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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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What a Wonderful Day

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What a Wonderful Day Empty What a Wonderful Day

Post by Guest Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:49 am

Mayu was skipping into the locker room while humming to herself that evening. She just finished some work out routine in the gym and feeling like taking a nice warm shower. It's been a while since she visited the AFW gym, having being taken as a prisoner for a ridiculous amount of time after her last match. Well, it wasn't really bad at all actually, and the short haired girl even had flashbacks about it from time to time. That was also a reason to train hard, so she wouldn't end up being someone else's prisoner next time. Not everyone in this place was nice after all, as far as she knew.

"Showeerr timee~ Lalala~" Mayu sang cheerfully as she put her stuffs in her locker before taking her sweat covered black tank top and short pants.

The short haired girl put her clothes into the laundry bag she carried, and began to take off her underwear next. It's relatively quiet in the locker room at the moment, but it's not like she had to be embarrassed showing her nude form to other girls. She was already exposed a couple of times in the ring anyways, and her training time with Tira and Lyanna had helped her to overcome her shyness to an extent. Mayu was still humming to herself as she slipped her dark purple bra off her chest, her similar colored pantie was still on. She couldn't really wait until she get into the shower stall, already looking forward to a nice relaxing time after a workout...


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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Cy_Man Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:18 pm

The twin sisters Yukino and Yukari Izumi, who are very brand new to AFW, plan to do something big for their first day in the wrestling federation: Rape one of the wrestlers and send a message to everyone in the process. It certainly was a tough selection to pick one girl from the many, but ultimately while they were roaming around the build they found their first target. Mayu Hoshino, the Night's Flower, a real pretty and sexy girl with a great and delicious body who was also the cousin of Azami Tsukimori, the twins couldn't wait to get their hands on her. "She is perfect for our first target~"

Yuki followed Mayu into the locker room while Yuka was already in there preparing for what they will do to the sexy girl. They both made sure to keep quiet so they wouldn't get caught or heard while stalking the flower, and as Mayu made it to her locker, Yuki was treated to a very good show of the girl stripping herself down. **Oh god yeah...**

As Mayu stripped down, Yuki kept watching her. She was rubbing herself as she watched wanting to have at her now, but she still had to wait until Yukari gave the signal. Mayu was down to being only in her panties when her sister finally gave the signal, with a wide grin on her face, Yukino quietly ran up to Mayu from behind to first cover the girl's mouth with her hand and then grab her in a way to prevent Mayu from moving her arms. "Hello Mayu, a pleasure to finally meet you~" Yuki said as she begins to drag the lovely flower backwards to the shower stalls.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Join date : 2013-02-07
Age : 30
Location : Castle of The Guy

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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Guest Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:55 pm

Mayu was about to take off her pantie next, not really realizing that someone was approaching her from behind. Even if there's another person around her, it's probably just her fellow wrestlers, right? It never crossed her mind that someone might plan to kidnap her or anything. She didn't remember making any enemies in AFW, after all.

"Whuh-?!" Mayu let out a surprised yelp as someone suddenly covered her mouth from behind, before her arms were restrained as well. "Mmmmpf!" she yelled, while squirming to the best of her abilities.

Her resistance didn't really get anywhere, however, as whoever it was that ambushed her turned out to be pretty strong! Mayu continued to let out a few muffled screams into her assailant's hand, while kicking and dragging her legs in an attempt to free herself. The short haired girl was already exhausted from her training, though, and she knew she would need to try something else to escape.

Glancing at her surroundings, Mayu would attempt to lean herself to the side, hoping she could unbalance her attacker and made the person slammed lightly into the lockers. Maybe it could loosen the girl's grip and gave her a chance to run.


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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Cy_Man Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:04 pm

Yukino continued to drag the sexy Mayu back as she restrained the girl with her arms, she wanted to fuck her so badly and couldn't wait to get into to shower stall with Yukari to tie this flower up. While the black haired girl put up quite a try at resistance, ultimately it wasn't enough to throw Yuki off of her but the leaning did tilt her a bit throw her slightly off balance. "Oh no you don't!" To counter this trick, Yuki made sure to lean herself in the opposite direction to throw off the momentum that Mayu tried to make by leaning herself over.

While dragging her, Yuki began nibble and lick on Mayu's cute ear to try and vent herself to get to the real thing. Then the orange hair girl manages to bring the girl into the shower stall where Yuka was waiting, in the stall was a makeshift set up of a chain hoist that Yukari has made so that they can control the height of Mayu when they tie her up. "Put the gag on her." Yukino told to her twin sister who nods and grabs a ball gag from the bag in the corner. In a quick move, after Yuka comes back to the 2, Yuki takes her hand off of Mayu's mouth to allow her to breath for a second but then Yuka puts the ball gag in her mouth and strapped it on her head.

"Can't have you yell for help now do we...?" Yukari said as she grinned while grabbing Mayu's arms and then putting handcuffs on her which are connected to the chains from the hoist with Yuki pulling on the chains to lift the girl up off of the ground to let her dangle there for a while with her body on display.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Join date : 2013-02-07
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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Guest Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:21 pm

With her last ditch attempt to create an opening for herself failed, Mayu could do nothing else but to keep yelling onto the other girl's hand. She felt her ear being nibbled and licked, which distracted her resistance and turned her squirming into some cute twitching of uneasiness. As she arrived at the shower stall, Mayu saw another girl waiting there, which only made her panicked even more. She didn't remember seeing the girl before, so what business did these two had with her?

She let out a gasp as her mouth was unblocked, although that was the only thing she could do before the gag was attached and strapped around her head. Mayu yelped and yelled, but her voice was muffled by the gag. The next thing she knew was her arms being cuffed and her slender body dragged upwards. It was then she noticed the girl that abducted her from the locked room. She looked exactly the same with the one that placed the gag on her mouth.


Hanged at the center of the stall with her mouth gagged, Mayu squirmed for a few seconds before realizing that it's useless. She's now at the total mercy of the twins, whether she liked it or not. Still she couldn't figure out why this was happening to her.


Last edited by 10553 on Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:25 pm; edited 2 times in total


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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Cy_Man Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:47 pm

The twins looked at Mayu as she was hoisted up by the chains in the stall looking helpless. They both blushed and smiled widely as they looked at Mayu with admiration as if she was a work of art, with Yukari placing her hands against her cheeks and Yukino clamping her hands together. "Ooooh, she is just so sexy and adorable~" The sisters said in unison at the same time, they then looked at each other and hugged with their mouths really close. "Yuka-chan, you set this up very well~" Yuki said as she moved a hand up to her sister's cheek and then lowered the other to grope her ass. "Thank you Yuki-chan, and you were great bringing her here...~" Yuka then said with both of her hands moving up to Yuki's cheeks as the twins then brought their lips together and kissed each other passionately, moaning as their kiss with Mayu as their witness.

They soon broke the kiss after 30 seconds of making out, with a saliva trail coming from their mouths and their tongues shown, clearing showing they were french kissing then turned their sights to Mayu with sick smiles and lustful glares. "Enjoyed the show Mayu-chan?~" They said in unison again as they walked up to the dangling girl as Yuki brings a hand up to the black haired girl's tummy and rubs her finger in a circle around her belly button. "Because we are gonna have lots of fun here, starting with you~" Yukino they said as Yukari grabbed the bag and dumped it empty on the ground, revealing the sex toys and bondage items it had in it.

But Yuki couldn't hold herself back anymore from watching this lovely sight of Mayu being hanged like this, so without her sister joining in yet and not taking her clothes off yet, Yukino just goes right up to Mayu and begins to roughly suck on her right breast and fondle the left one. Yukari looks over in surprise as her sister had already began without her and without taking off their clothes. "Hey, no fair Yuki-chan. I want to fuck her too...~" Without grabbing any of the toys, Yuka goes up to Mayu too and slides her panties down to strip her fully naked and then proceeds to lick on Mayu's cute pussy.

Last edited by 11297 on Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Join date : 2013-02-07
Age : 30
Location : Castle of The Guy

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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Guest Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:04 pm

Mayu initially glared at the twins, but when they starting to make out in front of her, she couldn't help but to blush. The short haired girl felt a shiver running through her back, but she shook her head and began to squirm again, wanting to distract herself from the passionate scene in front of her.

"Mm!" she squealed as Yuki teased her belly button, her eyes widened as she saw the toys that the girls brought. "Mmmm!" she squirmed harder, swaying herself a little before Yuki suddenly sucked one of her breasts and groped the other one. "Mmmpphhh!" she screamed in protest, her head shaking to the sides.

Her cheeks blushed deeper as she began to moan through her gag. The other twin, Yuka, followed by stripping her pantie and began to lick her womanhood, eliciting louder moans from Mayu, her head slightly rolled back from the double assault. It didn't take too long before she's starting to get aroused, her sex became moist from Yuka's licking while her nipples hardened from Yuki's teasing.

"Mmhh... Mmmmhh!"


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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Cy_Man Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:24 pm

As the twins began to have their way with Mayu's body, they were enjoying the appetizers before they really began to play with the girl's body. Yuki sucked away happily on the black haired girl's breast, swirling her tongue around the nipple and occasionally biting and pulling on it with her teeth while squeezing the other breast with her hand and pinching and pulling on the other nipple. Meanwhile Yuka wasn't holding back while licking Mayu's pussy, to give herself better access, she lifted the girl's legs onto her shoulders and moved her tongue all around her outerlips before Yukari shoves her tongue inside of it to taste her insides.

Soon both the sisters feel the different feel and tastes of Mayu's nipples and her pussy, they had gotten hard and wet. Yukino pulled away and played around with a nipple as Yukari rubbed her fingers on Mayu's sex. "She has gotten hard up here." Yuki says as she looks down at her sister. "And she is wet down here..." Says Yuka while looking up at her. They both pull back with Yukino smiling with her hands on her hips. "Your enjoying this? Wow, then you must be a masochist." She said as she giggles at the sight of Mayu's sexy body with the twins looking at each other again to nod.

After they nodded to each other, both twins began to strip their clothes off sexily in front of Mayu until they were left with nothing but kinky outfit of straps that looks like some kind of bondage thing that exposed lots of their skin before posing for their prisoner and speaking in unison again. "Like what you see?~"

What a Wonderful Day 1871841-59FW4RF.jpg(They aren't posing like this)

The twins then go over to their toys to decide what to use on Mayu, Yuki was the who would go first and her weapon of choice was a strap on that is slightly bigger and longer then the average size. She grins as she puts it on and checking to see if it was on right, and then she walks up to go behind Mayu and grabs her hips. "Yuka-chan, lower her down slightly okay?" She asks her sister to do which she does, lowering Mayu down slightly so her body is in a position that is like an aerial doggy style. With a sick and sadistic grin on her face, Yukino without warning just shoves the strap on in Mayu's pussy and proceeds to fuck her good, going in and out of the girl's sex in a rhythm as Yukari watched and plays with her breasts and rubs her own sex.

Last edited by 11297 on Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Join date : 2013-02-07
Age : 30
Location : Castle of The Guy

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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Guest Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:55 am

Mayu groaned through her gag and shook her head to deny the twins' accusation that she's enjoying this. How's that even possible?! She was given a short break as both girls stripped themselves to reveal their kinky outfits. Mayu was bewildered by the sight in front of her. These girls... they're crazy. Unfortunately, it seemed like she's going to be stuck with them for a while...

Things wasn't about to get more comfortable for her either. She watched one of the twins picked up a strap-on, and her body froze for a bit. Was that thing going to be inserted on her? Mayu squirmed and screamed in panic, but obviously her struggle was futile. When the strap-on invaded her pussy, the short haired girl yelped loudly through her gag.


Her body shivered, and she began to squeal as Yuki began to pump her sex with the strap-on. Her eyes get slightly watery as she was fucked helpless by her abductor while watching the other twin playing with herself in front of her.

Help me...! Someone...!


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What a Wonderful Day Empty Re: What a Wonderful Day

Post by Cy_Man Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:16 am

Yukino was more then happy when she finally began to fuck Mayu's pussy hard with the strap on, her grin turned into a sick smile with drool running down her mouth as she continued to pump away at her prisoner's sex. Having your way with someone against their will was just delicious and was a very pleasurable turn on for the sadistic Yuki, to be able to experience such a feeling was like heaven for the sex lusted girl as she raped Mayu. "Just admit it already, you love this don't you Mayu-chan?~" She said to taunt Mayu to try and help further break her will from this as she increases the speed of her humping and goes deeper in her pussy then spanks the girl's ass and moves her arms to wrap them around Mayu's body as she presses her breasts against her back and rubs against it.

Yukari keeps playing with herself as she watched her sister fuck the sexy girl but she felt that she should spice things up. Smiling slightly, Yuka grabs some clothespins from the pile and walks up to Mayu and sticks them on her nipples. "Don't those just feel wonderful...?" Yuka asked even though she won't get an answer, this question gives it away that Yukari herself is a masochist and takes pleasure in being in pain. The masochistic girl just smiles gleefully as she then moves her hands all around Mayu's body to feel her up, she loved her body and couldn't wait for her turn to fuck the girl. "Ooooooo, I cannot take it anymore...!" She said as Yuka starts to lick around the girl's body to get a taste of her, it was sweating, but still yummy for her.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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