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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Rebel and the Amazon

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by Dynamo44 Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:30 pm

When she heard Alaina tapping out right away, Billy Jean would immediately release her from the hold and turned around to survey her friend. But then she would slump down plans and fall on her back to indicate that she withheld so much to try and push through and it seemed to work in her favor. Getting up on her knees, she would then offer a hand to Alaina to help her stand and congratulate her, saying, "Did a purty good job there, Alaina. I had a great workout with ya and I believe that examining this spar, I think we can be ready for the big time!"

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by HighFly Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:45 pm

Alaina took Billy Jeans hand and smiled at her as she was helped back to her feet.. "Heh, thanks. I'd say you are ready. Me? Well, I'll find out in two days I guess."

Alaina rubbed her back a little and stretched it out a little. "You are gonna throw a lot of people off, you pack a lot of punch for someone with such a slim frame, not to mention you have really good technique. Hell I wish I was half as good as you from a technical perspective." Alaina said as she went to shake Billy Jeans hand. "Who knows, maybe we'll end up having an actual match some day."

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by Dynamo44 Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:59 am

Billy Jean and Alaina would both stand up as the Cowgirl would say, "I'll be darn tootin' sure I'll be watchin' ya. Win or lose, I'll still cheer for ya." She would smile as she heard the Amazon compliment that for a girl with a slim frame, she packs a punch and has really good technique. Those words made her feel better that she can be ready for her first match soon.

Accepting Alaina's hand and shaking it firmly, she would say, "Thanks much, Alaina. And you know whut? I thank that you ARE good as what you have right now. You too have good technique and you seem to think of a way out whenever you're in a tight situation. I even think we can learn a lot from each other." She would nod as she added, "Yup, and I think we might even be tag team partners afterwards."

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by HighFly Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:51 am

"Anything is possible!" Alaina said at the mention of forming a tag team. She never really thought of that before.... "I should probably shower up and change. I have some things to take care of back at my place. Lemme give you my cell number and if you want to train again or something let me know!" Alaina said as she made her way to her gym bag.

So far the two people she met at length in AFW had been very nice. While it was tempting to think that everyone would be like that, she knew it wouldn't be the case. Alaina turned back and waved one last time as she made her way back to the shower.

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by Dynamo44 Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:10 am

Billy Jean would nod as she said, "Alright, that'll be great! I'll give ya my number also to keep in close contact." She would watch as Alaina made her way to her gym bag and the Cowgirl herself felt that she should wash up also. Although she loves to be outdoors, she wasn't one to stay messy for long. She would follow her friend as she said, "Hang on, I need dat number before I wash up myself!"

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by HighFly Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:45 pm

"Oh right, here it is..." Alaina said as she got her phone and the two exchanged contact information. "I'm glad I met ya. I hear that some of the women on the roster can be less than friendly."

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by Dynamo44 Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:21 am

Billy Jean would also exchange her number with Alaina so that they both can have each other's contacts. "Thanks, partner. I owe ya one." As she put her phone away and walked into the locker room, she would hear Alaina say that there are some women in the roster who are less than friendly. With a chuckle, Billy Jean would say, "Well, be glad that I ain't like them."

She started to remove her hat as she went to get some towels.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by HighFly Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:30 am

"Trust me, I am." Alaina responded as she got ready for the shower. "It was real nice meeting ya, and I'm sure I'll be talking to you again pretty soon!" Alaina added as she quickly jumped into the shower for a speedy cleansing. While training was fun and always a learning experience, she did have other errands to run and seemingly never enough time to do them in.

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

Post by Dynamo44 Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:33 am

"Lookin' forward to that, partner," said Billy Jean with a nod. "And if ya'll ever need me, I'll be there. So, in case I don't see ya after I wash up, I'll see ya later." She would get ready for her own shower as she removed her clothes and turned on the water until it became hot enough. She would go in and start washing herself up so she can be refreshed for the rest of the day.

It was great to have a new friend and sparring partner in AFW and Billy Jean hoped that her path and Alaina's path will cross again soon.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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The Rebel and the Amazon - Page 9 Empty Re: The Rebel and the Amazon

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