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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by k0hryuu Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:09 am

Tearing away the first layer of Harley's clothing, Momoka quickly sunk her claws into the girl's ample bust, squeezing and mauling the soft flesh. However, her assault was quickly cut short by a harsh slap. Making a resounding and audible noise as the hand struck her cheek, the pink-haired girl's head snapped to the side, right before she went toppling off her perch.

Knocked for a loop, Momoka let out a loud groan as she held her face with out hand, quickly trying to shake off the jarring blow.

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by RJD Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:03 am

Harley tried her best to all-ways keep her nice girl persona and go lucky attitude up, luck for her she was a natural and most the time she would be remain friendly in bad situations. Her opponent's relentless attacks at the raven haired kawaii and the tearing of Harley's outfit would cause her to finally lose it against Momoka as she decided to start focusing more on causing a little pain for her opponent.

" You totally deserved that " Harley would state coldly before getting up to her feet slowly while holding her damaged breasts. If Harley got to her feet first then she would try to pull Momoka to her feet and grab her arm before attempting to Irish whip her opponent against the ropes. When her opponent rebounded back towards her the kawaii wrestler would try to twist her body in a 360 as she held both her arms together and her palms against each other, attempting to slap the pink haired woman hard in the chest with a momentum carried attack.

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by k0hryuu Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:35 am

Still pretty far out of it, Momoka didn't put up much resistance as Harley dragged her to her feet. Though still a bit wobbly with her footing, the pink-haired girl found herself flung forwards, careening right towards the ropes. She managed to spin her body around in time, bouncing her petite body off the ropes and charging back towards Harley.

Though she wanted to try and turn things around and attack the busty girl, Momoka was confused for a moment as she saw Harley twirling around towards her, unsure of how to react. That moment of hesitation cost her dearly, as her foe's hands slammed into her chest with an audible sound, flattening her already tiny breasts against her ribs. Blasted right off her feet, Momoka hit the mat hard on her back, gasping and wheezing in pain as she clutched at her underdeveloped bosom.

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by RJD Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:21 pm

Harley would rub her hands a little bit and let out a very light groan upon impact, the kawaii wrestler herself being hurt by the move a tiny bit before shaking the pain off relatively easily. Harley would look at her opponent on the mat and would try to turn her body around before Harley would then run off the ropes and try to do a running senton onto her opponent's back.

If that move was a success then Harley would try to quickly pounce onto Momoka's back and move her own rear against Momoka's back and offer a slight giggle as the raven haired kawaii put her hands on Momoka's rear and squeezed hard before placing her hands at the the left and right side of her opponent's bottoms and just holding them currently as she lightly pulled on them, likely giving her opponent a sign of what was about to happen while she would bounce her rear on Momoka's head a little bit.

" Hey pinkie, I figured out a way for you to get close to my ass without being able to bite " Harley would say as she wiggled her rear on the back of Momoka's head and then continued to speak in the same friendly but teasing tone " Oh yeah and you actually have a pretty nice ass, mind if I play with it for a bit? " The raven haired kawaii would say while blatantly looking at Momoka's rear, although her opponent might not be able to tell that in her current position.

RJD's Misfits

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by k0hryuu Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:06 am

Winded by that hard smack, Momoka continued to gasp in pain while Harley flipped her over. Not knowing what the girl had planned, she tried to push herself up only to be stopped cold as her opponent's full weight came crashing down upon her back, flattening her against the canvas. "Gaaaaaaaah...!"

Hurting badly, Momoka groaned as she laid there face down, trying her best to recover her strength. Until Harley started groping her, at least. With a yelp, the pink-haired girl's body tensed up, and she glanced over her shoulder at her foe. "What the hell do you think you're doing, you perv!?" she barked angrily.

Feeling the busty girl press her ass against the back of her head only agitated her further, but from her current position, she could do very little about it but squirm and grunt in protest. Momoka had a pretty good idea of what her opponent was going to do to her butt, but no matter what it was, she was not going to like it.

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by RJD Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:46 pm

Harley would hear her opponent and turn her own head back to look at her opponent. " It's a humiliation match and you've been naughty. This is the least you deserve " The raven haired kawaii would say as she slightly tugged on the material of her opponent's shorts and slowly pulled it further up her rear. 

Harley would then quickly bounce before pulling her opponent's shorts up her rear almost into a makeshift thong as she gave the woman a huge wedgie. " Don't worry! I'll be sure to kiss it better later " Harley would say in a friendly tone as she eyed up her opponent's nice behind, her opponent really was cute for someone who was so nasty.

RJD's Misfits

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by k0hryuu Tue Dec 13, 2016 2:14 am

Momoka let out a high pitched squeal as her bloomers were yanked up in a wedgie, bunching up to a thin point and sharply biting into her crotch and splitting her buttcheeks. Gritting her teeth in both pain and frustration, the pink-haired girl clawed at the mat in vain, unable to do much to escape her situation.

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by RJD Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:24 pm

Harley would hear her opponent's struggles and would stop pulling on her shorts for a second as she spoke " Oh I'm sorry, I got a bit carried away. you deserve a beating but because I'm so nice I'll just try to deter you from being so nasty in a different way " Harley would say, slowing down her long speech even more by reaching back and playing with her opponent's hair.

Harley would then reach forward and bend over a little bit as she tried to put her hand between her opponent's legs and squeeze under her body and against her covered pussy, while pushing down on the the woman's behind with the other hand. Harley would then try to use the pressure of the hold and push up with her hand to press and rub her fingers against her opponent's sex.

Harley trying to curve her fingers up while doing so in an attempt to really put the pressure on. " You can always give up, but after how mean you've been I think I'll try to make you a bit more loving before giving you that chance."

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by k0hryuu Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:49 am

Momoka let out a gasp of relief as Harley released her wedgie, taking a moment to rest despite her foe being on top of her. Snarling as she felt her hair being ruffled, she shot back, "Nasty!? I'll show you nasty as soon as I'm-EEEEEEK!"

The pink-haired girl's body completely tensed up as she felt Harley's fingers pressing up against her crotch. Momoka shuddered as she couldn't help but become stimulated at her foe's rubbing, weakening her will to fight as her face flushed bright red. "C-cut that out...! Stop...! P-pervert!"

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Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation - Page 6 Empty Re: Harley Jackson vs. Momoka Shinokawa - Kawaii Humiliation

Post by RJD Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:01 am

Harley would listen to her opponent's threat but would be too busy stimulating her, although she couldn't help but hear a giggle when she heard her opponent's threat turn into fear. " Oh the only thing you'll be doing is orgasming and it isn't going to be nasty, you'll be begging me for more. " Harley would say as she continued to rub her opponent's crotch although now she would be using her whole hand to rub it and would speed up the rubbing.

" Hey, Do you want to give up? I can feel you getting wet " Harley would say as she felt her opponent's wet shorts, glad that she had managed to get her opponent to stop saying those mean things.

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