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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi

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Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi - Page 2 Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi

Post by RJD Sat May 20, 2017 6:44 am

Satoshi certainly had enough speed and acrobatic proficiency to leave the larger bluenette stumbling around just to keep up, however all that meant was that Hamilton just had to stick to her opponent and wait for an opportunity to present herself, and soon enough one did.

As the redhead flipped for her moonsault Hamilton would catch the smaller wrestler before driving her opponent's crotch into her waiting knee. The Scot would then get up to her feet again with a nasty grin as she watched her opponent's pained response. " What's wrong? I thought you wanted down. honesty what did you expect to happen? " Hamilton would tease.

Of course the nasty Scot wasn't going to give her quick opponent time to recover though. Hamilton without wasting too much time would crouch over her downed opponent and grasp her hair, before then trying to drag Satoshi up onto her feet. If the redhead didn't manage to shake Hamilton off then the Scot would lunge forward to cover the distance between herself and Satoshi and drive the side of her knee into her opponent's gut in the process.

RJD's Misfits

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Join date : 2013-10-09

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Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi - Page 2 Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi

Post by DizzyKnight Sun May 21, 2017 4:16 pm

Zoey made a mental note to herself to figure out some way to stop people from grabbing her hair. It always stung and always looked humiliating. After taking a knee right between her legs, she was struggling to find her balance again, crawling forwards on her hands and knees a short distance before Hamilton caught up and took a big handful of her soft red hair.

"Nnf- I wanted you to put me down gently, you silly girl!" she teased, her hands pawing at Hamilton's wrist as the bigger wrestler pulled her up to her feet with just one hand. "Get o- OOPF!", her sentence ended prematurely when Hamilton's knee flew up hard into her bare stomach with a nasty *thump* and caused Satoshi to curl up with both hands wrapped over her flat belly, dropping to her knees and kicking at the canvas if Hamilton didn't hold her up.

The match was off to a pretty bad start for the smaller Zoey, it seemed her larger counterpart knew what she was doing when it came to power moves given how terrifyingly painful her atomic drop had been.

Dizzy's Knights

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Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi - Page 2 Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi

Post by RJD Mon May 22, 2017 8:56 pm

Hamilton certainly was satisfied to hear her opponent's protests be drowned out by pained cries, sure she loved trash talking, but it was even better when for a change she was the one doing the beating as she did it, rather than trying to give witty responses between grunts and gasps. As soon as the bluenette's knee connected Satoshi would crumble to the mat after the Scot took a step back to admire her work.

" Sorry, I would put you down gently, but you just squirm too much. it's like trying to pick up an over energetic puppy. Don't worry, I wont torment you too much " Hamilton would proudly explain, happy to take up as much time on her meaningless babble as needed, before then turning her attention back to the match at hand. Hamilton would attempt to grasp the smaller Zoey and turn her around on the mat so that she would be facing upwards with her back touching the cold canvas.

The bluenette would then take a few steps back before retracing those steps with a quick run, leaping into the air and trying to crash rear first into Satoshi's chest with a seated senton. Hamilton trying to crush her smaller opponent's chest under her ample behind.

RJD's Misfits

Posts : 3440
Join date : 2013-10-09

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Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi - Page 2 Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi

Post by DizzyKnight Tue May 23, 2017 9:24 am

Satoshi groaned at Hamilton's explanation and rolled her eyes, even if nobody could see her do it. Her opponent helped her fix that though, by rolling her over onto her back in roughly the center of the ring. There definitely wasn't anything good planned for her in such a position, so Zoey readied herself for Zoey's next attack, watching her carefully while still trying to act like she was stunned and in pain. She watched Hamilton back up a fair distance, and then come bounding fast towards her!

When Hamilton spun and jumped, Satoshi spun to the side, letting her opponent's round and squishy backside land on the canvas instead of herself. Wasting no time in exploiting the newly-created opening, Zoey twisted to the side in a push-up kinda position, and threw her legs up around Hamilton's neck, squeezing inwards with her thighs for a very nicely-done headscissor! The crowd enjoyed it at least, even if it was unlikely that Hamilton did. "What were you saying? that you won't torment me?" Zoey teased, followed up with her typical cute, annoying giggle.

Dizzy's Knights

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Age : 27
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Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi - Page 2 Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi

Post by RJD Sun May 28, 2017 4:05 pm

The nasty Scot had expected to crush her smaller opponent under the weight of her body, and in humiliating fashion no less by doing so with her ample behind. However the only wrestler who would feel embarrassed in the next moment was Hamilton, letting out an embarrassing squeal of pain as her soft butt crashed into the cold and hard canvas, her squeal only being cut off by a surprised " Whoa " piercing the bluenette's lips as she felt something wrap around her neck.

Next Hamilton would find herself caught in a head scissors, the clumsy bluenette letting out a growl as she slapped at Satoshi's thighs but couldn't cause Satoshi much grief in doing so, and wouldn't be able to reach her opponent's body from her current position caught in her foe's well executed head scissors.

The squeezing was enough to earn a few grunts from Hamilton, as she pawed at her opponent's legs as she squeezed her between her legs. It was certainly embarrassing for Hamilton to be kept mostly at bay by a smaller opponent's simple submission, but right now the bluenette would be more focused on the pain and the increasing difficulty she was having in getting the necessary oxygen to her lungs in order to fight back.

" Nevermind that, if you don't let me go right now then I'm going to need to go back on my words anyway " Hamilton would groan out, trying to push off the mat to slowly get into a crouching position, hoping to make it difficult for Satoshi to keep the head scissors applied. However for someone of Satoshi's technical prowess it likely wouldn't be difficult to keep the less polished wrestler under her control, since as the bluenette tried to push herself up into a crouching position her opponent would still have Zoey's head between her legs.

RJD's Misfits

Posts : 3440
Join date : 2013-10-09

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Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi - Page 2 Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Zoey Satoshi

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