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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Underdog21 Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:48 am

As soon as Mindy staggered up to her feet, Makie sprang forwards, eager to close the gap before her opponent could recover. As the tall American swayed unsteadily on her feet, Makie leapt forwards, kicking her legs out to snag her opponent's blonde head...

...and felt her legs hit pty air as Mindy, in a sudden moment of alarmed clarity, ducked low, avoiding Makie's hurricanrana attempt. "SHIT!" Makie cried as she sailed over her opponent, her momentum carrying her well past the American before slamming, butt-first, into the main. Pain lanced up her tailbone, and the Japanese girl gave a short cry of pain before tumbling onto her side, one arm reaching to clutch her lower back. "Nnnnrrgh..."

The crowd was in an uproar. What looked like a match-winning move on Makie's part had turned into a major upset as the larger rookie managed to dodge the aerial veteran's attack. Now, with the tables turned again and Makie lying on the mat in agony, it looked like Mindy had the advantage again.



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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Imhotep Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:25 am

At the moment Mindy squatted down, she could feel Makie's legs running over the hair on top of her head. Luckily, her guess was successful in avoiding the attack, and the failed hurricanrana just gave her a scare and nothing else. A loud thump and a cry behind her informed her that the high-flying move had failed completely, and she turned around sharply to look at Makie writhing on the mat.

Mindy had her heart in her mouth, barely believing she had been able to avoid such a big hit even when she was so tired. "Wow... I should try to get better at this whole 'prediction' thing..." She could wait until later to make a new training schedule, though. Right now, she had to focus on keeping Makie down, her mind racing as it tried to decide the best course of action. She quickly stopped herself from thinking about power moves: Makie had slipped away from them twice already, and she didn't want to gamble her hard-earned advantage.

A much better idea was to weaken Makie first. As she laid on her back, Mindy sat behind her and grabbed her by the hair, wanting to lift her head slightly off the mat. The American would then try to put her powerful thighs around the veteran's neck, and if successful she would lock her ankles together in a headscissors. "Give up!" She didn't know if she could actually get a submission with that move, but she remembered Kyo having trouble with her scissors... how would Makie deal with it?


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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Underdog21 Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:07 pm

As she rolled on her side, Makie's eyes were clenched shut as she clutched her hurting back. "D-dammit...." She couldn't believe that she had bungled a simple move like that. She could hear the audience going wild all around her, and felt her cheeks burn in humiliation. She was losing, and losing badly, to a rookie! She should have been better than this, she thought to herself. She had defeated larger opponents before, so why was Mindy giving her such a hard time?

Her train of thought was interrupted, quite suddenly, when Mindy's powerful thighs clamped down around her head. With a muffled gasp, Makie began to squirm and kick on the mat as she felt her skull being compressed and her air supply being shut off. "Nnngh...nnnnn...nnnno!" she managed to rasp in response to Mindy's demand. Even as she pawed uselessly at her opponent's powerful thighs, she tried reaching her legs back towards the ropes, desperate to break this hold before she passed out....



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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Imhotep Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:56 pm

It is said that, in terms of raw muscle power, the human legs can be up to three times as strong as the arms. Mindy's headscissors were a prime example of this principle. Simple and straightforward, they relied entirely on her leg strength, and despite the plain appearance of the hold it was probably the most effective submission in the muscle girl's arsenal. Mindy pressed her thighs close together, squeezing down on Makie's neck and looking to cut off her breathing. She tried to maintain a stable position and keep the Japanese girl from struggling so much. "Haa... haa... haa... just submit!"

However, she couldn't stop Makie from struggling completely, and soon she realized that they were getting closer to the ropes! "Oh no!" The rookie realized that, when she had locked the hold in, they weren't that far away from the ropes to begin with. Now aware that Makie was dangerously close to escaping, Mindy planted both hands on the mat, propping her own body up to pour lots of pressure into the scissors at once. If that didn't stop Makie, though, she wouldn't be able to prevent a rope break...


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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Underdog21 Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:20 pm

Makie felt hersef growing weaker and weaker as Mindy's thighs clamped around her head, squeezing it like a walnut and completely shutting off her air supply in the process. "Nnnff..mmma..." she gasped wordlessly, continuing to flail in Mindy's grip. She felt herself becoming more and more dizzy even as she tried extending a leg. No...can't end like this... she thought to herself. Gotta...get...out of this...hold...

Finally, with extreme effort, Makie shot a leg forwards and snagged the bottom rope. In an instant, the ref girl was tapping Mindy on the shoulder, telling her to let go. Makie's fans cheered as their favoured girl's trademark stubborn detemination won through.



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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Imhotep Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:16 pm

Arching her body and pushing her own hips off the mat, Mindy poured all her strength into the headscissors. Makie was now so close to freedom that the blonde's only chance was to make her tap out on the spot before she reached the ropes. However, in the end, all her efforts weren't enough, as the Japanese girl's foot hooked over the bottom rope.

"Mindy, rope break!" The blonde turned her head to look in disbelief at the referee girl now tapping on her shoulder. "Haa... no way...!" But there was no way around it: Makie had her leg firmly on the rope, right in front of Mindy's eyes, and no one could deny that she had earned her freedom. Mindy opened her thighs and let go of Makie's head, sitting behind her and panting. She pounded the mat once in frustration. "SO CLOSE!"

Frowning, Mindy would rise to her feet, but with difficulty. The match so far had been very punishing, and the failed submission attempt had also drained a lot of energy from her while she tried to keep Makie down. "Makie, get up! Haa... you're at your limit, aren't you?" Mindy would put her hands under the girl's armpits and try to drag her to the center of the ring; if she didn't fight back, Mindy would also attempt to pull her up to her feet and give her a shove once she was standing, trying to set up her next move.


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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Underdog21 Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:35 am

The moment Mindy released her legs, Makie flopped over onto her back, her mouth wide open as she gasped hungrily for air. The Japanese girl was drenched with sweat, and at this point, it was clear that Mindy's powerful scissor had taken a lot out of her. Even with her fans cheering in the background, Makie was looking exhausted and worn out, and barely seemed to have much energy left in the tank.

Opening one eye, Makie saw Mindy looming over her, and gave a slight groan as Mindy took hold of her armpits and dragged her to the centre of the ring. Breathing hard, Makie soon found herself being dragged up to her feet on wobbling legs. Even as Mindy pulled her up, however, Makie was determined not to lose. Calling on her inner reserves of willpower, Makie gave a sharp gasp and lashed out with a punch at Mindy's abs. At this point in the match, however, after enduring Mindy's gruelling headscissor, Makie's punch didn't have much in the way of strength behind it.



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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Imhotep Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:02 am

Mindy dragged Makie in labored breaths; after such intense fighting, carrying her weight around took some real effort. In her heart, she knew that she had to finish this soon, or she wouldn't be able to continue anymore. As the blonde brought Makie into a standing position, a fist was driven into her now tender ab muscles. "Augh!" She flinched, her grip on the Japanese girl slackening.

However, Mindy didn't let go completely of Makie. While she fought against the pain in her gut, Mindy realized something. Even though the punch had hurt her, it was only because it had hit her in a vulnerable place; it was otherwise sluggish, and if they weren't so close she would have been able to dodge its slow speed. In other words, she was weakened, but Makie was almost out of strength too. "She can barely fight back... this is it! I can do it this time!"

Mindy would try to hold onto Makie; if she didn't slip away, the rookie would ram a knee into her midsection to double her up and attempt to shove the veteran's head between her thighs.


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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Underdog21 Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:15 am

Makie was swaying dizzily on her feet, kept upright only by Mindy's grip as she battled exhaustion. As she threw a punch at Mindy, she felt her knuckles slam against her opponent's firm abs, and heard her grunt loudly. Her feeling of triumph was short lived, however, as Mindy's knee rocketed up into her bare midsection. "UUUUGH!" The blow doubled her over, causing air to explode out of her lungs. She found herself leaning weakly against Mindy's midsection, her legs almost giving way beneath her.

She was still breathing hard as Mindy clamped her thighs around her head, squeezing it tightly again and causing her to groan. Around them, the audience was hollering and roaring as Mindy set Makie up for what looked like a powerful finisher. Doubled over and trapped between Mindy's legs, Makie looked helpless before the whatever Mindy was planning.

Last edited by 137 on Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total



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Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest - Page 7 Empty Re: Fiery Hearts: Makie Akamatsu vs Mindy Priest

Post by Imhotep Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:16 pm

With Makie stunned and doubled over after the knee strike, Mindy had little trouble pushing her head down and between her toned thighs. Her preparations were nearly complete... after briefly wiping the sweat from her brow, the blonde pumped one fist into the air, her heart pounding with anticipation. "Everyone, here I go!" The audience was on the edge of their seats, eager to see what Mindy had in store.

The rookie took a deep breath. This move had failed the first time she tried, she was a bit nervous, but she felt like she could end the match with it right now. And Makie looked so feeble... Mindy thought there was no way she was going to get countered again. All the Japanese girl needed was another big impact and she was sure to stay down for good. With that in mind, the muscle girl leaned forward, pressing her chest against Makie's sweat-soaked back and hugging her waist. She would try to lift her up to her shoulders, and if this was successful Mindy would then bring her down with a mighty powerbomb!


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