have support, so it should be an interesting fight. Suddenly, "Faint" by Linkin Park started to play as four lights appeared and started to circle the arena. When they hit the center, a massive fire erupted at the start of the heavy metal guitar. Once the fire died down, there stood a girl wearing a dark red sleeveless jacket with collars covering her nose and mouth, black fingerless gloves, dark red pants and boots, and flaming hair.

Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Xnalara_skarlet_mortal_kombat_wallpaper_by_captainreznov-d59wlwt

She started to street dance as the first verse started out, but before the chorus came in, she jumped and pointed at one side and one fire erupted (not harming the audience though mind you). The same happened as she pointed to the other side. She then began to do a cartwheel and three flips while heading to the arena, and every time she landed more fire burst out. Then she back flipped to the top rope, keeping her balance, and finally did a double axle into the ring.

Her hand also caught on fire but she sucked it up surprisingly and blew out smoke into her hand before the fires died out. She looked around the audience with fire in her eyes and pure determination on her face as she went back to her corner and waited for her opponent to arrive.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by k0hryuu Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:04 am

Akiko stood near the door of the locker room, anxiously awaiting her second fight here at the AFW to begin. While most girls might be concerned with a "No Rules" stipulation, Akiko very much preferred it. She had learned to fight out on the streets after all, and having to fight with restrictions other than her own personal ones just didn't really feel right.

Granted, the gimmicky rules in her debut match had probably allowed her to fare better than she would have against a hardened veteran like Lady Lakota, though conversely they were also responsible for her defeat being exponentially more painful. Just remembering being subjected to that crotch claw still made her cringe. Despite her own penchant for low blows, Akiko hoped her poor cunt would be spared too much attention today after it had so recently recovered.

As her signal was given, she quickly turned back to her tag partner Yukiko, who was waiting in the room as well.

"Ok, Yuki-chan, same as last time. Don't get involved unless she brings in help too or if she attacks me after it's over." Akiko reminded her of the terms of their agreement.

"Yeah, got it, Akiko-san." Yukiko nodded. While deep down she would do anything to prevent her beloved friend from suffering another painful beating, she had to respect her fighter's spirit. Yukiko was the same after all; she had too much pride to want Akiko to interfere with her fights either.

With that, Akiko left the locker room and made her entrance, striking a flashy pose up on the top of the ramp as some generic J-pop music rang out. Dressed in a pink bikini and matching low-cut boots, she made her way down to the ring, somewhat stiffly waving to the cheering crowd. It was her third time, counting her tag-team match, but the introverted girl still wasn't completely used to catering to an audience. The sooner she could focus all her attention on a fight the better.

Climbing up into her corner, Akiko got her first look at her opponent for today. "Just like I heard, she looks really tough..." she thought to herself, "Pretty intimidating get up too." Compared to Volcanica's rather heavy gear, Akiko was practically naked. It made her feel a little self-conscious, but she tried not to let it bother her too much.

As the countdown to the start began, she began to feel riled up, eager for a good fight. Giving a confident smirk, Akiko yelled across the ring, "Heeeeey! Let's go all out and have a good one, ok?"

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by Dynamo44 Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:24 pm

Volcanica would see Akiko come in and her first impression is that she looks like a simple girl in a bikini and boots. But of course, her fighting can define her very differently so she kept an open mind as Akiko came into the ring. When Akiko yelled across the ring for them to have a good fight, Volcanica would feel a little annoyed and would've liked to have heard that up close. However, she would only give a simple nod to her to show that she said yes.

As soon as the bell rang, Volcanica would get in her fighting stance and made her way to the center of the ring, waiting for Akiko to do the same.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by k0hryuu Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:00 pm

It seemed Volcanica was quite the serious and stoic type. Probably a given considering her appearance. Now wearing a determined look herself, Akiko would approach the center of the ring as well, facing off with her opponent.

Up close, she got a sense of just how much the height difference really was, with Volcanica towering around 6 inches or so above her. Not that she let it intimidate her at all. Akiko had fought through size discrepancies in the past.

Even if the match was no rules, and her opponent had the physical advantage, Akiko didn't want to open with any dirty tricks just yet. She needed to get a sense of what Volcanica was capable of first, and probably couldn't afford to tip her hand this early on. Striking into her combat stance, she opened with a quick kick to Volcanica's leg.

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by Dynamo44 Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:04 am

Volcanica wanted to see what Akiko can do and what she is capable of, so she would let her have the first move. She would let out a grunt as she got kicked in the leg and it made her stumble back and bend a little. But of course, she wouldn't let the fire die down that easily.

Looking back up, Volcanica would rush back in and attempt to throw a haymaker punch to knock Akiko off her feet and down onto the mat.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by k0hryuu Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:24 am

"Woah!" Akiko just narrowly evaded the heavy punch, staggering a bit to the side for safety. Luckily she had been on guard, managing to avoid getting blasted by that powerful attack. Not wanting to have to trade blows with her larger opponent, Akiko remained light on her feet, hoping to try and stay one step ahead. Hopping forward, she threw a quick jab at Volcanica's face.

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by Dynamo44 Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:47 am

Volcanica didn't want to trade blows either, so she had to be smart about her next move in order to surprise Akiko. So after the evasion from the haymaker, Akiko would come in with a light jab to the face. Volcanica would take it with a small grunt, but then she tried to bring that element of surprise.

She would attempt to grab Aliko's arm after that light jab and pull her in for a knee to the gut. If this worked, she would try her haymaker again to take Akiko down.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

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Join date : 2010-04-14

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by k0hryuu Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:47 pm

Akiko was taken off guard as Volcanica managed to grab her arm, restraining her as she took a knee shot to her belly.

"Ghhhhk...!" She grunted as the blow sunk deep, knocking the wind out of her. Hunched over and stationary from the pain, she would be unable to dodge Volcanica's second haymaker attempt as it blasted her across the face, sending her down in a heap.

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by Dynamo44 Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:48 pm

Volcanica's combo was risky, very risky, but simply put, it worked. She would take a couple of deep breaths to get some strength back as she wondered what she should do next. Akiko has taken some good hits, so maybe a submission is in order.

The fiery redhead would try to reach for her legs in order to spin around one and form with the other leg to make a "4" shape. If this worked, Volcanica would sit down and lean back for a figure-4 leg lock to keep Akiko at bay for a while.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

Post by k0hryuu Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:00 pm

Akiko started to shake off the daze just in time to be trapped down by Volcanica's leg lock hold. As the pain shot through her long, toned legs, Akiko cried out. Inadept at dealing with technical holds like these, she squirmed and writhed, hoping to try and escape.

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Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu) Empty Re: Battle of the Redheads: Akiko Takamiya vs. Volcanica (for k0hryuu)

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