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Sun May 12, 2024 11:49 pm by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Fake Animes Empty Fake Animes

Post by luffy316 Thu May 27, 2010 8:29 pm

Having made Mina into more of an otaku than originally planned lately, this' led to me making up what series she watches. While I've referred to a few actual ones, I've wound up making up most of them. This is to great delight to me, especially Giant Queen Sakura, as Tats and I have spent countless hours plotting this series out. It lets me goof on some existing stories and make up ones that sound like they'd actually work...

I'll list em below, as I copied into my blog post, but above all, I'd like to hear about more. Considering that we have several fighters in the league who are from series (Street Fighter and Ikitosen come to mind), seems like there'd be a lot. Whether your characters are into them or not or just an idea you think'd be cute or funny, post it up here! Romantic harem stories to stereotypical shonens, whip em up to any length of description you'd like.

Giant QueenSakura: a magical girl series by Chihiro “Chinko” Hubara, a former adult doujin writer. The story is about Sakura, a schoolgirl who wishes to join her sumo club at school but the head considers her too puny to be any good at it. When she is magically imbued with the spirit of a great female sumo who disappeared ages ago, she can transform into the big woman with the help of the Goddess of Bigness, a genuinely titanic (“Woops, hit my head on the moon…”; “Your tits are crushing my house!!”) deity who smiles upon women and men who do not fear over being larger. The story was originally a parody of a magical girl series, as she becomes fat and topless when she transforms, but it gathered a real following and was known to supply some drama as well as comedy and action. The story revolves around Sakura as she juggles not only her social life, but her alter ego in professional sumo leagues and the ability to fight crime and magical entities entering the world (usually purifying them with salt, such as a sumo would a ring). The tagline is generally “It’️s not the size of your body, but the bigness of your heart,” and the writer was admired by some (especially Akashi) for being quite knowledgeable about sumo and using real techniques, even basing some of the battles on real sumo bouts. There is a real fan base these days, and while most of the bouts in the manga were done topless, the tv series had to use various skimpy tops to meet standards. When fan protested, the dvds were released edited to be topless and they released full-frontal shorts with each disc. Mina adores the fiery passion to it, the boobs and the curvy women, and that it so neatly combines shonen, shoujo, and slice of life series together.
(based roughly on Card Captor Sakura/Sailor Moon, maybe a splash of One Piece wierdness in there)

Beast Parts: a fantasy series centering on a boy with a “dragon’️s stomach.” It allows him to eat and spit out anything in a somewhat Kirby-like fashion, though always in tact. He adventures and protects his steam punk scientist adoptive family, usually trying to find treasures of some kind. It’️s implied to be because of his dragon part, which it is quickly revealed that there are 7 others born with dragon parts (wings, tail, eyes, scales, etc) that inevitably clash
(based on an idea my friend had years ago, though clearly some Fairy Tail to it)

Bushido Bill: a shonenesque series about, as the creator puts it, “a guy with a sword.” A Japanese student in america finds a large enchanted katana that grants him mastery of it instantly, turning him into a target for those who seek it. It was actually based on an American novel series, though the story lent itself well to anime style. The rumor is the creator put as little thought as possible into making the series so that he could make a story to appeal to everyone on a truly basic level. It is action-packed, known to have a fast pace even for a shonen series. “At least no Frieza fights.” Mina noted favorably.
(actually a story within a story I’️m writing about a miserable author. Something of a knockoff of Bleach)

That Hamster Loves His Panties: an ecchi comedy series about a girl Nana with an out-spoken, perverted pet hamster Hambone. It’️s only 15 minutes an episode and very simple with its plot, but Mina loves it for its dirty humor and abundance of fanservice
(based on Ebichu, I suppose, though I got the name when I saw the back of a random manga a friend had with an excited hamster sitting on a pair of bloomers. I wrote it down because it could make a hilarious manga title)

A Cat Named “Werewolf“: romantic comedy about a modern-day werewolf who falls in love with a common girl. He protects and serves her, but a kickback of his werewolf curse is that when in the presence of whom he loves, he cannot turn into his beastial form and instead resembles a puppy more than a wolf, complete with instincts. This makes standing up for her difficult when she’️s targeted by the beast or girl-stealing punk of the week.
(somewhere between Twilight, Ranma ½, and Rosario Vampire)

Pink Rainbow: one of the few shoujo series she follows, it is a straightforward romance story between a nerdy girl Ohno and the athletic boy at school Ken. Mina has only a moderate interest in them, as she really adores the girl’️s friends Tora and Claire, a vaguely masculine but open lesbian couple. She considers them the highlight of the series, and thinks that if not for their presence the show wouldn’️t be as popular as it was. “Because lesbians improve everything,” so says Mina and, more comedically, Claire at every opportunity. Some fans agree with Mina’️s outlook, and they are treated as a real couple with genuinely romantic moments of their own at times. Claire and Tora had a one-volume mini-series “Tiger Paws” that Mina considers worth its weight in gold. There is a gay couple who are friends with Ken as well, but they are, to various acknowledgements (“Why is it okay when THEY do it?” sighs Inta), less popular.
(Kimi No Todoke, almost to the letter; think of the lesbian couple resembling Maka Maka, but I‘ve personally always stood by “lesbians improve everything“ as a theory, even when there is NO logic to the statement)

Doki Doki Holiday: a comic romance of a dateless boy who falls for a girl dressed as a christmas elf working part time with the mall santa. He asks her out and has a wonderful time with her, but come January... wonders why she's still in costume. Turns out the pointy little ears are real, her costume is her favorite attire, and she's actually a scout for Santa. They continue to start their relationship amidst her holiday duties, mild magical powers, her infinite ability to invent and build things, a hand-made dog that can smell if you've been naughty or nice, her sensetivity to warm weather, and other holiday figures poking up through the year. Supporting cast includes a Halloween witch, a cooking-crazy Thanksgiving chef, and a shapely Valenines seductress whose duty is to see that all find love by Valentines (even if it's with her).


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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by Tatyina Fri May 28, 2010 1:17 am

I know Hilde is a big fan of Sentai Explosion! It's not completely anime but it does show Chibi Sentai Fight! (which she is not so fond of because she thinks it's a bit too immature though she does find herself on occasion thinking how adorable the all-shouta action team really is) and Masked Team Pink! which is a surprisingly action packed (and somewhat manly) Super Sentei show about a group of masked heroes who must battle giant space aliens. (The name derives from the derrogatory way in which the aliens refer to the humans.) Aside from alternating between these (and occasionally other) 15 minute episodes of anime the 'variety hour' style show also has a fifteen minute block of live action sentei shows which Hilde Enjoys. The rest of the hour is filmed before a live studio audience and hosted by a superhero clad sentai team known as the 'masked hosts' who engage the audience in various (and mostly silly) games, tricks and novelty acts all while maintaining the over the top sentai style.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by luffy316 Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:50 pm

Witch de Awaken: highschool girl Kurona lives her life normally enough until she returns home one day to find her mother fighting off several assailants. She tries to help, but realizes enough to step back when her mother starts slinging fireballs and summoning beasts on them. The others perform similar feats, beating back her mother before branding her with a glowing sigil on her chest, speaking in brief gibberish to Kurona together, and leaving.

Kurona learns that she is part of a bloodline of witches and that the gibberish was actually a curse. Her mother had just gotten her powers taken away, and Kurona having her partly sealed. While mom couldn't use them at all, Kurona could simply not use her powers for the harm of others or to benefit herself. This leaves her with only two real uses and missions: 1. to help others in a direct sense (saving people and being generous), and more often, using it to hunt down the circle of magi who did this to her mother, finding out her crime, and agreeing to hunt down rogue sorcerers, demons and the like in exchange for her pardon.

What's a girl to do when she can't fight but has to bring in criminals? Uses her Witch de Awaken, naturally. It's a random sort of spell that strikes someone nearby, granting them a single dangerous or useful power and hoping they'll fight to help her. She has to quickly develop a reliance on her friends, including her chubby girlfriend, her sporty dimwitted crush, and the girl star of the kendo club.

a bit girly for a largely fighting series, though this has not kept the internet from drawing abundant porn to it


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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by luffy316 Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:48 pm

Rock of Legends

The story of a band making it big in Japan. As coincidence has it, each bandmate has their own style of martial art. The group is made up of
Sorata: judo/tai kwan do. lead singer. a rock enthusiast overall. At least, that's his latest enthusiasm. Always fanatical over whatever he tries next ("I'm gonna make the HELL out of this sandwich!"), he is fresh off his martial arts kick and set on making his band, which rapidly climbs its way to fame. Known for his passion and wild, multi-colored hairstyles to match the rock world.

Rikuza: brawling/kickboxing. lead guitar. a badass street punk who can't help but pick fights. he's kind enough to his friends, but never hesitates to throwdown. They manage to keep him in line when they're around, but mostly tame him by his crippling motion sickness in the van. Believes he is a reincarnated spirit of the gods of rock, part of a cult he follows (they sometimes must halt him from sacrificing chickens)

Saiya: shaolin martial arts. back-up guitar/vocals. raised by shaolin monks, Saiya is the only girl in the band. She was sent on a pilgrimage by her temple to raise money and see the world, so the band seemed like the best way to do so. She is utterly powerless with electronics, and she considers her experience with a guitar her only practical skill. Having kept her hair short or shaved most of her life, she's only now growing it out into a short ponytail and so is believed to be a boy by a number of her fangirls, to her dismay.

Kenji: muay thai. bass. a retired mma fighter, he disliked the glory and attention he received in the octagon. He left and found a place in the band on bass, figuring the band wouldn't get much attention and it was a often ignored instrument. An accident with the spotlight highlighted him once, however, and he got quite a following of fangirls. Rather than disliking the attention, he adored having lots of female fans rather than jockish violence-lovers. Sometimes jealous of Saiya's gathering of fangirls thinking she's prettier ("You can keep them!")

Ivan: unknown style (aspects of drunken boxing). drums. Heavyset Russian immigrant. He's a stocky, strong-bodied guy without much known about his past. He is a hearty, happy guy who loves to drink ("I am strong! Like Vodka!" He can't speak much Japanese beyond a few words at a time, but clues such as his running at the sound of alarms, trap door under his bed, and fondness for black-white striped pajamas while he sleeps alludes that he is a convict.

They largely tour and perform, comic mischief between gigs. Their kung fu powers are forced to be used at times, fighting between shows. Their managers is a former underground pit fighter (scars to prove it, including a large one on his face). He's actually quite the softy with the band, letting them mostly do as they please. Even when he tries to make a stand against them, Sorata's passion moves him. When that fails, Saiya does puppy dog eyes. Failing THAT, mass puppy dog eyes. If he's absolutely grounded on it... Kenji lifts Saiya's top and she hits him.

Has a comic-shonen spirit but known for fan-yaoi pairings


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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by GatitaVioleta Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:37 am

I wish those animes were real... >.<

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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by luffy316 Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:32 pm

me too, gat. especially since i'd own em... but Tats and I trying to make GQS real at least

another idea came to me in a sleep-deprived vision last night, based on a loose idea i'd had earlier

Bamboo Shoot
about a boy orphaned in a bamboo forest, only to be found by pandas and brought to a small clan of bamboo spirits. they return the boy to a nearby village, the spirits careful for the pandas only to touch him and not themselves. However, one excitable spirit child touches his hand, having never seen a human before, and unwittingly imbues him with powers like theirs

now a fully grown and adventurous teenage skater boy, Manta goes on a school field trip into the local mountains. there he sees a family of pandas being captured by poachers, where he steps in and uses his martial arts to beat up a few before showing off his inbound power: he makes bamboo grow at accelerated rates, shooting out like lengthy missiles and impaling, smashing, or ramming whatever's in their path. he takes them all out but one, as he's distracted when he hears a young but foul-mouthed panda encouraging him to kick their asses. While he's distracted finding out why his new pal "Pando" can talk, the last one tries to take a shot at him. A bamboo spirit (the one who touched him, now similarly grown up) sees his kindness to the animals and steps in to deflect the bullet with her powers.

while confident she's unseen by the humans, Manta waves to her and she realizes who he is. Paku (the spirit girl) does a horrible attempt at trying to hide that she realizes who he is and what she knows about his powers (being naturally terrible with secrets). Pando (as his pint-sized muscle) and Paku (invisible and immortal aid) decide to stick by his side in the end as he gets into wimsical adventures as Manta has fun with his powers and new badass panda cub, especially when he realizes his powers over bamboo have further affects. This includes putting Paku inside a shoot and turning it into an extending katana, supercharging the bamboo and feeding it to Pando to turn him into a super strong 12 foot beast of a panda (being already strong as a large man as a cub from his scrappy nature), and shaping massive amounts of bamboo into his personal sentient giant mech-style armor ("code name B.A.M.B.O."), wielding all of these in a battle against a new uprising within the yakuza, a supernatural specialized branch that looks to take over the city

the whole thing sort of came to me when i was spacing out to sleep, seeing a kid blazing by on a skateboard in one of those trendy snow caps, with a pissed off looking tiny panda running alongside him as if into battle.

Last edited by 125 on Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by luffy316 Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:49 pm

Sonic Actress Hahaha

Harui Haruma is a rich but passionate voice actress who harnesses the power of her voice to such degrees that it can release sonic blasts, mimic any voice, and manipulate the minds of others to a degree. She takes up powers to fight supervillains in her futuristic city. While she dons a costume for style, she never actually gets a secret identity. She uses her nickname of Hahaha all the same, short for her name but also ironic for her famous "Ohohoho!" laugh


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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by luffy316 Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:37 pm

few more smaller ones that've come to mind...

Love Champion: Yuriko is tall, strong, and busty, and a champion level professional wrestler going by Love Champion in the ring. A woman of action in the ring, she finds herself struggling to try and become more feminine and gentle with her new boyfriend Kenji. Her comical strength, accidental bearhugs, and cute reactions with her huge frame lead to wimsy

Twin Tales: entirely built off a pun, Yuki and Miyuki are twin middleschoolers. each with twinstails. the show is largely a slice of life comedy, with yuri overtones between the twins and showing the difficulties and advantages of being twins. Actually written by a twin sibling, though interestingly left her brother out of the process

TiTi-chan: a 4-panel gag manga, mostly revolving around the largely nonsensical life and times of TiTi-chan, a huge-chested store-clerk. The jokes usually revolve around her accidentally knocking things over, smacking people, or being unable to reach things due to her enormous breasts. Most iconic for a surprised or angry Titi-chan smacking someone across the face with her breasts (whether accidental or on purpose depending on her reaction). Known for some controversy over Hi-chan, one of Titi's many avatar-like friends centered on one concept or person. In Hi-chan's case, she is a tsundere girl who was mnade to be a chibi girl version of Adolf Hitler, even alluded to being his half-Japanese daughter sometimes. The writer Shin Takami insists that this is true, but will not write it in his manga to appease the censors. "Our little secret," he insists, though doing so at almost every interview, Q&A, or panel. It's something of a inside joke to ask him at almost every oppurtunity


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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by luffy316 Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:56 pm

really ought to flesh these out some in my blog rather than bother with a thread... nonetheless!

Hell Razor: a dark and bloody series following a rebellion in Hell, where the damned attempt to battle and overthrow the demons to take the place over. It follows mainly Dam, whose true name is long forgotten, a overall mysterious badass with a vengeful sadist side out to kill the devil himself. He fights with a long sharpened demon horn he took off his first kill, and generally tries rallying the souls and inhabitants of hell to help him take down the hordes of demons. This includes his demon lover Devy, his huge mute golem converted to an ally Executioner, and Eers, a demon with knives forever in his eyes who acts as his informant. The more demon blood he sheds, the more demonic Dam's powers become, and his nature slowly changes to the point where he warns the others to kill him if he goes too far.
roughly between Guts, Hellsing, and Jack Frost

Robots Don't Blush: follows schoolboy Akira as he winds up stuck with Mechumi, a battle android who believes she is a schoolgirl. This is PAINFULLY apparent to be false, as she is shiny silver and has no facial features anatomy or figure to speak of beyond arms and legs. She nonetheless acts feminine, tries to have fun and flirt, and try to learn more about life from Akira.
sort of Chobits or To Love Ru with the cuteness basically gone


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Fake Animes Empty Re: Fake Animes

Post by luffy316 Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:11 am

Necrocomicon: Kenichi is a general scaredy cat, one who can't stand scary movies, dark streets, or even spiders. Despite all his fears and precautions, one day after school he isn't paying attention and is hit by a car. He wakes up in the hospital an unknown time later, finding the world to be inhabited entirely by zombies!

This, it turns out, really isn't that big a deal. While zombified, the world runs very much like it used to. Zombies are perfectly intelligent after the first few weeks of infection, civil and organized and running life much like they used to. Kenichi starts to reclaim his old life, living with his (zombie) mother as the only human left in the city ("You need food? Medicine? We've got plenty just lying around..."). Kenichi has to come over his fears, partly aided by a local group of otaku zombie. A highlight of their time together easing him into their world is via the Necrocomicon, a fan con where he meets the cutest (zombie) girl he's ever met and falls awkwardly in love
A comedic series with a lightly dark overtones for the setting

The Oni Inn: a comedy series revolving around two brothers in feudal Japan, running an inn/apartment building for yokai and spirits. Daisuke is the elder, a temperamental half-oni half-human with a temper who acts as the bouncer and cook for the place. Kitaru is a half-kitsune who's even tempered and the desk clerk of the inn. some ways into the series, they also meet their estranged sister Mika, a half-kappa, who helps them explore just how big a slut their mom was...


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