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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Vigdis Kirkeby Aka Kana Watanabe

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Vigdis Kirkeby Aka Kana Watanabe Empty Vigdis Kirkeby Aka Kana Watanabe

Post by Chaos Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:21 pm

Name: Vigdis Kirkeby/ Kana Watanabe
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Silver
Height: 7ft 2/ 220 cm
Weight: 180.7 lb/ 82 Kg
Nationality: Danish/Japanese
Alignment: Neutral

Entrance Music:

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Vigdis being very tall and strong, she likes to use that to her advantage into with strong strikes. She rather try to overpower other’s attacks, then to rather dodge considering her big size making her a big target with her decent speed, however this does not mean that she won’t try to dodge someone’s attack first. With her strength Vigdis let’s her pick up most of adversaries rather easily and then slam them down with ferocious strength.  

Type: Powerhouse

Preferred Matches:Any Match.






Strikes: ★★★★★

Submissions: ★★

Powerhouse: ★★★★

Aerial: ★★

Counters: ★

Signature moves:

Grizzly Trap: Vig uses her massive strength to grab the opponent and squeeze them between herself and her arm in a painful bear Hug.

Earth Shaker: Vig grabs her opponents by the throat and lift them high into the air, before driving them downwards, slamming them violently into the ground.

Finishing moves:

Thunder Bagura: Vig pulls back her arm, before smashing it forward using the entire arm to hit the neck area in a lariat style. The impact of the Lariat could most likely sending them down crashing down to the floor with huge force. This is normally followed after she throws them into the ropes.

Thunderclap Dragon Drive Bagura: This is another version of “Thunder Bagura”, where Vig dashes at the opponent and striking them with a blunt object instead of her arm, causing much more damage than the other form.

Great Earthquake Bomber: Vigdis grabs her opponents with both her arms and lifts them up above her, before with all her might slam them down with a Liger Bomb.


Wrestling Attire:

Casual Clothing:

Looking cool!:

Adorable Giant Ready to fight:

Personality: Vigdis adopts a quite friendly manner towards her people, even though her enormous size could be a bit menacing. She likes to mess a bit with shorter people, but just for joking and tries to get along with everyone, she tries to not joke around when she notices the person might be scared of her by her size.

In the Ring Vig is energetic, but also more serious, might throw a good remark about the opponent or even smile at sometime, but is not due to that she might get less serious as she still wants to win. This more friendly side could be avoid if she sees isn’t needed or her opponent doesn’t want it, after all for her being friendly in battle is more of a formality for her. However when pissed, she isn’t afraid to show it, letting them know she was serious and she would really take them down.

Past/History: Since very young, Vigdis was already tall for her age, maybe due to her parent genetics as it seemed to be remarked that way by the doctors. The kids since being too young, they seemed attracted to her for being different. This stayed well, until entering to elementary school were the kids would either become friends with her or making fun of her, which she at first became a bit annoyed but with her parents and friends telling her to not pay attention to it, she quickly got over it.

This lowered in the up coming years. However in High School this came all down, as the insults came back but it was somehow worse. It was stressing her, but it was no where near as bad what happened while that. Her mom had died due to cancer, leaving both her and her dad, heavily affecting both, but mostly her father that with the loss of her wife he had become much more protective of her daughter and that was enraging her and so she started to shelter more, eventually relaying on other sources of entertainment and found anime, video-games and fighting sport which somewhat eased her gaining a lot of interest in these subjects, like Japanese culture, wrestling, etc...

With the stress and anger still being felt, she eventually broke. Someone had insulted her, messed with her and she just had to blow some steam off. Vigdis approached them menacingly and gave them a beating, quickly causing a ruckus and was sent to the principle’s office and her father was called. Him eventually knowing this threw him into a fit, later turned into a full blown discussion between the two where she let him know how his actions were effecting her, but apparently he continued and due to this she enclosed more and becoming a bit more distant to her father, even joining a wrestling club to get better and unleash some stress. Also due to the fight, her friends were starting to see her differently as well her previous bullies, almost scared and she had to restart it all over again.

In her adulthood she already got everything managed, she was a strong, tall yet friendly monster. People stopped being scared of her but also messing with her, got better at fighting and could easily defend herself. However she still had problems with her father and wanted to try to get back to him, but he still was too protective even though not as much and was trying to change, but that wasn’t enough for her and knowing how strong she was, she wanted to get a job on the wrestling industry to show how strong she was to her father and maybe even herself... as well as getting money, which was needed due to her spending on her flight there and spending almost all money on her Japanese cultural stuff, such an outfit for her fights.

Fun Facts:
I’m also known as... - Vigdis is really real name, however due to her moving and being a fan of the Japanese culture, she decided to change her name to Kana, however doesn’t mind being called one or the other.

This is my Weapon!- Vigdis has a very peculiar choice of weapon being a Kanabo , a black metal looking back with spikes which got removed and replaced disks where these spikes would be. This was specially made for her, where she uses on Weapon allowed matches.

Steel wall- She has a bad habit where she may let the opponent attack at full power and try to endure it to see how strong she and her opponent are.

AFW Information




Have a Ticket To ChaosLand
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