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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Mad House of Abs

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:32 am

Kyoko looked at Fallon and would slowly slide a hand around her waist while Odessa went to confront Amy, the two heavyweights stared each other down and Amy was clearly not going to bow down despite being in a bad spot, while she could take on the still battered Odessa if they came to blows but the fact remained that she was not able to fend off Kyoko or Fallon, if either got involved she was screwed and if both got involved, she wasn't winning that fight healthy. Odessa surprised everyone when she basically gave Amy two choices, and the blonde blinked looking at her like what she said made no sense.

"So let me get this straight...You're saying my choices are ending up on my own punching bag or letting bygones be bygones and offering friendship to you?" Amy said, like it was barely a choice at all. In truth it was simply a dilemma, go along with Odessa's offer or get beaten up, it was just a matter of how much Amy wanted to stick to her guns.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:40 am

Fallon had thought the moment had passed between her and Kyoko, but when Kyoko slyly slid that arm around her waist and hugged her closer, Fallon felt a shiver of excitement go up her spine. She wanted her body all over Kyoko's, like, right now. But they couldn't do that when the Amy-Odessa situation was still developing. She wasn't quite sure if they would be able to do it so long as Amy remained under the same roof as them. She put a hand on Kyoko's shoulder, rubbing it up and down, just enjoying the simple, reassuring contact as they watched the larger girls negotiating.

Odessa smiled down at Amy as the blonde woman did quite the excellent job of distilling what her two options were. "You see? We already speak the same language," she said, with a little chuckle. She extended a hand to Amy—though she kept her tummy out of Amy's punching range, still a little wary. "I am not the sort of woman to relish a rivalry based on hatred. My rivals, darling, are very dear to me. Think of the reaction your little friend on the other end of that camera would have if she saw us doing...well, doing what I am thinking of right now. I'm certain you can guess."

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:50 am

As Kyoko and Fallon reaffirmed that they would rather be elsewhere Amy looked at Odessa wary when the girl offered her a hand. She had been beaten in the match, dragged home and beaten some more but still telling Amy she wanted to be friends or something more if her own words were to be given. Amy looked at her but soon she made up her mind and shoved Odessa's hand away so she could stand up on her own.

"You don't want a rival that hates you? Find by me, because I don't hate anyone...not even my stupid ass roommate. But if you think I'm making out with you, you're gonna learn it'll take more than a cute face and a forward personality for anything like that to happen. If you want a match again you'll still need Chelsea's approval but if you want to brawl, then be ready to do so whenever you're abs aren't mush. I'm finishing my shower then taking a nap." Amy said before turning around to limp her way out of the room since her back was still smarting and the pushing made her body feel sore from her match again. "Take it from me Odessa...that's the best your going to get today." Kyoko added.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:31 pm

Odessa thought about Kyoko's words, as her new rival and erstwhile tormentor began to limp her way out of the room. It was a greater concession than she might have dared to hope for from Amy. The invitation to brawl was, if nothing else, the foundation of an understanding between them, tenuous though it may be. Odessa brushed a hand across her own stomach, which was glowing bright chocolate-cherry red after all the abuse it had received. These girls were hyper-focused on their tummies, but now that Odessa knew that, she could prepare for the next encounter.

But before that, she wanted to show Amy just how serious she was about it.

She touched Kyoko and Fallon each on the shoulder, then motioned with a nod to Amy. Moving forward first, Odessa would clear her throat. "Oh, Amy, darling..."

Then, grabbing the blonde's shoulder, she would forcefully turn her around and drive a twisting uppercut as deep into Amy's solar plexus as she could. "Cutting your losses and running off to bed was not one of the options I offered you," she said. Fallon, following Odessa's unspoken request, would move forward to grab at one of the blonde's arms, while Kyoko would presumably capture the other. "You beat me tonight, Amy. You thrashed me. Yes, I suppose I even felt a little fear at the end. It's so rare for me to collapse as you made me do tonight. But then you overstepped your winner's prerogative. And if we are going to 'brawl' soon, then it's only fair that we start on an even playing field."

She tightened both fists, then delivered a quick one-two combination of jabs into the center of Amy's belly while the woman was held back. She would follow that up with a hook into Amy's left side, a mirrored blow to her right, then a straight punch into her navel, trying to share the pain she had felt while tied up on the bag. "I would be glad, of course, to make it a standing wager of our fights: the loser is the winner's prisoner, to do with as she pleases. But let me be clear when I say that the loss I suffered tonight, and the fear I felt, will not happen again."

She would deliver a singularly powerful punch right to the center of Amy's stomach, winding herself with the effort, nearly falling over from the force she put into the blow. And then, after that, she would punch Amy over and over again, mimicking what had been done to her. Amy had intended to take a nap. Now, Odessa's fists would help her along to sleep.

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:48 am

Kyoko saw the back of Odessa's head wondering what the big girl was thinking after getting her freedom. She seemed to be going through a few options before she rubbed her battered belly, at which point she looked back at the two of them and motioned for them to follow her lead. She than did what no one expected and grabbed Amy turning the annoyed blonde around before sucker punching her in the gut. "Gaaaugh!" Amy gagged and stepped back nearly folding up from the hit, a few more seconds and she would have been on all over Odessa to work on her once more but Kyoko and Fallon were on her shortly after the hit grabbing her arm and keeping her from dropping as Odessa decided to throw herself into the lot, admitting that despite Amy doing what many rarely did, thrashing Odessa and even putting some measure of fear in her, that the brit was not going to let it stop her from one upping Amy or getting even, she started working on her again targeting her belly with a combo of punches.

"Fuuagh! Ngggh! Ugggoh! Ooogh! Gnnaagh!" Amy groaned taking the punches, the two piece combo and even the precise strikes while she jerked in place, Kyoko had to hold her arm up but keep her on her feet while she thrashed in place but managed to hold out as the hits kept coming, hitting Amy's abs all over until the final solar plexus shot connected and struck through Amy's barely tight abs, the blonde's eyes bugged and she gasped as her legs all but gave out. Kyoko felt her fading fast because her grip got tight and than vanished before she started to fall in place. She let her and backed off as Amy was laid out on the floor before turning to Odessa. "Um...Are you going to be okay?" Kyoko asked, since she couldn't just leave Odessa alone like this but it was too late, and too cold to send Odessa out with almost nothing on.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Mon Jan 31, 2022 1:57 am

Odessa was not known for stooping to such a level, but she simply could not resist. It was partially out of a desire to get even with Amy, and partially because she wanted an excuse to touch the woman's body and watch that cute face contort itself into all manner of agonized expressions. She was lucky that she had two willing accomplices in brunette and purple—Fallon and Kyoko, she now recalled. Odessa let herself relieve some stress as she punched Amy, making that somewhat embarrassing admission to give Amy the credit she was due before ripping into those pale abs with abandon.

She did not stop until she had brought Amy to exactly the same state she herself had been left in: abs collapsed, forced into unconsciousness from pure tummy trauma. Kyoko and Fallon gently lowered the blonde to the floor so she did not hit her head. Odessa, suddenly struck by just how much energy she had expended, sucked in air and gingerly lowered herself onto her butt beside Amy, putting a hand on the soft and broken abs of her new rival as she tried to catch her breath. She looked dazedly up at purple-haired Kyoko as the woman asked if she would be okay.

"Ah, well...I shall survive..." she gasped. "She did do a number on me...and so I would appreciate a warm shower, and a little later...perhaps a place to lay my head." Her fingers tapped on Amy's abs as she glanced up at the woman's sleeping face.

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:34 am

Kyoko looked at the fighter in front of her, having never expected her to be in her house given that they had never met. Of course she also didn't think Amy could actually win but it was clear that it was a surprise for everyone, especially Odessa who no doubt had a lot on her plate after all that had happened. Kyoko was just glad that this outcome was at least favorable to everyone besides Amy and just needed to make sure Odessa would be fine.

"Well we do have a shower if you need it, and of course I can't let you just leave when it's this late and I doubt Amy bothered to bring your clothes when she took you, so your free to stay the night, I doubt Amy will have much use for her bed." Kyoko said looking at Fallon. "Didn't expect things to get this crazy but at least its resolved. Oh and Odessa, if you need help for that rematch just let me know. I know plenty about the way Amy fights and if she tries the same thing I can help you be prepared for her to try and work on your abs." She added leaning on Fallon again.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:17 am

Odessa sighed and smiled up at the purple-haired Kyoko standing above her. "Much appreciated, love. I'll do my level best not to be a burden on you—but I would very much like to take you up on that offer. After what I just did to her...I suspect Amy will be coming for me sooner rather than later. In fact, I rather hope she does." With one hand still on Amy's abs, her free hand brushed across her own, as if comparing them.

Then, summoning her strength, she began to lift herself onto her feet. Noticing the way the Briton's legs wobbled and threatened to buckle, Fallon would reach out with one arm, letting Odessa cling to it and use it to brace herself as she raised up onto her feet. Finally, she managed to lock herself in an upright position, and gave both of her benefactors a smile. "Thank you both very much. I suppose I will be seeing you in just a few minutes...once I have made myself somewhat more presentable." She hobbled out of the room and into the bathroom.

Fallon glanced at Kyoko, encircling her waist with an arm, then down at the snoozing blonde on the floor. "Well, we should probably, like, get her to, uh...the couch, right?" Their would-be makeout locale would have to do as a bed for Amy, since it seemed that Odessa would be taking over the blonde's own mattress.

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:24 am

When the two went to help Odessa up Kyoko smiled at the thought of actually helping Odessa beat her. "Thankfully she won't be doing it too soon, and besides once you work with me you won't ever fear anything Amy can do again. You might not of heard of me but whatever damage she did I can do way worse." Kyoko boasted once Odessa was on her feet. Of course soon after Odessa was more worried about making herself presentable and clean than talking about Amy, and was making her slight exit, she seemed to know which way to go so Kyoko didn't need to tell her and instead could focus all of her attention on her girlfriend.

"She's fine where she is, consider it part of her punishment for being a lousy host." Kyoko said content to leave Amy there. Besides she had left Fallon unkissed long enough and quickly moved in to plant one on her for a few seconds before breaking it off. "Sorry my awesome gift idea had to end on this note, I'd have preferred to be still wrapped up in other things that didn't involve random british girls in my house." Kyoko said.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 8 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Tue Feb 01, 2022 6:01 am

"That's gonna give her an ache in her back when she finally wakes up..." Fallon observed. She wondered if they should make Amy more comfortable in the hope that the woman would just sleep through the night, rather than waking up and causing them more trouble before they could slip into bed. After this latest kiss from her girlfriend, she was starting to get into the mood again...but a cranky blonde out for revenge could seriously throw a wrench into things.

She decided not to think about it as Kyoko kissed her, and Fallon would kiss back, leaning in and aggressively sucking on Kyoko's lips. By the time her girlfriend broke away, Fallon was already panting softly. "It's okay. I mean, it's definitely not your fault. And I'm sure, like, Odessa's pretty tired...has to go to sleep soon...maybe we can think up, like, something to do anyway..."

She trailed off as her lips went after Kyoko's again, her hands rubbing at the other woman's belly as she pressed longingly into her.

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