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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by Underdog21 Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:13 am

From his team's corner, Kyo watched as Makie worked Purin over, expertly stretching away at her leg with a legbar submission. Although a small part of him wondered how rough Makie intended to be, he could help but admire his sister's technique as she dominated her masked opponent. She had come a long way since her first forays into the ring, he thought to himself. After all the training she had gone through under him, Toshio and Midori, Makie had grown into a tough and skilled competitor, and he was quite proud of her.

"Yeah! WOOOO!" he heard Toshio cheer next to him. For a moment, Kyo thought he felt the same way and was cheering Makie on...until he realized that he was instead cheering Aki and her large, bouncing rack. He buried his face in his palm. "Idiot..."

As she nailed Purin with the axe handle, Makie stepped back up to her feet and grabbed Purin by her pink-haired head. "Sorry if I'm being a little rough," she said as she pulled Purin to her feet, "but I have a match to win. No hard feelings, right?"

As she spoke, she slid an arm around Purin's and squeezed her tightly against her chest in a side headlock. This done, Makie would drag Purin over to her corner and try to shove her hard, back-first, into the corner post, before letting go and slapping at Kyo's head. "She's all yours," she said cheerfully.



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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by KillerV Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:51 am

Purin was having trouble getting out of the knee bar submission hold and only way to get out of it, is when Makie releases her in order to follow up with axe handle smacking her fists over Purin from behind, hearing her apologizing for being rough on her and tries to say 'Its no biggie' , course she's in pain and her words didn't come out when her hair were pulled up and sliding her head under Makie's arm into a Side Headlock. "Ugh....."

Dragged into the corner before being shoved back first into the turnbuckle, groaning while her arms over the top ropes, panting as she sees from the corner of we eyes, Makie tagged her brother Kyo in the ring. **Ohhh no....** she remembers how she lost to him in her debut match and now somewhat a rematch with Kyo once again.

"Come on Purin, hang in there!" Still jumping up and down, feeling the energy from the cheery crowd even from Toshio, she wants in so that Purin can recover, Nagase looks on that they got their first tag in, she isn't seeing or thinking anything positive about this so far, only hoped Purin can get bak to her corner for the tag.

KillerV- Character Select

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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by Underdog21 Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:08 am

After being tagged by Makie, Kyo climbed into the ring, blushing slightly as he looked at Purin. "Hi again, Purin san," he said, grabbing at one of her arms. Makie, however, didn't leave the ring, instead grabbing Purin's other arm and nodding to her breath. Their practice sessions came back to Kyo's mind, and he gave her an understanding nod.

As one, the two Akamatsu siblings would whip Purin towards the opposite ropes, before following up behind her. As Purin came bouncing back, Kyo and Makie would meet her halfway and launch into spinning kicks, with Kyo sweeping low to aim for Purin's thighs while Makie went higher for Purin's chest area. Hopefully, this would knock Purin down and allow Makie to exit the ring before she was called for interference.



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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by KillerV Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:30 am

Purin was greeted by Kyo after he was tagged in by Makie, she weakly with a smile to try saying it to him. "H-hey...." then was grabbed by her arm to pull out from the corner and felt her other arm were grabbed too, not just Kyo but also his sister Makie, both the siblings whipping Purin out from the corner and forcing her to come running to the ropes as she bounces right back at them, when coming in contact they opposite team double teaming with her both spin kicking at her, one hit her thigh by Kyo as the other to the chest by Makie. "KYAH!" Knocking her down flat onto the mat with ease as she groans there laying on the mat.

"Eeeeeeee ouch!" Aki were suprised how painful and quick that moves were used on Purin, making her worried too and at the same time, Nagase were still watching the match, studying the best she could to understand their use of their wrestling skills.

KillerV- Character Select

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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by Underdog21 Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:34 am

As they both knocked Purin over, Kyo turned to Makie and gave her an appreciative nod. "Well done," he said with a smile. "I'll take it from here."

"Just give me a shout when you want me to save you, bro," Makie teased, before darting back to her corner. Turning back to Purin, Kyo blushed a little at the sight of her slender body lying on the mat before him, before shaking his head and focusing back on the match. Without a further word, he dropped down against her, his shoulder against her breasts as he hooked one of her legs back for the pin.

The referee began the countdown. "ONE..."



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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by KillerV Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:46 am

Purin laying there nearly knocked out or just completely worn from taken that harsh kicks by the siblings, Kyo and Makie, she felt Kyo well fitted body pinning her down with his shoulder pressing against her breasts which she lightly blushed, her leg where pulled over her and he went for the pin, hearing the ref counting to the One out loud along with the hand slapped to the mat, then the second count for Two for another slap on the mat.

**N-no, cant be eliminated now!** She grunted out loud to kick herself out, lifting the shoulder and turning to the side to break up the pin as she panting from using her energy, her eyes still closed as she gather up her stamina as she could, Aki still cheering on jumping up and down on the apron as Nagase glances from the corner of her eye, signing a little as she notices Toshio loving her bounciness instead of his brother and sister doing well in the ring.

KillerV- Character Select

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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by Underdog21 Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:52 am

Kyo felt Purin's body surge up against his, breaking the pinfall as she got a shoulder up. He knelt upright, smiling a little. "Stubborn as ever, huh?" he said, before pushing against Purin, moving to roll her slender form onto her side. The moment he did so, he would move to cup one hand under her chin and use the other to grab at her knee, before pressing a knee against her back and leaning back, pulling on her chin and knee to lock her into a bow and arrow submission hold. "Sorry about this, but I have to win," he whispered.

From the stands, Toshio was momentarily distracted from Aki's...rather lovely...bouncies...and noticed Makie glaring at him. Blushing sheepishly, he focused back on the match, and saw Kyo locking the submission hold on Purin. "Yeah!" he cheered. "Stretch away at her, bro!"



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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by KillerV Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:33 am

Purin panting and sweating on the mat and barely hearing him saying something to her, she couldnt respond as she focused on breathing and recovering some, though she knows it wouldnt last for long when she felt her chin and knee being pulled back with her backside pressed against his knee, stretching her out painfully into his Bow and Arrow submission hold, she cried out in pain and still refuses to give up so quickly like this but whats worst, is that shes facing Kyo at full strength!. "KYAHHHH!"

All she can do is screaming and trying to pry his hands off of her, Aki stopped jumping and looking more worried than before, she wishes to get into the ring and stop Kyo from making her tap out or knocked out from the pain, she slightly pulling on the ropes wanting to step in but instead, Nagase taking the lead and entering the ring quickly to come up to Kyo and strike him at the chest area with her foot hoping for him to release her before slowly stepping back. "Hurm!"

KillerV- Character Select

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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by Underdog21 Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:40 pm

Kyo held his breath as he leaned back, stretching away at Purin. After all that Makie had put Purin through, Kyo was hoping that he wouldn't have to maintain this hold for long before Purin finally submitted-- and by the sounds of things, she wasn't resisting it that well. The masked girl was screaming in pain as her body was arched against this knee, though as Kyo expected, she was still holding out and trying to avoid a submission. "Come on, Purin, tap out!" he said. "I don't want to damage your back with this hold!"

Kyo was so focused on Purin, however, that he didn't notice Nagase entering the ring. Toshio, however, did. The moment she sprang into the ring, Toshio rolled under the ropes to try to intercept her, raising an arm for a clothesline. He was too late to stop Nagase, however, as her kick slammed home into his chest. "UGH!" Kyo gasped in surprise, releasing Purin as he was sent crashing onto his back, winded.



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Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki - Page 4 Empty Re: Elimination Rumble: Akamatsu Siblings vs Purin, Nagase & Aki

Post by KillerV Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:57 pm

Purin were gritting her teeth from the painful submission hold, she almost about to cry just a slight tears coming out from the corner of her eyes, enduring such pain that she doesnt want to submit already, would be bad for her team but then she hears the footsteps coming in and sees Nagase coming in for the save, hitting Kyo at the chest to release her, flopping the masked wrestler down on the mat, groaning from the pain as she slowly crawling to her corner hoping to reach out for the tag.

As for Nagase, saving Purin from getting tapped out she looks over to see Toshio guy coming in trying to take her down with the clothesline, she goes under his arm and standing behind him with her back facing Toshio, bringing her right leg out aiming to back kick him for the head before she could try to get back out of the ring or else the ref will bug her. "Hmmmm!"

KillerV- Character Select

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