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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by Tarantulust Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:52 am

So far, things have been going rather well. Hathiya was keeping her cool, the first few fans seemed more than satisfied. A few people in the back of the line split off to kill time at the gift shop, waiting for the line to get shorter, but odds are they would return soon enough. But, up next was probably the biggest person in line and everyone was curious to see how this interaction went as the figure sat in front of Hathiya. A shadow was cast over the Earthshaker as a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth made itself known with a smile. The eyes that peered down at Hathiya were like molten lava! A mixture of hellish red, bright yellow, and smoldering gray! The scales that adorned her body looked as though they were made from solid gold, but they were much stronger than any metal that could be forged by hand or magic. This was a dragon. To many this creature was the living embodiment of terror and power…but there was one catch.

This one was fiendishly cute!

SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 M83GWRt
“Yahallo~” The dragon said with a grin! Her frilly dress was a light pink, with strawberries decorating the look. Despite the fierce nature of the species, this one almost came off as an idol. She had long, gold hair, and she absolutely shined like a jewel in front of Hathiya. The dragon had to lean down a bit, being even larger than Hathiya herself. From up close, the Earthshaker could tell the dragon took care of her teeth, each one sharpened enough to be a blade. But it wasn’t intimidation that was on the dragon’s mind.

The large creature reached down and took Hathiya’s hand, shaking it excitedly as she beamed at the elephant woman!

“You’re like, so uber cute! I knew you looked, like, totally cute on the broadcast but you look even cuter in person! Ahhh~ I just wanna scream! <3”

Tarantulust's Lair
SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 7pKWB42

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by ARStudios2000 Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:55 am

Hathiya had been so focused on looking down (due to Gob and Morticia's sizes, and her own expectations, that the next person to walk up to her caught her offguard. For the first time in a long time, she actually had to look up to someones eye level, and she instantly recognized the eyes. They were a different color, but it was without a doubt dragon eyes. A quick flashback came to her mind.

Her father. A dragon. Outside the walls. The dragon towering over her already massive father. Both dressed in regal wear but the dragons wear seeming more militaristic, wearing a helmet, pauldrons, and other armor pieces. She couldn't remember why this happened, or what the occasion was.

But she remembered those eyes. It had a more blue glow, like a light inside a pool, but it has that same feel like a volcano ready to erupt from within an ocean....

Her mind snapped to reality as she heard the dragon say "so Uber cute!" It took her a moment but realized the woman was gushing over her. Not really what she was expecting, and even less being that she took her hand and, despite Hathiya's very sturdy looking arm, she still shook it like it was a regular arm, even shaking Hathiya a bit.

Ok, time to focus.

A dragon. How was she going to appease a dragon of all things? This wasn't just some child either, it seemed like an adult. And she was MASSIVE. At first she wasn't sure what to say, her thoughts jumbled by dragons, dragon tales, and memories...

Then it hit her.

"Why, I'm glad you could come here today! I think you look cute, too! Especially that strawberry dress of yours. Is it your handiwork?" she seemed to admire the dress, rubbing her chin. "If it is, it's amazing! So simple but so adorable. Fitting for a person like you."

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by Tarantulust Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:43 pm

The chair creaked with each and every movement the dragon made. Truthfully, the golden serpent seemed to be resting on her tail, the only key reason as to why the chair hadn’t already shattered under her weight. The dragon’s eyes were something few people could look directly into and keep their wits about them afterwards. Nobody could guess that Hathiya had previous experience with an even larger dragon. It was a past life she was hiding from everyone, but it served to strengthen her nerves against this odd guest, who seemed genuinely charmed by Hathiya for some reason not yet explained. The Ganeeshay was right in guessing the dragon was not yet an adult, though she was closer to a young adult. The dragon was only roughly 20,000 years old, and still had a curiosity about the realm she was in. To her, Hathiya was a super cute thing that was big enough to catch her notice. Most others were so small, the dragon almost thought of them like ants.

But to everyone's amazement, Hathiya could actually hold a conversation with such a beast. The dragon might have appeared cute, but no one even tried getting anywhere near her bad side. When Hathiya commented on the Dragon’s dress, it may as well have been a stunner to the crowd. However, the dragon herself took it in stride.

“Oh, this? No way! These hands aren’t all that good for delicate stuff like sewing, ya know?”

As if to prove her point, the dragon tapped a single nail on the table. The finger nail went right through the table, like a knife puncturing cardboard! The dragon didn’t even put any force into it!

“This was made by a human, actually. A talented little scamp on the in the wildlands. They live in my territory in exchange for these cute clothes~” She retracted her finger just as easily as she used it, leaning in to get a better look at Hathiya’s outfit.

“And how about you? That's an adorable outfit ya got there~ And your robe too…The floral pattern was very unique! Y’know, I think I might have seen a place where that pattern was common…”

The dragon tilted her head in thought, but quickly decided she couldn’t think of the name. She was simply far too interested in this creature.

“So? Make it yourself? Or maybe someone you like did~?”

Tarantulust's Lair
SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 7pKWB42

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by ARStudios2000 Tue Oct 04, 2022 7:56 pm

At first, though Hathiya's eyes wavered a bit as the dragon mentioned her floral pattern looked familiar, and was ready to pass the magic words.

But then her eyes relaxed when the dragon changed the point.

"Oh, I actually did make my headband myself," she stroked her headband with the flower on it, "but the level of precision and skill needed for my clothing, I can't do that with THESE hands." She put her hands up, showing her stone-like fingers, "Woman's hands but no delicate touch. Or at least, I have to really try hard to have the delicate touch in my fingertips. I can deal with kids, but not sewing. Its quite sad, I'd love to make my own clothes. My own style!"

She looked at the dragon, and said, "At least my hands are good for the job I have. In fact, if SRW hasn't approached you for a job, I'm shocked! That is a strong arm you got."

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by Tarantulust Wed Oct 05, 2022 1:06 am

The dragon woman’s eyes narrowed and her smile grew once Hathiya admitted her own lack of skill with a sewing needle. A part of the dragon was happy that a fellow giant had similar issues, though it seemed that it was Hathiya’s strength that prevented her from her goal of self fashion rather than anything like claws. Still, she found an outfit in her size, and the dragon seemed keen on giving it a good look. Many creatures lived in Gaia, but few were as large as a dragon or a Ganeeshay. Yet Hathiya’s outfit fit rather well, accentuating her muscles and curves. It made the dragon curious as to who was the creator of the costume. Was it a human like the one who designed her clothes? Or something else?

Hathiya made an interesting observation. The Ganeeshay wondered out loud if the SRW had offered the dragon a job offer, as she was an interesting specimen. The dragon smirked, leaning back and straightening back up to show just how tall she was to someone like Hathiya. Hathiya was considered a titan by many…but the dragon was practically a kaiju! With a clear view of the Dragon’s fangs, scales, and muscles, a cold feeling of dread would run down many of the audience member’s spines.

“They did. But I’m not all that interested. I have a territory to watch over, and fighting smaller creatures isn’t all that appealing…but~”

The dragon would once again lean down and slip a finger beneath Hathiya’s chin, the dragon smirking in a mischievous manner.

“If you ever want a challenge, I wouldn’t mind testing you out!”

The golden dragon snickered to herself, reaching over to pat Hathiya’s head before hopping out of her seat. Thankfully, the SRW’s lobby ceiling was tall, the dragon’s horns nearly scraping the banister. No one in line was complaining, but the dragon wouldn’t doubt some wanted their turn.

“Well, I won’t take up too much more of your time. Mind if I get a picture of you? Maybe a cute victory pose for me~?”

Tarantulust's Lair
SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 7pKWB42

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by ARStudios2000 Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:28 am

Hathiya laughed a bit at the word "challenge." While she was a bit intimidated by the idea of fighting a dragon, she also internally wanted this. A big fight! A REAL titan fight! She had no idea what skills the dragon had, but if she could so confidently say that, she probably had some.

Hearing she wanted a picture, Hathiya got an idea for a big parting impression.

"I know the perfect picture..." she said with a mischievous tone....then suddenly lifted the dragon off her feet into a bridal carry for her to take a picture with!

Was she heavy? Absolutely, extremely. She made Croo-El feel like a feather. Hathiya had to grunt loudly to pull it off,but despite her advanced weight, she was actually doing it! Sure, she was breathing a bit harder to keep up the weight lift, but it was something!

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by Tarantulust Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:36 am

“The perfect picture, eh? Alright~ I’ll bite. Let’s see what you got-WOAH!”

The Dragon had no clue what Hathiya’s intentions were when she approached, but picking her up?! The idea that anyone could hoist up a dragon was something no one had even thought of, and yet Hathiya was doing it right here and now! The Ganeeshay actually managed to pick the dragon up off her feet and hold her up into the air! Even the volcanic eyes of the terrifying serpent were wide with surprise and wonder. No one other than her parents had been able to pick her up, and even then they stopped once she could walk on her own. Picking her up like this caused her golden scaled face to turn a bit red. Hathiya was exerting quite a bit of effort, her arms feeling like stone pillars as she cradled the Dragon woman. Despite the heavy weight, Hathiya maintained a cool disposition. Her breathing was a bit heavier, but she otherwise was incredibly suave. For a moment, the Dragon woman almost felt a slight tingle in her heart~

Carefully, the dragon snapped a picture of herself being held by Hathiya. The picture revealed the slightly shy expression on the Dragon’s face as Hathiya held her, causing her to huff a bit. When Hathiya set the dragon down, the golden serpent snuck a kiss onto Hathiya’s trunk. A small, burning mark appeared on Hathiya’s thick skin, but faded away almost instantly.

“Think of that as payment. A dragon’s charm could come in handy someday~”

Standing back up, the Dragon once again grinned. Her barbed tail swished back and forth, clearly excited from the display of strength that the Earthshaker had hidden inside her.

“Next time you need a training partner, call for me okay? My name’s GhiGhi. Just yell, and I’ll hear you.”

Tarantulust's Lair
SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 7pKWB42

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by ARStudios2000 Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:20 am

Hathiya felt that probably did the trick, though the burning kiss mark on her trunk, she let out a small yelp and quickly brushed her hand over it as it gave a burning feeling on her skin. Though it faded, the stinging feeling didnt go away. But at least she had a dragons charm now (whatever that does).

"Thank you, GhiGhi! I'll remember your kind offer. I'm sure Eros wont mind." she said with a happy nod.

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by Tarantulust Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:58 am

Everyone watched the Dragon depart, with a few of the crowd members looking relieved she had left. Dragons were something like legends, and to see one waiting in line was sort of surreal. But, the day had to go on. A few people in line heard Eros’s name get mentioned, but upon a second look, the Bakeneko was noticeably absent. Did work drag her away? Or maybe she just left to take a break or get something. Doubtlessly, she would be proud of how Hathiya handled herself with meeting a dragon had she been there to see it. But all that was left was to push on with the day! It was time for the next guest after all, and Hathiya seemed to be on a roll!

“O-Oh? M-my turn already?”

SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 H8oTrFp
A tiny, squeaky voice came from the air. A small, bat-like creature seemed to fly over and perch itself on the chair. Its bangs covered its light sensitive eyes, with large ears that constantly moved and twitched at every sound. It seemed rather cute, hugging a small plush animal from some distant land. Its mouth had four distinct fangs, possibly a hint to what it ate. Despite those fangs, it smiled sweetly at Hathiya.

“Nice to meet you Ms. Hathiya~ My friends call me Brat! And I…”

Suddenly, her ears twitched, and the small creature tilted her head. She hugged the plush in her arm tighter as she peeked over Hathiya’s shoulder. Just as Brat was about to warn Hathiya, A hand would grab ahold of Hathiya’s hair and throw the Earthshaker’s face into the table!

“Been looking all over for you, Earthshaker!”

Tarantulust's Lair
SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 7pKWB42

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SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker! - Page 3 Empty Re: SRW Specials: Meet n Greetin' the Earthshaker!

Post by ARStudios2000 Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:15 am

Hathiya noticed that Eros was nowhere in sight, which made her curious. She felt a bit nervous since she was hoping nobody would ask Hathiya any backstory questions or anything related to it, but she knew the day had to go on.

When she saw Brat, Hathiya felt her heart melt. It was such a tiny being, and her hidden eyes only added to her charm. She has forgotten to sit down, and just towered over the little one.

She was, in fact, so distracted, that when her ears picked up something coming up behind her, she didn't realize it was the familiar footsteps of a certain cranky woman. She just sorta blurred out mentally, distracted by Bat, before realising said steps stopped behind her. She didn't really have enough of a mental presence to react before feeling her head being yanked and thrown forwards, and Croo-El's extremely familiar voice ringing.

Though Croo-El had intended to throw her at the table, Hathiya was so huge, it wasn't just the table she was falling over, she was falling towards Brat too!! She was going to flatten her!

A moment of pure terror came across Hathiya as she reactively shot her arms up and balled her hands, as her entire weight came tumbling down. Her fists connected with the floor, causing them to break the tiling and crater inwards as she suddenly jutted to a halt in a push ups position, her head just a few inches away from Brat.

Her eyes were wide with shock and horror. Her breathe was panting slowly, and she was shaking in fear as the weight of what just could have happened to Brat finally struck her.

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