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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Guest Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:43 am

Nixie could only look at Reika with an exhausted and somehow delighted expression as the girl loosened her hold, breathing heavily. She quickly gasped for air, feeling dizzy and drained from the crushing hug which made her unable to talk at the moment. With Reika staring into her eyes like she did, Nixie felt like she was already being the Viper's captive. Finally the blue haired girl would nod weakly to answer Reika's question, her cute chest was still rising and falling as she regained her air.

She was still too weakened to fight back, and all she could do for the moment was placing her hands on Reika's arms, as if she's trying to pry it off her. That's as far as she would go as her strength was still trying to find its way back to her body.


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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Admin Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:02 pm

[quote="kaz":129276h5]Nixie could only look at Reika with an exhausted and somehow delighted expression as the girl loosened her hold, breathing heavily. She quickly gasped for air, feeling dizzy and drained from the crushing hug which made her unable to talk at the moment. With Reika staring into her eyes like she did, Nixie felt like she was already being the Viper's captive. Finally the blue haired girl would nod weakly to answer Reika's question, her cute chest was still rising and falling as she regained her air.

She was still too weakened to fight back, and all she could do for the moment was placing her hands on Reika's arms, as if she's trying to pry it off her. That's as far as she would go as her strength was still trying to find its way back to her body.

To her sights on the outside, it looked like the poor girl was out in a lulled state of daze, crushed excessively by Reika's sensual bearhug, making her just smile in satisfaction as he felt the warmness of Nixy's body swell....keeping her warmed up close too as Reika budged her down for a little smother in the breasts. A smother from Reika, was her way of being pleased with her victim, only to trick her as Reika squeezed harder to make Nixy, possibly, drip breast milk from the tight hugging she offered, trapping the circulation to a stop...

"First sign of passing out, is the blood in her cheeks welling up warm, before flowing very cute...." Reika said to herself, still holding Nix in the hug to lightly decrease the pressure, taking time to have a good look at the fallen asleep cutey in her arms.

Gently, stroking Nixy's hair with her hands as she leaned her head in, softly whispering to her tiring adorable face. "Still awake are we? Nixy chan?" she said, soft in a purring sound as she would pick up the girls chin up.

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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Guest Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:35 pm

Nixie let out a soft muffled moan as she was slowly smothered by Reika's breasts. As the girl would squeeze her body once again, she let out a muffled whimper, her arms dropped to her side once again as she went limp. When Reika finally loosen the hug, the blue haired girl was already passed out, her cute breasts slowly rising and falling while her eyes closed. She looked like an innocent girl, sleeping peacefully on Reika's grasp.

As the girl kept stroking her light blue hair and lifted her chin up, Nixie would slowly regain consciousness as her eyes slightly opened, looking exhausted and all. She looked quite dazed from being knocked out, but still managed to smile faintly at Reika.

"Nnngg~" she would let out weakly.


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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Admin Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:41 pm

[quote="kaz":10rsjljx]Nixie let out a soft muffled moan as she was slowly smothered by Reika's breasts. As the girl would squeeze her body once again, she let out a muffled whimper, her arms dropped to her side once again as she went limp. When Reika finally loosen the hug, the blue haired girl was already passed out, her cute breasts slowly rising and falling while her eyes closed. She looked like an innocent girl, sleeping peacefully on Reika's grasp.

As the girl kept stroking her light blue hair and lifted her chin up, Nixie would slowly regain consciousness as her eyes slightly opened, looking exhausted and all. She looked quite dazed from being knocked out, but still managed to smile faintly at Reika.

"Nnngg~" she would let out weakly.

Reika smiled to her as that knockout alone had won her one round against Nixy, as the busty ref girl stated to split her apart form the little girl while she had trouble staying on her feet, tripping over to wet her ref uniform even more as the crowd and Reika giggled at her. "You should just watch from the outside...Dear, you'll get less embarrassed that way..." Reika said, cheekily as the ref girl got up cutely to shake off the daze, taking a ringside observation of the two especially Nixy since she went out cold. But coming off her, she managed to give Nixy a little stroke of care before getting off, slipping a little as her feet had turned incredibly shiny with her wet body...

It was cute to see Nixy sleeping, but where would be the fun in pleasuring her more when she was in a dream of sleep? Reika thought now to make things a little more steady, and enjoyable for Nixy in her state, standing above her as she would talk in a light tone down to her.

"Nixy chan....time to wake upppp..." Reika said in a soft tone leaning down to her left ear, caressing her shoulders to get her back awake, and more importantly in a state to fight her if she could. Or succumb to the Viper herself...

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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Guest Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:57 pm

Hearing Reika's soft voice and feeling the girl's caress at her shoulder, the blue haired girl wold eventually opened her eyes fully before she woud blink a few times. As she slowly got into a sitting position, Nixie would shake her head lightly before she would look at Reika with a tired but adorable expression. She would just stare blankly into the girl's eyes for a few seconds while panting.

"Aaa..." she would finally let out as she tried to get up on her feet, only to fall back on her butt with a cute yelp, slipping because of the slippery surface and her lack of strength from being knocked out earlier.

The blue haired girl would try to get up again, and as she successfully manged to do so this time, Nixie would get into her stance in a rather clumsy fashion before smiling cutely at the Viper.

"I-it's not over yet..." she would say in the middle of her panting, putting a silly act of defiance even though it's crystal clear that she was still too weakened to put an actual fight. Even her legs was still shaking a little to give away this fact.


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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Admin Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:45 pm

[quote="kaz":1zjnlsfm]Hearing Reika's soft voice and feeling the girl's caress at her shoulder, the blue haired girl wold eventually opened her eyes fully before she woud blink a few times. As she slowly got into a sitting position, Nixie would shake her head lightly before she would look at Reika with a tired but adorable expression. She would just stare blankly into the girl's eyes for a few seconds while panting.

"Aaa..." she would finally let out as she tried to get up on her feet, only to fall back on her butt with a cute yelp, slipping because of the slippery surface and her lack of strength from being knocked out earlier.

The blue haired girl would try to get up again, and as she successfully manged to do so this time, Nixie would get into her stance in a rather clumsy fashion before smiling cutely at the Viper.

"I-it's not over yet..." she would say in the middle of her panting, putting a silly act of defiance even though it's crystal clear that she was still too weakened to put an actual fight. Even her legs was still shaking a little to give away this fact.

Nixy's cute retaliation was just plain adorable to her sights, seeing her legs shake in a scared way towards her just made Reika just want to take her home....but this was a match after all, so the thoughts of taking Nixy away would have to wait until she finished her off. "Is it Nixy?..." she giggled, standing there leaning her chin to her hand, "or are you just tooooo scared of me? little puppy girl...." she said, poking Nixy's tauntingly as the second bell rang for round 2, the blushing ref girl shouting at them to continue. Or was she just blushing at the fact seeing them touch was hot to her? Reika knew that answer at heart.

"But try and stay up ok? don't want you hurting your little adorable face Nixy...." she hissed pleasurably, circling Nixy as the ring's sludge was unbearable to stand properly, let alone take a charge at her without slipping over.

Taking view of her surroundings, Reika taunted Nixy by making her think she would charge blindly at her, but at mind, she would wait for the opportunity to get a armbar aerial strike on her if she fell. Which would give her time to lock her in another submission move of hers...

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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Guest Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:04 pm

Nixie was more exhausted rather than scared of Reika in reality. Even though the girl had almost crushed her slender body, she couldn't say that she didn't actually enjoy it. She wanted to be played more and more by the Viper, for it would satisfy her masochistic side. When Reika called her "little puppy girl", Nixie twitched a bit before she would look at the Viper with a hint of delight in her tired face. It's as if she had just found an extra inspiration to get back in the fight by her taunting.

"Woof~" she would let out cutely to Reika as she slightly raised her head a bit, just like a barking puppy, to the surprise of everyone who was watching.

Without giving much thought about her body and the ring's condition, Nixie would immediately lunge at Reika while the girl was circling her. The blue haired girl carelessly tried to went for a clothesline at her opponent, and she would slip a bit in the middle of her running, turning her attack into a clumsy punch aimed at Reika's stomach instead.

Last edited by 10553 on Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:08 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Admin Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:04 pm

[quote="kaz":2tpsx98y]Nixie was more exhausted rather than scared of Reika in reality. Even though the girl had almost crushed her slender body, she couldn't say that she didn't actually enjoy it. She wanted to be played more and more by the Viper, for it would satisfy her masochistic side. When Reika called her "little puppy girl", Nixie twitched a bit before she would look at the Viper with a hint of delight in her tired face. It's as if she had just found an extra inspiration to get back in the fight by her taunting.

"Woof~" she would let out cutely to Reika as she slightly raised her head a bit, just like a barking puppy, to the surprise of everyone who was watching.

Without giving much thought about her body and the ring's condition, Nixie would immediately lunge at Reika while the girl was circling her. The blue haired girl carelessly tried to went for a clothesline at her opponent, and she would slip a bit in the middle of her running, turning her attack into a clumsy punch aimed at Reika's stomach instead.

Just laughing at the adorable puppy sound Nixy made, Reika slipped a little on the sludge as her glasses fell off, getting hit front and center as she ate those words, while the pretty hard fisted punch of Nixy made her eyes widen a little at the power of this little girl. Something Reika overlooked from when she was toying with Nixy's weaknesses for pain. "Gnnhfff?!" Reika said as she fell back into the ropes, her dropped glasses clear out of the ring as she looked up at Nixy, cute as she looked, she did get a lucky break on the Viper even in her own, and one of many speciality's she had for Hentai when she needed to break out her more sexy side to opponents.

"Hmmmm....quite good on the fists sweety.....maybe you are a hard nut of a girl under that submissive choice of skin..." she said with a smile as her tummy had turned a deep red, for the mix up from the clothesline, the punch did knock her back into the ropes as she rested on them, winded, and catching her breath.

Which made Reika think back when she was a little girl like that of Nixy, small, yet quite the hard attacker back in her school days....making a warm smile come to her lips as she looked at Nixy. "Cute....." she uttered, gearing to get back at her with a controlled kick upwards of hers when Nixy came in close range.

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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Guest Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:47 am

Nixie smiled as somehow she managed to hit Reika with her clumsy attempt at attack. She panted a bit more, before making her way carefully towards her opponent again, giving the Viper all the time in the world to recover and prepared herself again. Part of it was because of the slipper surface of the ring, while the other was the blue haired girl's own exhaustion. Nixie tried to charge at Reika again regardless, trying to hit the girl with a light spear or something when she was greeted with an upward kick from the Viper.

"Gyaah?!" Nixie would let out cutely as she staggered backwards and slipped, causing her to fall to the mat on her butt. "Ow!"

She felt a bit stunned by the fall, even if it wasn't that hard due to the all the substances covering the surface. Still, Nixie would take her time rubbing her sore butt as she grimaced a bit, leaving herself open to Reika once again.


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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

Post by Admin Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:58 pm

[quote="kaz":3v6dwa52]Nixie smiled as somehow she managed to hit Reika with her clumsy attempt at attack. She panted a bit more, before making her way carefully towards her opponent again, giving the Viper all the time in the world to recover and prepared herself again. Part of it was because of the slipper surface of the ring, while the other was the blue haired girl's own exhaustion. Nixie tried to charge at Reika again regardless, trying to hit the girl with a light spear or something when she was greeted with an upward kick from the Viper.

"Gyaah?!" Nixie would let out cutely as she staggered backwards and slipped, causing her to fall to the mat on her butt. "Ow!"

She felt a bit stunned by the fall, even if it wasn't that hard due to the all the substances covering the surface. Still, Nixie would take her time rubbing her sore butt as she grimaced a bit, leaving herself open to Reika once again.

"Hmph...." Reika said as she caught her breath back, walking on slowly over to Nixy to deal a little more pain into the girl, though, she had to admit to herself, seeing her slip on her butt to continue rubbing it, was kinda of the cutest thing she had seen in a long while happen to anybody. Even if she just then slipped up as the crowd laughed, but nonetheless, they was enjoying the cute sexy match of the two girls. "Awwh, did we get a little over confident with that move? adorable Nixy chan..." Reika said, clamping her hands around Nixy's hair to drag her to the right corner side of the ring, preparing a little more humiliation and pain before she went to town on her.

"Maybe your butt will look better...." she said, raisng her foot back in position of Nix's butt, "when its red and perky hmm?" just about to give Nix a little silly kick to her butt.

But as the crowd cheered, Reika gave to the kick right to her butt, a hard one, keeping that infamous smile upon her face as she couldn't wait to hear the girl's submissive screams...or woofs if she was pleasured from that humiliation move.

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Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Nixie vs Reika - K.O. Match

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