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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by LunarWolf Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:55 pm

Josey gritted her teeth as Rebecca pulled her up into a camel clutch, the pain that surged through her back would have been enough to break most people's backs, but Josey's was trained and strong after all, her neck was aching with every second she was in this camel clutch though, and she knew that the longer that she was stuck in this hold, the worse things would be for her.

Rebecca's taunts was really just adding fuel to the fire, and it was something that was actually starting to really just get Josey angry. If anybody though it was bad to fight Josey, then it was bad to fight her when she got angry. It was something that Josey rarely got and it was defiantly someone that you wouldn't want to be around when it happened.

Josey gritted her teeth, her arms began to pull and force themselves forward, attempting to free herself from Rebecca's hold by pure force, her eyes were shut tightly and her she was gritting her teeth, her legs began to push against the ground as she tried to force herself and Rebecca up, as she did this, and if she was able to free her arms, she would start to try and send a few nasty side swinging elbows back towards Rebecca's stomach.


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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by kerflubble Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:41 pm

Although it seemed the amazon had everything under control she had unwittingly made the same mistake she'd just chastised the Outlaw for making. Rebecca thought her Camel Clutch would be enough to finish Josey off but when angry, she proved to have just as much determination to get out as she had. Focusing on causing as much damage to her spine as possible made it difficult to keep control when the blonde cowgirl began to rise up, turning her clutch into something a lot less effective, something that'd only get worse when she caught a surprise elbow to the abs.

"UGH!" She grunted, hunching over slightly as she tried to tighten her abs to resist the next few blows, but the damage had been done, she wasn't pulling back anymore giving Josay a good chance to escape and continue the back and forth nature of the match.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by LunarWolf Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:12 am

josey's struggles soon seemed to pay off quite a fair bit, as she managed to push herself up to her knees and then managed to send quite a few elbow shot's back at Rebecca's well trained midsection, but that wasn't her true goal, all she really wanted to do was to weaken the strong Amazon, so that she could now attempt and rach up with her arms, attempting to grab a hold of Rebecca's head and with a quick motion of her strong body and arms, Josey would attempt and toss Rebecca head over heels over her own body.

Trying to make it so the strong tanned body landed on her back right in front of her, after which Josey would quickly attempt and follow that up by trying to seat her sexy butt down on Rebecca's head and attempt to trap the girl's arms under her knees. Josey would roll her neck a bit, wincing in pain as she did, before she would attempt and start to batter and send a barrage of punches down at Rebecca's midsection.


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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by kerflubble Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:18 pm

"Ugh!" Rebecca let out as she was thrown over head to the mat as Josey continued to fight back, this time with a snapmere, but as the outlaw moved up, her ass hovering over the amazon's head it gave her the perfect bit of payback just before she got sat on.

Slipping one arm out before they got trapped under Josey's strong legs, she sent a fist straight up between the blonde's legs, all the times she'd been on the recieving end of low blows this cowgirl was about to find out how little fun it was to be hit there with a punch that would re-arrange a normal person's face.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by LunarWolf Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:11 pm

Josey shouted out a very loud scream of pain as Rebecca punched Josey straight between her legs, causing her quite a bit of pain and was something that forced the cowgirl to stagger back a bit from Rebecca and then drop down onto her knees a few steps away from the Amazon, she would move one hand down to her her crotch and hold it, cursing Rebecca as she did so.


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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by kerflubble Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:42 am

Rebecca's gambit worked, her low blow had cut off Josey's rage at least for now and saved her from being smothered and pounded into the dirt as well as gaining payback for one of the first things the Outlaw had done in the match. The crowd winced in sympathy, while the dark-skinned giantess focused on getting back into this match, rubbing her side slightly before charging off into the ropes.

Although the 225lb bruiser could never be considered fast, what she could do was build a lot of momentum at her full speed, making the most of as much bounce as there was on the ropes before shouting "Fuck you!"as she tried to boot the cowgirl square in the jaw with her finisher: the critical hit.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by LunarWolf Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:47 am

Josey was still clutching her crotch as Rebecca moved up to her feet, the cowgirl gritted her teeth and shook her head as she began to push herself up to her feet, she kept shaking it as she was doing her best to get the pain away from the crotch area.

Rebecca soon came at her, running towards the Outlaw like a large locomotive in full speed, heading towards the blond girl, but she was not done yet though, she quickly tired to move out of Rebecca's way as the girl came at her and would attempt and slip in to the side of the girl and wrap her arms around Rebecca, before attempting to throw the girl backwards with a belly to side suplex.


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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by kerflubble Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:17 pm

Rebecca could have sworn this was going to take the Outlaw's head straight off, she didn't really think either of them had enough to do anything other than a straight assault at each other. She wasn't expecting her to dodge! "Huh!?" the amazon let out as she was caught, before being thrown and spun to the side with an "UGH!" The phrase "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." coming into full effect.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:37 pm

Josey gritted her teeth as she smashed Rebecca down as hard as she could and attempted to make that belly to side suplex hurt as much as she could for the bigger girl, afterwards Josey would attempt to roll Rebecca over onto her front and then seat herself on top of the girl's chest and attempt to place her in a schoolgirl pin as she also tried to pin the girl's arms under her knees. " Ya going down Tits." Josey said with a mocking tone as the fearful ref-girl would move in and start the count.


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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

Post by kerflubble Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:00 pm

"One!" the referee called as Josey managed to pin the big Amazon, still reeling from the belly-to-belly suplex. Her arms now pretty well trapped "Keh...."

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko - Page 7 Empty Re: Clash of the Titans: Josey Wales Vs. Rebecca Tomoko

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