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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega - Page 3 Empty Re: Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

Post by Lobo Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:07 pm

The Kid cries were heard all over the arena as he was stretched over Sola's back where he was stretched and bent like a rubber toy that could only bounce limply, shutting his eyes tightly as he tried to endure the strain on his back as she pulled down on his neck and....

Sola's hand slid down and suddenly squeezed at his twitching member and the boy howled. "N-N-Nonono-Nuuuhhh!!" The boy moaned aloud, shutting his eyes tightly as he felt the lewd torture! "R-REF! Re-UUHH-HUUUH!!" He cried some more after she let go before she clamped down again! Leaving him to cry out as he was stretched over and over with his poor, eager manhood getting squeezed relentlessly. He couldn't take it!

The public humiliation that followed this beat down by the latin beauty only got worse as she asked if she was his first before laughing Tatsumi's face turned red and he could not hide his shame. Any pathetic attempts at denial were cut short when once again, she clamped down with her humiliating, tight grip on his throbbing member once more.

The virgin boy couldn't take it.

"G....G-.....Uuhh!!!" Without warning, the boy's eyes rolled up and he spasmed across Sola's shoulders, drool seeping from the corner of his mouth as he went as limp as ooze over her perfect body. A dark wet stain appearing on his white bottoms as he was forced into a climax by his opponent in the middle of the match! The crowd interrupted immediately. Kid Youkai had succumbed to Sola Vega!

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega - Page 3 Empty Re: Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

Post by Lunchador Sat Aug 06, 2016 12:50 am

Sola braced her body, still feeling the Youkai Kid writhe and buck on her shoulders. The teenage street fighter couldn't believe her luck, getting such a dominating run on her young opponent. His moans and protests were music to her ears, even if they were being periodically interrupted by an obnoxiously over-involved referee. Still, even that had been worth it, to hear the Kid begging the ref to help the torture end.

"Aw, come on, now- Wait! Oohh, Youkai, what's that?" Sola said, starting out taunting him but stopping abruptly, as she felt a strong and tense twitch in his manhood. His moan was very distinct, the spasm in his turgid member pretty unmistakable: the Youkai Kid had reached his limit!

Ignoring the ref for a moment, Sola gave one final squeeze of her masked opponent's manhood, as she felt him release. She felt the tension go out of his limbs and back all at once, at the moment of climax. She massaged him gently, running her fingers up his shaft as the dark stain in his ring gear began to spread. Sola laughed, unable to contain it as she put the Youkai Kid's intimate moment of release on display for the entire AFW viewing audience!

After one final, firm squeeze, Sola rose back up to her full height, and released the Kid. She let his limp and spent body go tumbling back to the mat, as she walked away as casually as she could. Striding all the way to the ropes, Sola leaned against them with a predatory and knowing smirk on her face.

"Sooo, Youkai," she said, purring the words loudly enough for the fans near the ring to hear, "was it as good for you?" Completely in the moment, Sola tried to lock eyes with her opponent, as she raised her hand to her face. The hand that had "finished" the suffering young man. She ran her tongue along the inside of her index finger, slowly, keeping eye contact the entire time.

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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega - Page 3 Empty Re: Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

Post by Lobo Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:28 pm

A sexually exhausted Youkai just slumped over Sola's shoulders as she continued to bend him until she noticed what he had done. A wave of embarrassment soon coming over the Kid who had silently prayed that she or anyone else not notice what he had done inside his pants. But he couldn't help it! He was just glad he had a mask to hide his face so his parents and friends wouldn't see that he was getting humiliated and beaten up like this!

"N-Noooo~~" Moaned the boy as Sola gave him another squeeze before massaging his senstive member, shuddering and groaning shakily as she massaged his shaft, spreading the stain as he sputtered before being dropped a sack of potatoes on the canvas, falling sprawled out in the middle of the ring!

"Guh..." The Kid was just out of it and couldn't do a thing. His face and hair were drenched in sweat as his chest rose up and down violently, not at all seeing Sola as he tried to catch his breath before he heard her call out to him.

The boy lifted his head and froze as he saw Sola, the purr in her words making him going rigid as he watched her lock eyes with him and slowly run her tounge along her finger sensually.

The boy's jaw nearly hit his chest as it just dropped, completely mesmerized and frozen as he watched the sexy latina just lick the hand that had pleasured him. He didn't know what to think once he saw it. He was just frozen! Somewhere between turned on and very confused. Her display just left the boy with a beating heart, too tongue tied to speak as he eyed the sexy fighter without a single bone of resistance left. He was smitten! He didn't know what to do! Nevermind that his body was too spent to fight!

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega - Page 3 Empty Re: Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

Post by Lunchador Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:09 am

Soledad watched the Kid twitch and spasm on the mat, after she had helped to "finish" him off. Even through his mask, she could tell the look on his face. Slack-jawed, wide-eyed and mesmerized. The Puerto Rican street fighter let out a giggle, as she topped off her fingertips with the edge of her tounge. Just to try and twist his head around that much more.

"Ohh, poor, poor nino," Soledad said, taking those freshly-licked fingers and running them down her generous cleavage. Her fingertips tugged at the edge of her hemline, threatening to expose more of her breasts than was already on display. "You've just been ... so much fun, haven't you? And so naughty! I can't believe you just did that! In front of so many people!

"But," Sola added, her bottom lip jutting out into a pout, "you look so tired, my poor Kid! Was that all you had in you? Are you ready for a nap?" Slowly, hips swaying wide from left to right, Sola stalked toward the Youkai Kid's prone body. Each step gave a generous jiggle of the young latina's generous curves. "Maybe I need to take you to bed, eh?"

With that, Soledad kicked a leg over The Youkai Kid's body, planting her feet on either side of him. Sola came down, straddling him. She wrapped her strong thighs around the Kid's shoulders, pinning him down against the mat. "You have a kick out in you, Kid?" she asked, playfully, giving him another mean-spirited giggle. With that, Sola thrust her hips forward, planting The Youkai Kid's face directly between her legs, letting his face nuzzle her warm crotch tight.

"Hmm~!" she moaned, just lightly, at the contact. Sola wanted the Kid to get his first faceful, while she was taking him down in his first match. Lifting her feet, Soledad brought her shins around Youkai's shoulders, pinning him against the mat in a very compromising position. Sola cocked her head, turning an ear down toward the Kid. The ref was going to be counting any second now, but Soledad didn't want that count to drown out her victim's moans, as she straddled his face and forced him to taste a very unique form of submission.


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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega - Page 3 Empty Re: Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

Post by Lobo Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:11 pm

Kid was downed and dazed and mesmerized. Seeing Sola lick her fingers had his eyes locked soley on her body as she ran that messy finger between her perfect breasts that she teased to expose!! Leaving him to hungrily antcipate her perfect orbs on display that he would he see. He then flushed deeply with embaressment as she called him naughty and spoke of what he had done.

"I-I..." He tried to have an excuse but his chest grew tight as he saw Sola's lip purse, her tight hips swaying so sensually as she walked towards him... And that wasn't even the worst part.

"B-B-BB-B-B-ED-BED!?!?" He stammered like crazy like his heart had been shot to the moon, body and mind so frozen that he could only watch and sweat bullets while Sola stood over him and then planted her ample rump against his taut stomach as she pinned him and wrapped her ample thighs around his shoulders, keeping him so secure that he felt glued.

"W-Wh-Mmph!" He tried to awnser her, but he was quickly silenced when Sola sat forward and buried his face into her warm, muff. "Mh~~" The Kid felt dizzy and head over heels as his heart raced, asking himself if this was happening, if his face was really in a girl's crotch like this. It was very real and the boy was done, he couldn't breathe at all, but he had no will or power to resist. His body just felt like jello.

"Mhh...Mrr! Hrrmph...Mmmhh~~" Weak struggles were all the boy gave as his chest rose and fell frantically, closing his eyes as he lightly gnawed on Sola's clothed muff as he heard the count. His body submitting to his lovely opponent.


Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega - Page 3 Empty Re: Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

Post by Lunchador Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:03 am

Soledad couldn't hold back her laughter, thinking about the way The Youkai Kid had reacted just to the word "bed." The match had been an excellent change of pace, for her. After nearly getting crippled by King, and just barely being kept from the 24/7 Championship by Carmen, this was a total breath of fresh air.

"You've really shown me a good time, Youkai," she teased, clenching her thighs around the side of his head, "I almost wonder if you could handle doing this again, sometime!"

The young Puerto Rican street fighter didn't know- or really even care- if the Kid could hear her, from his vantage point. Her thighs wrapped tight around his head, her crotch pushed heavily right into his face. It seemed unlikely the boy could breathe, let alone carry on a conversation!

"Mmm-hmm~!" Sola purred, loudly. The teenage street fighter arched her spine, cutting an impressive figure as she continued to ride the poor Youkai Kid. Bucking her thick hips, Soledad continued to grind against the Kid. The crowd was eating it up, surprised at the display going on in the ring. Sola was grinning ear to ear, clearly enjoying the Youkai Kid's obvious appreciation of her body throughout the match. Sola wondered if other girls might have reacted differently, possibly been flattered. As opposed to simply seeing an opening, something they could exploit. A way to get the win, by overpowering and dominating the quivering young man, until he was trapped beneath her writhing, muscular body with no way to save himself.

Sola tossed her hair, placing a free hand on the Kid's head. She wrapped her fingers tight in his hair, giving one final thrust of her hips to grind his face into her muff, a final display of dominance as she listened for the final word, the one that would seal the Youkai Kid's fate.


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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega - Page 3 Empty Re: Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

Post by Lobo Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:59 pm

Sola's squeezing thighs had the boy stuck like chuck. He was frozen and could barely move. The taste and closeness of her perfect, sensual body as her muff was planted firmly on his face had the boy unable and unwilling to fight back as he gasped for air, only faintly hearing Sola's sultry words and sensual purrs that made his heart and loins stir violently.

"Mh! ...Mh! Hum! Mhh!" Each pulse and buck of Sola's hips rocked the poor Kid's head back limply, eyes shut and mouth open wide, moaning against her warm crotch as she grabbed his hair and then violently thrust her hips hard into his face with one last rough grind. The Kid's lusty heart flustered, he finally came to terms with his humiliation and realized he loved Sola's domination over him and would willingly submit to her again and again and again like her number one fan.

The bell rang and the crowd erupted into cheers for the relatively short but sexy match. The ref girl immediately trying to grab Sola's arm and raise it, hopefully getting her to stand before The Kid was suffocated into unconsciousness!

"Here Is your winner! Soledad Vega!"
Cried the announcer in japanese as the crowd cheered, some booing a little as they had been watching the poor kid getting taken apart. Otherwise, the fans loved it!

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega - Page 3 Empty Re: Youkai Kid Vs. Soledad "Sola" Vega

Post by Lunchador Thu Aug 18, 2016 11:33 pm

With more than a little sadistic glee, Soledad watches as her thick and powerful thighs batted the Youkai Kid's head back and forth. She could feel his moans, his hot breath against her body, making her tense her legs and tighten her grip just that little bit more.

When the referee went for Sola's wrist, she went ahead and pushed off of the Kid and allowed him to breathe clear, once again. She rose to her full height, toussling her hair with her free hand as the loudspeakers announced her victory to the arena. Smiling playfully, Sola took a foot and planted it on the Youkai Kid's chest. There, she posed over his limp body, looking dominant as she further milked her domination of the poor young rookie.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Sola said, teasingly blowing kisses to the fans. She was enjoying the crowd reaction to her short, but absolutely dominant, performance. Mostly, though, she felt like thanking one person, in particular.

Sola leaned down, keeping her foot planted on the Youkai Kid's chest even as she brought her face down toward his. Sola's hair brushed against the Kid's face, softly. She reached down with one hand, and brushed his cheek softly, just below his mask.

"And thank you, Youkai Kid," Sola said, with a wink. "I've had many difficult opponents ... but I don't think I had any that were so hard!" Lifting her fingertips to her lips, Sola then reached back down, and pressed the wet skin against the Kid's lips. "You think you can try to take all this on again," Sola said, with a strategic shimmy of her shoulders, causing her ample breasts to come dangerously close to slipping out of her slight top, "you just let me know!" The time for Sola's cruel teasing and taunting was done, however. Standing at her full height once again, Sola raised her arms to the fans. She took in one last round of their adoration, stepped over the Kid, and started making her way to the back. Sola's domination of the Youkai Kid was finally complete, and it was time to take her bow. It was exactly the kind of dominant performance Vega needed, for her career. The image of her looming over the Kid's helpless body, leaving him defeated and spent, was certainly one the fans- or likely the Kid- would not soon forget!

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