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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:42 am

Unable to help herself, Serpahim let out a hearty laugh, truly amused to see the reaction she got out of Tracy that time. No matter how she had seen it, Tracy's reactions always were enough to make Seraphim get a chuckle, such a tiny girl getting so pent up and flustered all the time was just so riveting, it made Seraphim think back when she was a few years younger, before her incident. Those were good times...

Still, now was not the time to think about that. Instead, she had a fight to look foward to, but of course, they were in a gym, and people could see them, so there were rules and regulations. Normally sparring gloves were needed so they didn't really hurt one another, but the two girls had enough endurance in them to make it pointless as putting a pillow as padding against a bullet. "So.. you think you can perfect something that took me years in just a few days? Heh.. this should be amusing." Her smile grew, and there was no doubt in Seraphim's mind that Tracy would be a good fighter. After all, the girl had the time to not only train, but to put her life together. It was amazing how much better a person could be when they just had some good food in their stomach, a friend to look after them, and a few changes in their view on life. Seraphim knew that Tracy wasn't just changing as a fighter, but also as a person, and that would certainly make her stronger.

"Alright, ready? You start whenever you want; we're beginning now!" With a proud announciation in her voice as she declared it, Seraphim once again stood defensive. One fist close to her face and the other by her gut, she had one foot raised in front slightly off the toe, mixing her hybrid stance as she stood her ground and waited for Tracy to make the first move.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:06 am

Tracy's training sessions were long and intense. Though maybe Seraphim went through the same when she was younger, the kawaii was decided to give her best and not hold anything back this time. Besides, they were in a bigger place this time. She wont be having much of a problem with walls, like last time. Another thing Seraphim would notice once Tracy had raised her arms will be that her wrists and hands were covered by bandages. In her right hand's knuckles she'd notice a little red stain.

" Okay. Just, dont expect me to go easy on you like that time at the back alley. " The girl taunted, staring right into Seraphim's eyes and smirking a little. Without anything else to say, Tracy'd move forward really fast and attempt a strong left jab to the white haired girl's cheek. She wanted to avoid using her wounded right hand, but if she had to use it, she wouldnt doubt about it for a second.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:57 am

As Tracy got herself ready, Seraphim remained in her defensive posture, making sure to let Tracy put in the first move. She wanted to learn Tracy's style again, making sure she would block and let Tracy show her offensive so Seraphim understood what she was working against; it was always a good strategy to use upon someone who you didn't know what to expect. And after all the training, Seraphim didn't know just what she'd see.

'She's gotten quicker!' Seraphim suddenley thought when Tracy charged her, her bandaged fist sent towards her with rapid speed. However, since Seraphim was in a defensive boxing stance, the last thing that someone wanted to do was try a punch against her face or chest, she was perfectly ready for it. "Not bad short-shit!" Seraphim said out loud, still to this day calling Tracy nasty nicknames over her height. She kept her own fist close to her face, the right arm taking in the punch's full force, effectively blocking it. Seraphim didn't counter just yet though, she waited for the next strike.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:32 am

The normal Tracy'd have growled and sent a barrage of strong but unaccurate punches at her opponent. But, instead of growling, the kawaii girl smirked. It was quite obvious that that punch wouldnt be able to connect. And... it wasnt meant to actually damage Seraphim. It was thought as a simple distraction so Tracy could attack from another angle. It was definitely not something the old Tracy'd do. Have a back up plan.

" Heh, you havent seen anything yet " The girl said with a pretty confident ring in her tune of voice, like if she had matured or something. While she pulled her left arm back, she sent a powerful uppercut to Seraphim's chin, using her right arm, though she shouldnt be doing that. She thought that she'd need both arms if she really desired to beat the white haired girl. Tracy wanted to show Seraphim how much better she got.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:57 am

Something certainly seemed... different about Tracy. She hadn't expected her to change so quickly but... all those days together, time spent both bonding, training, and even being.. being a family, it was like she had improved herself on so many levels. Seraphim could only hope that this carried out in her fighting too, anticipating to see something special from Tracy or dynamic.

Still playing it defensive, Seraphim was changing her blocking pattern, but was intervened as she tried to stand her ground, and didn't see the uppercut coming in time. The fist went high, and because of Tracy's height, she had a perfect rise in the strike, knocking Seraphim's head to tilt upwards as she stumbled back. "Ugh! Damnit.. how didn't I see that one??" Seraphim cursed out, spitting to the side to distract herself from the pain, not even sparing herself the chance to rub her aching chin before mounting an offensive. Without warning, Seraphim went in low, shifting her legs so she could thrust her foot forth, going for a powerful donkey kick right into the center of the girl's hips, just below her gut and just above her sex.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:09 am

Tracy could feel it. She was better and stronger than the last tiem she fought with Seraphim. She could how the adrenaline of fighting Seraphim again ran through her body. It was so exciting that she couldnt think about anything else at the moment. The kawaii smirked as her uppercut connected with Seraphim's chin. Now it was turn for her defensive.

Her right hand was hurting after that last blow. The doctor told her to try not to move it or make any force with it. But Tracy was really bad at obeying what doctors said. The wound opened again, making the little red stain in her bandages bigger. Thinking about this, the girl was only able to block the kick halfly by putting her left hand in front of Seraphim's foot. It still connected, but it wasnt as strong as it could have been. " Unghh.. " The kawaii redhead stepped back, trying to create some distance between her and her opponent and try to check on her hand.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:22 am

Seraphim had to admit, that blow to her chin really hurt more than she expected. Normally, pain was something she could just ignore completely, but this was something she really had to focus on shaking off, still a bit troubled by how much it stung. None the less, like the inhuman wrecking ball she always proved to be, Seraphim didn't let it stop her as she pressed on, fighting through it as she would continue her assualt.

She was impressed to see Tracy actually defend for once, but noticed her still take a bit of pain from the blow. What Seraphim didn't notice though was how she had reopened a wound, and instead assumed she simply knocked Tracy off guard. Seizing the oppurtunity, not wanting to give Tracy even a moment to recover since they were taking this seriously, Seraphim stepped in, going low again, but instead trying to grapple Tracy, taking on a tactic she rarely did, but had a few tricks up her sleeve with. Closing in on Tracy, Seraphim went in low again, reaching to grab Tracy's ankles, trying to grab a tight hold and pull her legs forward out from under her so she'd fall to the padded mat beneath her, not intending to release her hold either.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:30 am

Tracy's wound started to bother her a bit, but simply tried to ignore it. She couldnt let something like that get in the way and keep her from defeating Seraphim. The kawaii redhead was accostumed to pain, and for now, the pain her wound brought her was easily resistable.

The redhead analyzed Seraphim's sudden move, and attempted something to stop her. She planted her feet on the padded mat, at least for long enough to punch her a bit on top of her head. It was inevitable to stay on her feet as Seraphim pulled her legs out from under her. She fell to the mat onto her butt, growling softly as she held her arms in front of her chest and face to block any attack Seraphim might try now. That was definitely something the old Tracy wouldnt do. One of the things she learned the bad way was that defensive stances helped a lot in matches.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:41 am

Seraphim grunted when she felt the sudden blow against the top of her noggin, dazing her just a bit. Once again though, Seraphim just went through the pain, such a word and meaning being pointless to her as the strikes were like nothing but a kittens paws to her. She had to admit, Tracy's attacks felt stronger, but it didn't help that she was using the kind of tactics Seraphim was strongly built against.

When Seraphim yanked Tracy's legs out from under her and forced the girl onto her rear, Seraphim started to stand to her feet, still holding Tracy's ankles as she lifted the girl up a bit, seeming to have no intention of hitting her chest or face. Instead, she started to pull the girl's legs apart which would inevitable fall back and reveal her panties. Should she manage to part her legs, Seraphim would raise her foot, aiming right between the girl's crotch. "Have a tender kiss~" She said with a hint of cruelty, suddenly slamming her foot down hard, hoping to smash her heel right into Tracy's womanhood that was pointed up in the air.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:49 am

Tracy lowered her arms a little as she noticed that Seraphim's objective werent her face nor her chest, but her crotch. The kawaii's redhead couldnt do anything to stop the white haired girl, and as her foot slammed down on her sex, Tracy let out a desperate and heartbreaking scream of pain. If there was a point where she didnt want to get attacked, it was her womanhood.

It seemed like Seraphim was really willing to use all of her dirty tactics. And so Tracy decided to do. If Seraphim could, why couldnt she? The kawaii moved her hands to the white haired's foot and tried to push it off her crotch before her heel seriously damaged her womanhood. It was definitely not a comfortable position for her.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 19 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

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