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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by Gwyndolin Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:31 am

Irene had expected Haruna to be moving slowly after the abuse her crotch had suffered. She was so, so wrong. Haruna charged her with a murderous snarl affixed on her face, earning a surprised yelp from Irene. The palm strike whipped her head forward and sent her flailing over the outer edge of the ring...until Haruna caught her legs, that is. Instinctively, Irene was happy that her tumble had been stopped, but as higher brain functions took over, her face froze with horror. Haruna was still holding her legs, and the girl was in such an awkward position that she didn't have the necessary leverage to escape. She realized that Haruna was trying to string her up for some serious abuse and was currently powerless to stop it. Fortunately, unlike the corners of the wrestling ring, the sides had no solid elements to secure her legs with, so as soon as Haruna let them go, her Tree of Woe would unwind, allowing Irene to fall. Unless Haruna had some creative solution to this problem, Irene would simply wait for the woman to wise up and release her.

“If it's alright with you, can we stop hanging around and get back to the match?” she added to drive the point home, although the pun she had chosen was terrible.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by k0hryuu Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:16 am

Of course, given the awkward positioning, there really was no way for Haruna to get at Irene's crotch. It was impractical, but having her prey trapped so helplessly was a bit satisfying. The look of fear that passed of the smaller girl's face was also a nice consolation, of course.

Though her cunt was out of reach, there were other parts of her body that definitely weren't. Feeling a twinge of irritation at Irene's awful pun, Haruna decided to punish her for it by drawing back her leg and aiming a full-on soccer kick right at Irene's spine. If it landed, she would release her grip on the scientist's legs, using the pain from the kick to ensure Irene would hit the hard concrete even less gracefully than she would have before.

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by Gwyndolin Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:55 am

Irene had started wriggling in Haruna’s hold when the latter delivered a sharp kick to Irene’s back, forcing a startled scream out of her mouth. Because Irene had not been able to see the kick coming, she hadn’t been able to subconsciously brace for it, which made the pain far worse than it would have been otherwise. In spite of her agony, however, Irene maintained some level of composure as Haruna released her legs and allowed her to fall. As part of her body hit the canvas, Irene’s arms shot out in search of salvation. One of them grabbed the lower rope and held on for dear life, saving Irene from the pain of hitting the concrete outside the ring.

With Haruna still standing within striking distance of her, Irene needed to do something to buy herself time to recover. Pulling herself up with the arm she had on the rope, her other flew forward with a punch aimed at – what else – her groin. Once Haruna was off balance and Irene was sitting in a relatively stable position on the edge of the ring, she would let go of the rope and punch with both arms, aiming to hit Haruna’s exposed knee joints and crumple her to the mat.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by k0hryuu Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:19 am

Fully expecting Irene to fall helplessly to the ground below, Haruna peered over the ropes only to take a surprise shot right to her tender bits. Her eyes bulged in disbelief that Irene pulled off such a maneuver, but more so from the horrible agony, Haruna hunched over as she clutched her cunt. Thrown completely off by the unexpected turn of events, she staggered backwards towards the center of the ring, needing to try and compose herself. Of course, the pain radiating from her loins wasn't making that easy...

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by Gwyndolin Sat Mar 07, 2015 10:07 am

Irene's attempted strike on her opponent's knees hit empty space as Haruna staggered back from the first blow. That punch had dealt more damage than Irene had expected it to, and the woman ducked under the middle ring rope, charging Haruna with the intent to capitalize on her moment of weakness.

“You're not going anywhere,”
Irene growled as her fingers wove into the shinobi's long, violet locks to pull her head down as her knee came up to smash Haruna's face. Once she was stunned, Irene would start dragging her by the hair toward the ropes that she herself had just been tangled in, planning to give Haruna a taste of her own medicine.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by k0hryuu Sat Mar 07, 2015 10:44 am

Haruna's rage boiling, it quickly burned away the haze in her mind. As Irene rushed at her, grabbing her silky long purple hair, Haruna was ready. Ignoring the pain in her scalp, she threw up arms, attempting to grab Irene's leg as it shot upwards and block her attack. Assuming she was successful, keeping Irene off-balance standing on only on leg, she would shoot a vicious uppercut right up into her crotch.

"Don't get so full of yourself you piece of shit!"

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by Gwyndolin Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:29 am

For as angry as Haruna was, the bitter woman was still capable of some decent counterattacks, a fact that Irene learned the hard way. “Jesus, calm down, you lunatic,” she grumbled as Haruna seized her leg and held it up to weaken her balance. Haruna probably felt confident right now, but Irene had some counters of her own. As the shinobi pulled her leg up, Irene would jump into the air, shouting something akin to a battle cry as she shot her free leg out to catch Haruna in the stomach. She hoped this would force Haruna back and free her other leg, but even if it worked, it would result in Irene hitting the hard canvas on her back, stunning her briefly. If Haruna recovered from the kick too quickly, or somehow prevented it altogether, the escape attempt would only land Irene in more hot water.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by k0hryuu Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:43 am

"Guhhh!" Haruna gasped as Irene's knee struck her toned belly. Staggering back a few steps, the blow paled in comparison to getting hit in the crotch, so she quickly recovered. Increasingly frustrated at being foiled by Irene at every turn, Haruna's hatred seethed more and more, only driving her to fight harder.

With Irene down on her back, Haruna quickly tried to grab her by the legs, spread them open, and deliver a crushing stomp to the scientist's nether regions.

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by Gwyndolin Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:44 am

Before Irene was able to lift herself up, Haruna descended on her and seized her by the ankles, pulling her legs up. When Irene felt her legs being pulled open, exposing her vulnerable crotch, Irene shivered in anticipation for what she knew was coming next. “, no, nooooohhh!” Irene yelled as Haruna's cruel stomp knocked the wind out of her and sent a hefty, debilitating ache through her system. It felt like someone had reached inside her and crushed her intestines between their fingers, and since Irene's legs were still open, it was only going to get worse as Haruna most likely wound up another stomp.

Irene tried to fight the inevitable by reaching down to cover her crotch with her hands, but it was a weak defense, and since she was still hurting from the stomp, she couldn't gather the strength to fight Haruna's grip and close her legs. She looked up at the woman, and for the first time in the match, a look of acute terror was reflected on her tortured scowl, which Haruna would no doubt love to see.

Current Status - Undergoing a major transition in my life, so my reliability here will be very sporadic for the foreseeable future.

Character Profiles:

Caroline Brookes - Friction exclusive, meant for lighter matches

Faheema Salih - Friction exclusive, meant for rougher matches

Ashley Anderson - Tension exclusive, meant for tougher opponents

Irene Inger - Retired, awaiting a potential character rework

Posts : 1105
Join date : 2015-01-09
Age : 34
Location : California

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Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Haruna Saitou VS Irene Inger: Low Blows Match

Post by k0hryuu Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:55 am

Finally seeing some real fear on Irene's face, Haruna looked back with a sense of smug satisfaction. This foolish woman would suffer for the grief she had dared to put Haruna through. Raising her heel once more, she again stomped down with full force, this time planning to grind her heel down into Irene's crotch and cause her even more pain.

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