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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Punking the Ace (For Blue)

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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:51 am

"Er....none taken. I mean, I know he's got that kind of reputation and all....he hasn't tried anything with me thankfully..I dunno if he was lying though, He's been honest about his other rejections....he said he got your pants off once too...."

Ace teased, giggling a little. She watched Taylor bounce, trying to take note of how she positioned her feet with each bounce, moving to stretch her legs out a bit, wondering if she could be lighter on her feet like that.

"Yeah, one day I wanna face her in the ring again...not yet though. I think I'm going to need more experience before I take her on again. I uh....don't know how you'd workout with me for that though....I mean...size offense!"

She replied, standing straight cracking her back a bit.

"I'm up for a workout any kind of special regimen you do, or you wanna just try throwing each other around a bit?"

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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Bluemouse Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:11 pm

"He said what." Taylor was unamused, but technically it was true, even if it didn't happen like Tai probably told it. She still couldn't deny it, and so she blushed instead. "Tell Betty I can't wait to catch up with him."

She brightened up when the subject turned back to business. She jumped high and pulled her knees up to her chest each time. "Dude, I've got some experience against bigger girls. I'm pretty sure I can teach you a thing or two. I mean, why do you think I won and you lost? I don't need to be ten feet tall to teach you how to fight without getting chokeslammed to death. Ya know? Not for nothin', but I didn't get chokeslammed." Which was true, regardless of how close she came.

"So like, start warming up and stuff, and we'll get into some stuff."

The Mouseum


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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:22 pm

"Betty? I haven't heard that one. I won't have to play bodyguard for him will I?"

Ace laughed, though she quickly shut up as Taylor brought up the chokeslam, one hand rubbing her throat softly.

"Yeah, good point."

She replied, taking the fact that Taylor had beaten the giant, and could assist her, seriously.

She quickly ran through her warm up stretches, getting her body nice and limber before turning towards the barely shorter girl, bouncing on her feet a bit, trying to mimic the way Taylor had been doing it earlier.

"Alright, I'm ready...What you got for me?"

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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Bluemouse Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:21 pm

While she waited for Ace to get warm, Taylor focused on her footwork. She moved easily around the ring, dancing around an imaginary opponent, her eyes not looking anywhere in particular as she darted this way and that. She was loose and relaxed, and she glided across the mat like it was the most natural thing in the world. When Ace was ready, Taylor settled down in front of her.

"Okay, so like, the idea when you're fighting someone that can snap you like a twig is don't get snapped like a twig." She stuck out her tongue playfully. She spoke at the accelerated caffeine-pace that naturally came out of her when she was excited about something. "You don't wrestle girls like that. You dive bomb them. If you're fast and you're smart, you can decide when you get close enough, and if you're good, you can make sure they don't actually get their hands on you. So you get in, hit her as hard as you fucking can, and move, move, move. Don't grab onto her, don't stand in front of her, don't try to choke her out, don't put yourself anywhere where she can put you through the fucking mat. And you've got to have a plan for anything that happens, and you've got to drill it until it's not a plan anymore. Get it?"

Without even a pause, she leaped at Ace and gave her a twitch-quick smack on the forehead, then circled quickly to the side and skipped back before Ace could even point herself in the right direction. "You tried to choke her out, right? How'd that work out for you? Maybe someone can choke her out, but there's a good chance she'll just fucking kill you, too. You don't want that."

The Mouseum


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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:26 am

Ace yelped a little as Taylor bounced away, turning to face her again, knee's bent a bit, watching her intently in case she decided to try something like that again.

"I admit it wasn't my best choice, but in my defense, I was somewhat out of options by that point..."

She stated, arms raised, fingers spread, looking to try and catch Taylor should she try anything else, assuming she was able to catch this girl.

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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Bluemouse Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:08 am

"Right, right," Taylor paced around Ace for a moment before again becoming light on her feet. Even when she was talking, she never stopped moving.

"So right now, you're watching me, trying to time me when I come in. And you're a lot faster and smarter than someone like Iron Maiden. I could try to go low, attack your leg, knock you down, circle, kick you in the face, move, move, but I think you're probably too quick for that. See, I don't ever want you just standing there watching me. I don't want you to have a clear head or to see me coming. So what do I do now?"

She grinned, feinted in towards Ace and hopped back, circled one way then the other. "Nothing. Now I run my mouth and get you pissed off so that you want to come after me. Then your head isn't clear, and you're not waiting for me to come after you. Like, I could say, I dunno... I could point out that your manager failed out the bottom of the industry, and that you're the only one stupid enough to sign on with him. So what, did he find you in an alley behind a strip club? Couldn't cut it on the pole, so you showed up and decided to play pro wrestler? How'd that work out for you? Or should I ask Kyla, she might remember it better."

The Mouseum


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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:27 am

Ace blushed, stupidly going after Taylor, falling for her feint. Thankfully Taylor decided to talk, instead of attacking Ace while she as off balance.

"Hey...that's not very nic..What!? I'm not stu-EXCUSE ME!?"

Ace yelled, looking appalled at that last comment, before growling and leaping straight at Taylor with her arms out, trying to catch the shorter blonde and pin her down.

"I am NOT a stripper!!!"

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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Bluemouse Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:16 pm

Taylor nimbly ducked under Ace's reaching arms and slipped around behind her. She wrapped her arms tightly around the girl's waist and hefted her up off the mat, as if to go for a German suplex, and then set her back down.

With a laugh, she let go and backed up. Still, she never stopped moving. "See?" She gestured at Ace with her hands. "You come up with some realistic-sounding shit to say to someone and then just watch them get pissed off. You can always tell when they're going to come at you, and most of the time they do what you did. Straight in, nothing fancy. See, a minute ago you were waiting for me, and I turned it around."

She paused, realizing that Ace might not have realized exactly what she was doing. "And... you know that I didn't mean any of that, right? I don't actually think any of that. I don't actually think half the shit I say to people." She laughed. "But it works! The point is, if you know there's a chance the chick might snap you in half if you try something, don't try that thing."

She backed up to the ropes and leaned into them, spreading her arms out over the top rope and putting a foot up on the middle one. "Okay, so, was Iron Maiden like your pro debut or whatever? Have you wrestled before that?" It was an honest question.

The Mouseum


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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:01 pm

Ace had let out a nearly adorable sounding yelp as she was lifted, made all the more embarrassing as Taylor put her down and explained.


Ace groaned, giving herself a good Patrick Stewart styled face palm, shaking her head.

"I'm an idiot, I didn't even realize that's what you were doing. You really are good..I didn't even think you were just trying to play me.That works really well, especially if you know something about your opponent..."

She sighed, calming down and relaxing.

"Uhhh....yes and no really...I mean, It's not my first match ever, if that's what your asking. I've been wrestling since I was 16 in different countries....but at the same time, I was being trained by them during my stays there, usually doing the "Dark matches" they put on before the cameras turn on. I usually faced other students, or opening card level wrestlers. Whenever I did face somebody higher up, it was because they knew I wasn't on their level and wouldn't last long."

"I've had a couple "big" matches before, at least, for where I was they were big, but this is the first actual wrestling company I've worked for, not some indy league, so I guess it was a "pro" debut, though not an actual match debut."

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Punking the Ace (For Blue) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punking the Ace (For Blue)

Post by Bluemouse Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:01 am

"Oh, wow," Taylor raised her eyebrows and nodded along with Ace. "And how old are you? I had no idea you had that much experience. Where did you train? Like, where are you from and stuff?"

She bounced back and forth on the balls of her feet and stared off into space. Ace seemed nice enough. Maybe too nice, and a little naive. Taylor wasn't convinced that she had what it took to really make it in AFW. She looked back at the silver haired girl and tried not to look too skeptical.

"Well... do you just want to do a little light sparring? I promise I'll take it easy. I've been reaaally working on my actual wrestling lately, so if you just want to wrestle around a bit..."

The Mouseum


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