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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Amy vs Hitomi

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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by Psychopatrick88 Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:48 am

Amy froze at the cold glare Rheena shot her with, and didn't say another word as Rheena shifted into her stance to fight Hitomi. She watched her zip in quick, and was shocked at how quickly they both moved suddenly.. and that Hitomi was able to catch her fist! Amy still wasn't able to get up just yet, her body still hurting all over from the various submissions she was locked in, but she had to get up. She wanted to help Rheena. It was her fight anyways, what kind of a fighter would she be if she just gave up now and let someone else take over for her?


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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by Ninja-chan Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:51 am

Unfortunately for Hitomi, her boredom was only going to be cured by pain, and Rheena had every intention to make this girl suffer for what she did to Amy. Even now, Rheena didn't understand the exact reasons she cared so much about the girl, but something about her just made Rheena know she couldn't let anyone else break her down like this.

Following through her strike, Rheena didn't seem surprised at all by Hitomi's defence. In fact, as her wrist was grabbed at the last moment, Rheena didn't look worried, or even react at all, still looking at Hitomi like a machine, her eyes veiled over by a white glare from the lights above over her glasses. The way she saw it, Hitomi fell right into her hands, because at this range... she couldn't miss. With one hand still free, Rheena knew exactly what she had planned, and actually accepted the hand around her neck. She craned her head back a bit, looking up just a little sa her eyes glared down at Hitomi, actually holding her breath for a moment, trying not to focus on breathing for the few seconds she needed for this.

"No..." She said with that same, dull tone of voice of hers, sounding like she wasn't human. Her words were barely sounding like they were struggled at all, and then, she got ready for her own strike. "Too foolish." Being quick so she wasn't strangled for too long, accepting the small sacrafice, Rheena used her free hand, not afraid to play dirty at all since she was a bodyguard to the Era of Hell, before she jabbed her hand strait at Hitomi's face. Only this strike was meant to blind and maim Hitomi, aiming to blind the girl for a bit of the match as she went for a well place eye guage.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by zxn666 Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:04 am

Hitomi quickly realized that Rheena had another attack coming the second the girl whispered no. Of course, it wasn't like she wasn't prepared. Years and years in underground fighting rings, fighting to the death, gave her expereince enough to expect anything. Especially since she left one of Rheena's arms untended on purpose. She wanted to see what the girl was capable of doing.

That being said, the eye gouge wasn't anything she was expecting. Hitomi saw the fingers coming straight at her eye, realizing that if they struck, she might actually be blinded permanantly. She reacted quickly, throwing Rheena off to the side as fast and hard as she could, probably hurting the girl's arm a bit. The gouge missed, barely, scratching across the top of her eyebrow.

"She means business," Hitomi thought, "And she knows what she's doing. I've got to be careful."


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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by Ninja-chan Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:20 pm

Rheena only saw it as a minor setback that she had missed, wanting to see how quick this girl's reflexes were anyway. She remained adamant the entire time, even as she was then thrown to the side. Her reactions quick and efficiant, Rheena put both hands out on front of her as she was rossed aside, and rather than falling to the mat, she landed on her hands. Then, lifting herself with it, Rheena would do a sort of cartwheel and then flip, planting her hands down and thrusting herself away from Hitomi, demonstrating her technique as she expertly manuavered away from her, and quickly landed on two feet. The crowd was impressed with her acrobatics, and infact, Rheena could have done things much more impressive than that, but she was focused only on this woman, wanting to break her apart while suffering the least amount of damage possible.

And so, once the two had some distance between eachother, Rheena assumed a grappling stance. It was an odd one, but she certainly seemed confident with it. the left side of her body slightly turned foward and both hands high where her fingertips reached her hairline, partially open, the fingers flexed and tense, palms foward. Her left arm was nearly fully extended and right arm was more cambered than the left, and her back was rounded with a slight hunch, causing her to be at the height of Hitomi's shoulders. The style was known as Pankration, the wrestling style of the ancient greeks, often for those who fought to the death and in arenas, and right now, Rheena had herself feeling just like they would; ready to slaughter and maim her opponent at any cost, holding no mercy witha desire to break every bone in her body.

"Before I break your legs; come at me."

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by Psychopatrick88 Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:27 pm

Amy watched as Rheena backflipped away from her, surprised by the girl's prowess for a moment. She shook her head, knowing she needed to help, and took a deep breath before she started to pick herself up, trying to make sure Hitomi didn't notice her recovering as she kept quiet while slowly working herself to her feet.


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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by zxn666 Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:16 am

Hitomi didn't recognize the odd stance that Rheena settled into, though she knew enough to be wary. This girl wasn't like Amy, who although was plenty strong, lacked any training, or discipline, or experience. Hitomi just hoped that her extreme amounts of experience with fighting, and her battles with just about every type of fighter, would pull her through.

She grinned deviantly, and cracked her knuckles. Rheena looked like she was a grappler. Hitomi knew that she couldn't let herself get caught' or she might be hurt badly. So she moved quickly.

Hitomi would dash in as fast as she could, but instead of striking head on, she would slide down and give Rheena's ankles a sharp sliding kick.


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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by Ninja-chan Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:51 am

No longer did Rheena pay attention to Amy. She was dissapointed to say the least. Seeing as how the person who beat her was now reduced to this. But in the back of her mind, the cold hearted woman felt a strange sense of releif to know that she would be okay, nearly distracted with her thoughts about the girl, even thinking that for just a moment, she was a fool to be here in the first place. Rheena wasn't worried about her opponent, far from it! She knew that with a bit of time, she could break this untamed cur down to pieces. But she did still find herself thinking about Amy, wishing she could just find the answer to why she really cared about her at all in the first place!

Still, for now she kept her focus, a well oiled machine waiting for her opponent. And then, that moment came when Hitomi suddenly dashed at her. Analyzing the woman's moves, waiting for that precise moment, she tried to predict her movements, her dead, icy blue gaze fixated on nothing but the attack that was to come. Either way, Hitomi was dead to her.

Seeing the attack coming at the last moment, Rheena bent her knees a little more, and snatched both her hands out like a coiled spring, catching Hitomi by the thigh just before she could strike. The girl packed a lot of power, and even though Rheena caught it and was wearing thin gloves, her palms stung from the force. But, she didn't show a reaction from it, before she clamped down and would turn the girl by the ankle, hoping to flip her over. In an instant, she went to grab the girl's other leg, and if she could, she would put Hitomi in a tight, boston crab, wanting to show Hitomi exactly what it feels like to be in the pain she put Amy through.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by Psychopatrick88 Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:45 am

Amy managed to get her feet, taking a slow deep breath to regain a bit of stamina. She had underestimated Hitomi. While her body could take a bit of abuse in terms of strikes, Amy could only take so many submissions, and Hitomi had taken full advantage of it. In all honesty, she was a bit embarassed to how bad she was beaten up, but, she'd make up for it. She watched as the two battled, waiting for an opportunity to get in on the fight and assist Rheena.


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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by zxn666 Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:13 am

Hitomi's eyes widened when Rheena grabbed her leg just before her attack struck. She gritted her teeth as Rheena began to turn her over onto her front, and slowly put her into the Boston Crab. "Shit!" Hitomi said. She couldn't let her do this! Hitomi knew that Rheena was really out to hurt her, and this might get her really hurt. She needed to strike back.

So right before Rheena could properly flip her over, Hitomi lashed out with her free leg, aiming a sharp kick at Rheena's ankle. Perhaps the girl would be easier to deal with on the mat.


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Amy vs Hitomi - Page 6 Empty Re: Amy vs Hitomi

Post by Ninja-chan Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:33 am

The crowd certainly wasn't happy about Rheena interupting the match. But quite frankly, the woman didn't care at all at this point. She would snap all of their necks for all she cared. Right now, she was determined to take Hitomi down a notch or two, followed by breaking a bone when she could.

Since Hitomi was still pretty fresh since Amy could barely do any damage earlier, Rheena knew she had to be treating this with full vigor and strength, and she did just that, tensing up and barely cringing at the kick. The woman's bones were dense as a rock, and the shot in the ankle, even though it hurt a bit, the girl hardly seemed to flinch at it, only straiting up as she maintained her hold on the one leg for now. Right now, Rheena was like a machine, and she had a knack for shaking off the first few blows like they were nothing, ignoring it as best as she could before changing her plans. Deciding to stun her with a bit pain before a submission, Rheena shook off the blow, clenching Hitomi's ankle tighter, before unleashing her own kick. She would lift Hitomi's leg a little higher, before pulling her own leg back, and unleashing her own kick right in the back of Hitomi's leg, aiming for a weak point that would cripple the girl's movement by striking hard to the back of her knee.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


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Join date : 2009-06-03

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