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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:15 am

Talia would try to keep the hold locked in on Abigail, however her opponent seemed determined to make it to the ropes. Talia tried to apply more pressure but Abigail's struggling made that harder. Soon Abigail would end up crawling closer to the ropes. As Abigail inched her way to the ropes, Talia tried thinking of a way to bring Abigail back to the center of the ring without breaking the hold. Talia couldn't think of a way fast enough as Abigail's struggling paid off allowing Abigail to grab the ropes. Talia would release the hold and back away from Abigail waiting for her to get back to her feet. Talai would then try to rush at Abigail, once the former cop would get back to her feet with a Clothesline.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:41 am

Finally Talia let go of Abigail. The former Cop was heavily breathing her back was feeling like it was on fire. She didn´t know how much longer she could take that before it would be too late. Abigail tried to hold on to the ropes even after her opponent had let go of her. It gave her a kind of save feeling. After some moments of recovery Abigail would try to make her way back to her feet. She tried to grab the rope above her and pull herself up on it. After she was back to her feet she shacked her head. Suddenly she heard steps coming her way. Shocked Abigail turned her head and saw that Talia as already on the attack again. This time with a clothesline. Abigail tried to react as fast as she could. She would try to let herself drop to the floor, while keep holding on to the tope rope. Trying to pull it down. She hoped that Talia would have build so much momentum that she wouldn´t be able to stop in time and would fall out of the ring, over the pulled down tope rope.


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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:48 am

Talia's own momentum worked against her, as Abigail pulled downed the top rope while ducking underneath the clothesline. Talia's momentum would send her crashing down onto the outside of the ring. Talia would end up back first on the cold outside floor. Talia would try to get back to her feet as fast as she could. Talia knew this was bad, and that this gave Abigail more time to recover. It seemed as though, Abigail was ready to get back into this match.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:02 am

Abigail tried to pull herself back up to her feet with the top rope. Abigail still was heavily breathing when she looked down to Talia. Abigail was shocked. That bitch was already making her way back to her feet. This slut was really tough. But Abigail would bring her down now matter what. The former cop would walk a few steps into the center of the ring, then she turned around and looked at the slowly rising Talia. With a smile Abigail would start to run toward her opponent. When she was close to the ropes Abigail would jump and let herself fall to the back. She would try to perform a baseball slide. Abigail would try to hit Talia´s head with her right foot, while leaving the ring with the baseball slide.


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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:14 am

Talia would try to get back into the match but Talia's eagerness to keep fight.Once Talia got back to her feet and got near the ropes, Abigail would clock Talia in the jaw with a Baseball Slide Kick. Talia was floored once again, but this time Talia was stunned, and Abigail had an opportunity to take advantage of Talia's prone state. It was clear by the aggression shown by both women that they were intent on dealing serious damage to each other and possibly serious injury.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:40 am

Abigail was standing outside the ring and above her opponent. She smiled down at her. The crowed was booing the former cop. But that didn´t interested Abigail in the moment. All she interested was hurting her opponent pretty badly. Unfortunately this wasn´t a hardcore round so Abigail couldn´t use any thing fun from under the ring but in the next round. Abigail would bow forward and grab her opponent´s hair. She would try to pull Talia back to her feet. She looked into the face of the other girl. With a smile Abigail then would spit into Talia´s face. Than Abigail would try to take her opponent and throw her head first into the steel stairs of the ring with full power.


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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:37 pm

It was clear that Abigail had no respect for Talia. While Talia was stunned, Abigail would lift Talia up and spit in her face. This would enrage Talia to try to take action, however Talia would get quickly thrown head first into the steel steps. "ARGH!!!!" Talia grunted after going head first into the steel steps. Talia's head was rattled, and now she was even more stunned than before. Abigail seemed ready to continue this beatdown on Talia as the AFW crowd watched on in excitement.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:57 pm

Abigail took her time to walk over to the laying Tailia. She didn´t saw one reason to hurry up right now. She could take all the time she wanted. The former cop would stand above her opponent and smile down at her. Abigail would spit on her again, before going down and sitting down on her stomach. She looked into her opponents face. “Compared to me you nothing more than a handful of dirt!”, screamed Abigail into the face of Talia. Then Abigail would start to throw some serious punches against the other women head. The fans were booing her for her dirty way.
Suddenly she heard the ref in the ring screaming: “7”
She looked down at Talia. “Looks like you would be saved!” She said quietly. Then Abigail would stand up grab her opponents hair. Pull her back up and would try to put her back into the ring. Abigail would follow her back inside so she didn´t get counted out. Abigail would try to enter the ring by rolling in under the bottom rope.


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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by 321Shazam Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:50 am

Things were going from bad to worse for Talia. That bump into the steel steps did some damage to Talia's head, and Abigail wasn't done there. The former cop would sit on top of Talia's stomach and begin to rain down blows to Talia's face. Each shot hit perfectly and it became obvious to everyone that Abigail wanted to rearrange Talia's face. Talia was taking some serious damage, and Abigail was taunting Talia as she laid into her. Abigail would then lift Talia up and throw her back into the ring to break the referee's count. Talia took too much damage to get back to her feet immediately, and Talia would only manage to get onto her hands and knees as Abigail followed her.

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Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams - Page 3 Empty Re: Best of 5 Series: Talia "The Passion" Wonders vs. Abigail Adams

Post by xalex Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:09 pm

Abigail was making her way back into the ring and saw that her opponent had come up to her hand and her knees. That view made Abigail smile, when she walked over to Talia.

“Oh what a ugly little dog does we have here?”, teased Abigail her opponent. Then the former cop would circle the other women a bit, while looking down on her. Then she would continue insulting her. “Let´s see if you our ugly dog can do some tricks. Come on lay down!”, screamed Abigail out loud, before trying to send her opponent down to the mat with a vicious kick to her rips.

After this Kick Abigail would try to turn Talia onto her stomach and sit down on her back, putting her hands under the chin of her opponent. Abigail would try to lock Talia into a Camel clutch. She tried to pull the Head of Talia as far back as possible.


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