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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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A hot and cold break

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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by Kitten Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:09 am

Althought being a swimmer Natalia was capable of holding her breath for quite sometime, there was something that she couldn't stand of being submerged completely in the spring, the heat. The temperature was so intense that The Dream couldn't resist it and had to push her head off the water too soon... only to receive a basin full of snow right over the head and shoulders, that slid down to her back and tits in an instant.

Natalia made no sound as she was literally frozen in the spot. For a few seconds her only movement was her cute face twitching as she slowly submerged herself in the hot pool again, but not even that helped; Natalia could feel the cold chilling her bones.

"MEGUMIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Natalia yelled furiously after raising up from the water yet again. "COME BACK HERE AND LETS SETTLE THIS!!!" she hissed, still shivering from the cold.

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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by zxn666 Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:20 am

Megumi knew her response was petty, and in any other situation she would've been ashamed to do such a thing. But against Natalia, who was far more petty in Megumi's eyes, this was totally justified. Especially since the girl's first reaction to seeing her was to demand she leave, and whose second reaction was to completely ruin her clothes. When Natalia yelled at her to come out and settle this, Megumi was glad to oblige.

The idol came back out, still dressed in her robe. It was a bit cold, but the steamy pool warmed the air around it and made it rather balmy. "Oh? So you want to fight me now Natalia?" Megumi said, "I thought you're on vacation to relax?" With a smile, she dropped the robe, revealing her sexy naked form. She slipped into the pool, letting the warmth soak into her for a second, closing her eyes. "But you're right. We should settle this."


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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by Kitten Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:23 pm

"EhhhH?" Natalia began to have second thoughts about battling Megumi almost as soon as she finished her sentence. After the thrashing she had received at Taylor's hands she was still hurt; the pain in her neck was the worse and it returned every time she made a sudden head move; her left arm was in no shape to make any kind of intense effort, and her knee had begun to hurt again after climbing the mountain to get to this cabin. As if that wasn't enough, her confidence had taken a huge blow after losing the title. She didn't felt in conditions to fight against someone as strong and passionate as Megumi, who had many good reasons to seek vengeance.

As Megumi returned, Natalia steped back instinctively, and the the idol dropped her robe and Natalia's jaw dropped too. She immediately felt a tingle between the legs as she admired Megumi's divine body and remembered how they have battled in the island and the delicious orgasm the idol had given her. The Dream's nipples were already hard, after the snow shower Megumi gave her, and the idol's nakedness made sure they remained like that.

Natalia bit her lower lip, blushing deeply, not sure what too do. It was probably to late to apologize and talk her way out of this mess, Natalia felt trapped. She really didn't wanted to end up brawling with Megumi in here, but then and idea cruised her mind.

"uh...say Megumi-chan..." she began to say with a soft almost conciliatory tone. "We don't want to ruin each others vacation, right?" she continued giggling nervously, noticing she was now in the middle of the pool and still moving back, Natalia stopped and stood her ground."So... How about we settle this in...a... Non-violent way?"

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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by zxn666 Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:06 pm

Megumi opened her eyes, giving a stern look at Natalia. She saw how the girl was holding herself up right now, evidently she hadn't recovered from the beating Taylor gave her, but still she was willing to be provocative and try to start a fight. Megumi almost wanted to come in and brawl with Natalia and beat some sense into her, but she wasn't that kind of a person. She moved across the pool until she was right in Natalia's face, so close her breaths washed over Natalia's face and their tits touched.

"Scared, are you?" Megumi asked, "You want to settle thiz with sex, right? But you're being so childish Natalia, how can you fight the way adults do?" Megumi smiled. "Say you're sorry, and that you won't be so immature, and I'll consider not beating you up right now. You know if we fought you can't win, not with your body in that condition."


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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by Kitten Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:55 pm

Natalia frowned cutely and growled at Megumi as she heard the idol. She didn't backed down, on the contrary she pushed forward, getting closer to Megumi until the tips of their noses were almost touching and their tits pressed firmly against each other. The sensation of theor orbs mashing together, competing for room, was simply delicious and Natalia couldn't help but shiver a little from the tension she felt between Megumi and herself.

It was a strange sort of attraction what Natalia felt for Megumi, she could feel almost like electricity flowing between them as they stared into each other eyes. "You don't scare me, Megumi-chan..." The Dream said firmly as she rubbed her body against the idol as if trying to push her back with her tits.

"...but..." Natalia said after a few second softening her tone and almost pouting, while she kept her eyes locked with Megumi and their bodies pressed. "...I don't want to fight you..." the dark haired beauty finally admitted. "...not now at least..." she added quickly, not wanting to show weakness before her rival, but it was kind of hard right now since she truly was and felt weak.

"...and...I' for being mean...and ruining your clothes...and stuff..." she said ashamed, finally breaking eye contact as she looked away for a few seconds while she apologized. She quickly looked back into Megumi's eyes but not defiantly any more. "How about a truce, Megumi-chan?... Once I recover we can settle this anyway you want... I'll pay for your clothes too..." she suggested almost timidly.

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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by zxn666 Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:47 pm

Megumi didn't back down when Natalia pressed her breasts against hers. She pushed back herself, and while her chest was less substantial, it was still more than firm enough to not give a single bit. Megumi knew that against Natalia, she couldn't show weakness. But in truth, she didn't want to fight. She came to relax, and a fight with Natalia would ruin all of that.

"You scare me a little Natalia," Megumi said, "With all this stubbornness and posturing. And with how you held a grudge for this long. I didn't even remember that match we had until you brought it up."

When Natalia said she didn't want to fight though, Megumi frowned in surprise. This certainly wasn't the reaction she was expecting. Maybe Natalia had a bit more sense than she thought.

"I'm not looking for a fight either," Megumi responded, "And I'm certainly not the type to take advantage of someone when they're weak. I'll accept your truce." She paused for a moment. "But I don't want to settle things this way. Why do you want to fight me Natalia? Do you think it would prove you're better than me in some way? Because it doesn't."

Last edited by 265 on Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total


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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by Kitten Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:16 pm

Natalia relaxed her stance and let out a sigh of relief when she heard Megumi, but she remained face to face with the idol, pressing her breasts against Megumi's own. She looked down, meditating for a couple of seconds on what Megumi said. Why did she wanted to fight Megumi so bad? In part it was because she was jealous of Megumi; in part because she indeed feel beating the idol would prove she was better, althought it sounded so silly when she thought about it, but that wasn't all. There was something else that made her want to defeat Megumi. She just couldn't put it in words.

Natalia took a step back, breaking the tit-to-tit contact, and crossed her arms in front of her nude chest. "I don't know Megumi-chan..." she said pouting. "There is something about you that makes me want to defeat you..." Natalia tried hard to search in her feelings to find the root of her rivalry with Megumi, but she just felt more confused. Thinking about the idol gave her a lot of contradictory sensations.

"Don't get me wrong..." Natalia added after a second, not wanting to make Megumi think something that wasn't true. "I don't hate you. I don't want to hurt you...too much, or anything bad happening to you..." she said as she slid back to sit in a stone inside the pool and lean against one of the pool walls.

"I'm sorry, Megumi-chan" Natalia finally said as she got confortable in the water. "I don't know why I want so bad to battle you and defeat you... I actually kind of like you." she admitted blushing again.

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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by zxn666 Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:20 pm

Megumi let out a small sigh of relief when Natalia backed down. Even if the girl said she didn't want to fight, in their current confrontational stance it might soon boil into a fight anyways. But with Natalia backing down, Megumi could relax as well.

Though Natalia's words couldn't help but make Megumi kinda mad. Something about her that just made Natalia want to defeat her? What the heck was that supposed to mean? Megumi couldn't believe that Natalia was actually telling her this, since it was so surprising, and it made her a little bit mad as well, but it seemed like Natalia was just too confused to say things the right way.

After Natalia sat back down in the pool, Megumi stood there for a moment, rather confused as well. As she thought about it though, she soon realized what Natalia wanted. It seemed almost laughable, but it did make perfect sense. Natalia wanted her, maybe as a friend, maybe as a lover, but only under the condition that she was in charge and on top. It was too bad that Megumi didn't really want that herself.

Still, looking at how shaken Natalia was made Megumi a little bit sympathetic. The girl had been through a rough time, and she was all alone. She could use a friend. Megumi couldn't help the fact that she was the fixer-upper kind of person, who liked taking troubled girls and making them better. She slowly made her way across the pool before sitting down next to Natalia, keeping close but not quite touching the girl.

"Is fighting the only way you can express your emotions Natalia?" Megumi asked in a gentle voice.


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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by Kitten Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:09 pm

Hearing Megumi's question made Natalia feel quite sad, because she knew the answer very well. She nodded. "I can't relate to people in any other way..." she said as she relaxed her body even more now that it was clear that Megumi wasn't a threat any more, at least for now.
"I can't be with another girl without competing, you see?" Natalia explained both to Megumi and to herself. "When two women meet, one will dominate the will be on top and the other on bottom. At leasts that's what I was taught..." Natalia said as she looked at the mountain peak above them.

"I've tried to leave that behind...believe me...but..." she frowning like angry with herself. "It is like a second nature for me. It is very hard to control...specially with girls that interest me. I mean..." Natalia said speaking exactly as the ideas formed in her brain. "...I can have normal relationships with people I don't care and function in society normally...most of the time... But with girls I...fancy..."

"I know it is weird, Megumi-chan, but..." Natalia said turning her head to look at Megumi, letting her eyes move down to check Megumi's nude body again. "I only fight with people I like..."

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A hot and cold break - Page 2 Empty Re: A hot and cold break

Post by zxn666 Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:31 pm

Megumi was a bit relieved that Natalia was being straight with her problem, instead of resisting like so many of the other girls. That made things easier. Megumi didn't know about Natalia's past, but she did recognize that Natalia had some pretty self-destructive habits and even though Natalia gave her a hard time, she still wanted to help the girl.

Hearing Natalia's explaination made Megumi pause. "...l don't know if I should be angry or flattered," Megumi said, "I kinda figured this rivalry had something more to it than just fighting, especially with all those times you've tried to dominate me..." She noticed Natalia checking her out again, her eyes narrowing. But she didn't move away, and if Natalia moved closer Megumi wasn't going to flinch.

"You know, domination isn't the only way to make love," Megumi said, "Sometimes being on the recieving end is just as enjoyable. But hey, you must know that!"

Last edited by 265 on Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:30 am; edited 1 time in total


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