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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by Harrier Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:23 am

After her last match against the lovely Sarah O'Sullivan, Kelly had rested up a bit and watched the unsuccessful attempt of Sarah to get the Entropy Title.
*Aww, too bad*
She had really hoped that the nice Sarah would be able to pick up the win, but the bitchy Champ had taken the win, so she was not exactly a stepping stone to the entropy title she had liked to boast herself with.

Today she strolled through the AFW halls to get some action or have a spar or even a match with someone who was lazily hanging around.
A sweet scent reached her nose before disappearing into a ventilation shaft, so she followed the scent to a nearby apartment that was usually used for the bed wrestling matches but when not booked could be used by staff and wrestlers at their leisure, looking curiously around a corner to see who was cooking something that smelled so nice.

Last edited by 8345 on Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by DarthMalice Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:00 pm

Inside of the small kitchen, a certain red haired kawaii was working. With the burner on the stove running, Maria slowly stirred the contents of a large pot full of a thick, red mixture. She smiled softly, humming a gentle tune as she stirred the pot. She was slowly bringing the contents to a boil, then sniffed the simmering sause. Using the wooden spoon and a glass of water, she took a sip, swished it around in her mouth, then took a small taste of the contents. She blinked a few times, clearly tasting, before adding a few spices. Nodding, she turned the heat down and began to slice a large Sausage, cutting each thick slice into quarters, before adding it to the mix.

"Won't be much longer now... Ooooh I hope everyone likes Gumbo.... I just hope I've made enough!"
Maria's hair was pulled back and she wore an apron over her blouse, her jacket hanging on a peg off to the side. Even her tie was off, though she still wore her slacks and shoes. Maria loved cooking- she was a specialist in it, as part of her training, and she loved to cook, Buuuut sometimes she liked to do so privately. In this case, Maria was planning to surprise everyone in the gym with a nice, delicious pot of gumbo. Maria moved about the kitchen expertly, her hair trailing behind her as she hummed, a bit oblivious to the world around her.

Last edited by 10855 on Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

You know what really grinds my gears? When you send someone a PM and they don't answer back ever, just ignore it.

"I think I've played this song before-
The Melody is Different but I hear the Drums of War.
And so it seems my mission is the same;
What always ends in bloodshed begins as just a game."
History Repeating Pt 1, The Megas

Thursdays I work, so my responses will be slow on them. Sorry ^^;;
My Wrestlers:

Kawaii Division; [url=]Maria Aschcroft[/url:19t4qz8t]
Friction; [url=]The Broker- Irene Rayzama[/url:19t4qz8t]
Fur and Feathers; [url=]Blueberry[/url:19t4qz8t]


Posts : 114
Join date : 2012-09-17

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by Harrier Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:59 am

*...Ouh, such a sexy cook...*
Kelly was looking with growing interest at the cooking taking place. The other girl was really alluring with her cooking dress, and as soon as you entered the AFW building, you were fair game. But it would be a real shame to let the delicious meal go to waste, so she had to be a little patient.

"Oh, hey."
Kelly walked into the room, totally random of course, her loose black tie swinging around her also loose hanging pink shirt which in turn hung over a tight blue jeans and black and pink boots.
"Oh wow, that smells fantastic! Is it already done or still in progress? And if it is, how long does it take?"
She asked innocently while taking a look into the pot, with her hands behind her back and leaning forward to how Maria something of her bust. Accidently, of course...

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by DarthMalice Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:20 pm

At the sound of a voice from behind her, the red haired girl leapt in surprise with an audible 'eep!' She landed and wheeled around, blushing brightly and stumbling back against the counter, a few strands of her red hair falling in front of her face as she looked to the other woman.. She blinked a few times, pushing back her bangs and stuttering slightly as she spoke,her red eyes looking the new arrival over a few times.
"Ah... s,sorry- you st,startled me..."
Maria of course noticed Kelly's chest, she just chose not to say anything about it as she swallowed, grabbing the spoon and cleaning it off in the sink before going to the strainer, shaking her head in response to the question. She had been sure she locked the door- maybe she had just made a mistake. Bringing the strainer and the spoon over, she began stirring the contents in. Each shrimp plopped into the mixture and sank in, and Maria smiled lightly.

"Ummm... I,I still have a little left to do, actually... I have to add the okra still... and then let everything f,finish cooking... ah b,but where are my manners! I,I'm Maria Aschcroft. It's a pleasure too make your acquaintance!."

You know what really grinds my gears? When you send someone a PM and they don't answer back ever, just ignore it.

"I think I've played this song before-
The Melody is Different but I hear the Drums of War.
And so it seems my mission is the same;
What always ends in bloodshed begins as just a game."
History Repeating Pt 1, The Megas

Thursdays I work, so my responses will be slow on them. Sorry ^^;;
My Wrestlers:

Kawaii Division; [url=]Maria Aschcroft[/url:19t4qz8t]
Friction; [url=]The Broker- Irene Rayzama[/url:19t4qz8t]
Fur and Feathers; [url=]Blueberry[/url:19t4qz8t]


Posts : 114
Join date : 2012-09-17

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by Harrier Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:55 pm

Sweet how the girl was jumping around and looking like she had seen a ghost when Kelly had entered, who raised her hand and looked like she was deeply sorry to enter and scaring Maria.
"I'm sorry! I did not want to scare you."

Kelly made herself comfortable on a high chair, casually letting her legs dangle until she found a footing for her boots, spreading her legs in the process to have a more comfortable position on the chair.
"Hi Maria, I am Kelly. Kelly Flowers. Nice to meet you. Are you new here? Staff or kawaii?"
Kelly used her real name instead of her artist name since a few weeks to introduce herself, getting acquainted to her new role as kawaii instead of being an international renowned singer.

"So what do you think, how long will it take?"
she asked innocently while her gaze was wandering to the oven to determine where the timer clock was at the model. Maria had indeed locked the door, but Kelly was the self proclaimed internet porn sensation and a regular in the apartment district of AFW. So she knew quite a few interns , so gaining access to a keycard for this level was not this hard.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by DarthMalice Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:03 pm

Maria, who seemed content with the girl's presence, nodded and went back to the work, next cleaning her knife and chopping into the okra, smiling over to Kelly and blinking. if Maria had ever hear of her and her self proclaimed internet porn sensation she miiiight have been a bit more worried. However, Maria was nice and calm. She smiled wide, closing her eyes as she tilted her head. Still blushing a bit, her red hair flowed to one side and she responded to Kelly
"Ah, it's q,quite alright Miss F,Flowers. Ummm I'm one of the new Kawaiis."
She laughed a bit more as Kelly looked around, assuming she was simply looking about impatiently. She shook her head and then went back to stirring, dumping the okra in next as she did so.

"Ooooh~ not to much longer.... I've got all the timing in my head, I prefer to cook by taste, scent, and sound then by directions. I find the food comes out better that way!"
Maria was gentle, shy, and softspoken, and she didn't seem like a fighter at all.

You know what really grinds my gears? When you send someone a PM and they don't answer back ever, just ignore it.

"I think I've played this song before-
The Melody is Different but I hear the Drums of War.
And so it seems my mission is the same;
What always ends in bloodshed begins as just a game."
History Repeating Pt 1, The Megas

Thursdays I work, so my responses will be slow on them. Sorry ^^;;
My Wrestlers:

Kawaii Division; [url=]Maria Aschcroft[/url:19t4qz8t]
Friction; [url=]The Broker- Irene Rayzama[/url:19t4qz8t]
Fur and Feathers; [url=]Blueberry[/url:19t4qz8t]


Posts : 114
Join date : 2012-09-17

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by Harrier Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:57 am

*Geez, Maria. Why you no biting the hook?*
Kelly smiled at the little internet language taking hold of her brain. So stupid but so fitting sometimes. Or Maria was really the return of the innocent kawaii? Most kawaii she could think of came into the league to either let herself voluntarily be fed to the Dream, or were sluts like Ofelia. Or Kelly.

Seeing that her more than obvious signal did not have any effect on Maria, she left her chair and stepped behind her.
"Maria, I like your style. This whole housewife cooking is really alluring."
she said, grabbing through under one of Maria's arms to turn the timer of the oven to 30 minutes. She needed nutrients when this was over, and she preferred her nutrients unburned. And Maria would too.
"I am lucky today, you know? I am the first girl to officially welcome you to the AFW."
Her hands closed around the waist of Maria while she stepped closely behind her, leaning closely at her to whisper seductively into her ear.
"...Welcome to AFW, Maria-chan..."

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by DarthMalice Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:53 pm

Maria blinked a few times in confusion as Kelly got up, wondering what she was doing and watched her set the timer. When Kelly called her alluring Maria turned a rather noticeable shade of red- which only darkened as as Kelly moved in closer, wrapping her arms around the red haired girl.
"Ah~ I,I w,wouldn't s,say I'm a,alluring... r,really... ah?"

she blinked again, turning her head as slightly. When Kelly whispered into her ear in that seductive voice, Maria visibly shuddered, her body responding to the advances of Kelly even if her brain wasn't- not yet at least. To tell it true, Maria was far from stupid- but she was indeed innocent; innocent enough that it took her until this very obvious moment to realize that Kelly was hitting on her. Quite openly in fact. Maria's blush was now somewhere in the neighborhood of the same shade as her eyes and hair, and she squirmed slightly in Kelly's grip- she didn't want to offend the other Kawaii though (in fact, she was flattered that the other girl found her attractive, and Maria had to admit the same about her in turn), but Maria was also very shy about things like this.

"Ah... M,miss Flowers... I,I should ummmm r,really pay attention to umm t,the g,gumbo- i,it'll be r,ready s,soon-"
she shifted, squirming bit more- She wasn't working very hard to try and escape, though- on some level she was actually enjoying the attention and didn't want Kelly to stop.
"I,I do a,appreciate the w,welcome though..."
Maria's heart was racing and her breathing a bit more apparent as well- to an 'expert' like Kelly it'd be clear that Maria was definitely far from immune to her charms.

Last edited by 10855 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:00 pm; edited 2 times in total

You know what really grinds my gears? When you send someone a PM and they don't answer back ever, just ignore it.

"I think I've played this song before-
The Melody is Different but I hear the Drums of War.
And so it seems my mission is the same;
What always ends in bloodshed begins as just a game."
History Repeating Pt 1, The Megas

Thursdays I work, so my responses will be slow on them. Sorry ^^;;
My Wrestlers:

Kawaii Division; [url=]Maria Aschcroft[/url:19t4qz8t]
Friction; [url=]The Broker- Irene Rayzama[/url:19t4qz8t]
Fur and Feathers; [url=]Blueberry[/url:19t4qz8t]


Posts : 114
Join date : 2012-09-17

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by Harrier Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:21 pm

Adorable, that's the best word Kelly could come up with for the redhead. Maria was turning red like a tomato, and Kelly was more than thrilled that the kawaii showed interest and even squirmed and shifted under her touch. A terrified lamb would have been no fun at all for her.

To make shifting around more complicated for Kelly, she put one of her legs between the legs of the sexy cook, slightly caressing the apron she was wearing with her hands.
"Therefore I set the timer, Maria-chan. Last chance to look for it..."
She replied, keeping her mouth always near the ear of her *victim*.

"What would you say if I want to bed you right now, Sweets?"
Her voice was dripping with seductive honey, teasingly touching the earlobe with her tongue to inflame the redhead even more.
"Put your arms on your back."
Kelly suggested, wrapping a command in a silk package.

Tessa "Harrier" Price
Barb Wire(Tag Team)
Kelly "Pony" Flowers(Kawaii)
Anja the Raven
Amaya the Maiko(Kawaii)
Senior Officer Ise
Gina "the Brat" Lees

Blog and Flock

Posts : 7087
Join date : 2011-11-16

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

Post by DarthMalice Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:14 pm

Maria's blush did anything but subside as Kelly continued to tease her and slipped her own leg between hers. Maria's knees spread slightly and she glanced to the timer, shaking her head slightly and swallowing. Each little whisper and word made Maria's body shudder in the best way, and she shook her head once more
"Ah... I, umm- ah..."
Kelly's little lick and her question- the one meant to inflame Maria, caused the red haired butler's entire body to tense visibly- though not from fear, but from arousal. She let out a light coo of pleasure, her gentle voice echoing the tiniest bit in the empty kitchen as she glanced around. A part of her- a very, very large part- was screaming for her to tell the other Kawaii to ravage her. The other part of her was shy, timid, and embarrassed- and a little frightened, admittedly. What she needed was to clear her head, a chance to separate herself and buy herself some time. Even as Maria slowly started to shift her arms back, slowly abiding by the command, she suddenly glanced to the pot, which was starting to bubble.

Oh good- I d,don't know how much l,longer I c,can resist here...
Maria swallowed another lump in her throat and squirmed a bit more visibly
"Ah, I- umm... w,would s,say that I'm f,flattered Miss Flowers- b,believe me, I am-"
Maria hoped Kelly would have no idea just how flattered, but Maria was doing a very poor job of showing just how much the more dominant girl was turning her on- she was definitely more than 'flattered'
"B,but if I d,don't constantly s,stir the gumbo while it's cooking, e,everything will s,sink to the bottom and it'll b,burn up... s,so I c,can't go with you t,to bed right n,now..."

Last edited by 10855 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

You know what really grinds my gears? When you send someone a PM and they don't answer back ever, just ignore it.

"I think I've played this song before-
The Melody is Different but I hear the Drums of War.
And so it seems my mission is the same;
What always ends in bloodshed begins as just a game."
History Repeating Pt 1, The Megas

Thursdays I work, so my responses will be slow on them. Sorry ^^;;
My Wrestlers:

Kawaii Division; [url=]Maria Aschcroft[/url:19t4qz8t]
Friction; [url=]The Broker- Irene Rayzama[/url:19t4qz8t]
Fur and Feathers; [url=]Blueberry[/url:19t4qz8t]


Posts : 114
Join date : 2012-09-17

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A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly) Empty Re: A delightful scent(Maria/Kelly)

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