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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:20 am

Normal Match: Anything Goes, decided by KO or Submission

A new match is taking place in the Friction ring and the wild and crazy fans could be heard outside. In the locker room though, a white-haired girl was sitting with both of her legs crossed on the bench as she is meditating. It's been a while since she fought again in the ring and from another loss. She breathed in and out to let out all her anger and worry out and achieve inner peace. Perhaps today will be different and she might still have a chance to prove herself. Once she got the call, she would head out to the front and await her signal. She gazed upon the ring which now was modified with a tatami canvas and there were no ropes, only the turnbuckles. It looks similar to the dojo she used to train in, so she may be against an opponent with a similar martial arts skill set.

Suddenly after five minutes, there was a sound of a gu-zheng being played and there were white flower petals coming from the corners of the ring. Coming together, they all swirled until they broke out and the girl wore a striped chinese white outfit, an undershirt covering her cleavage, and white oriental shoes. Her face was covered with a fan, but as she closed the fan to reveal her white tiger mask, Deadpool's Theme from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 began to play.

Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Yanagi2

As the drums began to beat, she displayed her tiger-style moves as she came closer to the ring. When she was about 5 feet away, she took a deep breath and ran to do an aerial flip onto the turnbuckle and then flipping into the ring. She would stand up and pose back to her oriental stance as she was waiting for her opponent to arrive. She may have had more losses than wins, but she was determined to still fight either way.

Last edited by Dynamo44 on Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Ring description)

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

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Join date : 2010-04-14

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:10 pm

Akiko was reading over her opponent's profile for the fifth time, making sure to get every detail she could off of it. White Tigress, real name Xia Lin. A skilled martial artist in her family's Tiger Style and submission techniques. And she's also using the ninja hook too. That made Aki pause for a moment. Actually, I haven't seen many ninja vs. ninja matches here despite all the people using that angle. She skimmed through the paragraphs of information, focusing on her opponent's record. She's had quite a few matches too... looks like this fight'll be tough. She sighed, placing the file aside. 

"Why do I even care?" She wasn't in this league to fight or gain fame after all. It was just a cover for her vigilante activities. It was only recently that she was forced into a few matches to remain in the league. She gave another sigh and began stretching. "And it's against a Friction-level wrestler too... I joined the Kawaii league for relatively simple and harmless matches so why are they pitting me against a Friction wrestlers?" Then again, her last match with Claire was pretty intense on the level of skill they used, so that might be a reason. Still this Tigress chick is like 20 centimeters taller than me if the profile's right. That's suicide for a girl like me if you went on specs alone... Well, I've taken out thugs that tall, so I guess I'll be fine.

She rolled her eyes before sighing again. They really were milking the ninja hook for all it was worth. She got a peek at the ring before the match and noted the tatami mats and the lack of ropes. It was clearly gears for striking and acrobatics. Hell, the fight would be decided by submission or knockout only, so there was no hope of ending this with a pinfall. A real match for a couple of decent martial artists. "Well, even with the odds stacked against me, I'll give it my all." Beside, if I get my ass handed to me and Claire sees this match, I'll never hear the end of it. No sooner after that thought did her opponent's theme end, and her's began. "Okay, time to go."

Much like her opponent, Akiko was also dressed as a typical ninja, she had gotten her outfit repaired after her humiliation match with clear, and it looked got as new. Though she decided to scrap her sandals considering she'd be fighting on tatami mats. Unlike her opponent though, Aki made no real spectacle of her entrance, simply walking down her ramp and onto the mats. She still wasn't much of a showman. She examined at her opponent, noting the mask and aura around her. She's... kind of intimidating actually. The kunoichi thought nervously. This woman had quite a few centimeters on her, at least fifteen or twenty. Akiko could barely keep up the poker face to hide her nervousness. 

"Um... hello," She said, giving the woman a bow. "Looks like I'm your opponent." She scratched the back of her head, trying to think of what else to say. "Um... I read up on you. You're a martial artist, right? I am too, so..." She paused, not knowing what to say next. "Um..." She took a few steps back for some space (and also to get some distance from the woman's aura). "Well, let's have a fair fight."

The Azure Squadron

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:23 am

White Tigress would watch Akiko Hoshi make her entrance and was quite intrigued that she dresses very similar to her. Although, the fact that she is fighting in only her socks without the typical ninja sandals might affect her movements on the mats. Nevertheless, both are willing to prove themselves as formidable fighters and there's no turning back now.

Once Akiko is finished with her entrance, Tigress would walk over to her with her hands behind her back in a formal manner. Akiko would be the first to bow and greet her in hopes of a fair fight. In turn, Tigress would put also bow and say, "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Ms. Hoshi. As attitude carries great effect on a future performance, yours is indeed positive. I can also sense that your spirit is bold and strong along with a mind of great intellect. Indeed we shall enjoy this confrontation...may the best fighter achieve victory!

With the introductions done, Tigress would get into her fighting stance and waited for Akiko so that the bell can ring and begin the match.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:36 am

Well... this woman... a lot more vibrant than I expected.[color] Akiko honestly expected a more somber, if not apathetic person given what she had read in her file. Tigress's boldness really came as a shock to her. "R-Right..." She said, unable to hide her nervousness. Guess you can't judge a book by it's cover. She thought, her mind quickly making a plan for the match. 

Alright, she's also a martial artist, so she'll likely focus on strikes. I just need to get a feel for her fighting style and counter accordingly... That is, of course, if everything goes as planned. With the ring the way it was, there were no ropes to keep them contained in the ring, and Akiko knew she was at a height disadvantage. This match would definitely be hard to win. "Okay then Tigress-san, I'll give it my all." With her mind getting into a more tactical state, Akiko was now calm and took her own fighting stance. The bell soon rang after, and the kunoichi steeled herself for her opponent’s move.[/color]

The Azure Squadron

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:34 am

Even though it is difficult to tell what her expression was under that mask, Tigress would give a small smile to Akiko, showing that she is glad that she is going to give it her all. In turn, Tigress herself will do the same. She had her signature tiger stance in place with one fist extended in front like a tiger's paw and the other paw was sideways and close to her head. Her eyes would glare at her opponent in front of her to maintain focus before she makes the first move.

The bell would ring and Tigress would think for a few moments on what she should do first. Then, she would begin walking towards Akiko before suddenly trying to give two paw strikes right and left to make her be on guard. If this worked, Tigress would even try to jump and give a backflip drop kick to knock her opponent down for the moment while flipping in the air.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:44 am

With the sound of the bell, Akiko instantly brought her focus to the match. Her eyes were looked onto Tigress's as she began to approach her. Despite her grandiose intro, she looked pretty damn serious about this match. Guess Friction fighters are just like that. She figured, narrowing her eyes. This was definitely a different atmosphere than her matches with Claire. A bit more serious, it really surprised Akiko how quick things got serious.

As Tigress came at her with tiger-like strikes, Akiko quickly put her hands up, blocking the incoming assault. The blows didn't hurt as much as she thought they would, given her opponent's size. However, the dropkick Aki did not see coming. She was prepared for the hand strikes, but the force of Tigress's kick caught her off guard and made her stagger back. "Ah!" It wasn't long before the kunoichi was pushed onto the ground with sore arms. "O-Ow..." That hit hurt a hell of a lot more than she thought. It was her punishment for letting her guard down so quickly.

Last edited by dlamp on Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:11 am; edited 1 time in total

The Azure Squadron

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:40 am

Tigress would land on both of her feet after backflipping off of Akiko's arms and that dropkick of hers did some damage early in the fight. Her eyes looked up back to Akiko to see that she was already feeling the effects of that attack since it took her by surprise. Tigress may gain an early lead, but Akiko may surprise her later on, so she had to keep her eyes open.

And thinking of which, Tigress wanted to see how well Akiko can adapt to this kind of damage and rise back up from this. So, she would rush over to her opponent and slid close to her. With her eyes focused on her, she would raise one arm up to prepare to chop her down on the stomach. Tigress would attempt to do so while watching Akiko to see how fast she could react.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:21 am

Akiko was down, but she was far from helpless. The initial pain from Tigress's dropkick was already starting to fade, and her attention was quickly back on the fight. Tigress didn't relent with her kick, though, and quickly came back at Akiko with a chop.

It was fast, but not unblockable. Akiko's hands quickly went up to grab her opponent's incoming hand before it could connect with her stomach. She refused to let go though. While she was on the ground, she shot her foot out at Tigress's shin, hoping to bring her down as well.

The Azure Squadron

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:40 am

That reaction of catching her hand before the chop was what Tigress wanted to see from Akiko. A true warrior including a ninja should know always be alert of their surroundings even while they're down and have a mere split second to escape death. When Akiko refused to release her hand, Tigress knew that Akiko was going to take the opportunity to strike back.

"NNGH!" Tigress grunted as she got hit on the shin, which made her fall down on that knee. But she didn't want to go down that easily, so she had to strike back. She would try to use her free arm to give a quick tiger palm strike to Akiko's side to make her let go. If this worked, Tigress would roll away fast and remain on one knee while being on defense.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp) Empty Re: Honor Among Ninjas! Akiko Hoshi vs. White Tigress (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Sun Jul 05, 2015 2:32 am

Akiko had Tigress down, if only just on one knee. However, she didn't know how to follow it up. Her mind began trying to figure out a way to capitalize on the situation. Though she had little time to do so as her thoughts were shattered by Tigress's palm. "Guh!" It hurt, but enough to make her to let go. She's relentless... She noted. Well, her fighting style is tiger-based. Despite the pain, the kunoichi locked her eyes onto Tigress and gave a small smirk.  She had a plan now, not much of a plan, but it'd get Tigress to back off for a bit. "That all you got?" She said, pulling a foot back before sending it straight into Tigress's face.

The Azure Squadron

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