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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Ouka vs Josey

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Ouka vs Josey Empty Ouka vs Josey

Post by OmegaVan0 Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:06 am

Normal Match
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, submission, or count out

Ouka Shumisen was ready, she was dressed in her black leather tank top that covered her breasts and exposed her lower torso along with her black skirt. This was what she was working for, a chance to shine on the big stage! She couldn't believe that she was finally here after all this time, a fortuitous meeting with a certain manager that also was her 'friend' and rival's, Azumi, manager and winning an argument against him that convinced him to sign her as well. And what a match to start off with, her new Manager held no punches making sure that she was going to make an impact beating the hard hitting and down right vicious Josey.

She has seen some of the damage that her opponent could inflict, but instead of cower and panic, Ouka had a big smile on her face as she appeared on stage. Her arms cross underneath her breasts as she confidently flashed her smile for all of her 'adoring' fans to see, she began making her way down to the ring. Ouka was popular on the independent scene, only because she was considered the Number One Heel with her antics. But the admiration that she'd acquired was not the one she wanted, believing herself to be a face.

Beating someone like Josey was sure to make an impact in the way she wanted right?


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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by LtLukas Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:44 am

Josey was playing the harmonica. Someone listening in might think she was sad from the wailing, minor key tune she was playing, but Josey was quite content. Her job was to beat people up. And she was damn good at it. The best at it, if anyone asked her. The only thing was people rarely asked her, because most people who got close enough tended to get a knuckle sandwich that left them on the floor. Josey liked that, too. The Outlaw inspired fear in the hearts of many, and she was going to keep it that way for as long as humanly possible. Chances were, that would be the case. The cowgirl was still strong, still mean, and still as tough as nails. She put her harmonica down and started walking towards the entrance.

The halls of AFW passed her by, as did a milieu of those too timid to step into the ring with her. They were nothing but ants to her, scurrying alone on the Texas plain, far overshadowed by the looming, monstrous tornado ripping through. She was wearing her standard white and red attire, with the complementary cowboy hat and cape. It flowed behind her as she walked, and the cowboy hat cast a long shadow over her face.

No one could see her bright red eyes, but if they could, they would recognize the pure malintent that was in them. Her hands were on her hips, and her march to the staging area could not be stopped, come hell or high water. The Outlaw felt a sense of calm as she approached the main entrance.

Josey's theme started up, and Josey entered to a chorus of boos. The Outlaw had gotten used to it. She walked down to the ring at a steady pace, and slid under the bottom rope. With great flourish, she pulled her cape off.

The Outlaw then lifted her cap off, and placed it on one of the corners. She was staring at her opponent with pure fury.

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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by OmegaVan0 Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:47 am

Ouka saw her opponent arrive on stage, she knew just from the sight of her opponent that she was bad news and definitely a bad guy from the way the fans boo her. Her lips curled into a smile, this was going all according to her plan to cement herself as the new face in town as the Outlaw made her way down to the ring. Just watching her in her get up as she strolled her way down to the ring, Ouka thought that she looked like something straight out of a movie with her black cowboy hat and cape. Wasn't the first time that Ouka had to deal with someone who had a western gimmick, but she felt that Josey's was pretty damn good.

When she got into the ring, Ouka stood across from her in the opposite corner as she watched as the hat came off and she saw the burning red eyes staring straight at her. It would've sent chills down anyone who wasn't confident that they could survive the wrath of Josey, but Ouka was pretty damn confident of herself going so far as to flash a toothy grin at Josey. She wasn't afraid of a beating, any self respecting wrestler would never let something so trivial stop them from doing what they did!

The bell would soon ring as Ouka stepped out of corner, walking towards the center of the ring as she rotated her arm around to loosen her shoulder. Reaching the center with her confident, yet borderline arrogant smirk she reached forward with her hand for a handshake. That was what faces did right? She wanted to make an ever lasting impression to the audience that she was in fact, a face that they should cheer for!


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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by LtLukas Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:10 am

Josey eyed her opponent. She wasn't quite sure what to make of her. Usually, the mere sight of a woman like the Outlaw was enough to send a few wrestlers scurrying away, but this woman stood tough. It was noble, in a sense, but there was nobility in having your clock cleaned over and over. And that was precisely what Josey intended to do. She cracked her knuckles, and her fists as she waited for the bell to sound.

Then it did. Josey walked forward, her boots clanking on the canvas. "This ain't gonna be that sorta fight, gurlie." Her low Texas drawl was as kinda and cuddly as a tornado on the Texas plain, and her harsh stare confirmed her malintent. She cocked her head to the side and snarled. They were only a few feet from each other now.

And that was entirely too far. Josey dashed forward, closing the distance between them in a hurry. The Outlaw sent a rocket of a punch towards that pretty face of Ouka's, to make her far less pretty, and far more pained in short order.

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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by OmegaVan0 Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:58 pm

Ouka was expecting that kind of response from Josey, she didn't take offense to it. The main point was that Ouka tried so there by made her 'the good girl' between the two of them. She probably didn't have to even attempt such a thing with someone like Josey, who the fans were not shy about hiding their displeasure of the Outlaw as Ouka cracked her knuckles. "Yeah I know, now I know for sure how this is going to go." was her swift and cocky response as she continue to deal with the harsh glare of Josey.

The bell rang as Ouka got her fighting stance, but her eyes widened when Josey raced at her the second the match started and with an explosive start, she bashed Ouka right in the face. Stumbling back as she brought her hand up to her face, Ouka smiled. She didn't mind when matches got down and dirty like this as she stomped her foot into the ground, twisting her body back to return the punch right back into Josey's pretty face!


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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by LtLukas Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:16 am

Good. It looked like this bitch knew how this was going to go, which meant that she knew that she was inevitably going to lose. The Outlaw rocketed across the canvas and her punch hit like a meteor. The effect of the blow was palpable, and Josey appreciated that. The resounding crack of the punch reverberated around the arena and sent the girl backwards. It did not drop her, which was a damn shame, but Josey was cocking another one, and she was pretty sure this one was going to do the trick.

And then Ouka had to go and spoil it for her. Her opponent was quicker on the uptake than she was stomping in one second and shooting a punch at her the next. The blow came in hard and fast, and rocked the cowgirl right in the face. She staggered, just like Ouka did, and it took all of her power to stay up.

But she managed to stay on her two feet. Then she dashed forward once more, and lowered the boom. She was trying to tackle her opponent to the mat. Sure, she probably would have won a stand up fight, but Josey felt like this should get down and dirty.

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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by OmegaVan0 Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:21 pm

Ouka's fist flew back at Josey's face, slugging the Outlaw right back with a heavy blow as her toothy grin of her cocky ego burned brightly. "I can throw down just as hard as you, don't get too cocky with beating me!" she shouted out, the irony of the statement flew completely over her head as she took a step towards her opponent, looking to grab a handful of that blonde hair to continue the slugging.

However as she took a step towards Josey, Ouka's eyes widened when she came flying into her and took her off of her feet and into the mat! "Damn!" Ouka cursed out as her legs went to the sides of Josey's hips, trying to push with her hips to try and keep Josey back while keeping her arms up to protect her face from teh ground and pound that was coming!


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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by LtLukas Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:34 am

Thump. The sound of the duo hitting the mat was music to her ears. Her opponent was saying something, but in her rush she did not hear it. Josey did not care that much anyways, since the ring was a place for fighting, not talking. The Outlaw wound up on top of her opponent, and she could not say that was a particularly bad place to be. One, because her opponent was pretty attractive.

And two, because it meant that Josey had a solid vantage point from which all hell could break loose. Sadly, her opponent had covered herself up pretty well and managed to unbalance her a little bit. The Outlaw had been on enough bucking bulls to know how to stay on, and had been in enough barfights to know that she ought to keep going. Josey sent punch after punch downwards, hoping to break through that barrier Ouka had irritatingly set up for her.

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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by OmegaVan0 Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:20 am

Ouka kept her hands up but she knew that simply relying on her arms to protect her face from the raging Outlaw wasn't going to be enough, twisting and jerking to the sides to avoid the punches she knew she couldn't defend against. Pushing her hips up to continue to force Josey to fight in order to keep her posture, Ouka had to think quick to get out of this sticky situation as Josey was putting up quite the fight to stay on top.

She let out grunt and groans as Josey managed to slip a few punches in, smacking her in the chest and cheek. She gritted her teeth, she wasn't going to let her big debut be nothing but her on her back! She went from defensive to offensive as she started throwing punches back at Josey's face, even though she knew that she wouldn't be able to gather the same amount of power that her blonde had over her and had to stop pushing on her hips to allow Josey to get in closer so that she could smack her back in the face.

Although that meant that Josey's fists would be ever closer to hitting her as well.


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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

Post by LtLukas Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:51 am

Josey was stubborn, very stubborn. Ouka was a tough nut to crack, but the continued heavy pounding was a barrage that could break down a fort. Sure enough, a few punches got through, and Josey began really going for the kill. There was a break. It was only the slimmest opening, but it was daylight. The Outlaw had a punch loaded in the chamber, and she was about to send that bullet of a punch down at her opponent.

Then she was smacked herself. The first one was a lot like an uppercut, and sent her head snapping backwards. With a snarl, she regained her balance and refocused on trying to punch the snot out of Ouka. Then another punch came up and hit her right on the side of the jaw and sent Josey sprawling.

The Outlaw fell off to the side, swearing. She brought her dukes up. Even if she was down, she was a hell of a fighter.

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Ouka vs Josey Empty Re: Ouka vs Josey

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