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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:41 pm

Talia would soon find herself trapped in the corner on the receiving end of punishment. Talia would take a kick to the gut from Abigail. "GUH!!" Talia before Abigail made sure Talia couldn't escape the corner with a Corner Foot Choke. Talia would feel immediate pressure on her throat. Talia would cough and struggle as Abigail took control. Talia was against the ropes, and he referee would begin the 5 count for Abigail to release the hold.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:58 pm

Abigail liked the sound her opponent made when she hat the corner Foot Choke looked in. She smiled at her with an evil look, trying to hold the choke as tight as possible. She enjoyed bringing pain to Talia. But Abigail heard that the ref already started to count. Abigail thought it was stupid that she needed to let go of her opponent. But when the ref reach the number 4 she bites her lips and puts her foot away from her neck as fast as she could so she didn´t get disqualified in the first round. Abigail walked away some steps stomping on the ground. Then she turned back around to Talia looking at her, Abigail walked back to her and tried to grab her arm. Abigail planned to throw Talia in the ring corner of the opposite side of the ring.


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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:01 am

Talia was fortunate that the count saved her, and it allowed Talia to breathe properly. However, Talia still needed to recover. So while Talia was trying recover in the corner Abigail would Irish Whip Talia. Talia wasn't prepared for the move, so Talia would get whipped from one corner to the next. As Talia realized her destination, she would try to Springboard off of the corner to try and nail Abigail in the face with a Springboard Back-Elbow. It was a risky move, but Talia thought it would be worth it.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Sat Aug 13, 2016 3:31 pm

Abigail watched her opponent getting thrown throw the ring by her Irish Whip. Now she had to control over this match and she wouldn´t let Talia see any light in it. She would destroy her right here in this ring, without any mercy. Abigail wanted to go after Talia but she stopped. With wide open eyes she watched Talia doing something, the former Police officer didn´t like at all. Talia would jump up in the air and push herself away from the corner to fly throw the air. Straight towards Abigail. In their last match Talia did some pretty bad impact on her with high risk move like these and she would keep them coming even right now.
Abigail wanted to get out of the way or doge. But it was too late. Talia´s elbow connected with her head. Abigail screamed out in pain for a very short moment, while she was thrown to the mat had. It felt like a punch from her hammer. Abigail lied on the ground, the room was spinning around her and she was unable to move for a short moment. Abigail heard how the fans were going hot on the high risk moves from Talia, it became really loud in the arena for a moment.


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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:16 pm

Talia nailed her Springboard Elbow on Abigail's head. The AFW crowd popped and cheered wanting to see some more high risk moves. Talia would get back to her feet and think about her next form of attack. "Alright, let's keep up the pace." Talia said before she would step through the second rope to stand on the ring apron. Talia would then use the top rope as a jumping off point to try to hit her downed opponent for a Diving Springboard Body Splash aimed for Abigail's stomach for some damage.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:48 pm

Abigail heard that the crowd was really loud for a moment, what pissed her on. She hated it when her opponent becomes the respect from the crowed for just one or two good moves. This was just showing off! And now one should show off in a fight.
It took Abigail to get her mind straight again, and the room stopped spinning around her. First she sits up holding her hurting head. After shaking her head she tried to make her way back to her feet, still a bit shaky. She was really surprised that Talia didn´t attack her while she was down on the ground, although it would be the perfect chance. Abigail looked around in the ring. Maybe her opponent was worn out already and was lying somewhere. But Abigail was unable to see her opponent in the ring, so she would turn around. Abigail ripped her eyes wide open when she saw that Talia was sending herself up in the air with the tope rope. Again she didn´t have enough time to reach, so Talia came crashing down on her. Abigail screamed at when her opponent`s weight put her down on the mat and all the air out of her. For a moment it felt like all her inside would be pressed out of her and would leave her throw her mouth. Now Abigail was lying on the ground with her opponent on top of her.

Again the crowed loved what Talia was doing to Abigail and start to cheer for Talia.


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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:11 am

Talia's Springboard Body Splash connected perfectly on Abigail, and now Talia was on top of Abigail. Talia would try to take advantage of this situation in the best way she could. "That looked like it hurt, but this is gonna hurt even more." Talia said before she stood up and grabbed Abigail by the legs, to the turn Abigial onto her stomach for a Boston Crab submission hold to try to get the first match point in this series.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:04 pm

Abigail was still stunt from the Springboard Body Splash and unable to fight back in any way. For the moment she just down on the floor moaning in pain. This was bad. Talia was doing some bad damage to her with these flying maneuvers. Suddenly Abigail felt how her legs where lifts up a bit. Abigail shacked her head, she needed to think straight before she would be able to do something against the attack but she was way to dizzy to do anything. So Talia had no problems to turn her onto her stomach and log in a Boston Crab.
Talia screamed out in pain when Talia puller her legs back. Abigail wanted to push herself into the air and throw down her opponent. But right now she was unable to do something like that, she didn´t have enough strength left in the moment. She all Abigail could do was scream out in pain and say no when the ref asked her if she wants to submit.


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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:51 pm

Talia was able to lock in the Boston Crab onto Abigail with no problem. Talia would pull back onto Abigail's legs to apply more pressure in the hold to deal some serious damage to Abigail. The referee would be ask Abigail if she wanted to submmit. Abigail didn't seem to want to answer. Talia would sit down onto Abigail's back to apply more pressure onto Abigail's back to try to force the submission. "COME ON!!...GIVE UP!!!!" Talia yelled as she increased put the pressure on Abigail, as the referee asked Abigail if she wanted to submit.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 2 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:37 pm

“Hell no! I well not give up to some bitch like you!”, screamed Abigail back. The police officer still was crying out in pain. But this pain was just firing her up even more. Her breath became faster. In her head images appeared how she would kick that bitch’s ass, what made her even wilder.
She once more tried to put her hand´s again the mat and push herself up. If that was successful she would try to make her painful way over to the next ropes. She was only crawling slowly, what makes the time longer which she was catch in this hell of a hold. When she was close enough she would try to reach out and get a hold on the ropes, hoping to break the hold.


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