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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:23 am

”Gah, fucking bitch!” Liberty cursed and growled through clenched teeth as she rolled from side to side. ”Hate you, fucking-”

No, she was not in the best of moods, as anyone with two functioning eyes and ears could plainly tell. Not only did taking that hit in her leg royally suck, but she knew that it meant - Estela would be all over her, like a starving shark with blood in the water.

She moved in and she moved in fast, chasing down Liberty before she could even dream of getting away. No being nearly as familiar with wreslting holds as she really should’ve been, she didn’t understand what Estela was doing until she was pretty much done, and by then, it was too late.

The figure-four. Shit.

Liberty cried, long and loud, as the smaller woman locked in the hold and started piling the pain on her thick legs, bending and twisting them in ways god never intended. For once, she was grateful this match was vanilla - it meant she had a chance for escape, and she took it as she made a desperate crawl towards the ropes.

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:09 am

Estela wrapped her legs around Liberty's, dropping down to the mat as she tried her best to wrench that leg as much as she could. Holding onto the foot, she pulled on it while thrusting her hips up to force the legs to tear themselves apart.

Liberty having more power of the two, was able to start dragging them towards the ropes. Estela's only choice was to try and drag her opponent as much as she could, slowing her crawl towards the ropes as she tried to dead weight as much as she could while pushing up on the figure four! Spreading out her arms out to try and cling to the mat as much as she could, Estela was not willing to let Liberty out of this hold so easily!


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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:41 am

”God! Fuck you! Fuck you and your stupid haircut and you silly shoes and your goddamn puff pants!”

Liberty was not in the best of moods.

Estela probably wasn’t all that heavy, really, but it didn’t matter at the present moment. She could’ve weighed as much as a child, but that weight was a pain in the ass to haul across the ring, especially when it felt like her legs were being snapped in half. Maybe she could make it to the edge. Maybe she couldn’t. But even if she could, there was no way she could pull it off without taking far more pain than she was willing to.

So, instead, Liberty decided to try something she’d probably never done in her entire career as a wrestler: countering a submission hold.

With a heavy grunt, she twisted left, then right, left again with a big push, attempting to roll over to her back and reverse the figure-four.

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:30 pm

Estela wrapped her arm around the trapped leg of Liberty as she began to jerk back on it, sitting up to only throw herself back to gain as much torque as she could to further damage the leg. The insults that Liberty was throwing at her was certainly not improving her mood.

"Well fuck you too! You're going to be limping away when I'm through with you!" she screamed back as she as she continued to thrash about. She was putting a lot of faith in this hold to wear down Liberty, taking away her vertical base was going to help her greatly in the long run through this match. She wouldn't be able to access those heavy power moves when she was struggling just to stand! A smile cross over Estela's lips when she felt Liberty not pulling them towards the ropes, leaving them stranded near the center of the ring, she figured that she had won the battle and the match!

However, Liberty was going to have none of that.

Estela's eyes widened as Liberty began to roll over, the power of Liberty's hips managing to fight against Estela's leverage as she was forced to let go of the legs with her hand as she planted them in the mat, trying to prevent the flip over.

It did not work out.

"Aaaaaaaah!" Estela screamed, as all of the pressure was now reversed onto her legs! Scrambling on the mat, she scratched and clawed on the mat, trying to worm her way out of the reversed hold!


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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:13 am

Liberty’s only regret was that she couldn’t see the look on Estela’s face at the moment. She tried to imagine it, tried to picture the panicked look as she realized what was about to go down and all the pain that was coming her way. But she felt she didn’t have the depth of mind to really picture it properly. A shame, but she’d just have to wait until she could watch the match on the website.

Until then, though, she had Estela’s hoarse shrieks to tide her over. ”Huh, what’s that?” She looked over her shoulder and gave the reversed hold a good cranking. ”Can’t hear you over all the screaming!”

As fun as it was, she had to let it go much earlier than she was would’ve liked, knowing how awkward the whole deal was. Besides, she was a striker, a brawler, a basher at heart. Best to stick to her strengths.

She released the hold and stood up, taking a few moments to gather herself before she resumed the assault. It wasn’t like Estela was going anywhere.

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:28 pm

Estela crawled and clawed on the mat trying to pulling herself towards the ropes, but it was too much strength needed to pull her and her larger opponent towards the rope which she clearly did not possess. Her hands shot from the mat and to the back of her head to grab on to her hair and pulled on it, trying her best to distract herself from the pain. It did not work as well as she wanted, the pain in her leg was still flooding her head.

She raised her hand as if she was ready to tap, stopping herself as it shook violently in the air as she was deciding whether or not it was more beneficial to tap. A split second decision and she knew that the answer was obviously no. She wasn't going to give this bitch the sanctification of tapping out for her as she slammed her hand into the mat, pushing herself up as she roared out.

Trying to find a way out of this hold, Estela looked to her side instead of in front for the ropes on that end as she attempted to fling herself over, trying to roll towards the ropes and hopefully get enough momentum to roll the two of them to escape rather than pulling! But then at that point she realized that it wasn't necessary as Liberty released the hold, Estela quickly grasping at her leg and rolled towards the ropes to tend to her leg!


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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Sun Dec 03, 2017 4:34 am

Liberty stood up nice and slow, testing out the weight on her leg. Definitely hurt, a sharp pain down the side, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t manage. After all, her style of fighting didn’t rely too much on anything beyond the bare-essentials, bare-fisted fighting. She could still kick Estela’s ass perfectly well, no problem. And on that note...

”Okay,” She cracked her knuckles and turned back to Estela, ready to bring more pain. ”Back to it.”

Liberty ducked down, locked in on her foe, then charged forward at full speed, storming her way and raised her boot for a big kick to the rising witch’s face.

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:38 pm

Estela rolled onto her butt, grasping at her wounded leg after being caught in the painful reversed figure four. This was bad, if her leg was taken out then all of her offense would be stripped away from her. It hurt, but she knew that she could still use it to some extent. But it was going to suck if Liberty pumped up on the pressure now.

Trying to get back to her feet, Estela looked up at the wrong moment and got a violent kick to the face that jerked her body to the side as her body went crashing back to the ground. Groaning out as her world was spinning, Estela started to roll as she attempted to get onto the apron, where she'd hoped to have some level of reprieve as she attempted to pull herself back up with the assistance of the ropes.

Very slowly that is.


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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:17 am

There were no words to adequately describe how much Liberty loved the sound of her boot coming into contact with Estela’s skull. A hollow kind of noise, like hitting a coconut, one that seemed to echo about the ring - or maybe,  just maybe, things only seemed that way because she kept reimagining the scene in her head.

Her kick did its job and did its job damn well, knocking Estela off onto the apron and putting some distance between them. That just wouldn’t do at all - Liberty did her best work up close. In their face.

Looking to rectify this, she moved in, ducked between the top and middle ropes, grabbed Estela by her tacky hair and started to pull her back into the ring, looking to yank her back inside in the roughest manner possible. "Come on, bitch, speed it up. I'm not done slapping the shit out of your head yet."

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 5 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:09 pm

Estela managed to pull herself up to a kneeling position on the apron, her head resting on the second rope as she coughed out, her vision still a little blurry from the vile boot to the face that sent her here. Through her blurred vision she saw the figure of Liberty storming her way towards her, grabbing a hold of her hair as she was being yanked back in. Gritting her teeth as she held on to the ropes to survive through the initial tug, the pain of having some of her hair being ripped out of the roots shot through her skull.

She would refuse to get back into the ring under Liberty's terms as she would attempt to counter, grabbing a hold of Liberty's wrists as she pulled away. Looking to hot shot Liberty down on to the second rope, Estela would yank on the wrists while falling off of the apron looking to gather as much momentum as she could to send Liberty down on to the second rope, upper torso first!


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