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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:54 pm

And here she thought this girl was a real cold-stone.. Seraphim was rather surprised to see this girl actually caring some for her friend. She made a note in her mind to thank Tracy later too for helping Alison, she really made things a lot easier during Alison's little episode. Looking at the shorter girl, Seraphim gave a soft sigh and shook her head, knowing it wasn't a good idea to get much more on the topic. This whole subject really wasn't something she wanted to talk about right now. "Unless you can control time, hand me a shitload of cash, or have a cure for the incurable, then not really." Seraphim stated very dismissively, clearly trying to send the message that there was nothing Tracy could do. Though, she was silently thankful to the offer.

"Look, you got spunk kid, a little headstrong, but you've got what it takes to be something good. And maybe we could do a trade off, I could help you, and when I find something you can do for Alison, you can help her in return. But right now... there isn't much."

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:44 pm

Tracy heard what Seraphim said. It was clear that the taller girl wasnt thinking the same Tracy was. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. " Oh, you just said that I can't do anything, but also gave me an idea of something I could do. " Tracy said,obviously reffering to stealing the money. She leap off the wall and slowly walked to the white haired girl. " Thank you for taking me here. That's all I needed to say. " Tracy said with an almost nice tune of voice as she turned back to Seraphim and heading towards the window. " I'll be back before the clock strikes 5 " And with that said, the kawaii redhead jumped out the window and escaped from the place. ' I hope she doesnt come after me....That would be a problem. '

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:58 am

Seraphim wasn't going to stop her. In fact, she let out a defeated sigh, knowing that even though the police had calmed down at this point, it was still a risk to go out. Though it didn't seem to manner, Seraphim wasn't going to keep Tracy any longer if she was so willing to get herself into trouble. The girl was obviously restless and had something on her mind, so there was no point in keeping her. Besides, Seraphim wasn't the type to get herself into trouble, not anymore anyway. Her days of living as a street rat were over with, even if she did still have her habits and had still occasionally done something foolish; just like when she helped Tracy in the first place.

"Fine, whatever.. just go. You're welcome to come back though I suppose, Alison-san seems to like you." Seraphim barely looked towards the red-head, casually waving her off with a backhanded salute, turning towards the other side of the room where the punching back rested. There, she would take up her stance and begin practicing her manuevers, mostly working with her kicks and knee strikes right now.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:31 pm

Oh yes, Tracy was planning to come back, sooner than anybody else would have expected. Her plan was clear. She was going to steal at least, 5000 US$ from somewhere. She ran the empty streets towards an old but big store, where everybody spent her money daily to buy every kind of stuff. But not before going to her apartment to pick her knife. She already knew that she was going to need to use it. To defend herself or simply to scare the people.

After a few minutes,she arrived to the huge place. To her favour,the biggest cash register was near the entrance, and only guarded by three guys. There were some cops, so she memorized their position to plan an easier escape. She nomrally walked towards the guys in charge of the cash register and pointed at them with the knife. " Give me all the money or I kill you all !! " Tracy said, seeming really serious about her threat. Without losing a second more, they gave her the money, but also called the cops.

Tracy took the money and ran, not having enough time to stop, relax and count it. She ran through the door without even waiting until the authomatized system opened it, the cops going right after her. Not far of her apartment...The cops shoot their guns. Fortunetely, the bullet only hit her right arm. She continued escaping,not feeling like stopping now that she came this far.

She maybe knew the neighbourhood better than these policemen. She ran into a dead end, and desperately started to climb up the wall using the raised bricks. It wasnt a high wall, and thanks to her agility, she didnt have a hard time doing it. The adrenaline was running through her body. She has never been so close of being caught, except the last time,when she was rescued by Seraphim.

The ' blues ' lost her track after a few more blocks of houses. She was relieved now, panting heavily, feeling like her body was just about to hit the ground, completely sore and crushed. The blood ran down her arm, but she bit her tongue to keep herself from crying out in pain. She started to walk,really slow towards Seraphim's apartment, knowing that the cops werent going to follow her anymore for now.

An hour later, the clock just about to strike the 6 o' clock

Tracy started to climb up the stairs,her right arm all covered by blood while she carried the bag with the money using her left hand. She slowly past through the window. " I'm.....I'm back..." Tracy said between loud pants as she dropped the bag with money.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:52 pm

Only once since Tracy was gone did Seraphim take a small break, otherwise, she had been pushing herself as she had still been working on her leg muscles despite how exhausted she felt. Upon her ankles and thighs at this point were a few sandbags tied around, putting a total of forty pounds on each leg, making it hard enough to even lift them, but that didn't stop Seraphim from continueing, to her, this was just another day of practice.

When she heard her window open, Seraphim turned around, quick to react and even aking a defensive stance, only to realize it wasn't someone breaking in, but instead it was... "Sh-Shorty? What the Hell?" She didn't expect Tracy to return. In fact, she was half expecting never to see her again because she would be arressted or shot, but instead, here she was, crawling in through the window, panting for breath, dropping a bag to the floor and.... bleeding?

"Shit! What the Hell happened to you??" Seraphim nearly yelled out, but calmed her voice at the last second since Alison was asleep, leaving her anger to a hushed tone as she walked closer to her. "You're bleeding all over your arm? What fuckin' stupid shit did you do now??" Seraphim was ready to grab a first aid kit to help, but she had to know what on earth provoked this. Though, she did see a whole in Tracy's shirt where her skin was sunken in the most, and that lead Seraphim's suspicion to one thing; a bullet. Still, she needed to be sure. "Just sit down, I'll get you something for that." Not even looking at the contents of the bag yet, Seraphim was already rushing to get the first aid kit, clearly not happy with what was going on, but at least concerned.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:02 pm

" Relax. It's nothing....Nghh..." Tracy was barely able to say as her mouth and nose were busy catching some air. Otherway, she could fall out of consciousness. Obviously, she was more concerned about the sleeping girl than about herself, though she was bleeding and clearly tired.

Tracy slowly moved her left hand to the bag,unzipping it open and revealing a great deal of money coming out right out of it. "I thought...*pant* you two could use this... *pant* " Tracy weakly spoke, her voice starting to turn off due to the lack of air. Her eyes barely open as she slowly started to stand up, her legs trembling in the process.

" They.....They shot me. Well....Just my arm got injured...." The red head explained, trying not to let Seraphim use the first aid in her, as may need it later for Alison.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:29 pm

Nothing? Hahahaaaa! This girl was just too rich! God she loved it, seeing her try to play it tough and act like the bulletwound was just a scratch. Seraphim had to admit, the girl was a Hell of a trooper, but there was no cure for stupidity it seemed. She wasn't going to take no for an answer, knowing a bulletwound left untreated was still fatal, and she was about to help, even trying to make her concern seem like it wasn't even there, coming up with an amusing excuse. "Oh, don't get me wrong shorty, dying is fine. I just can't stand to see you bleed all over the carpet, it takes days to scrub out." Sarcastic and tying to lighten the situation, Seraphim was still on her way to give the girl some medical attention. That is, until she revealed what she did.

"...Money...?" Seraphim said, glancing in the bag to see the heap of cash. And then, upon seeing that, Seraphim couldn't hold herself back at what she was about to do next.

[size=85:2qgdfhnp]"You..." Her back was turned to Tracy as she was still looking at the bag, her hands physically trembling and her shoulders and head hung low, shaking her head in disbeleif. "You..." Her breathing grew loud enough to hear, sounding like she was having a panic attack. And then, suddenly, Seraphim spun around to face Tracy, her crimson eye lit up in nothing but a pure anger and hatred before-

*SLAP!* [size=135:2qgdfhnp]"YOU IDIOT!!!" It was impossible to see coming, and Seraphim's palm felt as hard as a brick as she turned and gave Tracy a powerful slap across the cheek, breathing heavily as she tried to contain her rage from wanting to snap this girls neck for what she had just done.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:53 pm

' Huh? Seems like I left her speechless. Now it's time for me to act like a boss and----' Tracy's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the fierce slap. She obviously didnt seem to be expecting that. She fell to the floor strongly onto her butt, a red mark of a palm appearing on her cheek. Her surprise was too big to react at the moment, and just lifted her head to look up at the taller girl.

" That's how you're going to thank me...? " Tracy said, rubbing her damaged cheek, which seemed to hurt her more than the bulletwound. She slowly started to stand up again, helping herself by putting her hand on the wall. She gave the white haired girl one last death stare as she slowly past through the window again, leaving the place a bit disappointed. " Just tell Alison it was all my fault. I dont want her to think bad about you. " The red head said without even turning back to look at Seraphim.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Ninja-chan Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:02 am

Oh Hell now, this time Seraphim was not letting Tracy go. Not after all this, the last thing she was going to do was let te girl just walk off when she had just commited such a crime and had a bullet in her arm. "You hold on just a minute short-shit."

Alison had been awakened now, mostly because of Seraphim's outburst and the slap, but her chocolate brown eyes would catch site of Seraphim lashing out through the window, ready to hop out in any moment to grab Tracy in the arm, not caring if it was the wounded one or not as she tried to stop the girl. The crimson eye was pissed, and she'd be damned if she was going to let Tracy just walk off after this.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

Post by Jessica Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:10 am

" No. I'm heading home. I'll take care of this arm...." Tracy said a bit disappointed, releasing the arm the other girl grabbed, fortunetely not the injured one. " And if I find any cops in the way....better. That way I'll be able to end with this ungrateful life." And with that, Tracy started to climb down the stairs, falling halfway and rolling down to the last one, ending up really hurt, but not enough to keep her wild spirit from moving.

Barely able to walk, she started to move almost immediatly after she got back to her feet. Nothing was going to stop her from going home now. Not even Alison or Seraphim, or the 'blues' . She walked on the streets, like she didnt care if someone sees her.

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[url=][size=150:2wqwu7zy]Jessica's Maids[/url:2wqwu7zy]


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Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter - Page 8 Empty Re: Crimson Snow; Seraphim and Tracy's encounter

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