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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns - Page 3 Empty Re: Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

Post by Sylvie Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:32 am

"AND THE HOLD IS IN PLACE. She's got her...And you can hear... the power of The Sacrificial Maiden. If you didn't know VAMP. SUZUMORI before you came to this match--well. You sure as hell know her now."


"And she releases her victim--for the moment. But we can all see that the ROOKIE is completely at the mercy of the Mistress of Darkness. Mizushira's just lying there like trash, new talent trash, folks, and I don't think she's going anywhere. She's just gonna--OH."

The crowd roared.

"A VICIOUS boot to the head. And is that--That's blood! Rookie's bleeding! It's all over the mat! Oh fuck! Has Vamp seen it? Back up folks, when the vampire sees that, I don't know WHAT she might do! Do we need security? Could security even HANDLE this? This monster's going to murder her!"

But the crowd had developed other ideas.


Already sliding on her ass towards the ropes, Suki clutched her shoulders. Blood dripped off her nose tip as she shook her head.

No. No. No. No. No...


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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns - Page 3 Empty Re: Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

Post by RadiantKarna332 Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:09 am

Vamp took her time admiring her handiwork, smirking in satisfaction as she saw the injury that her opponent received from her brutal assault. Normally, she wouldn't go that far, but now that Suki had embarrassed her in front of the live audience, this was the price she needed to pay. The petite vampire then would bask in the cheers of the crowd, finding satisfaction in their approval over her one-sided beatdown towards the bleeding rookie.

And then, she heard the crowd started telling her to take Suki's coat off, and her smirk widened. She wasn't one to usually do such a thing, but now that she was on the roll, she knew that it would be the ultimate humiliation that her opponent would have to endure. "Hehe..." she saw Suki trying to move towards the ropes, so Vamp would stomp into her gut in order to stop her advance. "Did you hear that, loser? They want to see your fat, sagging tits..." despite her reddened cheeks, she was enjoying this very moment.

Then, she roared to the audience. "WHO WANTS TO SEE THIS LOSER'S TITS?!!"

The crowd responded with a loud, deafening cheer.

And so, after giving Suki the smuggest look she could muster, she would roll Suki onto her stomach before bending down in order to grab on Suki's coat before forcefully trying to pull it in order to take it off. She wanted to humiliate her opponent even more before finally going for the win.

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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns - Page 3 Empty Re: Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

Post by Sylvie Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:40 am

"No! I s-said...NO!"

"Folks, I've been in this business for a long time. Since I was...about as tall as the first rope. And I've never, ever, seen a girl bawl like this. How do y'all feel about that?


The crowd rained its disapproval down. Suki twisted like a cat with her tail caught in a door--and yowled like one too. So far, her desperation had kept Vamp from getting a good grip on the coat, but that couldn't last forever.


"I'd like to take this opportunity to remind our audience, that all matches are FILMED LIVE for the AFW Network--and folks, we don't believe in any...blurred circles or black boxes. And that's ALL I'll say about that!"

What the crowd couldn't see was that the more Vamp tried to get a grip on Suki's coat shoulders, the closer she had to lean in. The closer she leaned in, the weaker her pin on the Rookie's back became.  In a moment like the sun disappearing behind the mountain's horizon, Suki went cold. The tears stopped. Her face went blank. Then she wrenched out from under the boot, rolled on her back, and moved like she was going to grab Vamp's hair, which by now was practically on Suki's breasts. Except Mizushima wasn't going to grab Suzumori's hair. Suki was going to try to grab Vamp's face--and then gouge the Princess's eyes as deep and hard as she could. She'd shove her thumbs in and then stir.


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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns - Page 3 Empty Re: Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

Post by RadiantKarna332 Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:57 pm

Vamp was certain she could pull it off, now that her opponent had been reduced to nothing but a babbling wreck. But what she didn't expect was that she managed to roll onto her back when Vamp was about to take off her coat before she reached out to her face and used her thumbs to poke into her eyes!!

"Nggyaaahhh!!" Vamp screamed in pain as she immediately let go of Suki's coat before she stepped away from her, placing her hands on her face. If she didn't pull away much quicker, she might have end up being blinded by such an assault.

She screamed bloody murder as she tried to soothe the pain of having her eyes poked. She still managed to stand on her feet, though she used the top rope for balance. Due to this, she was in danger of getting herself attacked, and she wasn't in any shape to really protect herself at the moment.

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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns - Page 3 Empty Re: Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

Post by Sylvie Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:41 pm

Suki had one leg out of the ring before her thumbs popped out of her rivals eye-sockets.


But outside the ring was as far as Instinct would take her. What was she doing out there? Running for the entrance? That's what you do after you gouge someone's eyes out.


That's what eye gouging is for: someone stronger than you catches you in the dark, a lumbering man with a gun, so you find his eyes, you press in and crush them like grapes against the back of his skull, and then you run, and you run, and you hope the darkness closes behind you before he catches up.



Something as cold and deep as a glacier was stirring in Kaida's master. Suki tried to wrap an arm around Vamp's ankles--and yank them out from under her.


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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns - Page 3 Empty Re: Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

Post by RadiantKarna332 Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:18 am

Still trying to alleviate the pain from the eye gouging, Vamp was unaware that Suki was trying to reach for her ankles. And when she felt her hands wrapped around her ankles, she knew at that exact moment that she was in a serious trouble.

"Kya!" She squealed when her ankles were yanked from under her, causing her to lose her balance, and as a result, she ended up falling onto the mat, face first. "Augh!!"

Due to this, Vamp rolled on the mat, writhing in pain as she clutched her face. She kicked her feet on the canvas, expressing her frustration over this situation. The ref, who didn't see Suki's foul play earlier, did not reprimand Suki, because she needed to see it in order to take action against it.

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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns - Page 3 Empty Re: Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

Post by Sylvie Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:23 am

Suki's mind was a vast snowy commons. While Vamp fell, she calculated the pain her rival would feel when the mat smacked her face and juggled her brains.  When the impact hit, Suki didn't smile. She didn't react. Hers was a blood-smeared, stony vantage on her vengeance.

Which, from this angle, was mostly a vantage up Vamp's butt.


Oh come on.


Let me be badass for 10 seconds...

Suki grabbed the top rope. Her shoulders whined--they were splintered! Remember the Sacrificial Maiden? Remember that shit? Suki ignored them and pushed herself into the air.

"My name..."

She hit the handstand perfectly. The lady was erect in the air, her gymnast's legs and core glowed in the white light of thirty-seven stage lights, and not one person in the audience could tell that her back was screaming but the sharpshooter, Suki!

"Is Mizu..."

And she launched herself into a diving stomp, like a terminal meteor, at Vamp.


Last edited by Sylvie on Sat Jul 29, 2017 1:16 am; edited 3 times in total


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Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns - Page 3 Empty Re: Suzumori vs. Mizushima: Vamp Returns

Post by RadiantKarna332 Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:58 pm

Still nursing her hurt face, Vamp was unaware of what her foe was planning to do to her. Rubbing her face, she tried to get up, but when she glanced over her shoulder to see what Suki was up to, it was already too late for the petite vampire girl to even roll away before she got a diving stomp right into her back.


For a moment, Vamp felt like she had been snapped in half. Sure, she might be freakishly strong for someone her size, but her body could only support so much before breaking down, and now she was able to see that her body wasn't made to receive nasty bumps such as this one.

So, Vamp was momentarily stunned by the pain, letting out wordless screams of rage as she tried, to no avail, to nurse her aching back. Due to her current state, the table had been turned once again, and now she had lost all the advantages that she previously had over her opponent.

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